Trying Times by harryherm84 Rating: PG13 Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5 Published: 09/09/2003 Last Updated: 16/02/2004 Status: Paused Hermione Granger has been through some trying times during her years at Hogwarts. She couldn’t deny that they were filled with adventure, danger and excitement, but something was missing in her life. A void and she didn’t feel whole. Well during her last year at Hogwarts she is going to fill that void, and maybe a few more things along the way. Suspense, Horror, Humor, Kidnapping, and Romance abound together to make this story one hell of a roller coaster ride! 1. Chapter One -------------- Summary: Hermione Granger has been through some trying times during her years at Hogwarts. She couldn’t deny that they were filled with adventure, danger and excitement, but something was missing in her life. A void and she didn’t feel whole. Well during her last year at Hogwarts she is going to fill that void, and maybe a few more things along the way. Suspense, Horror, Humor, Kidnapping, and Romance abound together to make this story one hell of a roller coaster ride! Disclaimer: I do not own anything remotely relating to Harry Potter or any of the Harry Potter World, that right goes to the wonderful and talented J.K. Rowling! **Trying Times** Chapter One Hermione Granger was just a normal teenage girl with normal teenage problems and that was abnormal to her. She was never considered “a girl”, most people thought of her as the goody-two-shoes bookworm who didn’t have a life, besides the fact that her two best friends, who just so happen to be guys, are far from boring. But, even though she loved being around them, she was sick and tired of being considered one of the guys. She wanted the romance and love she read about in all her books. She wanted to be noticed; she wanted someone to sweep her off her feet. And that definitely hasn’t happened yet. It has been seven years since she found out about becoming a witch and it was definitely the best thing she could have asked for. Tomorrow she would start her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was excited, yet a little apprehensive. She didn’t know what to expect life to be like after school. She figured she would go on to be an auror or a professor, she didn’t know which yet, but the thought did bring chills. She always seemed to be in control of so many things, but there was a lot about her life she didn’t have control over, and that frightened her. She got up from her bed, unable to get back to sleep, and walked to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had grown quite extensively from that adorable little, eleven year old, and into a woman. Her hair was still a little bushy, but it was quite tamer than it used to be. Her eyes had a slight sparkle to them that set them apart from any other person’s brown eyes. Her body had filled out, but not in all the right places, at least she thought. She wished she had a little more in the chest and a lot less in the hips, but she didn’t think she looked all that bad. She still didn’t really wear make-up, it just wasn’t her thing, and she liked that about herself. She remember Lavender telling her the week before the end of sixth year, “Now Hermione, make sure you get your mom to give you some make-up and when you get back here next year I will give you a makeover!” Yeah right, I don’t need a makeover, I am fine just the way I am. And this statement was completely true about her. She wasn’t afraid to be who she was, she wasn’t afraid to be herself. She enjoyed books and enjoyed her natural look, and she was completely content with that. No matter what people said or how many lame remarks she got, she was not going to change herself to fit anyone else’s mold. She had her own to fill and she knew how she wanted it. She took a quick shower and towel dried her hair. She slipped on a pair of blue sweatpants, a white tank-top, and lay down on her bed. She grabbed her favorite book, “Hogwarts: A History”, which she has read so many times she actually could almost recite the whole book from memory (which she often did to Ron and Harry) and began to read. But her mind began to wonder on about other things and she wasn’t able to concentrate on her readings. She thought about her friends and how much she missed them. She wasn’t able to go and see Harry and Ron this year because they were all so busy. Voldemort was stronger than ever and they all had to keep their distance, for safety. Suddenly she heard a knock at her window and saw Hedwig fluttering outside. She throw open the door and let her in. “Hi Hedwig, got a letter for me?” she asked the owl, eyeing the parchment tied to her leg. She pulled it off, gave Hedwig and treat and some water and lay back on her bed. She saw Harry’s chicken-scratch writing on the front. She tore it open and pulled out the parchment from inside. She began to read aloud: Hermione, How are you doing these days? I hope fine. I am doing a little better, but I can’t wait to leave here. The Dursley’s are not as bad as last year, but they are still bad. They made Dudley go on a diet again, so I am living off salad and water. Well anyway, so how has your summer been? I can’t wait to get back to school and see everyone. I can’t believe this is going to be our last year; it is weird when you think about it. But I guess we better live it up. I wish that we could see each other, but you know what Dumbledore said, it’s for our safety, which I guess he is right, but I still hate it. Have you heard from Ron? His family went to Egypt to visit his brother again. I got an owl from him the other day saying he was having a good time, although he did say Fred and George tried to magically make the mummies walk by themselves when they were in a museum. Just like them, huh? Well I will see you on the train tomorrow! Love, Harry Hermione smiled at the letter. She grabbed a box of Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans and a couple chocolate frogs that she had saved and came back upstairs. She pulled out a piece of parchment and her quill from her trunk and set down at her desk. It didn’t take her long to write a response: Harry, Hi, it was good to hear from you! My summer is pretty good. I am sorry that the Dursley’s are acting terrible again. Wish I could let you come here, but yeah I know what Dumbledore said, and it is for the best. I am sending some treats with Hedwig, hope you enjoy them. I heard about Ron going to Egypt, that is funny about his brothers, but they need to learn to control themselves. They could get into serious trouble one day. I can’t believe it is our last year either, but like you said we have to make the most of it. Well, I will see you on the train tomorrow! I can’t wait to see you! All my love, Hermione She was about to seal the parchment when suddenly another owl swooped into her bedroom. She pulled of the parchment and saw the Hogwarts seal. She ripped it open and found a letter from Professor Dumbledore: Miss Granger, It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as this year’s head girl. I am also pleased to tell you that the head boy is Harry Potter. You are both outstanding and courageous and I know this will be a job that you will not take lightly. I will see you at the start of the school year. I will need you to meet with me after the feast so we can discuss your duties. Congratulations and I will see you tomorrow. Sincerely, Professor Albus Dumbledore Hermione couldn’t help but leap for joy. She was so happy that her and Harry were head boy and girl. She felt a little bad for Ron, but she couldn’t help but smile. She grabbed the parchment she was about to send off and added a quick note at the bottom: P.S. I just got my letter from Professor Dumbledore. I can’t believe we are head boy and girl! Congratulations! She tied the envelope onto Hedwig’s leg and filled a box with the treats and tied it on her other leg. Hedwig took off out the window. Hermione was absolutely glowing with the news she was head girl. She was prefect the last two years, so she was hoping she would get this job too. She was also happy that Harry was head boy. She ran downstairs to tell her parents the good news! Hermione waved goodbye to her parents as she boarded Hogwarts Express for the last and final time. She felt a wave of sadness rush over her as she found an empty compartment in the back. She knew that being head girl you get a private compartment in the front, but she was sick of being alone. She wanted to see her friends. She was a little early, so she didn’t expect anyone to arrive anytime soon. She pulled out Hogwarts: A History again and leaned against the back wall, facing the window. She started to read, but found her mind wondering off again. She couldn’t help but stare at the passing couples outside. Hand in hand, a look of blissful love on their faces. Oh how she longed to be them. To be with the one you love and not have a care in the world. She was sick of being lonely; she wanted someone in her life. She couldn’t help but get a tear in her eye as she thought about it. She felt so depressed and she hated that feeling. She didn’t want to be unhappy just because she didn’t have anyone. There were other people who didn’t have anyone. She did have Victor in fourth year, but it was nothing special. He was too far away and they never got to see each other. Plus she didn’t’ really have feelings for him and she didn’t’ want to lead him on anymore, so she broke up with him. As she gazed out the window she didn’t hear anyone come into the compartment with her. Suddenly she felt an arm on her shoulder. It startled her and she jumped up quickly and turned around to face her raven haired friend. Harry still wore the black-framed glasses and she could see his piercing green eyes through them. Oh, how she loved those eyes. He stood about a foot taller than her now, but he was still rather skinny. She knew he shouldn’t have been eating only salads for the summer; he needed to get some meat on those bones. His hair was still unruly and a little longer than last year, now it completely covered his scar. He was dressed in muggle clothes, a light gray t-shirt and jeans that were about ten sizes too big. She smiled broadly and gave him a huge hug. “Oh Harry, it’s so good to see you!” Harry hugged her back and said, “It’s good to see you too, Hermione.” They backed away and sat back down on the seat. Harry eyed the book lying beside Hermione, Hogwarts: A History and he couldn’t help but think, typical Hermione. “So what was wrong a minute ago?” Harry asked. “Huh?” Hermione asked. “Well I called your name like five times and you didn’t even know I was there till I put my hand on your shoulder.” “Oh, I guess I was thinking.” “About?” Harry asked raising his brow. “Everything, the end of school, life, just everything.” Hermione eyed him to see if he would ask anything else. “Oh, ok. Well, so tell me about your summer.” Harry asked. “Well, I didn’t do anything much. Just laid around the house and got some studying done, you know the usual.” “Yeah, just like you to study over summer vacation,” Harry said with a smirk on his face. “Well you do know N.E.W.T.’s are this year and they are very important.” “Yes, Hermione, yes I do know how important they are, but does that mean that you can’t have fun either?” “Well, I didn’t say I didn’t do anything fun, I just said that I studied a lot.” “Ok, tell me one thing fun you did this summer.” Harry was sitting now with his back leaned against the seat and his one leg propped up on the other. He was looking at her questionably. He knew that she probably didn’t do much of anything, just like he didn’t. “Well…uh….” Hermione couldn’t think of one thing fun she really did all summer. “Well, uh…I don’t have to answer that Harry Potter. Now just leave me be!” She wasn’t mad, just frustrated because he had caught her between a rock and hard place. “Exactly!” Harry said as she smiled at her. He knew her all to well. He knew she probably sat in her room studying and reading books. She probably went out to dinner with her parents a few times, but that was probably it. “Well I wanted to tell you congratulations on making Head Girl!” “Thanks Harry, you too!” Hermione grinned from ear to ear. “Well I can’t believe I did, with how many times I have been in trouble.” Harry said. “Oh Harry, you know you deserved it,” Hermione reassured. “I hope Ron doesn’t get mad!” Harry said. He couldn’t help but think that his friend was going to be angry that both his best friends are head boy and girl and he is not anything. He just hoped he would be captain of Quidditch since he had gotten a lot better lately. “Speaking of Ron, where is he?” Hermione asked just now noticing their red-haired friend was not there yet and it was almost 11:00. “Oh, he should be here soon, I wouldn’t worry. You know that we know how to get to school if the barrier is closed,” Harry said as he remembered the flying car incident all too well. He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of him and Ron landing in the whomping willow. “Yes, yes I do and we don’t want a repeat of that now do we? I think you almost got expelled for that and not only that, but also almost killed,” Hermione stated in her bossy tone. “Yeah, the key word there is almost. I have survived far worse than an insane tree, like you!” Harry said. He watched as Hermione’s eyes grew wide at his statement. “Not funny Harry James Potter, not funny at all!” Hermione exclaimed. She was astonished he would say such a thing. Even though she knew by his smile he was joking, she couldn’t help but think there was a little truth to what he said. “I’m just playing with you Hermione. Don’t get your panties in a twist!” Harry couldn’t help but start laughing now at Hermione’s face. It was priceless. Hermione started to join in the laughter. It was good to laugh again, she thought. Just then their goofy best friend popped his freckled face into the compartment. “So what’s so funny?” Ron asked as he came and sat down beside Harry. “Oh, nothing!” Hermione said as she looked at Harry. She gave him a wink and propped her book back on her lap. “Bloody hell, Hermione, don’t tell me you are reading that book again!” Ron exclaimed as he stared at her with a look of horror on his face. “Honestly Ron, you look as if I just murdered somebody. So what if I like this book, what does it matter to you?” Hermione said eyeing her friend. “Anything off the trolley dears?” the voice of a woman said in the aisle. Harry and Ron bought a few treats, Hermione politely declined. She continued to read her book when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and Harry was handing her a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans and a couple chocolate frogs. She gave him a questioning look and he said, “I’m repaying you for giving me those sweets. They saved my sanity!” Hermione couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh Harry, you don’t have to repay me, It’s...” she started to say, but Harry cut in, “Hermione, it’s not a big deal. Just take it.” She reluctantly held out her hand and she took the treats. That was really sweet of Harry to do that, she thought. “Well I really think this should go down in the records for most times a book has been read by one person!” Ron stated opening one of his chocolate frogs. Hermione gave him a smirk and was about to say something. “Anyway Ron,” Harry interrupted. It was just like them to bicker, but he didn’t feel like listening to it so he changed the subject, “How was Egypt?” “Oh it was great! Mum bought had a cow when Fred and George tried to do magic on the mummy!” Ron exclaimed. “Yeah, I bet she didn’t like the fact that they were messing with thousand year old skeletons.” Hermione added not tearing her gaze away from her book. “Well actually, it wasn’t that. She was freaked out because she went to look at it and the thing started to dance and sing right in front of her face!” Ron said as he started to laugh. “It was classic!” Harry and Hermione both couldn’t suppress their laughter. Hermione couldn’t help but smile at this scene. She wished it would stay like this forever, but she knew it couldn’t. Things were going to change and she had to except that, but that is when she realized that she still had a whole year before that would happen. At least she had now. She didn’t want to try and worry about the future so much, she just wanted to try and focus on the present. How much better could it get? Here she was, in her seventh year at school, and she was with her two very best friends in the entire world laughing and cutting up. She couldn’t think of anywhere else she would have liked to have been at that moment. When the Hogwarts express pulled into Hogsmeade, Harry, Ron and Hermione went and found an empty horse-less carriage. Hermione breathed in the fresh air and stared at Hogwarts. *This is the last time I am going to get to do this.* She marveled at the beautiful castle that lay before her eyes. She loved this place so much; she was going to miss it so. *Alright, bad Hermione, you are going to stop worrying about that, focus on now!!* When they got out of the carriages, Hermione, Harry and Ron heard Hagrid’s voice calling the first years. “’ver ‘ere first yers!” Hagrid bellowed above the crowd. “Hagrid!” they all three yelled in unison. They gave the half-giant a hug. “’ello ‘arry, Ron and ‘ermione!” “It’s good to see you Hagrid!” Hermione said to him as she smiled at her lovable friend. She may have been a little weary of his teaching abilities, but she wasn’t weary about his friendship and kindness. He was one of the people she thoroughly enjoyed seeing. She loved this half-giant! “Good to see yer too!” Hagrid said. “Well we better go, we will see you later!” Ron said. “Yeah, Hagrid will make a lot of trips to see you! We promise!” Harry called back to his friend as he was ushered inside Hogwarts. They made their way into the Great Hall and took a seat on the long table where most of the Gryffindors were already seated. They waited for the sorting to begin. Hermione eyed the front table and spotted Remus Lupin, their third year defense against the dark arts teacher. “Harry! Look!” Hermione pointed toward the table. “It’s Lupin!” “Do you think he is our DADA teacher again?” Harry asked. “Yeah, I think he is. He is sitting at the head table with all the other teachers and he is the only one that I see who could be it,” Hermione said from behind him. He turned to face her and said, “I really hope so! Then I won’t have to worry if they are up to something. We can trust Lupin.” She nodded her head in agreement when McGonagall began the sorting. Hermione didn’t feel like listening, so she started to admire her surroundings. She looked up at the beautiful enchanted sky and remembered the first time she had walked into this hall. She met Ron and Harry for the first time on the train while looking for Neville’s toad. She remembered being put in Gryffindor and how wonderful it felt. She thought back to the troll incident and how Harry and Ron were both so brave. She missed those years, but she had grown and so has her friendship with them both. They were inseparable; she just hoped that would continue throughout their lives and not just stop when school was let out. *Ok, Hermione, you are doing it again!