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The Last Year by PercyWeasley12

The Last Year


Author's Note: Listen I know that this isn't the best way to start the first chapter, but bear with me. It gets really, really good in my second chapter!!!!!!!! I do not own any characters in this story. I like to think of me writing a story as building a house. I am borrowing some J.K. Rowling's foundation to build what I like to think of as a four-story house.

Chapter One:

The Year of New Beginnings and Secrets

"Where's Ron?" asked Hermione as she looked up from a book. It was morning and the Great Hall was filled with buzzing students ready for their first class of the term. It was raining outside lightly.

"I don't know I haven't seen him since the feast last night. He looked kind of sick though he hardly touched any food at all," answered Harry as he forked some scrambled eggs in his mouth.

"Really? Maybe we ought to talk to him Harry. Actually come to think of it he's been acting kind of queer since that night we spent in that hotel over the summer," said Hermione with a quizzical look on her face.

"So, Herms how's head girl been?" asked Harry with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Call me that again and I'll make you wish that you weren't the boy who lived!" she said deadpan. Harry laughed amused that Hermione was so easy to get. "It's been a struggle. The worse part is that it takes time away from my studies."

"Yes and everyone knows that you shouldn't come between Miss Granger and her studies," said Ron cheekily as he sat down beside Hermione and removed several pieces of bacon and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Wow, Ron you're so polite. You always ask people for their food and when you're done you say thank you. Oh I hope that one day I'll find a man like you someday," said Hermione sarcastically as she frowned at Ron.

"Maybe if you let your hair down every now and then, Miss Granger you might find someone like me," said Ron cheekily as he loaded his own plate down with food.

"I'd be so honored to marry a pig like you Ron," she said icily.

Knowing that an argument was coming, Harry interrupted, "Where've you been, Ron?"

"Er, um, I was just, um," he stared up at the staff table. "In McGonagall's office going over me schedule!" he said quickly.

"Really? Then Ron can you explain why you seem to be wet?" asked Harry.

Ron scowled. "Can't a chap be wet without any fucking reason why? I swear you two have been getting on my last nerves!" Ron angrily got up from the table and stalked away.

Over at the Slytherin table, Malfoy's voice echoed out in the Great Hall, "Weasley, are you sure that you want to actually turn away food? I mean you'd think that you'd be slurping it down since we all know that your father doesn't make enough to feed your family at home." Laughs erupted from the Slytherin table, but Ron just stalked out of the Great Hall.

"Was it something we said?" asked Harry as he and Hermione stared in awe at Ron.

"No, Ron has been a little edgy lately," said Hermione softly.

"Hermione?" asked Harry.

"Yes?" she said looking up from her book.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something," said Harry as his face began to turn scarlet.

"What?" asked Hermione.

"Well um, you've been, er, sorta, er, avoiding me since what happened in Diagon Alley."

Hermione began to burn red also.

"I really didn't mean to walk in on you like that Hermione. I honestly thought that you were done in with shower that night," he said turning a shade that would've matched anyone of the Weasley's hair as Hermione did likewise.

"Oh well, um Harry. Well I haven't been, um avoiding you per say. It's just that," Hermione face turned a shade of red not known even to Crayola. "I haven't ever been seen completely naked by anyone except my parents," said Hermione.

"Well, I hope it wasn't uncomfortable," said Harry. "Uncomfortable? What the hell are you thinking?" he thought miserably.

"Um no, actually I didn't mind it at all. It was kind of natural," she lied. Harry's eyes widened. "Like being naked in front of a big brother really," she added quickly. "Because you'll only think of me as little sister anyway," she thought.

"A big brother? Way to go Harry. It doesn't matter that I love her. She'll always see me as an older brother," he thought. "Well, we ought to get goin' to class, huh?" asked Harry.