* She stopped thinking about that and turned back to the ceremony. She was staring at the first years and she watched their anxious faces. She remembered how she felt the first time she came to Hogwarts and had to be sorted. She was ecstatic when she got into Gryffindor, and over the years she knew that she had proved to be worthy of being in that house. “Silverton, Gregory,” Professor McGonagall said. “This is Gregory Silverton everyone and he is a transfer student from Beaurbaxtons. He will be in his seventh year this year.” Hermione watched as a tall boy walked out of the crowd. He had brown hair that was cut short. He was about six foot and looked rather muscular. She couldn’t really tell from under his robes. *He is kinda cute*. The boy sat down on the stool and placed the hat on his head. It took a few moments then the hat shouted, “Ravenclaw!” Everyone at the Ravenclaw table cheered and Gregory walked to the table. As he did, he was looking right at Hermione. *Is he looking at me? No, that is just my imagination*. But as he turned to sit down she could have sworn that he mouthed hi to her. She turned back to the ceremony and watched as the rest were sorted, but her mind was with Gregory the whole time. She couldn’t help but think about him and she had no idea why. “Students, as you all know the Forbidden Forest is off limits and Mr. Filch would like me to remind you that he will be keeping a close eye on everyone this year. I would like to announce that Remus Lupin will be this years DADA again.” Everyone began clapping, but Harry, Ron and Hermione clapped the hardest. “We are very pleased to have him back with us again. And now, let’s eat!” The wonderful food appeared on all the tables and everyone dug in. After they ate, Harry and Hermione were to go and meet with Professor Dumbledore. They said their goodbyes to Ron and walked down the corridor toward the Headmaster’s office. “I hope Ron isn’t mad at us,” Harry said breaking the silence. “I don’t think he is. He didn’t act like it and you know Ron, if he is mad he would show it. I think he is just happy for us. He seems to have matured.” Hermione answered. She truly didn’t think Ron was upset at all. Harry nodded and they continued to walk in silence. They came upon the gargoyle statue and waited for Professor Dumbledore to arrive. “Hello, Harry and Hermione,” they heard a voice call from down the hall. They turned to see the headmaster walking their way. “Hello Professor!” Hermione said in a rather cheerful voice. “Hello,” Harry said also. “Well, let’s get inside so I can tell you what I expect of you this year.” They watched him as he said the password, “Chocolate Frog”, and the rotating staircase appeared. They went up to his office and took seats in front of his desk. “Now, I want to go ahead and congratulate you for making head boy and girl. I both think you will do a superb job,” Dumbledore announced as he sat in his seat. Hermione started to blush and said, “Thank you Professor.” Harry nodded his head in agreement. The meeting lasted only about fifteen minutes and Professor Dumbledore just specified what they were expected to do like watch over the students, patrol the halls and instruct the prefects of their duties. Harry and Hermione walked back to the common room in silence, both were worn about by today. As they walked in, most students were already in their dorm rooms. Ron was sitting on a chair in front of the fire and Harry and Hermione walked over to join him. They both sat on the couch opposite of him. “So, how was the meeting?” Ron asked. “Oh, the usual. He just wanted to tell us what are duties are,” Hermione answered. She hoped that Ron didn’t feel left out. There really wasn’t any need for him to feel that way. “Yeah, it was rather boring,” Harry said. “Well, so Harry have you seen Cho lately?” Ron asked raising an eyebrow at him. Hermione hated when they talked about other girls in front of her, and they often did. It’s not that she was jealous, at least she didn’t think she was, but it was that she never had anyone really to talk about herself other than Viktor and that didn’t go so well. She hadn’t been with anyone since him and no one seemed to take interest in her. But the girls would always swoon over Harry and Ron. She hated that feeling, but she never said anything. She just went along with the conversation like nothing bothered her. “No, at least not yet,” Harry answered. His face had turned a rather nice shade of red as the thought of his crush Cho Chang filled his mind. “Are you going to ask her out again?” Ron asked. “Who knows, maybe,” Harry answered. Hermione felt a sting of jealousy hit her when she heard him say that. She thought he was through with Cho. Just because she is beautiful, popular and the Ravenclaw seeker, didn’t mean that every guy had to have her. Inside that head was probably nothing interesting. Guys were always like this, outside first, and then if that is good enough they will look on the inside. “Well she is one hot girl and who wouldn’t want to be with her, right?” Ron asked. Hermione couldn’t help but comment on this. “Typical!” “What?” Ron said eying Hermione. “I said, typical. It is just like every guy to want the most gorgeous girl no matter what. What about the inside, doesn’t that matter?” Hermione said in a bossy tone. She was sick and tired of no one ever noticing her because she was not as pretty as Cho. “Well, of course the inside matters, but the outside does too!” Ron said. “Of course, Ronald Weasley, of course you would think that. I am sure you feel the same way, Harry!” Hermione said as she turned to Harry who was sitting quietly beside her. “Well…” Harry started to say, but Hermione cut him off knowing that he had the same opinion as Ron. “Ok, I see. I guess every guy will always be like this! I am going to bed!” Hermione said in a rather loud tone. She felt the tears wanting to fall, but she held them back long enough to make it to the stairs. As she was about to go up she heard Ron say, “What’s with her?” She ran up the stairs and into her room. Being head girl, she was allowed her own room this year, and she was happy about that. She didn’t want the other girls to ask questions about why she was crying. She changed into her pajamas and sat by the window. She peered up at the stars in the sky. *They are so beautiful, unlike me. Why are guys like this? Why can’t anyone see me for me?* I have a lot to offer if someone would just give me a chance. Suddenly she saw a shooting star graze the sky and she silently made a wish to herself, please help me find the right person for me! She turned back to her bed and lay down, thinking about her life. She let the tears fall and slowly cried herself to sleep. Little did she know that someone else had seen that same shooting star and made the exact same wish as she did. I hope everyone likes it so far. I am anxious to get to the exciting stuff, but I have to take it slow and work my way there. So everyone, more exciting stuff with happen soon, I promise, but for now please READ/REVIEW!! 2. Chapter 2 ------------ **A/N- Thank you to everyone who reviewed! Sorry it took so long to update, but I have been busy searching for another job. A note I would like to add is that right at the beginning we won’t really get anyone’s point of view but Hermione’s. I had a little from Harry’s, but I didn’t really want to go into detail about him right now because he is not the topic of my story. Later when things start to really come together, then we will see more of Harry’s point of view. I hope that is ok with everyone. Just so everyone knows, which I am sure that you do, Hermione’s thoughts are in italics, because I hate having to put she thought all the time! Hope everyone is doing well, anyways hope everyone likes this chapter! And please review when finished!** **Disclaimer: Same ol’ Same ol’, nothing mine, yadda yadda yadda, belongs to J.K.Rowling, blah blah blah!** **Chapter Two** Hermione awoke the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping outside her window. She hadn’t rested that well, so she barely got a couple hours of sleep. She turned her head to see her clock read 5:45 am. *Great, now I can’t get back to sleep and I have another two hours before breakfast.* She laid her head down on her bed, but after awhile figured it was useless, so she dragged herself from her bed. She dressed in her robes and grabbed her bookbag. She made her way down to the common room. No one was there, and she didn’t expect anything different. *No one would be up at this time, I shouldn’t even be up at this time.* She pulled open her books and began working on her Transfiguration homework. By the time she completed that it was 6:15am. She decided she would study a little for the N.E.W.T.’s, but she couldn’t get her mind to concentrate. *Why does everyone not want to see me for me? Why is it that everyone notices Susan Bones, Ginny, or Lavender? I mean, yeah they are pretty and everything, but can’t people understand that looks aren’t everything? I just wish someone would give me a chance, that is all I want, one chance.* “Oh this is crazy!” she said aloud to herself, silently praying that no one was in the common room to hear her outburst. “I have to clear my head; I should just go for a walk.” She didn’t even think about putting her stuff away or getting her cloak, she just walked out of the portrait. “Good morning Hermione, you are up early today!” the fat lady said as she swung back into place. “Yes, couldn’t sleep, so I thought I would take a walk,” Hermione replied. She wasn’t really in the mood for talking, but she didn’t want to be rude. “Well that should help dear!” The fat lady answered giving her a warm smile. Hermione nodded her head in agreement and said, “Yeah, well I will see you in a little bit!” “Yes dear, have a nice walk!” “Thanks,” Hermione called back as she walked down the hall. She had made it to the third floor. She was coming around the corner and wasn’t watching where she was going. Suddenly, CRASH, Hermione ran smack dab into someone. She fell to the floor with a thud. It took her a second to get her bushy hair away from her face. She was about to pull herself up when she caught sight of a hand extended toward her to help her up. She grabbed it politely and was pulled from the floor. “I am so sorry,” she said as her eyes stayed glued to the floor. Finally when she made them look up she was surprised at who she saw. It was Gregory Silverton, the new transfer student. As she gazed at him she couldn’t help but think that he was quite handsome. “No problem,” he said in a polite tone. “No, I should have been watching where I was going,” Hermione couldn’t help but fill embarrassed. She began to blush, but tried to hide it by her hair. “Why are you hiding behind you hair?” Gregory asked her as he began to push her hair behind her ears. Hermione began to feel embarrassed now, he had caught her trying to hide. She just shrugged her shoulders and stared at the ground. He picked up her chin and pulled her eyes to him. “You shouldn’t try to hide such a pretty face.” Hermione couldn’t believe what she was hearing. *Did a guy just say I had a pretty face? No, I must be hearing things* so Hermione quickly uttered, “Huh?” “I said you have a pretty face, Hermione,” Gregory answered not taking his eyes away from hers. “I…Uh…how did you…I mean, how did you know my name?” Hermione was completely confused, she had no idea how he knew her name. “Well, I have a tendency to find out information about things that catch my attention,” he said suavely. Hermione couldn’t even understand what was happening. This boy, whom she had no idea about, had said she was pretty and she had caught his attention. Something doesn’t feel right. Feeling uncomfortable Hermione decided to think of an excuse so that she could leave. “I…er…have to go to Professor McGonagall’s office. She needs to speak to me,” Hermione lied. She felt bad for lying, but for some reason she needed to leave. “Oh, ok, but will I see you again, Hermione?” Gregory actually looked kind of hurt by Hermione having to go. “Yes, you will see me around,” Hermione waved and said a quick goodbye before darting away. She didn’t even realize she was heading in the complete opposite direction of Professor McGonagall’s office. Hermione made it down to breakfast, where everyone was already seated. She sat down beside Harry and grabbed a couple pieces of toast. “So, what happened to you this morning?” Harry asked taking another bite of his apple he was eating. “Huh? What do you mean?” Hermione asked questionably. “Well, your stuff was all over the common room, but you were no where to be found,” Harry said to her as he turned to meet his gaze. *Man, how I love those eyes! I could just pass out right now from the sight of them. They seemed so genuine, so sincere.* “Yeah, I went for a walk. I couldn’t sleep, had to clear my head,” Hermione said as she turned her head away from his eyes. “Hermione, are you okay?” Harry asked. Hermione turned back toward him and she could see the concern in his eyes. She nodded her head and replied, “Yes Harry, just a little stressed. You know with N.E.W.T’s and everything else.” “Well if you want to talk, I’m here,” he said as he took his hand and placed it over hers. Oh, his touch is so soft. I feel so safe to have him hear with me. She pushed the thoughts from her mind knowing that she couldn’t feel that way toward Harry. It would only get her hurt because he would never like her in the end. She was just his best friend. “I know Harry, I know,” Hermione answered. She squeezed his hand slightly for reassurance that she was okay and went back to eating her toast. They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence. Hermione was about to leave the table when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Gregory standing behind her. “Hello Hermione,” he said with a smile. Hermione saw Harry and Ron turn to stare at Gregory, both with completely unreadable expressions on their faces. Hermione was in shock*. Had he come up to her and said hello? Yes, there he was standing right in front of me . Say something Hermione, say something or you are going to look stupid just sitting there.* Popping back into reality she smiled and said, “Hello Gregory, how are you this morning?” “Just fine, and how are you?” “Okay,” Hermione answered. She didn’t really know what to say, so she looked toward the floor. Immediately her hair began to cover her face. “What did I tell you about covering that pretty face?” Gregory said as he brushed her hair back. She heard giggles coming from Lavender and Pavarti. *Oh my god! I can’t believe he just said that in front of everyone.* Hermione felt like she had a thousand butterflies fluttering inside of her. She couldn’t believe that he was saying this to her, Hermione, just the bookworm, know it all, witch. Hermione began to blush incredibly. She felt like her face was just as red as Ron’s hair. She had no idea how to react to this. She just stared into his deep blues and felt completely flushed. “Well, I just wanted to say hi. I guess I better get back and get my stuff for class. Hopefully I will see you around soon, Hermione!” Gregory said as he turned to walk away. “Bye,” was all Hermione could utter. She was in shock. She turned around to see everyone staring at her including Ron and Harry. Ron had a grin on his face and Harry just sat there, he seemed to be in shock too. “Way to go Hermione!” Ron said as he turned back to his food. “Yeah, Hermione, I can’t believe Gregory just talked to you!” Lavender called from down the table. “How do you know him?” Harry asked still in a state of shock. *What is that look on him? Is he jealous?* “Well I guess you can just say we kinda ran into each other, literally!” She couldn’t help but giggle a little at the memory. God how she felt so embarrassed. But no one asked any more questions. Hermione felt good, but also she felt embarrassed. Nothing like that had ever happened to her and she had no idea how to react to it. She got up slowly from where she was sitting, and without looking back, left the Great Hall with her head swarming with thoughts. She made her way down to the dungeons for potions. It was the first class of the day, and she knew of course that the Sytherin’s would be in there with them. She didn’t look forward to see them, Snape and of course, Malfoy! Speaking of Malfoy, before she got to the door, she almost ran right into him. “Watch where you are going, Mudblood!” Malfoy spat at Hermione glaring into her eyes. “Don’t even start with me, Malfoy!” Hermione said as she fingered her wand in her robes. “Don’t give me that attitude. You have no right to talk to me like that!” Malfoy yelled as he poked a finger into her shoulder making her back up into the wall. He got right up into her face and said, “You are no more then filth!” Hermione was about to reach for her wand, but Malfoy grabbed her wrist and whispered in a eerie voice, “Don’t even think about it!” “Let go of me!” she yelled as she struggled to get her arm free from his cold grip, but the more she moved the harder he held on to her. He pushed her hard into the wall and her head hit the wall. It wasn’t hard enough to cause any damage, but it hurt like hell. “MALFOY! Leave her alone!” A voice yelled from down the corridor. Hermione didn’t even have to turn and look; she knew that voice like the back of her hand. “Stay out of this Potter!” Malfoy said. He still had a hard grasp on Hermione’s tiny wrist. “Let go of her right now or I will hex you into another world!” Harry said in a cold tone while pointing his wand at Malfoy’s chest. “You had better not touch her again!” Ron said as he copied Harry’s movements. Harry turned to Hermione and saw a glimmer of fear pass her eyes, but he gave her a small smile before turning his gaze back to Malfoy, and his face was then filled with anger and raged. He hated it when people messed with Hermione and he wasn’t going to let this slide. Hermione started to pull her arm away and Malfoy turned to her. “Just remember Mudblood, I will be watching you!” He said as he pushed her back into the wall again, this time hard enough to make her fall to the ground. Hermione put a hand to the back of her head rubbing the spot that hit the wall. She looked over to see Harry and Ron run towards Malfoy. “You will pay for that Malfoy!” Ron yelled as they were about to pounce on Malfoy, but were rudely interrupted by Snape. “What is the meaning of this? Fifty points from Gryffindor for causing a disturbance! Now get inside the classroom now!” Snape yelled and went back inside the classroom. Malfoy smirked at them and walked inside. “He just got lucky this time, but I swear one day he will get what is coming to him!” Ron said in anger as he and Harry turned back to Hermione, who was still on the ground. Harry could see the tears in her eyes, but she kept them from falling. “Hermione, are you ok?” Harry asked concerned about his best friend. He helped her up. “Yes, Harry, I am fine. Just a little shaken up,” Hermione answered in a rather quiet tone. “I will get him for this!” Harry said as he watched Hermione in pain. He knew she was only trying to be strong and hold her dignity, but he could see in her eyes how much Malfoy’s words pained her. “No Harry, let’s just get inside before we get detention!” Hermione said to him. She gave him a small, fake smile and walked into the room. The whole class moved pretty quickly. Snape didn’t say anything about the incident. Malfoy kept shooting Harry, Ron and Hermione evil grins, which Harry and Ron returned. Hermione sat with her head down and didn’t say anything all through the class. A few times Harry squeezed Hermione’s hand for reassurance that everything was going to be ok. *I wish I could believe you Harry. My life feels so out of control. I hate Malfoy! Why does he have to do this to me? Why does everyone have to tease me? What have I ever done? Oh yeah, that’s right, I was born!* Finally as the class ended and Snape assigned them an essay to be due by Friday, Harry, Ron and Hermione headed out of the classroom. Hermione was glad that Malfoy had already left. She hoped that she wouldn’t have to see him again, but she knew that wasn’t possible. Harry, Ron and Hermione headed down to Hagrid’s hut for Care of Magical Creatures. “’ello there yer three,” Hagrid said in a cheery voice. “’ope yer are doin’ ok.” “Yes, Hagrid, we are doing fine! So what are we going to be working with today?” Harry asked. “Well we’re goin’ to be…” Hagrid started to say but was suddenly cut off by someone yelling in the distance. “No, they are after us! They are going to come kill us!” a voice started to say to everyone. Harry, Ron and Hermione turned around to see Colin Creevy in a distraught state. He looked like he was having a bad day. Hagrid walked over to him and asked, “Colin, what is goin’ on ‘ere?” “No, they are after us!” Colin yelled as he hugged tightly to himself. “Who is after us?” Hagrid asked. “They, they!!!!” Colin screamed then suddenly his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the ground. “Colin!” Hermione screamed as she, Harry and Ron ran over to him. “Everyone, class is dissmissed! I ‘ave to get ‘im to the ‘ospital wing, now!” Hagrid said as he came over and picked up Colin and started walking toward the sSusanol. Harry, Ron and Hermione stared in shock at what just occurred. “What do you think that was about?” Ron asked staring as he watched the last of Hagrid disappear through the front doors of Hogwarts. “I don’t know!” Harry said. He looked over at Hermione who just shrugged her shoulders. It had been about a week since Colin was taken to the hospital. There was no word on what was wrong with him, but they just said he hadn’t woken up yet. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner. Harry and Ron were conversing about Quidditch and Hermione ate in silence. She wasn’t that hungry tonight. She was poking at her food when she noticed a figure walk near here. She turned her eyes to see Susan Bones standing right behind them. “Hey Harry!” she said as she batted her eyelashes. Hermione rolled her eyes, but no one noticed. *Great!* “Hey Susan, how are you?” Harry asked. Hermione could see the red flow to his cheeks as he sat there looking at Susan. “I am fine. I was actually wondering if I could ask you a question?” Susan asked. “Sure Susan, what is it?” Harry answered. “Well I was wondering if you want to go to Hogsmeade together this weekend?” Susan asked in her most flattery tone. “Well, I was already going with Ron and Hermione, but you are more then welcome to join us,” Harry said. “Ok!” Susan said as he face lit up. Hermione thought she was going to be sick. *Great, why does she have to ruin everything?* Susan turned to leave, but she slung her hair around behind her and flashed Harry a smile before walking back to her table. “Well Harry, now I bet you didn’t see that coming!” Ron said as he ate a piece of bread. “Yeah, I didn’t even know she liked me! I hope you two didn’t mind if she came with us,” Harry said realizing that he didn’t even ask his friends if it was ok if she joined them. “Sure mate! Maybe you will even get a little kiss!” Ron said winking at Harry. Harry smiled and turned to look at Hermione. She looked down at her plate, then back at Harry. She was lost in his eyes once again. She wanted to scream, *No she can’t come because you are suppose to be with me!* But she couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t compete with Susan, so she gave him a smile and said, “Harry that is fine if she comes.” Harry smiled and this made Hermione feel worse. He was so happy about her coming he didn’t even realize the sad look on Hermione’s face. Hermione excused herself from the table saying she had some homework to finish. With Ron muttering, “Typical Hermione!” behind her, she turned and left the great hall. She was going to head back to her room, but decided to take a walk around the lake. She stared out as the stars reflected into the shiny pool of water below. She sunk down to the ground and buried her face into her hands and cried. Little did she know someone was just around the corner staring at her in her distraught state. Slowly his lips came into a smile and he whispered, “Soon Granger, soon!” Before she knew it, Hermione realized that it was Saturday and the dreaded Hogsmeade trip was today. *Great, I don’t even want to go. Well at least I will have Ron to keep me company while Harry is with Susan*. Hermione got dressed and walked down to the common room. There she found Ron and Harry sitting on the couches. “Hey guys!” Hermione said as she took a seat beside Harry on the couch. “Hey Hermione! Ready for the trip?” Harry asked her. “Yeah,” Hermione said trying to sound sincere. “Well, guys I wanted to ask you something and I hope you don’t mind,” Ron said. “Sure Ron, what is it?” Hermione asked. “Well I invited Lavender along with us. I hope you two don’t mind!” Ron said with a smile. “Sure mate! Do you like her or something?” Ron asked. “Yeah, I think I really do!” Ron answered. He was grinning from ear to ear, which told Hermione that he really must like her. Great*, now I am going to be the fifth wheel. Maybe I shouldn’t even go. I am going to make an excuse and not go now.* “That’s great Ron. Actually I just remembered, I have to finish some Transfiguration homework, so I think I might not go to Hogsmeade,” Hermione said as she stared at her hands. She began to get up from the couch but an arm caught her before she could. She turned to see Harry holding her down. Hermione again could melt from his stare. “Hermione, you have to go! It is going to be fun!” Harry said. “Well, I really need to do this homework,” Hermione answered turning from his face to stare at the floor. “Yeah Hermione, please go!” Ron said. “Ron, I really need to…” Hermione started to say, but was cut off by a hand on her mouth. She turned again to see Harry there. She thought she was going to die. His hand was so soft. She just wanted to kiss him till the end of time, but she resisted the urge and stared into his eyes once again. “No, Hermione, don’t give me this ‘I have to study crap!’, you are coming,” Harry said. He removed his hand from her mouth. He couldn’t help but think that her lips felt so soft on his palm, but he brushed the feelings away. “But Harry,” Hermione started to say, but he gave her that pout look and his eyes were begging for her to come. *How can I resist that face?* “Oh, alright, I will go,” Hermione answered. “Good!” Harry exclaimed and Ron clapped his hands together. “Well, let’s get go then!” Harry, Ron and Hermione met Susan and Lavender down in the Great Hall and made their way to Hogsmeade. They looked through different shops and ended up in the three broomsticks for some butterbeers. All five sat at the table while they drank their butterbeers. “So how is everyone’s year coming?” Susan asked putting down her drink. Harry had his arm draped around her shoulders, and Ron had the same thing with Lavender. “Mine is coming ok!” Harry answered with a smile. “Yeah mine too,” Lavender said. “Mine is coming ok, but my Arthimancy class is…” Hermione started to say, but was rudely interrupted by Ron, “I can’t wait for Quidditch to start!” No one seemed to notice Ron’s interruption. In fact no one really seemed to notice Hermione was even sitting there. They began to talk about Quidditch, which bored Hermione so she sat back and barely listened to them. She then turned back and saw Lavender and Ron were in their own conversation as well as Susan and Harry. Then to her horror, they all started to kiss each other. Hermione couldn’t help but feel the tears come to her eyes. *Why can’t I have someone? Oh, I know why because you are the ugly bookworm that no one notices. I mean, look, here are your best friends and they don’t even know you are sitting there.* She was so jealous, angry and very sad. She couldn’t stand it. She got up from the table and said, “I am going back to the castle.” NO one even took notice that she had said something. “I am going to go make out with Snape in the dungeon,” Hermione said to see if that would get there attention. They just continued kissing. Hermione left through the door and cried the entire way back to Hogwarts. *Will anyone ever have me? Will I ever be happy like everyone else? When am I going to get to live?* Later that night she sat beside Harry and Ron in the Great Hall. They were talking about their wonderful dates. “Hermione, where did you go this afternoon?” Harry asked turning his attention to his best friend. “Well, I was tired and you two looked pretty busy, so I just went ahead and left,” Hermione said not looking at them. “Well you could have at least said something,” Ron said. “I did, but you couldn’t hear me over the slopping noises you were making with your mouths!” Hermione said in an irritated tone. “Oh, sorry Hermione!” Harry answered. He could tell his friend was distressed, but he didn’t want to bother her anymore, he could tell she was irritated. “Yeah, sorry Hermione,” Ron answered and then Harry and Ron went back to their conversation. Hermione poked at her food and decided she wanted to go back to her room. She bid them farewell and got up from the table. She began to walk toward the doors when someone burst through them. “Hermione! Hermione!” he yelled as he ran into the great hall. Everyone stopped to see what was going on. “Viktor?” Hermione stood in shock. Suddenly he reached her and grabbed her arms. “Hermione you are not safe! They are after you!” Viktor yelled through his panic state. Hermione could feel he was shaking. “Viktor, calm down. What are you talking about?” Hermione said looking into his eyes. She could see panic, fear and worst of all, coldness. She didn’t like the way it made her feel. “Hermione they are after you, me and everyone else! They are coming and no one can stop them, no one!” Viktor yelled as he started to shake Hermione violently. She tried to pull him from her, and before she knew it Harry and Ron were by her side. “Viktor, please stop! What is wrong with you?” Hermione said in a shock state. He still had a hold on her. She saw Harry and Ron come around and try and pry his hands from Hermione’s arms, but he had a strong grip. “They are coming! They are coming!” He yelled when he dropped to his knees, his eyes rolled into his head and he fell flat on the floor. “Viktor!” Hermione yelled as she kneeled down beside him. She just laid their motionless, just like Colin had done before. Everyone was in a state of shock. No one knew what to do. Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged concerned looks. They didn’t know what was going on, but they did know one thing, it had to do with Dark Magic and that little bit of information was enough to send chills through each of their spines. **Thank you everyone for reading! Please now read and review!!!! I need to know what everyone thinks of this story, or I am just going to abandon it!** 3. Author Note -------------- Hello everyone, I have just been addressed this issue and I would like to make my apologies. I completely forgot that Cho was a year older then Harry and Hermione, so I have gone back and revised the last chapter. Cho Chang is now replaced with Susan Bones, so that everything is in order. So with that being said, I offer my apologies for my mistakes and I hope that everyone will continue reading! Thank you to everyone who has been reviewing! I really appreciate it! It brightens my day when I go to my inbox and see a review alert! I love the encouragement. Thanks again, and please stay tuned, hopefully I will have the next chapter out as soon as possible!!! Thanks again! ~Jen HarryHerm84 4. Chapter Three ---------------- **A/N: Thanks for the reviews! I really appreciate them. I welcome any comments or ideas anyone would like to offer for this story! Hope everyone likes it so far and sorry again about the mix-up with Cho! I did change it though. I know Susan is probably out of character and I really didn’t explain her to well, but I had no other choice because I didn’t want to change it to Ginny. Everyone knows of Cho from the other books so I didn’t really have to explain her so when I switched Cho with Susan I didn’t realize that most people do not know much about her. But she is not really that important to the story, I just had to show how Hermione was being left out even by her best friends. Anyway, enough with my babbling, here is the next chapter! Hope you like!** **Disclaimer: I own absolutely, positively, nothing related to Harry Potter! (Too Bad! *wink wink*)** Trying Times **Chapter Three** Hermione was completely confused about the turn of events. She had no idea what was wrong with Viktor when he came into the great hall that night. It has been two weeks since Viktor’s incident and no one had any idea what was wrong with him or Colin. They were both put into the infirmary. They had high fevers and kept mumbling about someone coming. Madam Pomfrey had no idea how to cure them, for she didn’t even know what was making them sick. Professor Dumbledore was just as perplexed, so he kept an extra watchful eye on them. He had a feeling this had to do with Voldemort, but he didn’t have any real proof. This was completely out of character for him. Classes went on as usual and students finally began to talk less about the incident. Hermione tried to forget it, but it wouldn’t go away that easily. She didn’t know what to think. She spent a lot of time in the library trying to figure out what was wrong, but so far she didn’t have any luck. She was on her way back to the Gryffindor Common room after a long night in the library. It was almost curfew and she needed to get back. She trudged through the empty corridor when suddenly she heard a voice that sent chills up her spine. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Malfoy’s voice rang through the hall. Hermione kept on walking trying to ignore him. She was not in the mood to deal with him today, plus she had no idea what he was going to do. He was quite rough last time and now she didn’t have anyone around to help her. Malfoy could do anything. “Oh, look, is the mudblood to scared to face the big bad Slytherin?” Malfoy taunted as he continued to walk behind her. She stopped and turned to face him. She was not going to let him get the better of her this time. She had too much pride to back down. “Oh and what is little ferret boy too ignorant then to tease other students?” Hermione said. “Well now, what am I going to do with you? I can’t have a mudblood talking to me like that and it looks like you don’t have your precious Potty and Weasel here to help you!” Malfoy said as he began to walk closer to her. She held her books a little tighter to her chest and was about to turn around when suddenly she felt a hand on her arm. She turned to see who it was that grabbed her and was completely shocked at who it was. “Gregory?” Hermione asked. “Listen Malfoy, why don’t you just get your fifth out of this hall and leave her alone.” Gregory shouted as he turned with Hermione and began to walk the other way. To Hermione’s surprise Malfoy didn’t follow. They got in front of the portrait hole to the Gryffindor common room when Gregory finally spoke, breaking the silence. “Are you ok? I hope he didn’t hurt you,” Gregory said as he pushed a piece of Hermione’s hair behind her ear. She felt a tinge of red fill her cheeks as she looked up to stare into his blue eyes. They were mesmerizing. They had a different feel then when she looked into Harry’s, but she felt something from Gregory’s, but she didn’t exactly know what. “Yes, I’m fine. Malfoy’s just a stupid git!” Hermione said as she stared into his eyes. “Yeah he is!” Gregory said with a smile. Hermione felt calmer while she stared at that smile. “Well I wanted to ask you something.” Hermione just listened as he put a hand to her cheek. She couldn’t help but think that his hand was cold, but she didn’t move from the touch. She was happy for once to be getting a little bit of attention. “Hermione, would you please do me the pleasure of joining me for the next Hogsmeade trip?” Gregory asked. *Oh my god! Did he just ask me out! I can’t believe this is happening*! She wanted to jump up and down like a little kid, but she held her composure and slowly asked, “Like a date?” Gregory nodded his head and Hermione couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, I would love that!” Gregory leaned down and gave her a small peck on the cheek. He sweetly muttered Goodbye before turning to head for his own common room. Hermione was grinning from ear to ear as she stepped through the portrait hole. It was mostly deserted except for Ron, Harry and to her surprise Ginny and Lavender were there also. Ron and Lavender were sitting on the couch in conversation while Ginny and Harry were playing Wizard’s chess. She walked over to them and sat down in the plush chair. “Well what are you so happy about?” Ron asked Hermione, as she still had a huge grin on her face. “Nothing in particular,” Hermione answered, still smiling. “Yeah, I know that face. Hermione’s got a crush!” Lavender announced. Hermione ignored her and turned to Ginny, “So Ginny, I haven’t seen you at all hardly this year. Where have you been?” Ginny smiled and said, “Well I have been spending a lot of time with Neville lately.” “Neville, really?’ Hermione asked. She knew that there was always something there between them, but she never pressed the subject. “Yeah, it looks like my little sis has herself a boyfriend!” Ron exclaimed. “Oh, really! Well Ginny, that is great! Neville is a sweetheart!” Hermione said. She was so happy for them. She was also kind of glad because that meant that she couldn’t be with Harry. She felt a little guilty for thinking that, but she couldn’t help it. “Yeah, he is great!” Ginny said with a wonderful smile on her face. She turned and smiled at everyone before saying, “Well, I think I am going to turn in,” “Alright, night Ginny!” they all exclaimed. “Alright, spill!” Lavender said to Hermione. “I have no idea what you are talking about!” Hermione answered, but the lie was completely clear to her three friends. “Yeah, uh-huh!” Ron said rolling his eyes. Hermione couldn’t help but notice that Harry was completely silent. He just sat there listening to the conversation. “Well alright, if you must know, Gregory Silverton just asked me on a date!” Hermione said with a huge grin. When she thought about it again she still couldn’t believe it. “Oh, our little Hermione’s growing up!” Ron said sarcastically while pretending to wipe a fake tear from his eye. “Oh shut it Ron!” Hermione said but couldn’t help but laugh. “Ok, girl talk!” Lavender said as she jumped up and grabbed Hermione’s hand. They started for her bedroom and up the stairs. If Hermione would have looked back, maybe she would have caught the sad look that filled the face of her green-eyed best friend. *********************************************************************** Hermione woke up from a wonderful sleep. She couldn’t get her mind off of Gregory. *He was so charming, smart and not to mention handsome!* A smile formed on her face as she swung her feet to the side and lazily walked to the bathroom. She took a nice long shower, dressed and headed down to the common room. She was stunned to see that Harry and Ron were not their, because they usually waited for her so they could walk to breakfast together. “They must be in the great hall!” she said aloud as she made her way down to breakfast. She walked in and sat beside Harry and across from Ron. “Why didn’t you two wait for me?” Hermione asked while spreading some butter on her toast. “Oh sorry, we must have forgotten!” Harry answered. He didn’t look at Hermione while speaking; he continued to stare at his food. *Well that’s odd, why won’t he look at me?* She pushed the thoughts aside and said, “Oh, ok then,” She had a hint that he was lying, but she didn’t want to say anything. *Why would he lie? He has no reason to. Maybe they are trying to slowly drift away from being my friend. Maybe they don’t like being seen with a bookworm anymore.* As she thought about this, tears began to form in her eyes, but she held her composure. She ate silently and excused herself from the table. She made her way to Transfiguration and took a seat beside Ron. Harry still would not meet her gaze and she still didn’t know why. *He must really not want to be around me anymore. Oh, get a hold of yourself Hermione, this is Harry. He is not like that, he is your best friend. Yeah, but now he is so popular, even more so now that he has gotten so handsome, and all the girls throw themselves at him. He probably doesn’t want anyone to think that we are linked romantically, which wouldn’t be so bad. Oh, Harry will never like someone like you, you are just miss “plain Jane”. Harry wouldn’t like that, no he wants elegance and beauty, which is something I definitely do not have.* Hermione was ripped from her thoughts as she heard Professor McGonagall speak, “Alright class, today we are going to try and turn these books into plants.” The class went slow and finally they were dismissed. Hermione got up and left. She turned around to look for Harry and Ron, they usually walked together, but they were no where to be seen. *Great, now they really don’t want to be around me. What did I do? Why are they acting like this?* She walked out of the classroom to see Harry and Ron walking with Susan and Lavender. Her heart literally stopped. Look, they ditch me for two pretty girls, should have known. Hermione couldn’t hold her composure this time. She walked passed and just as she did she caught Harry’s gaze. There were tears in her eyes and she knew Harry saw. “Hermione, wait!” Harry called, but Hermione didn’t want to listen. She picked up her pace and drifted into the sea of students. She made her way down to Herbology and took a seat in the front beside Neville. “Hermione, are you ok?” Neville asked. He saw Hermione had tears in her eyes, and this was definitely not like her. “Yes, Neville. I’m fine, thanks,” She said wiping her eyes and giving him a smile. “Ok, but if you want to talk, I am here,” Neville said. Just ten Harry, Ron, Lavender and Susan walked into class. Lavender and Susan were both giggling at Ron, and Harry just stared right into Hermione’s eyes. *I know that look, it is the look of guilt, but I can’t talk to him right now. Why are they acting like this?* She turned her eyes from him, no longer able to stare into those green eyes. She faced the front and began listening to Professor Sprout. At the end of class she bolted to the door, making sure to evade both Harry and Ron. She made it to the common room and up the stairs. It was a few hours till dinner and she didn’t want to stay copped up in her room and she definitely didn’t want to sit in the common room, because she knew Harry and Ron would be there eventually. She made her way down the stairs and decided to go for a walk. She went to the lake and sat down. She always loved coming here, because it calmed her nerves and allowed her to think. *Why is he doing this? Why are they acting this way? Why does everything have to happen to me? I just want a guy to notice me. Why can’t I be pretty and beautiful? Maybe if I were, people would notice me. Even my best friends don’t notice me anymore; they act like they don’t even want to be around me anymore. No Hermione, you are kidding yourself, you know they wouldn’t want to hang around with the likes of you. No, Harry is not like that. I saw how he looked at me, he was* sorry. He wouldn’t be like that if he didn’t want me around. Well then what is it? Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, “Oh Harry, I know you have come to apologize….” She started to say, but was interrupted. “Harry?” the voice answered. She turned to see Gregory standing beside her with a look of confusion etched upon his face. She couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that it was Gregory and not Harry that was standing beside her, but she had no idea why. *Here is a guy that likes me, or so he says, and actually wants to be around me, why do I want Harry to be here and not him when Harry clearly doesn’t want to be around me?* “Oh Gregory,” Hermione said as she pulled herself off the ground. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…I mean you’re not….but I was….” Hermione stumbled. She felt very embarrassed at that moment. “Hermione, it’s ok. Why did you think I was Harry?” Gregory asked. He pushed some hair behind her ear and gave her a smile. “Well, me and Harry kind of got into a little fight and I was just waiting for him to apologize and I thought it was him beside me because no one else ever comes near me,” Hermione answered as she lowered her head. Gregory took his hand and lifted her chin up slowly, “Hermione, I want to come near you, because I like you.” Hermione couldn’t help but blush. She stood staring into his eyes, mesmerized once again. Slowly she saw his head coming closer to hers. *No, he can’t be about to kiss me! I, uh, what do I do? I have never really kissed before. Oh Hermione, just go with it. He wants to, you want to, just do it! Fine!* She felt his soft lips graze hers in a sweet, and caring kiss. He didn’t push or make it last long, he just brushed them enough so she could get a taste of him. And now that she had one taste, she wanted another, but she couldn’t do that. She stared up at him in shock and happiness. He took her hand and they proceeded to walk toward the doors. A few floors up, staring out the window with tears in his eyes, a young boy felt depressed and lonely. An utter look of horror and disgust filled his face. The girl he liked, or loved for that matter, was down there kissing another guy; a guy that definitely didn’t seem to be as charming as he put off. “A wolf in sheep’s clothing,” the young man said to himself as he watched his love and that idiot walk inside the castle. “I will find out what you are up to if it’s the last thing I do!” the young man stated before he slammed his fist against the window and turned to leave for the common room. **A/N: Ok everyone hoped you liked this chapter. Sorry that it is a little shorter than the other’s but I wanted to leave it like this. I also wanted to say that in the next chapters we will start to see things from Harry’s point of view. So you know the drill, READ/REVIEW!** 5. Chapter Four --------------- **A/N- Thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far. I hope that you are all enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it! In this chapter, we get to see a little bit of Harry’s point of view. We won’t see much, but just enough to get a feel for what he is thinking! Anyway, sorry this is not that long, but I wanted to get this out, and I really wanted to end it like this. Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon, and I promise it will be much longer! Things are just starting to heat up!** **Disclaimer: I own nothing Harry Potterish! That belongs to J.K. Rowling, so don’t sue!!!** **Trying Times** **Chapter Four** Hermione trudged down the hall, making her way to the Great Hall. She had a lot on her mind these days, with Gregory and everything. *What does he want, does he really like me? Yes, he kissed you remember! Oh, the kiss, it was, well I guess it was ok, seeing as how I never really kissed before. Even with Viktor it was just mostly pecks, but Gregory, he made me feel good. The kiss wasn’t how I always imagined it, with fireworks and immediate sparks, but maybe that was just fantasy; a fairy tale. Maybe that sort of thing doesn’t happen in real life. Is there even really true love? Maybe one day I will find out, but who knows.* As Hermione walked along, she passed by the infirmary and the door was slightly ajar. Curiosity got the best of her, and she slowly pushed it open. At first she saw nothing, then at the end of the room, were curtains placed around the beds. She walked in, looking for any sign of Madam Pomfrey, she was no where to be found. She made her way to the back and slowly pulled back the curtains of the first bed. There she saw a sight that made her gasp. Viktor was lying on the bed; restraints were being used to hold him down. Sweat was pouring off of his head and landing in the puddle that already filled the cot. His arms were grabbing onto the sheets with such force that he was ripping them into shreds. His head was jerking from side to side. He eyes closed tightly shut. Hermione walked a little closer to him, trying to get an idea about what was wrong with him. When she reached the side of the bed, Viktor continued to toss and turn. His mouth slightly opened and he was saying something very quietly, not loud enough for Hermione to hear. She pulled her head closer, trying to hear the faint sounds that were coming out of his mouth. Suddenly she felt an arm grab her wrist, she looked down and saw Viktor’s eyes wide open; staring at her in horror. *Such sadness and pain. What is wrong with you Viktor? Why are you like this?* These questions filled Hermione’s thoughts as she gazed into the ice filled eyes. They made her shiver with fear by merely glazing over. Neither spoke for a minute or two when suddenly Viktor’s raspy voice filled the night air. “Hermione, Hermione, they are coming, you have to leave! You have to leave now. They will be here soon!” His eyes never lost contact with Hermione’s; neither were blinking. “Viktor, what’s wrong? What is happening to you?” Hermione asked in such a quiet tone she could barely hear herself. His grasp tightened on her wrist and he pulled himself up as far as the restraints would allow. His face was a mere inch from Hermione’s. She could feel the hot breath on her eyes and cheeks. She wanted to turn away, run and never come back, but for some reason her legs were glued to the ground. She couldn’t move, couldn’t stir. She had to hear him out, had to find out what was wrong. “Hermione leave now and never return! They are all coming for everyone, no one will survive!” Viktor said in a harsh, low tone that made goosebumps appear on her entire body. She didn’t say a word, and then Viktor began to shake violently. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell onto the cot with a loud thump. Hermione shook his grip from her wrist and ran down the hall trying to find Madam Pomfrey. She had no idea where she could be, and she then she remembered dinner was going on. But she wouldn’t leave her patients like that, especially when they are so ill. She tore down the hall, running as fast as her legs permitted. She reached the great hall and flung open the doors. Immediately all heads turned in her direction from the sudden entrance. Ignoring the stares she flew down the middle to the head table. There sitting beside Professor Dumbledore was Madam Pomfrey. “Madam Pomfrey, you have to come quick. Something is happening to Viktor!” she shouted as she came upon the head table. Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey both shot out of their seats and came around to the front. “What happened Miss Granger?” asked Dumbledore. “I came in the infirmary and walked to Viktor. He started to talk to me and then he started to shake!” Hermione stated as she walked with them down the great hall. Everyone’s eyes were on them. Hermione didn’t even bother to look for Ron and Harry; she knew they were sitting at the table probably wondering what was going on. “What, that is impossible; I gave him a sedative potion that numbed his body. He shouldn’t even be able to move, let alone talk!” Madam Pomfrey declared as she began to walk faster out of the great hall. Just before Hermione and Madam Pomfrey left the hall, she heard Professor Dumbledore say, “Students, everything is all right. Go back to your dinners and calm down!” He then turned and left the great hall behind Hermione and Madam Pomfrey. As they reached the infirmary, Viktor was still shaking violently. Madam Pomfrey looked confused; Hermione took this as a bad sign. “Leave dear, let me work!” she shouted as she pulled the curtains around her and Viktor, blocking Hermione’s view. Just then Professor Dumbledore came through the doors. He saw that the curtains were pulled back and turned his attention to Hermione. “Miss Granger, please tell me exactly what happened,” Professor Dumbledore said. “Well, I saw that the door was open, and I wanted to come in here and see Viktor and Colin. I wanted to know how they were doing. I saw the curtains pulled back, so I went to the first bed and saw Viktor. He was tossing and turning, trying to get free from his restraints,” Hermione began saying as she shifted her feet from side to side, from nervousness and uneasiness retelling the events were. “He started to say something, and I…I uh…couldn’t hear him, so I leaned in closer. He grabbed my wrist...” Hermione stated as she unconsciously rubbed her wrist where Viktor’s cold fingers held just a few short minutes ago. She tore her gaze from the floor and stared at Dumbledore. His face full of concentration and eagerness for her to continue. “He said that they are coming and that no one will survive. He told me to leave and then suddenly she started to shake and that’s when I ran to find Madam Pomfrey!” Dumbledore stood staring at Hermione. She could tell he was trying to work things out. “I see. Hermione, I was told the other day by Viktor’s coach for his professional Quidditch team, that Viktor was missing for a day before there final game last week. No one took notice of it, and then when he resurfaced, he started to act strange,” Dumbledore said. “Strange?” Hermione asked confused. “Yes, he started to say he was seeing things and that people were after him. And then, he disappeared and that is when he showed up here, a couple weeks ago,” Dumbledore concluded. “Professor, what does he mean by they are coming?” Hermione was starting to become scared now, nothing seemed right. “I have my theories, Miss Granger,” Dumbledore said rubbing his chin in deep thought. Hermione could tell he was trying to figure things out. “Do you think it has anything to do with Voldemort?” Hermione asked. Ever since fifth year, she has been able to actually say his name, and now the thought of saying his name didn’t scare her anymore. She was now able to say it like any other word, even though when she did people around her would start to shiver. “Yes, Miss Granger, I do,” Dumbledore answered honestly. “Well, what is wrong with Viktor? And how do we cure it?” Hermione asked. Professor Dumbledore then said something to Hermione she never thought would come out of his mouth, “Miss Granger, I just do not know, I just don’t know.” Hermione thought that this was hopeless. She couldn’t believe that Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts and probably the greatest sorcerer in the world, didn’t have an answer to this question. She made her way back to the common room, and as she stepped through the hole, she was bombarded with questions. “What happened with the sick people?” “Why did you barge into the great hall like that?” “What is going on?” She simply ignored them and made her way to her bedroom. She needed some time to think things through. She stepped through and didn’t even bother turning on any lights. She liked the darkness, it helped her to think. *What is all this about? I guess the only thing I can do is go to the library and try to find as much information as I can. That just seems hopeless, if Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore didn’t know what it was, it was probably something that couldn’t be found in any books. I just don’t want to have to deal with this. Why do I have so much on my mind these days! Stupid mind! Just leave me alone for awhile and let me rest!!