"Um, yeah," said Hermione gathering her books. "Oh, Harry, if you only knew that I don't see you as a big brother, I see you as the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, because the truth is that, I love you with all my heart and soul," she thought as they walked to class.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ron knew that he shouldn't have yelled at Harry and Hermione, but he couldn't help it. He'd been on edge for what seemed like two months now, every since that night last July. He didn't feel bad about what he'd done in the least bit. Well, it could've happened better than it did. Call him a softie, but he'd felt that what had happened could've been at least a little bit more special. However, he knew that his parents would be very ashamed if they found out what had happened. He felt that everyone could read what had happened on his face and every time he was questioned he felt that they knew and that they were trying to make him admit what had happened. He hadn't even told Harry or Hermione, how could he? How do you tell someone that you're not a virgin? That you slept with Luna Lovegood?

It had all started in May after Harry had vanquished Voldermort in the Forbidden Forest. He'd been stressed and stuck to himself most of the time. It was then that Hermione suggested that the four of them (Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron) take a vacation after the term ended.

They'd told Mr. and Mrs. Weasley this and they severely objected (mostly Mrs. Weasley.) `You're too young,' Mrs. Weasley had exclaimed. It had taken some serious convincing plus Percy promising to keep an eye on them and Mrs. Weasley decided to let the teens stay at the inn above the Leaky Cauldron by themselves over the summer.

But, at the last minute, Ginny for some insane reason decided to stay at Hogwarts and Luna decided to go in her place. It had been on Harry's birthday that it had happened. Luna had suggested that the four go to a secluded bar (to avoid the press) where they'd ordered round after round of Fire Whiskey and all got dead drunk. They apparated back to their rooms, Harry and Hermione, to their own rooms, but Ron and Luna both apparated back to Ron's room. They'd began to kiss passionately and eventually they made love. They had been dating since January of Ron's sixth year and had been very happy, but just the thought of how his parents would look at him if they knew made him sick. He hadn't even used protection. Or maybe it was the way it had happened. Ron felt that he'd taken advantage of Luna after all she was drunk, but then again so was he.

"Ron, wait up," came a voice behind him as he marched up the stairs. Ron turned around and stared into the blue and dreamy eyes of his girlfriend, Luna Lovegood. "What was that all about back there?" asked Luna.

"Oh it was nothing," answered Ron sheepishly.

"Well, it sure didn't sound like nothing," said Luna. "You've been hiding something these past few whatever, Ron and you won't tell me."

"I'm not hiding anything," Ron said defensively. He still hadn't told Luna how he felt.

"Oh really Ron? Listen, I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you. Yet, I feel that you're drifting away from me," she said.

"I love you too Luna and I promise you that I'm not drifting away. It's just that, well I'm feeling down about the pressures of being head boy and I'm taking it out on everyone else," said Ron. He then walked down the steps and kissed Luna passionately. "I gotta run to my dormitory and get something before class starts."

"Okay, well don't forget about our walk around the lake," she said.

"I won't. Bye," he said before jogging up the stairs.

"Whatever's bothering you Ronald Weasley I'm going to find out, because if I don't, we might lose our lives to a place must worst than hell," thought Luna as she watched him jog out of her sight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile Ginny actually was in McGonagall's office.

"Miss Weasley I do understand that you are well ahead of your sixth year studies and are at the level where you'd be acceptable for several seventh year courses, but it is unheard of for a sixth year to jump a year ahead!" said Professor McGonogall.

"But Professor, when we talked this summer you said that it might possible!" squealed Ginny.

"Yes, I know-"

"And I've even taken my sixth year tests! You promised Professor!"

"Be that as it may, Miss Weasley, there are a few people here at Hogwarts who feel that you shouldn't go on to your seventh year," said Professor McGonogall.

"But… but, that would mean that I stayed here at Hogwarts over the summer for nothing!" squealed Ginny.

"Yes, well-"

But, Professor McGonogall didn't finish her sentence because the Great Headmaster of Hogwarts swept into the room. "Hello Minerva, Ms. Weasley, sorry I'm late," he said. "I received a post from the Ministry of Magic this morning and I had to respond. Do forgive me," McGonogall and Ginny looked shocked wondering if the other had invited Professor Dumbledore. "Go on."

"Professor Dumbledore, I don't recall inviting you to this meeting," said Professor McGonogall as she looked at Ginny suspiciously.

"Oh, no one invited me Minerva, I overheard you and Ms. Weasley talking last night at the feast. Well, lets get on with it," said Dumbledore excitedly.