* Suddenly she heard a quiet knock on her door. “Go away!” Hermione said before throwing herself on her bed. She just didn’t feel like dealing with anyone today. “Hermione, it’s me,” Harry said through the door. Hermione couldn’t turn him away, she needed someone to talk to, and maybe he could help. “Come in,” Hermione said just loud enough for Harry to hear. He opened the door and he walked into the dimly lit room. He made his way over to her bed and sat down beside her. She couldn’t help but stare at him. She was amazed at how handsome he could be. There he sat with the most untidy black hair and emerald eyes that could melt anyone that looked at them directly. His face had aged, but still showed his youth from within. He was much taller now and had broadened muscles formed on his body, but he rarely showed them. She knew he was quite the shy type, and she admired him for that. With all the fame and attention he gets, it’s hard to see how he keeps such a level head, unlike Ron if he were to have this fame it would definitely go to his head. This made her think, where was Ron? “Where is Ron?” Hermione asked. “Oh, he is with Lavender. They have become pretty close these days,” Harry answered with a smirk on his face. “Oh!” Hermione said as she giggled. She didn’t want to ask this next question, but for some reason she couldn’t refrain from it, “Shouldn’t you be with Susan? I’m sure she wants to be around you!” “No, I don’t know if I really like her like that, I mean, sure she is pretty and stuff, but I just don’t feel anything there, and I am not the type to lead people on,” Harry answered. His face had gotten a little blush to the cheeks, but he kept a straight face. “Oh, well someday you will find the right person Harry,” Hermione answered. She didn’t know why, but it made her insides leap with the realization that Harry had no feelings for Susan. “Well, I could ask you the same thing about Gregory,” Harry said as he shifted so he was facing her just a little more. Hermione couldn’t help but feel the redness in her cheeks. “Well, things are just starting to progress with us. I mean, we haven’t even been on a date yet,” “Well it has to progress some because you have already kissed him,” Harry said. Immediately he regretted his words, she didn’t know he saw her that day. “Huh? How did you know that? Were you spying on me?” Hermione said, she couldn’t help but get a little angry, but inside she was excited with the thought that Harry had been watching her. She thought she deserved a little attention these days. “No…I….uh….see, I just figured because of the way you have been smiling lately and uh…you just confirmed it for me, I didn’t really actually know,” Harry stuttered hoping Hermione would believe his lie. Hermione could tell something was up, but she didn’t want to push it. She took his lie and obliged him by trying to show that she believed him. “Oh, ok,” They sat in silence for a moment, just staring at one another. Finally Harry decided to speak, “Hermione, what happened today?” She sighed a little, not really in the mood to retell the events for a second time, but she obliged. Harry had a right to know. She told him everything that went on and even with her talk with Dumbledore. Harry sat quietly awaiting the end of the story. When Hermione was done, she couldn’t help but have a few tears in her eyes. Everything just seemed like so much. She had so much to bear and she didn’t know if she could hold it all up. Her terrible loneliness was getting to her, this new thing with Gregory, and now Viktor and Colin, both sick shouting that someone is coming, who none other can be Voldemort, and Dumbledore didn’t know what to do. She was just so confused. “Hermione,” Harry said in a soft and gentle tone. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her body. She loved the feel of being in his arms. She cried a little more, and then Harry pulled them apart and lifted her chin so that he could meet her gaze once again. Those eyes, such caring and concern within them. She thought she would drown in them right now. *Why am I thinking this? Harry has no intimate feelings for me what-so-ever. I am setting myself up for a big downfall.* “Hermione, listen to me. Nothing is going to happen. I am going to protect you and everyone else for that matter. We are going to figure this out and Voldemort is not going to succeed, it just won’t happen. He will be defeated. He can throw whatever he wants at us, but we are going to retaliate and beat him at his own game. I promise you that!” He said it with such confidence, yet also gentleness so that Hermione could see that he truly believed his words. She nodded her head and pulled him close once again. She rested her head on his shoulders. She believed that Harry would do what he could to protect them, but what if it just wasn’t enough? *Stop thinking this Hermione, you are a strong person. You are going to help fight and protect those around you and evil never wins. Good always conquers.* She didn’t feel like talking anymore and she hoped Harry was fine with the silence. She closed her eyes trying to banish the evil thoughts from her mind and soon she was fast asleep. ******(Harry’s Point of View Now)**************** Harry stared down at the beautiful angel fast asleep in his arms. He cared for her so much, but he just didn’t know how to show it. How was he going to be able to show something that he was never shown before? He caressed her face and pushed a few pieces of hair behind her ears. He didn’t want to leave, but he knew he had to go. *Hermione, if you only knew what I felt for you. If I only could just tell you, everything would be ok. But I can’t, because I am scared that I will lose you. I can’t lose you, you are my heart, my soul. I want to be with you, but I feel that it is best if I left you alone.* He laid her down, and pulled the covers over her. He watched the moonlight dance off her wonderful features and he couldn’t help but smile. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on top of her forehead, and turned to leave. He stopped at the door and faced Hermione once more. “I love you Hermione Granger, I just don’t know if I will ever be able to tell you that,” and with that he left the room. He decided that he needed to take a walk to clear his head. It was passed curfew so he ran up and grabbed his cloak. He went out the portrait hole and walked down the corridor. He made his way to the lake and sat down. He was about to pull off the cloak, when he heard a strange noise in the distance. Harry got up slowly and followed the sound. It sounded like it came from the forbidden forest. He walked carefully, making sure now to step on anything that would draw attention. He eased closer until he heard the sound of two voices talking. He couldn’t make out what they were saying so he got closer. “Listen here, you have to do what I tell you or my father will make you pay!” came a voice Harry recognized, but couldn’t quite place. He saw the two figures standing beside a tree, their faces hidden by the immense darkness the forbidden forest gave off. “You will not tell me what to do! I know the plan, and I am certainly more capable of doing it then you. Why do you think your father and Dark Lord asked me to do it rather than you?” the second voice answered with such a dreary coldness, Harry couldn’t help but feel the evil. “It was not my decision; I could have done it just fine!” the first voice called. “Well, it is my plan, so you stay out of it and leave me alone. I have the girl right where I want her. Soon, the plan will be in full effect and that fool of a man, Dumbledore, has no idea!” the second man said in a hateful tone. He gave off a little laughter. Harry moved to the side, to try and get a look at whom the two men were, when he stepped on a piece of wood and fell backwards. A loud rattle filled the air. Luckily the cloak still covered him and he saw the man’s head turn in his direction. Harry couldn’t stay there, they were sure to investigate. He slid back carefully, trying not to make a sound. When he got behind the cover of a large tree, Harry noticed that only one figure remained. The man stood rooted to his spot, looking around for what made the noise. Suddenly a squirrel ran across the field and Harry heard the man curse, “Damn squirrel!” Feeling relive feel his body, he got up from the ground to go back to Hogwarts before his luck ran out and he was definitely spotted. Suddenly the man turned to walk back to Hogwarts and the moon shined down on his faces just enough for Harry to finally recognize who he was. Reality set in as he watched the man enter Hogwarts. He couldn’t believe it; he didn’t know what to think. It can’t be! It just can’t be. The man was none other than, Gregory Silverton! **Hope everyone liked this chapter! And you know the drill: READ/REVIEW** 6. Chapter Five --------------- **A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. I didn’t mean for it to, but I had a case of writer’s block. I started another story, called Planes, Trains, and Harry Potter? It is going to be filled with more humor than this one, but also adventure too! Anyway, thanks to everyone who reviewed, you don’t know how much I love hearing what you have to say! Enjoy!** **Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the Harry Potter world belong exclusively to J.K. Rowling, I’m just a fan, who isn’t right?** **Trying Times** **Chapter Five** The sun shined in through the window and lit up the room. Harry was lying on his bed as he was aroused by the sudden light. He looked over at the clock, reading 7:47am. He had only just gotten to sleep an hour before. A restless night had followed him after he left the scene out on the Hogwarts grounds. He couldn’t get the image of Gregory out of his mind. He desperately wished he could have seen who the other person was. He had decided that he would tell Hermione first thing in the morning, knowing that she was already asleep and this information was sure to make her uneasy. He didn’t want to bother her that night. Tossing and turning on his bed, he recalled the events in his head. *Thank God he didn’t see it was me. If he did, who knows what he would do. What does he plan to do with Hermione? It has to do with me, it is always me!!!* Harry closed his eyes for a brief second, regaining his composure, and hopped out of bed. He was glad to have his own room; he was able to move around without having to worry about waking everyone else up. He turned, and went into his own bathroom to take a quick shower. As the hot water ran over his body his mind was occupied by one thing, Hermione. He couldn’t help but think about her right now. *What danger was she in?* He remembered the feel of having her in his arms the night before as she cried and released all her fears and concerns to him, to have her fall asleep in his arms. He wished he could have that feeling everyday, but how? *How would Ron feel?* Lately Ron had been more preoccupied with Lavender. They seemed to have a pretty good relationship going, but this is Ron. He takes everything the hard way. *Stubborn git!!* He stepped out of the shower and dried off. He dressed quickly and headed out the door into the common room. His first objective was to find Hermione. He hoped she would be in the common room, reading or studying, but she wasn’t there. He decided to check her room, just in case she wasn’t up yet. He walked to the door labeled Head Girl and tapped on it rather loudly. He listened carefully and heard shuffling noises coming from inside. *Good, she is in there*. The door handle moved and the door swung open. Harry had a smile on his face to greet Hermione, but it vanished when he noticed who had opened the door. There stood Gregory with a perplexed look upon his face. Suddenly he wiped it away and smirked. Harry immediately felt his face grow red with anger. *What is he doing in this room! Why is he in here!* The first thing that came to his head he seethed it through his teeth, “Where is Hermione?” Just then Harry heard Hermione’s small voice coming from inside the room. “Harry?” Harry walked right passed Gregory and into the room. Hermione was just now coming out of her bathroom. Harry couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was and how he wanted to hold her right there and kiss her. *Stop that! This is not the time to be thinking of things like that, remember the situation!* Harry couldn’t help his anger and he said, “Hermione, what is he,” Harry pointed to Gregory a look of discontent on his face, “doing here?” Hermione couldn’t believe his tone. *Who does he think he is? Is that jealousy? No, he doesn’t care for me like that. But, then why is he so mad Gregory is in your bedroom.* She looked at him, and immediately put a stern face on and said, “What does it matter to you?” She lightly was tapping her foot on the ground as her arms were crossed over her chest. Harry didn’t know what to say. He knew it looked bad how he said it, but he had his reasons and she was about to know them. “I was just wondering,” Harry said trying to hide his anger. “Well, if you must know, Gregory came here to escort me down to breakfast, so if you don’t mind we are running late as it is,” Hermione answered as she strolled over to Gregory and gave him a smile. She looped his arm in his and was about to walk out the door when an arm grabbed her. She turned around to see Harry staring at her. His green eyes looked into hers and she could tell something was different, something was wrong. *Why does he look like that? What’s wrong?* “I need…” He started to say, but he thought for a moment. *Should I confront him right now, in front of Gregory? Or should I let him think I don’t know anything and then find out what is going on. Yeah, I can’t let him know anything. I will just have to tell her later!* Hermione was staring at Harry waiting for him to continue. She could tell by his face that he was thinking things through in his mind. “Yes,” she finally said. It came out in more of an annoyed tone, but she actually didn’t mean for it too. She could tell something was up. “Hermione, I really need to talk to you, when is a good time?” Harry said finally allowing his voice to speak again. He didn’t look up to see Gregory’s face; he just continued to stare at Hermione hopefully giving her the impression that this was serious. Hermione realized that it was serious, and said, “Well, I guess we can talk after breakfast…” She couldn’t finish what she was saying as Gregory had interrupted her. “Hermione, did you forget out going to Hogsmeade with me today?” Gregory said in a tone that made Harry want to throw up. *Damnit**,* Harry swore in his mind. He had completely forgotten today was Saturday and the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. “Oh, sorry Gregory,” Hermione said feeling a little embarrassed that she had forgotten about their date. “Well, how about when we get back?” Hermione said turning from Gregory to Harry. “Well, Hermione, I would prefer to talk earlier then that,” Harry admitted. He had to tell her so she knew what she was getting into. He just then realized his hand was still on her arm, but he made no motion to remove it. “Well Harry,” Hermione started to say, but was again interrupted by Gregory. “Hermione has other plans, now if you will please let her go, we will be on our way,” Gregory stated short and choppy. His voice seemed to cut the air around them sending shivers up Harry’s spine. This time he turned to meet Gregory’s eyes. They were cold, unfeeling. Harry could see the secrets hid behind them while he masqueraded around as this goody two shoes. Harry couldn’t believe he didn’t see through him before now. Harry, reluctantly, let Hermione’s arm go, but he did not move away. *Please Hermione, please don’t go with him. You have to hear me out!* He wanted so bad to voice his thoughts, but he couldn’t risk letting Gregory see that he knew about him. Hermione didn’t even realize before then that Harry still had his arm on her arm, but she did realize when he moved it away. She missed the warmth that he gave her through his touch. Hermione also couldn’t believe that Gregory was speaking for her. *He is just trying to make sure you don’t turn him down. He hasn’t done anything wrong and he is a perfect gentlemen. But Harry really needs to talk to me; maybe I should tell him we will go another day. I finally have a date, with a nice guy, and I am going to drop it just because Harry comes running to me needing to talk. What if it is important? Well, if it is, then he can easily talk to Ron just the same. He probably just needs you to look up something for him or help him find an answer. Yeah, that’s right.* Hermione made up her mind and she looked at Harry. “Yes, I’m sorry Harry. We will talk later.” With that, they turned and left thought the room leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. Harry stood rooted to his spot. He could tell something was going on, and he had to warn Hermione. “There is no way she is going there alone with him,” Harry said aloud. “It’s time I go get the cloak,” Hermione’s thoughts were filled with Harry. *What is it that he wanted to tell me was so important? Why did he have to speak to me so bad?* “Hermione?” Gregory said as he waved a hand in front of her face. She snapped out of her thoughts immediately and turned to Gregory. They were sitting inside the Three Broomsticks, having a butterbeer, and talking, or rather he was chatting. She hadn’t been paying him any attention really, as she was lost within her own thoughts and the conversation she was having inside her mind. “I’m sorry Gregory, I just feel out of it today,” Hermione said. She really didn’t mean to ignore him. “What are you thinking about? Have you even been listening to me at all?” Gregory said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice. “Yes, I have been listening to you; I have just got a lot on my mind with schoolwork and whatnot.” “Ok, well I understand. With N.E.W.T.s soon, we are under a lot of stress,” Hermione was glad that he wasn’t mad and believed her lie. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to tell him she was thinking about Harry. “Anyway, I know a way to relieve all that stress,” Gregory said with an eyebrow raised. “Gregory, if you are thinking what I think you are thinking, then you know the answer is no. This *is* our first date!” Hermione said. She was slightly taken aback he would say such a thing. “No, no, Hermione,” Gregory said with a small smile on his face. “Not that, I would never think about that, at least not this early, I was talking about a back rub,” Hermione, amused, couldn’t help the smile form across her face. She watched as he got up and moved his chair behind her. He started to rub her shoulders and her neck. She reveled in the feel of his hands on her tight muscles. *God, this feel so good!* “I didn’t know you were so tense,” he whispered into her ear. Hermione could feel the air tickle her ear and the small portion of her neck. A few moans escaped her mouth as the feeling satisfied her. *God, his fingers are like magic!* Her head was moving in all directions and her mouth was slightly agape. If people were staring at her, they would probably think he was doing more then just giving her a massage. Suddenly she felt him stop, and immediately she missed the feel of fingers on her. She felt his hand go around her head and turn her to him. She looked at him through her long lashes and watched as he slowly brought his head closer and caught her full on the lips. This time, the kiss wasn’t as gentle as before. It was filled with more passion, more intensity. She felt his tongue explore her mouth and she moved her arms to wrap around his neck to further enjoy the kiss. *Calm down Harry, Calm down!* He couldn’t’ take it. Seeing them kiss like that he wanted to walk over there and rip Gregory’s head off! He didn’t know what had caused so much rage to form inside of him. He had never been this mad before when Hermione had kissed Viktor. *Maybe it’s because you know he is bad! Maybe because she is getting into something she has no idea about!* He had watched as he rubbed her back and he almost couldn’t watch it. She looked so content, happy, and he wished it had been him sitting there making her look like that. And now the kiss, which was still going on fueled his insides. His heart hammered against his chest as he sunk into the wall, his hands clenched together, gripping the sides of the invisibility cloak. He watched as they finally parted, both panting for air. He saw Gregory say something and then he slowly got up and walked out the door. Harry followed in hot pursuit. *What are you up to now?* Harry walked carefully behind him, narrowly missing a cart that had rolled itself in his way. Gregory walked down Hogsmeade and stopped in front of a small house. Harry watched as Gregory looked around. *Who is he looking for?* And then Gregory walked to the back of the house. Harry followed and saw that there was a man in a black cloak standing there. His face was hidden, so Harry couldn’t tell who it was. Gregory walked closer to the guy and started to say something in a hushed whisper. Harry eased closer so that he was able to make out what they were saying. “You got it,” Gregory asked. “Yes,” the cloaked man replied. “Well give it to me!” Gregory ordered as he held out his hand. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a long, black case. Gregory opened it up, but Harry couldn’t tell what it was. A smile formed on Gregory’s face as he stared at the object. “This is perfect,” Gregory said as he touched the object. “She won’t suspect a thing!” *Hermione, I know that is for Hermione! I have to warn her now*! Without even looking back, Harry ran as fast as he could with the cloak still on him. When he reached the three broomsticks he pulled it off and ran inside. Hermione was sitting at the table waiting patiently for Gregory to return. She was thinking about the kiss they had just shared. It was extravagant, she thought, but something was missing. She didn’t know what. *Maybe I am reading into this wrong. I mean, I never really had a kiss like that before, so how would I know how it is suppose to feel.* She heard the door open and turned her head, expecting to see Gregory, but instead it was Harry and he looked awfully pale. He was heading in her direction with great speed. He reached her side in no time and sat down in the seat next to her. “Harry?” she asked confused. “Hermione, listen to me, I have to tell you something very important!” Harry said as he tried to catch his breath. Hermione nodded. *Could this be what he wanted to tell me earlier?* “Ok, Gregory is not who you think he is. He is trying to manipulate you to get to me! He is going to give you something and I think it might hurt you!” Harry said so fast, and Hermione would have missed the words if they hadn’t have been so important. *Why would he say this? Gregory is a gentlemen*. “Harry, what are you on about? Why do you think that Gregory is so bad?” Hermione eyed him hoping for a good explanation. “Well, I followed Gregory just now,” Harry said and immediately regretted how he had just worded that sentence. Hermione’s face now grew into anger. “You were spying on us?” Hermione was astounded! *How dare he!* “Yes, but that isn’t the point. I saw him meet a cloaked man that gave him something and then he said ‘She won’t suspect a thing!’” Harry was hoping he was getting through to her. “Well, now she will!” a voice said behind them. They both turned to see Gregory glaring down at Harry. “You stay away from her! I saw you just now!” Harry said glaring right back at Gregory. Gregory stood rooted to his spot and turned his gaze from Harry to Hermione. “Well, since he had to and ruin it, I guess this,” Gregory pulled out the box and gave it to Hermione, “won’t be so much of a surprise!” Hermione opened the box and gave a small gasp. Inside was a sterling silver bracelet. It was lined with diamonds down the side and looked as though it was fairly expensive. She put a hand to her heart and turned to Gregory with a look of amazement. Harry stared wide eyed at the object. *What is he playing at! Something is not right, I know what I saw!* “Gregory, it’s beautiful!” Hermione said, finding her voice. “Well, I am glad you like it, but I didn’t want to give it to you now,” Gregory stated eyeing Harry again. “I was going to give it to you at the end of the day and ask you to be my girlfriend!” Hermione couldn’t believe it! *Did he just say what I think he said?* Hermione then realized that Harry had ruined their special moment. She turned back to him and she could almost feel the heat radiating from her. “Harry! Why did you have to go and ruin this!” Harry was stunned. *This was a trick, had to be a trick. Did he just ask her to be his girlfriend?* “I, uh…God, I swear I know what I saw!” Harry said trying to explain himself. He still didn’t get a good vibe from Gregory, something was out of whack. Hermione couldn’t take it anymore. *Why did he want to see me unhappy! Why does he have to do this! Why does everyone get to be happy but me*? She then stood up and turned to Gregory. She grabbed his arm and made for the door. She stopped before it and turned back to Harry who was staring at the both of them. “Harry, I can’t believe you! Why do you want to see me unhappy? Why do you do this to me?” She said it in such a quiet, yet powerful tone, it stunned even herself. She saw Harry shaking his head no, but she didn’t want to hear it. She turned and they walked out of the door. Harry sat watching the door close behind them and couldn’t believe what had just happened. *No, this can’t be right! I know he is bad! But, maybe the whole time was just to get her that bracelet! No! He is up to no good, I can feel it.* Harry stood up abruptly and made his way back out. He walked back to Hogwarts, deep in thought. He had to talk to Ron and see what he thought about the situation. The cloaked man stood next to a tree, hidden from view as he watched Hermione and Gregory leave the Three Broomsticks. He watched as Gregory clasped the bracelet on her wrist and Hermione lean up and give him a kiss that lingered for a moment. He turned just then to see Harry Potter emerge from the same place, a look of confusion and hurt etched on his face. “It is working, and soon Potter; soon you will see what is coming to you! Soon!” The man whispered to no one in particular and vanished like the wind, unknowing to anyone around him. **I hope everyone is still enjoying this story and if you have time, read my other story Planes, Trains, and Harry Potter? You might like it! Anyway, hopefully the next chapter will be out sooner. Now please, REVIEW!!!** 7. Chapter Six -------------- A/N: I want to apologize for not having this story out any sooner. I didn’t mean for it to take so long, but I have been very busy getting ready for Christmas and applying for colleges. I have to write a story for my admission, and that has been my focus lately. I noticed that in the last chapter, I accidentally had Harry say that it was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year; well I didn’t mean that I meant it was the second trip because I already have the first trip in the earlier chapters. Sorry this chapter is so short! Hopefully the next one will be longer. Thank you for being patient and all of my wonderful reviewers, I thank you dearly!!! Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Harry Potter! **Trying Times** **Chapter Six** Hermione woke up early on this Sunday morning. She had a smile plastered on her face, apparently from the wonderful dream she was having. Life was so much better than it used to be. She and Gregory had grown closer and they had a good and stable relationship. She walked to the mirror, studying her appearance. She didn’t know why Gregory had gone for her or picked her out of everyone else, but she never questioned it to him. She didn’t want to sound too self-conscious. She picked up a brush and ran it through her hair, attempting to tame the bushiness. She knew it was useless. Giving up, she put down the brush and finished dressing. She grabbed her books and headed down to breakfast. She walked down the hall, skipping occasionally, as she recalled the details of the past week. Everyday, she would meet Gregory in the Great Hall. They would say their hellos, than go eat with their own houses. They reluctantly didn’t have any classes together, but they still met in between classes and after school. They studied with each other in the library and after that, Gregory would walk Hermione to her room, or if they had time they would take a quick walk around the lake, which usually ended in some kind of mouth to mouth contact. Hermione loved the attention Gregory was giving her. He practically never left her alone. She wore the bracelet he gave her everyday, never taking it off. It was the first gift any boy had ever given her, well besides Harry and Ron. Harry…he was very quiet lately. She often caught him watching her, but when she would turn her head, he would look down or find something else to focus on; he would never meet her eyes. She found this very odd. *Why is Harry acting like that lately?* He really didn’t say much, ever since that night in Hogsmeade. She was still perplexed about that. Harry must have had some sort of reason to spy on her. *He was only trying to help; maybe I shouldn’t have gotten so mad. He didn’t know that Gregory was giving me that bracelet; he was just looking out for me.* Hermione tried to be as nice as possible to him, but Harry would find an excuse not to be around her. She was getting worried about him. Ron was always with Lavender and she was always with Gregory, so she knew Harry was alone most of the time. She knew what that felt like. Even though she felt terribly bad for Harry, she couldn’t help but think that now he can see what it feels like. *Don’t think that Hermione, Harry has had a hard life ever since he was one. He was alone for the first eleven years of his life, he knows as much if not more than you about what loneliness feels like. Maybe I should try talking to him! Yeah, that is what I will do; I will talk to him tonight after dinner.* Hermione pushed open the doors to the Great Hall, and walked in. Gregory was already sitting at his table. She walked over to him, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Hey,” Hermione said as she smiled down at Gregory. He smiled back and said, “How’s my girl doing today?” “I’m ok, what about you?” Hermione asked. “Good now that you’re here!” Gregory answered giving her another quick kiss, this time on the lips. Hermione didn’t really like that much. She didn’t like to show her personal life so publicly, especially when the whole student body, including teachers, were in the room. “Well, Mr. Flirtatious, I’m going to head over to my table now. I’ll see you after breakfast, ok?” Hermione said. Gregory nodded, and Hermione headed back to her table. She took a seat in front of Lavender and Ron. She looked around and noticed that Harry was not at the table. “Where’s Harry?” Hermione asked Ron as she grabbed a piece of toast and buttered it. “I went to his room this morning to see if he wanted to get any breakfast, and he was still sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him. He looked pretty rough,” Ron said. Then he leaned over the table so that no one would hear what he was going to say and whispered, “If you ask me, I think he is sneaking out at night. I saw his trunk open and his invisibility cloak was lying out!” Hermione looked at Ron with a concerned face. “Do you have any idea where he’s going?” She was worried now, maybe something was really wrong. She felt bad now for neglecting him lately. She didn’t’ mean to, but she had been wrapped up in her own life and Gregory to pay attention to Harry. “I have my theories. I think he may be meeting someone, a girl maybe?” Ron said as he raised his eyebrows. Hermione’s heart dropped at that news, but she didn’t know why. *What if he is meeting a girl, what does it matter? He can’t be meeting a girl, he just can’t! Stop, you are with Gregory, who is wonderful remember! You can’t think about Harry like that!* Hermione knew, no matter what she, had to figure out what was going on. Just then she heard the door open and in walked Harry. He looked terrible. His hair was even messier than it usually was and his face was pale. He took a seat beside Hermione, and proceeded to eat a few pieces of toast. Hermione got a better look at him and she could see that he had dark circles under his eyes and they looked bloodshot. “Good morning Harry,” Hermione said as she continued to stare at him. He only gave a nod as he continued to eat, his eyes staring at the plate in front of him. “’Morning mate!” Ron said as he gave Hermione a knowing look. “Harry, is something wrong?” Hermione asked not knowing how to really address the situation. Harry was always good about bottling things up, but at least she could tell when he was lying. For the first time that morning, Harry looked her in the eyes. Her heart seemed to flip and she held back a sob at the torment written on his face. Something was wrong, she knew it. “No,” he simply said. He stared at her for a few more moments before he turned his head back to his plate. Hermione watched as Harry ate his toast, and then got up from his seat. “I’m going to go get my bags, I’ll see you in class,” Harry said, his voice devoid of emotion. Hermione and Ron watched as he walked away. Hermione turned back to Ron and voiced both of their thoughts, “Something is definitely wrong with him.” Harry walked out of the Great Hall. He could barely move he was so tired. This past week, he had made it a mission of his to find out what this Gregory was up to. So at night, after everyone went to bed and Hermione and he had finished their duties, he would grab his cloak and go and stand in front of the Ravenclaw portrait hole, just waiting for Gregory to come out. He would sit there till five in the morning, and so far Gregory hadn’t done anything. Harry just knew something was up with him. He hated seeing Hermione and Gregory together. Some mornings he would wake up and think his heart couldn’t break anymore, then he would see them together, and somehow it would find a way to shatter. He couldn’t handle seeing them together, so he avoided them at all costs. Ron was no help, because he was so wrapped up in Lavender to even notice his best friend was in danger and his other best friend was trying to do something about it. He tried to talk to him, but Ron stated that he was overreacting, and now Harry was starting to think maybe he was. Hermione and Gregory had officially been dating for a week now, and nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. No one had started to get sick, even though Viktor and Colin were still in the hospital ward. Everyone was perplexed as to what was making them sick. He was able to hear a little bit about them when one night he was standing watch, and Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout walked down the corridor discussing Viktor and Colin. They had said that they just kept repeating that something was coming and that they wouldn’t sleep, but other than that, their bodies weren’t really technically “sick.” Harry wondered what was wrong with them, but he didn’t have time to investigate, he had to prove to Hermione that Gregory was a fake, a fraud, and someone she shouldn’t be around; not only for her sake, but his also. Harry knew now beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loved Hermione and he had to tell her or he would bust open. He was going to find out what Gregory was up to if it was the last thing he did. The day was long and boring. He avoided Hermione at all costs, and for some reason he got the feeling she wanted to talk to him because she kept staring at him. Finally the day was done, and Harry retreated to his room. He had Quidditch practice for two hours; then he had to hurry and get back, do his work, so that he would be free to spy again tonight. He went out to the Quidditch pitch. Being the first one to arrive, he took off on his broom and soared high above the stands. This was the only place where he felt free, calm, and whole. He could forget all his worries. The wind blowing through his hair, hitting his face, tickling his nose, he was not “the boy who lived”. Up here there was no Voldemort or Gregory; up here it was just him, Harry, the sky and the air. He decided to take a trip around Hogwarts itself and he began to zoom around the towers. As he was making his way around, something caught his eyes. He could see someone people up in the Astronomy Tower. He looked a little closer, and noticed that it was none other than Gregory and Hermione. *Should I ease drop? No, I can’t! It’s wrong. But, he’s not a good person. A little spying won’t hurt!* Making up his mind, Harry dived a little and hovered just out of sight, so he could hear what they were saying. “Hermione, why do you even care about that little jerk anyway?” Gregory asked. “Gregory, don’t talk about Harry like that! He is my best friend, and he needs help!” Hermione shouted sternly. Harry was elated by this. At least she still cares for me! Harry moved just a little bit closer. “Yeah, what does he need help for? He has everything. Money, fame, he’s got it all!” Gregory stated. *What a jerk, as if money and fame are everything. I would rather be with Hermione than be famous and rich!* “Gregory, I can’t believe you just said that! Money and fame are not everything. Friends and family are what’s important! And love,” Hermione said. Harry could hear her anger and hostility and he couldn’t be prouder. “Yeah, ok!” Gregory said sarcastically. Harry knew, without even having to see Hermione’s face, that she was not happy about that comment. “I see how you feel,” Hermione said and Harry could hear her shuffling around. “Hermione, look, I’m sorry. It’s just that when you talk about Harry it makes me mad. You know the only reason he acts like he does is because he is jealous,” Gregory said. Harry scoffed. He was jealous, but he would never admit it. “He just wants to see you unhappy!” *I can’t believe he is saying this stuff, Hermione will never believe it!* “Harry is not jealous! He is my best friend and only wants the best for me. Why can’t you see that?” Hermione asked getting frustrated. Harry could just picture her in her “McGonagall stance” right at this very moment; hands upon hips and stern expression etched on her face. He couldn’t hold back a smile. “Hermione, why else would he say those things. He has been avoiding you because he can’t stand to see you happy when he isn’t! He just doesn’t care about you; he just is your friend for your brains. That’s it, I mean, why else would he want to be friends with you?” Gregory asked. Harry wanted to scream! *Hermione can’t believe it! I can’t believe he just said all that crap!* “Oh, so why wouldn’t he want to be friends with me? What’s so wrong with me? Is that why *you* are with me?” Hermione was shouting now and Harry just wanted to yell, “Go Hermione, let him have it!” “Hermione, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m with you aren’t I? There is no other person I would rather be with. I was just talking about Harry. Something isn’t right with him. Just wait, next time you see him, I bet he will try and say something else about me too; like I’m conspiring with the enemy or something!” Gregory stated. Harry wanted to wring his neck so bad. *If I ever get my hands on you!* “Gregory, I can assure you that Harry is not like. He was just looking out for me, and considering everything that has happened in the past, he is just being careful. Voldemort is out there and something is happening with all these people getting sick, and everyone just has been watchful,” Hermione said. Harry was glad that she didn’t succumb to Gregory’s tricks and believe him. *At least she still knows that I am her best friend.