"Well, I was just telling Miss Weasley that due to certain circumstances, we won't be able to let her skip ahead to the seventh year."

"Oh nonsense, Minerva. The girl spent her whole summer here at Hogwarts constantly working trying to join her friends in seventh their year. She passed all of her courses with marks that were so good I could've mistook her for young Miss Granger," said Dumbledore.

"But, Professor-" started Professor McGonogall. "What about the problem?"

"Oh I've already talked Severus into it," said Dumbledore as he stood.

"Well Miss Weasley, I guess it's settled then. You are now in your seventh year. I expect great things out of you Miss Weasley," said McGonogall also standing.

"Great things indeed Miss Weasley. Now can you hand me your schedule?" asked Dumbledore. He lightly tapped the paper three times with the wand.

Ginny took it back and stared at it. All of her sixth year classes had been changed to seventh year. Best of all she had most of her classes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Thank you, thank you Professor Dumbledore," she said happily as she hugged the old wizard tightly. "Thank you Professor McGonogall!" she said deciding not give McGonogall a hug.

"Well now you better get to class, Miss Weasley," said McGonogall.

"Yes. Yes ma'am!" said Ginny excitedly as she left the room. She paused outside of the door and dreamed about all the adventures the four of them would be having this year. She'd always felt like an outcast and not really apart of the group. She knew the four of them would have tons of adventures even though Harry had vanquished Voldermort to smithereens last April. She decided that she'd go and tell Hermione first, and ask her if she would help her this year. But first, she had to go send two letters, one to her parents telling them that she'd made it, and one to the new love of her life. The main reason why she'd decided to skip her sixth year and jump to seventh year. They'd spent the summer together and he'd helped her with her studies. She had to write him and tell him that they'd be spending a lot more time together, she had to write to Draco Malfoy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ron entered the Gryffindor common room and walked straight into Lavender Brown.

"I'm so sorry, Ron," she said sincerely.

"It's not your fault I've got a ton o' things on my mind," he said sheepishly as helped her pick up her books.

"Um, Ron?"


"I was hoping to speak with you anyway," she said as they picked up the last book and stood straight up.

"What about?"

"Well… I wanted to know if you'd go out with me?" she asked sheepishly staring Ron straight in the eye. She then quickly looked away. Ron knew that if Lavender had known about Luna she wouldn't be asking a question like this. In fact, not many people did know about him and Luna. Last year when they'd hooked up everyone was so on edge about Voldermort. Dumbledore had put strict restrictions on what the students could do. They were walked to class by their teachers. No touring the grounds AT ALL. Harry and Hermione had only found out because, Luna had blabbed her mouth off to Ginny. Other than Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and a few other people, not many people knew about his and Luna's relationship.

Ron had always liked Lavender, but would it be right to go on a date with her while he was still with Luna? No. "Lavender, I'm sorry, but I'm going out with Luna Lovegood from Ravenclaw."

"I know. She's actually the person who made me realize my feelings for you."

"What do you mean?" he asked astounded.

"I was in the compartment with all of your friends on the train yesterday. She kept going on and on about how great you are and that made me realize that I missed out on something great. So, will you?" she asked.

"Lavender! Are you asking me to cheat on Luna?"

"Well yeah. I mean just one date, Ron. Just one date and if it doesn't work out, you can go back to Luna and no one will ever have to know."

"Lavender, I don't know, I mean-

"Just one date," she said pleadingly.

"Okay," said Ron slowly.

"Fine meet me here in the common room tonight at eleven o'clock," she said as a big beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Okay," said Ron not believing what he was doing. Lavender climbed out of the hole. He knew that he shouldn't have agreed, but he really needed a break from his day to day life. Things for the Weasley family couldn't have been worse. Fred and George had been accused of selling defective merchandise, Bill had been accused of stealing from Gringotts, and even Charlie had been accused of making a dragon that he'd been training, attack a rival dragon-trainer. Ron just needed a break.

"You won't regret it Ron," she called into the common room just before the portrait whole closed.

"Then how come I think I will?" asked Ron to himself.