* “Ok, Hermione, but I just want you to be careful. And if something happens, just don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Gregory answered. Harry could hear more shuffling and he wondered what was going on. “Well, I am going to have a talk with him soon. Something is wrong and I’m worried about him. But I have to go now; I promised Neville I would help him with his Potions essay. So I will see you at dinner?” Hermione asked Gregory. Harry figured Gregory must have nodded because Hermione then said, “Good, ok then. Bye!” Harry heard them kiss really quickly and then the door. Harry was about to zoom over to the tower when he suddenly heard a voice. “Well that certainly went well,” the voice dripping with sarcasm. “Hey, so what, all couples fight, it’s natural,” Gregory answered. *Who is this person? If only I could get a little closer!* Harry tried moving around, but when he did, he caught a glimpse of Gregory and he didn’t want to chance it. “So how is your little mudblood?” the other person asked Gregory. “I’ve got her wrapped around my little finger,” Gregory answered. “Oh, so you are starting to feel something for the little bitch?” the other person said. Harry’s anger started to swell at the comment about Hermione. “Whatever, I’m just doing this because I have to. I wouldn’t be caught dead with her. She is such a boring freak; she doesn’t even comb her hair!” Gregory answered and they both chuckled. Harry had to restrain himself by holding onto the wall to keep from beating Gregory’s ass. He couldn’t believe that Hermione even saw something remotely good in this jerk “Listen, meet me behind the greenhouse tonight at one am,” a voice said. “Alright,” Gregory answered coldly. “What are we suppose to do about Potter?” “Just leave him to me. He won’t be getting in the way when I get through with him!” “Well, make sure you are here at one and don’t be late!” the voice hissed. Harry listened and heard Gregory open the door to leave. Harry looked around and he didn’t see anyone still on the balcony. He flew to the tower and stepped off his broom. He looked around for any sign of anyone or anything, but nothing. He stared at the door Gregory had just gone through and Harry couldn’t help but get angry. His face turned red and he had to have some self control to keep from running in there and beating him down till he confessed everything to Hermione. Harry mounted his broom, but before he took off he stated out loud, “I’ve got you this time Gregory, you can’t fool me!” With that he tore through the air headed back to practice. A figure stepped out of the shadows, completely unseen by the young Potter. Watching the retreating figure of the boy who lived, the person began to chuckle lightly, “Too bad Potter that I’ve already got you first!” The figure then disappeared without a trace. **A/N: Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! You know the drill, REVIEW! The reviews are what make me preserve to get the new chapter out sooner!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!** 8. Chapter 7 ------------ **A/N: Hello everyone, this story is winding down. I am at the last few chapters. I did, at first, want to make it a little longer, but my heart is not really into this story too much anymore. I like my other two stories a lot more, and I want to focus more on them. I don’t really have much farther to go in this story. So I am guessing, maybe three more chapters left.** **I appreciate everyone’s reviews!! I love hearing what people have to say and it keeps me writing when I just really want to stop. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day and I hope you like this chapter!!!** **Thanks again!** **~Jen~** **Disclaimer: Same as usual!** **Trying Times** **Chapter Seven** After practice, Harry headed to his room. He was eager to talk to Hermione. He had to convince her to come with him tonight, so that she could see for herself that Gregory was evil. He walked through the corridors and into the common room. Walking up the stairs, he walked into his room and put away his broom. He changed out of his Quidditch clothes, and put on something more comfortable so he could head down to dinner. He sat on his bed for a second while the thoughts of this afternoon ran through his head. He had to, no matter what; convince Hermione to come with him. She would have to see, or else she would never know. He wondered who the other person was. Could it be Voldemort himself? What about Malfoy or Wormtail? He clenched his teeth in anger as the ideas formed into his head. The thought that someone was trying to get to him through Hermione was enough to make his blood boil. He was always the one, always. But, he was going to make sure Hermione didn’t get hurt. He would tie her to her bed if he had to and put a locking spell on the door that even she couldn’t break. She was not going to be alone with Gregory again, or he would die trying. Harry got up and left his room. He met up with Ron in the common room, and they headed down to the Great Hall. As they rounded the corner, the image that stood in front of Harry made his anger swell again. Standing in front of the door was Gregory and Hermione. They were standing rather close to each other and Harry had to resist the urge to force them apart and beat Gregory to a bloody pulp. Hermione was laughing at something Gregory had said and Gregory was standing there with a smile. Again, Harry wanted to run and rip the smile off his face and take Hermione away from him. *That’s supposed to be me there, making her laugh and smile, not that insignificant prat!* Ron turned to Harry and raised his eyebrows at the scene. Harry shrugged his shoulders and turned back to look at them. They were too engrossed in each other to notice Harry or Ron. Harry cleared his throat, to make their presence known, and Gregory and Hermione turned to face them. “Oh, Hello Harry, Hello Ron,” Hermione stated, moving back a step away from Gregory. “We were just trying to get in the Great Hall, and you were kinda blocking the way,” Harry said. He didn’t mean for it to sound rude, but it was all he could do to control his anger. “Oh, well excuse us,” Gregory said in a smart-alecky voice. Hermione turned to Gregory and gave him a reprimanding look. “Gregory, you didn’t have to be so rude. We were blocking the door.” “Hermione, did you not hear how he talked to me?” Gregory asked, keeping his eyes on Harry and vice versa. “It didn’t sound rude to me,” Hermione stated. She moved out of the way of the door, pulling Gregory with her. “Are you coming in?” Ron asked Hermione as he was about to walk in the door first. “Oh, yes Ron, I will be there in a second,” Hermione answered. She looked toward Harry, who was still having a staring contest with Gregory. *What’s going on? Why are they looking at each other like that?* Harry turned to walk in, but Gregory stuck out his foot, causing Harry to trip and fall onto the ground. Harry was shaking with rage. He pushed himself back up and turned to Gregory. “You better watch yourself Potter; we don’t want to see the boy-who-lived die of such a small thing. You have to save the world, remember?” Gregory sneered. Hermione saw Gregory trip Harry and she wondered why he would do such a thing. He had been acting a little differently lately. He was always putting down Harry and saying that Hermione should stop being friends with him. “Shut up Gregory. You don’t fool me and soon everyone will find out who you really are,” Harry replied. He face was completely red from anger, and he had to ball up his fists and strain to keep them at his side. Harry shot a look to Hermione and then walked into the Great Hall. Hermione turned to Gregory, she had to find out why he did that. She opened her mouth to say something, when someone interrupted them. “Silverton, I need to speak with you for a moment,” a familiar voice said. Hermione looked behind her to see Draco Malfoy standing with his trademark smirk. “Hermione, I gotta take care of this. Go inside and I will talk to you later, ok?” Gregory said. Hermione was shocked. *Why would he want to talk to Malfoy? I thought they hated each other?* Hermione didn’t say anything; she was still astonished by Gregory’s behavior. First he trips Harry, then Draco Malfoy is asking to speak with him and he goes off with him. *What is going on?* She turned and walked into the Great Hall. She took a seat beside Harry and began filling her plate. “Harry, I’m sorry about Gregory. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. He has just been so stressed lately and…,” Hermione started to say, but was interrupted by Harry. “Look Hermione, stop making excuses for him. He meant it, and that’s all that matters,” Harry simply stated. He looked into her eyes for a moment and Harry knew right then it would take awhile to get her to believe him, but he had to, no matter what. Hermione didn’t say anything to Harry’s comment. She knew for some reason, that he was right. She had to figure out what was wrong with him, though. “Harry, I was wondering if we could talk tonight?” Hermione asked tentatively. “Yeah, after dinner?” Harry said, turning to face her with bright green eyes melting into her. For some reason she had this urge to kiss him, but she didn’t know why. She nodded her head, which was all she could do at the moment. She finished eating and they all left the Great Hall. They walked to Hermione’s room and went in. Harry took a seat on her bed, and Hermione walked over to sit beside him. “Harry,” Hermione began. She really had no idea where to start, so she figured casual conversation would be the best ice breaker. “How has your week been?” “Hermione,” Harry said, looking at his feet. “Let’s just skip the small talk, ok?” Hermione nodded and jumped right in. “Ok, then where have you been going at night? I know you’ve been sneaking out.” Harry was shocked. *How did she know that?* He was debating whether or not to tell her the truth or not, but figured he had better if he wanted her to believe him later. “Well, I guess it’s best if I start from the beginning,” Harry answered with his eyes still trained on the ground. “Since that day, in the Three Broomsticks and I followed you, I have had this bad feeling about Gregory.” Harry saw Hermione open her mouth, but he put a finger to her lips. He got up from the bed and stood in front of her. “Don’t say anything, just hear me out,” Harry began and Hermione nodded once again. “Since that day, I knew something was going on with him. I saw him outside that one day, and his conversation wasn’t a nice one. Ok, if you are going to give your soon to be girlfriend a gift, shouldn’t it come from a store, not someone who looks as if they just got out of Azkaban, and you shouldn’t be meeting behind buildings either.” Harry took a deep breath and noticed Hermione was still giving him her full attention. He continued on, “So, when I was trying to tell you, he heard me and made up that lame story about being your girlfriend. Today, I was out on the Quidditch field. I decided to fly around the school and I happened to fly by the Astronomy Tower.” Harry watched as Hermione’s face turned from neutral into one of anger. “Harry, please don’t tell me you spied on me again!” Hermione said, not believing what she just heard. Harry only nodded and waited for her explosion. “How could you?” Hermione yelled. She stood up and faced Harry. “I thought I told you to stop this! It’s ridiculous!” Hermione started walking toward the door. “I’m leaving!” Hermione said as she grabbed the handle to walk out of the room. She tried the handle, but it wouldn’t budge. She turned back to Harry, and saw he was standing there with his wand pointed toward the door. “Harry James Potter, you let me out of this room right now!” Hermione shouted as she glared at him. “No, not until you hear me out!” Harry said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to listen to you anymore!” Hermione answered. She turned her head to look at the wall. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to subdue some of her anger. When she opened them, Harry was standing right in front of him. She tried to turn her head, but he put both of his hands on the side of her face and made her look at him. “Hermione, please, I am begging you. It is important, just listen to what I have to say and then when I’m done, you can decide whether you want to leave or not,” Harry said with pleading eyes. He had to get her to give him a chance. “Fine, talk!” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest and plopped down on the bed. Harry began to pace in front of her, working out how to tell her so that she would believe him. “Anyway, I had my reasons to spy on you,” Harry began and Hermione huffed. Harry ignored her and continued, “I heard you two talking for a moment, and then you left. Well, Gregory wasn’t alone Hermione.” Harry watched as Hermione finally turned to look at him. He could see the confusion written on her face. “There was someone else there. When you turned to leave, they stepped out of the shadows. I didn’t see who it was, because I was hiding around the corner, but it wasn’t someone good. They were calling you names and Gregory said he had you wrapped around his finger,” Harry said and Hermione was staring at him intently. “He then asked the figure what to do about me, and they said they would take care of me,” Harry said and Hermione began to shake her head. “You’re lying! Gregory would never do anything to hurt me!” Hermione said, still in denial. She looked down at the floor, not wanting to believe anything Harry was saying. “Hermione, I swear, I’m not lying to you! We’ve been friends for seven years, do you not trust me? Why would I say these things?” Harry said, pleading with her. “Gregory said you would try and say something about him. Why are you doing this! You don’t want me to be happy. I didn’t want to believe Gregory, but he was right all along!” Hermione said, looking back to Harry with tears swimming in her eyes. Harry dropped down to her level and took her by the arms. He looked her right in the eye and said, “Hermione, listen to me. I swear I would never, ever, do something to hurt you! I’m only telling you the truth. How well do you really know Gregory? You don’t, but you do know me and you should know that I wouldn’t lie to you. What do I have to gain?” Hermione looked at him, and Harry continued on, “Hermione, I would never want to see you unhappy. I only want the best for you.” He was about to continue when Hermione interrupted. “No you don’t! You don’t want me to be happy because you’re unhappy! I’m just Hermione Granger, below any other girl in this school. No one wants me, and finally when I find someone who does, you come and try to mess it up! Can’t you just leave me alone Harry and stop this! Please, stop this!” Hermione said. She had jumped up during her rant and was moving about the room. Tears were falling down her cheeks and she tried to come to terms with what Harry was saying. She couldn’t believe Harry would do this to her. “Hermione! I am NOT going to stop this! I can’t let you get hurt! God damn Hermione!” Harry was screaming now too and he was getting frustrated. He rammed a hand through his hair, trying to control his anger. “Can’t you see that I won’t let him do this to you. Not when I love you!” Harry couldn’t believe what he had just said. He watched as Hermione’s eyes widened at the comment. He didn’t want to tell her like this, when they were shouting at each other. Hermione couldn’t believe her ears*. Did he just say…? No, he couldn’t have. Yes he did. Harry Potter just admitted that he loved me*. Hermione looked him in the eyes and whispered, “You love me?” Harry walked over to her, so they were standing almost nose to nose and looked her right in the eyes. “Hermione, I love you more than I could ever imagine. I have loved you since the first day I saw you. You brighten my day and I was so stupid to take this long to see it. Hermione Granger, I love you,” Harry whispered as he brushed her hair from her eyes. Hermione didn’t know what to say at the moment, so she did the only thing that she could. She closed the distance between them and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. They parted and stood looking at each other. It only took about a few more seconds before both of them were eager for more. Harry pulled her closer and grabbed the back of her neck. Hermione threaded her fingers into his hair as they began to probe each others mouth, tasting each other in a way that they had never done before. Hermione loved the feel of Harry’s fingers moving over her skin and the tingling sensation that it was forming over her body. He kissed so wonderfully and Hermione could have sworn she saw fireworks. *So this is the kind of kiss that means love.* Love? Did she love him back? Yes, she did, she knew now that she had always loved him; the way she always cared for him and worried about him. How she would make it a point to be near him and how his opinions always mattered. How her heart sank when she saw him with another girl or when Ron had suggested that he was meeting a girl. She smiled into the kiss that was full of passion and love. They pulled apart for oxygen, both breathing deeply, and they looked into each other’s eyes. Harry couldn’t believe he just kissed Hermione like that. It was by far the best kiss he had ever had in his short life, and he hoped there were more to come. Something finally looked as if it was going his way. He had just told Hermione he loved her and he just shared a passionate kiss with her. His heart was doing back flips within his chest. The joy was hard to contain. Hermione grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. She looked back into his eyes and pulled him into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he hugged her tightly to his chest. She leaned down to his ear and whispered softly, “I love you, too!” Harry withdrew and it was his turn to stare at her wide-eyed. Hermione smiled from ear to ear at his stunned expression and began to giggle. “Is it really that shocking, Mr. Potter?” Harry shook himself out of his trance and grinned back. “Actually, Miss Granger it is. I never would have thought that you would love me in return.” “Harry, listen to me,” Hermione began as she led him to the bed and they sat beside each other, fingers still laced together. “You are a wonderful person and the sweetest person I know. I have loved you for so long; I don’t remember when I didn’t. The only reason I went out with Gregory was to fill a void in my heart. A hole that was missing something, and at that time, I didn’t know what. But now I do,” Hermione said, looking at him intently. “I was missing you!” Harry smiled at her comment and he leaned in for another kiss. This one was calmer; it was more of a kiss to let each other know how they felt. When they pulled back, Hermione thought about something. “Harry, you never answered me. Where were you going at night?” Harry looked at her and his smile disappeared. “Well, when I thought Gregory might be up to something, I had to watch him. So every night, I took my invisibility cloak and stood outside the Ravenclaw portrait hole to see who he was meeting, but he never came out. But every night, I would sit there so that I could find out what he was up to.” Harry was fully expecting another shout from Hermione, so he looked toward the ground. He was shocked when he felt her warm hand on his cheek. He turned to look at her and she was on the verge of tears again. “You did that for me? Because you were worried about what would happen to me?” Hermione asked. She couldn’t believe he would do all that for her. *No wonder he was tired, poor thing!* Harry nodded and Hermione smiled. A few tears leaked from her eyes. She pulled him close and gave him a long, seductive kiss. “I love you so much Harry Potter!” Hermione said quietly. Harry smiled again, but wasted no time in sealing her mouth with his. Harry was laying on Hermione, and they were both on her bed. His hand was on her stomach and her arms were wrapped around his back. They continued to taste and explore each other. Harry left Hermione’s mouth and wondered down her jaw line, outlining it with sweet kisses. He found a spot on her neck and began sucking lightly. Hermione giggled from the tiny tickling feeling that swept her body. Harry and Hermione were lost in each other, they didn’t know that the time had flown by and it was already tweleve. Hermione’s eyes widened when she saw the time. “Harry?” she said and he mumbled something, but continued to suck on her neck. “I hate to break this up, but it is already twelve, and I need to get some homework done before bed.” Harry let go of her neck and sat up abruptly. He turned to the clock and stood up from the bed. Hermione wondered what was wrong, as she gazed at his anxious moves. “Harry, what’s wrong?” Harry looked back toward and he said, “Today, when I heard Gregory talking in the Astronomy tower, the other person with him told him to meet him behind the greenhouse at one tonight.” Hermione looked at him and said, “So, are we going to go?” “No, we,” Harry said pointing from him to her, “aren’t going, but I’m going!” Hermione sat up and looked Harry right in the face. “Harry James Potter, don’t give me this hero crap right now! I am going with you and that’s final. I have to see what Gregory is up to. He has been tricking me lately, and I have a right to find out why!” Hermione gave him a stern glare. Harry nodded his head. “Ok, but if anything happens, you have stay out of the way!” Harry told her as he got out his invisibility cloak. He rummaged through, looking for his Marauder’s Map, but he couldn’t find it. Suddenly it dawned on him that he let Ron borrow it, so he and Lavender could have some “alone time”. Hermione saw the nervous look on Harry and asked him what was wrong. “I let Ron borrow the map so he and Lavender could be al tonight. I don’t know where he is so I can get it back!” Harry told her. “Well, let’s just go without it. We still have the cloak, and we’ll just have to be extra careful,” Hermione said. They left the room, and headed out the portrait hole. Harry threw the cloak over them as they made their way through the castle and behind the greenhouses. They hid behind a tree in the corner and watched for anyone to arrive. Time passed and no one came. Harry looked at his watch, which read 1:45 am, and sighed. “Maybe it’s tomorrow,” Hermione offered and Harry shook his head. “No, it was tonight. I’m sure of it. Something’s wrong!” Harry answered. “Let’s get back to the castle, something doesn’t feel right.” They began to move, but suddenly they felt a strong tug on the invisibility cloak. It was yanked off of them. Harry and Hermione gripped their wands and turned around to find Gregory and another figure person, who was hidden behind a cloak, standing there. Harry was about to say a spell, but Gregory was quicker. “Expelliarmus!” he said and both Harry and Hermione’s wands shot into his hand. “Well, looks like you aren’t going anywhere!” Gregory hissed before he turned and shouted “Stupefy!” toward Hermione. She fell to the ground and Harry’s anger surged, but he didn’t get to say anything to him as he suddenly heard the curse fired at him and everything went black. **Hope everyone liked it. Sorry for the cliffhanger, I hope to have the next chapter out soon! Please REVIEW!!!!!!!!!** 9. Chapter Eight ---------------- **A/N: I’m sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I hope everyone likes it and thanks for the reviews!** **Disclaimer: I own nothing!** **Trying Times** **Chapter Eight** Harry woke up, feeling dazed and confused. He opened his eyes, but his vision was distorted and hazy. His head throbbed with pain. He tried to move his arm to rub the headache away, but his arm wouldn’t respond. He tried moving it again and realized that something was holding it down. His vision began to clear and he was in a room. He noticed that he was tied up to a chair. His arms were bound behind his back and his legs were strapped to the chair. He surveyed the area and saw that he was in a small room. Something caught his eye, and he turned to see Hermione laid out on a table. Her arms and legs were bound to each corner, and there was a small table beside it, covered by a green cloth. Concern flooded his insides as he tried to see if Hermione was ok. He could see the small rising of her chest and sighed. He felt better knowing that she was breathing. “Hermione,” Harry said, but his voice was scratchy. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Hermione,” he said in a louder whisper. He could see her stirring and he knew she could hear him. “Hermione!” Harry said one more time with urgency. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around to see where the voice was coming from. She saw Harry tied to a chair and fear consumed her body. She then noticed she was tied down to a table. “Harry?” Hermione asked in a weak voice. Fear was evident in her voice and Harry just wanted to get up and hold her in his arms. “Hermione, are you ok?” Harry asked soothingly. He didn’t raise his voice, because he didn’t know if anyone was beyond the door that was at the end of the room, opposite of Harry and Hermione. He didn’t want to alert them that they were now awake; he needed to talk to Hermione and figure out a plan for escape. Hermione looked up at her hands, which were bound by a strap to the table; the same thing was done to her feet. She turned back to Harry and said, “My head hurts, that’s about all. What about you?” “Same thing,” Harry answered. He looked around the room, trying to see if there was anything around that could help them. “Harry, what happened?” Hermione asked and Harry looked back over to her. Her eyes were wide and he could see tears forming in the corners. The sight of her was breaking his heart. “I don’t really know. I just remember that we went out to spy on Gregory and then someone came up behind us. They stupefied you, and I remember that Gregory was standing there, with another person. I couldn’t see who it was because they were hidden behind a cloak. I think they stupefied me, too,” Harry finished and he could see that Hermione was contemplating all the information he had given her. “Harry, I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you about Gregory. If I had, we wouldn’t be in this mess,” Hermione said and tears began running down her cheeks. “You didn’t know Hermione. Gregory fooled everyone; I was just able to see through his act. But let’s not worry about that now, we need to figure out how we are going to get out of here,” Harry stated, hoping his words would help calm Hermione down. He needed her to be level-headed so they could think up a strategy. “Can you wiggle your way out of those straps?” Hermione pulled and tugged on her arms and legs, but the straps wouldn’t budge. They were so tight it was almost cutting of her circulation. She gave up, knowing it was pointless, and sighed in frustration. She turned back to Harry. “They won’t move, they’re too tight,” she said. “Damn,” Harry said aloud. He couldn’t move his either, the ropes were tied to tightly. “What are we going to do, Harry?” Hermione asked. She was beginning to panic again, but she tried to remain calm. “I don’t know, Hermione, but we have to do something. Sooner or later, our captors are going to come in here. We have to have something planned by then,” Harry stated the obvious. He wiggled his hips back and forth, hoping to loosen the ropes, but to no avail. Suddenly he felt something poking him in his leg. Something was in his pocket. Yes, it was his pocketknife, but how could he reach it? “Hermione, there is a pocketknife in my jeans, but I can’t reach it,” Harry said, trying with all his might to wiggle the knife up and out of his pants. “Well, there is a hole in the back of the chair, right?” Hermione asked and Harry felt. Yes, he could feel a hole. He nodded his head. “Try and push your hands through it a little and reach inside and pull it out.” Harry tried moving his arms, but he couldn’t reach it. He was so close. He tried again, but still he couldn’t get his arm in long enough. He kept trying to reach it, using all his might, but he couldn’t get it free. “It’s not working, Hermione!” Harry said through clenched teeth. “Keep trying,” Hermione urged as she tried to loosen out of the straps. Suddenly the doorknob began to rattle and Hermione and Harry stopped their movements. They held their breath as the door began to open. Staring at the door they awaited for whoever it was to enter. As the door opened completely, in stepped a malicious looking Gregory. He sneered at them and made his way into the center of the room. “Well, now, you two have a nice rest?” he mocked and Harry’s anger began to rise. He stared and Gregory, hoping to pass some of his anger through his eyes. Hermione couldn’t believe that she had trusted this person, let alone kiss him. She felt disgusted, used, and stupid. *Harry was right all the time, yet I refused to believe him. How could I do that?* “Not up to talking I see, well that’s ok. I’ll do the enough talking for all of us. You see, I guess you’re both wondering what the plan was or even why you are here,” Gregory said. Neither Harry nor Hermione said anything, so Gregory continued. He took out his wand from his pocket and twirled it in his hands. “The great Harry Potter is in my capture, I will certainly get praises for this. My master is very pleased with me.” “You can go to hell! I should have known you were working with Voldemort all along,” Harry shouted, unable to contain his opinions any longer. Gregory smiled and began a slight laughter. “So you think Voldemort is my master, huh? Well, it would be the obvious choice, now wouldn’t it?” Gregory said and Harry and Hermione were both confused. “My master is not Voldemort. I don’t want to waste time trying to rule the world or ridding the planet of muggles and mudbloods!” Gregory sneered and Hermione’s face turned to one of scorn. “No, my only goal in life is to get rid of you,” Gregory said, looking vehemently at Harry. Harry wasn’t surprised; it always seemed to be him. “And seeing as how Voldemort has yet to destroy you, I decided to take things into my own hands. There was only one other person who had the same objective as you, but they also had a vendetta with the little mudblood here,” Gregory said, turning his attention to Hermione. She didn’t say anything, but her face was etched in hate. She narrowed her eyes at him. *How could I have ever seen anything good in him?* “So it worked out perfectly. I get to kill Harry here, and my master gets to kill you,” Gregory pointed his wand at Hermione and Harry fumed. “You are not going to do anything to us! You’re too much of a coward!” Harry snarled and Gregory shifted his sight to Harry. He walked closer and lowered himself so that he was eye level with Harry. “Tsk, Tsk, Harry. Do you really think that since I now have you, tied to a chair, incapacitated, that you will be able to escape?” Gregory snarled and he leaned himself closer to Harry. He put both of his hands on chairs arms and hissed in Harry’s face. “The boy-who-lived, will live no more!” He pushed Harry’s chair with great force, slamming him into the back wall. Even though it hurt his head, and not including his hands, it shifted the knife further up from his jeans. It was at the tip and Harry knew he could reach it now, but he had to do it inconspicuously. Gregory stood in front of Harry, leaning down. He was about to say something, but he was interrupted by Hermione. “Why are you doing this? How could I ever see some good in such filth as you?” Hermione shouted. Her veins were pounding with intense anger. She just couldn’t believe she was so easily fooled. Gregory laughed a bit, and turned around to face Hermione. This gave Harry a chance to reach into his pocket. He reached as far as he could and the tips of his fingers touched the top of the knife. “I seem to think that you really liked me. You were so easily fooled,” Gregory sneered, laughing at Hermione’s idiocy. “I really thought you cared,” Hermione said in a voice filled with malice and contempt. Gregory began laughing again and started to pace the room. “Did you really think someone like me would even date someone like you?” He scoffed. “Oh, that’s right you did! I just don’t see how the smartest girl in Hogwarts would actually believe that someone would take interest in her!” Harry clenched his teeth together, trying to hold back himself from commenting. He hated hearing this guy put down Hermione, but he couldn’t draw attention to himself, the knife was just within his reach. “That’s a lie! I may have believed you, but I deserve someone who is wonderful and good to me. You are just trash! No one wants you; that’s why you have to fill yourself up with your macho ego and go around being someone you’re not!” Hermione screamed with rage. She was completely livid with Gregory and she couldn’t control her anger any longer. The comment seemed to hit a nerve with Gregory because he stopped his pacing abruptly. Whipping around he charged at Hermione, wand drawn. He stuck it in her face. Harry watched, hoping that he wouldn’t do anything to her. His fingers were just clasping onto the knife and he almost had it free, but he stopped when he saw Gregory so angry. Hermione’s eyes widened at the wand in her face. She knew she struck a cord with that one. “I would kill you right now, if I wasn’t instructed to wait. No, I want you to suffer before you die. No “Avada Kedavra” tonight!” Gregory said as he ran the end of wand down Hermione’s chin. “The only thing I regret is never having my way with you before now. But no, you would only kiss, never letting me go further! You’re such a prude! Are you scared for people to see how ugly you are! That’s why you hide yourself behind your baggy clothes!” Gregory shouted into Hermione’s face. Hermione had to hold back the tears. What he said really hurt, but she couldn’t let him see her cry, because if he did he would know he had some control over her, which was something she wasn’t going to let him have. Harry’s blood was bubbling with surpassed rage. He wanted to ram his arm down Gregory’s throat for saying such things to Hermione. With one stronger bout of energy, Harry reached up, clamped down on the pocketknife, and pulled it free. He clenched it into his hands, and now he was free to finally say something back to the bastard. His face was sweating from the strength he just used to free the knife, and it was a few shades red from the fury he felt within. “You bastard! How dare you talk to her like that! She is a beautiful and caring person, and the one person I’m in love with!” Harry shouted with passion and conviction. He looked over at Hermione and saw her smile at him as a few tears leaked from his eyes. He gave her a warm smile, but when he looked back at Gregory, the smile immediately vanished. “So you love her, do you?” Gregory said, with a sick smile on his face. He edged closer to Harry, but still stayed close to Hermione. “Well, then it will be so much fun for us when you have to watch us torture and kill her!” “You won’t touch her!” Harry raged. He turned back to Hermione and saw the terror written all over her features. She was biting her bottom lip to keep from crying. “Ah, but I must say that I will!” Gregory shared as he made his way back toward Hermione. “As soon as my master gets here, we can start the fun,” Gregory said. “I think we can start now,” a voice said and they all looked over to the door. They didn’t even hear the door open, but the figure was standing in the doorway. The cloak was still covering their features and the voice was a bit distorted. Hermione figured that the person had used a voice altering spell. *So that means we know this person!* The figure walked in the room and shut the door behind them. “Finally you’re here! I was hoping we could start soon!” Gregory said to the person. “Yes, well I’m glad to see my prisoners are in such happy moods,” the figure said sarcastically as both Harry and Hermione’s faces showed their anger. The figure walked closer and smiled at Gregory. “So Silverton, do you think it’s time?” the figure asked and Gregory smiled. “Yes,” Gregory replied, simply. He took in a large breath and rubbed his hands together, eager to begin. “Show yourself, or are you too scared to let us know who you really are?” Hermione said bravely. Harry looked over at her and was amazed by her audacity. He was using the knife to cute the ropes, but he was barely getting anywhere. He was trying to make it look like he wasn’t doing anything, which meant he had to go slow, and the ropes were huge, but he continued nonetheless. The figure began to laugh. “I always knew you were bold, Miss Granger. I will be glad to show you my true form!” The person took out their wand and muttered an incantation, too quiet for Hermione to catch what it was. Hermione figured it was to change her voice back to its regular state. Slowly the figure lowered their hood and Harry and Hermione both let out a gasp. They stood shocked at who the person was. Suddenly everything clicked. Why they hadn’t been able to see them before, why they were able to hide without Hermione seeing them in the Astronomy Tower, why they were able to sneak into Hogwarts so easily. Harry’s anger surged as he stared at the face of the one person who had made his life hell; the one person who caused so much controversy and strife for him; one of the people Harry hated most in life. The person laughed at the stunned expressions of the teens and smiled. Harry and Hermione both stood staring at the eyes of, none other than…………………………….Rita Skeeter! **Another cliffhanger! Hope everyone liked this chapter. I was actually thinking of not even including the identity of the partner until next chapter, but I’m not that mean! Anyway, the next chapter should be out soon. This story maybe has two or three chapters left! Let me know what you think by REVIEWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!**