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A Day in the Life of Harry Potter by katediggory

A Day in the Life of Harry Potter



Thought you'd get a laugh out of the article enclosed here (from today's Witch Weekly)- looks like Harry finally gave in to Lavender's endless owls and let her follow him around for the day for her column.

I can't believe you've only been gone for three weeks; it seems like so much longer. You'd better be back here on time next week as I'm experiencing definite Draco withdrawal symptoms!

Be careful, and give Tonks a hug from me.

Love always,



A Day in the Life of…Harry Potter

By Lavender Brown

Harry Potter is notoriously wary of the press, quite possibly for good reason after scathing reports about himself and his friends over the years, however, after some shameless pleading by an old school friend Harry relented and has allowed this reporter to follow him around today.

No one will need to hear any of Harry's history, nor accounts of his victory over Voldemort, but his actions during the four years since that final battle are more of a mystery to the Wizarding world. Just what has Mr. Potter been up to recently?

I arrived at Harry's London home at ten in the morning on this bright spring morning, and am amused to see that from first impressions Harry has changed little in the last four years. He's dressed in a pair of worn blue jeans and a white t-shirt, he's barefoot and his unruly black hair is hanging wet in his eyes.

"Hi Lavender, sorry, I'm running a bit behind this morning." Harry says ushering me into his home, displaying his trademark charming grin.

I'm directed into a spacious living room, one wall of which appears to be enchanted glass, letting in abundant sunlight, whilst from the outside the house had appeared to be the same as the others on the quiet street.

Harry reappears a moment later wearing a pair of casual shoes, his hair now magically dried. Harry offers me a drink, and retrieves some coffee from the kitchen, not once leaving his seat, simply flicking his hand to summon the drinks, casually displaying the wandless magic, which makes him the most powerful wizard in decades. He doesn't think twice about the display, simply chatting away to me nervously, unsure of what our day together entails.

HP: So, you're just going to follow me around for the whole day?

LB: Pretty much, just to observe your daily routine, and interview along the way.

HP: Ah, well today's Friday so it's not exactly a usual day for me. (He smiles)

LB: Why are Friday's different to any other day?

HP: Friday's my day off. I tend to catch up on small chores in the morning, and then it's the weekly lunch.

LB: Weekly lunch?

HP: Hermione, Ron and I meet for lunch every Friday without exception. It's a tradition we started not long after graduation. We all lived together for a few months then, until it became apparent we needed a bit of space, but Hermione didn't want us all to drift apart so the weekly lunches began. Of course we see each other often during the week other than the lunches, but it's usually the only time we get just the three of us.

LB: The Famous Trio.

HP: (chuckles) Yep, that's the three of us. I know we laugh about it, but we were together an awful lot of the time. We're closer than most friends will ever been, but I suppose that's to be expected considering what we've been through together. There are all sorts of muggle theories about the bond you form with those you've faced death with, and the number of times people have tried to kill us over the years it's not really surprising we're so close!

LB: (laughs) Well, that's one way to look at it! You always did have a rather twisted sense of humour I seem to remember….Anyway, So I'm getting rather a treat today, a bit of a three in one interview over lunch as well as being able to see you on your day off. But the question I guess everyone wants to know is, what are you taking a day off from?

HP: Ah, well, I'll tell you that later on. The other two were curious about your reaction so I wont disappoint them. (Harry grins) I am still officially on the pay roll of the Ministry, though for the last two years I haven't worked for them full-time.

LB: Since you worked as an auror?

HP: Yes, I went straight into the auror division when I graduated from Hogwarts. It was what I'd been trained to do since I was eleven years old really, and there were still Death Eaters out there in hiding, or some even living in the open and feigning innocence. It was a personal thing in many ways, I've lost so much at the hands of Voldemort and his supporters, and I thought I'd get to have my own life once I killed Voldemort but I knew straight away I couldn't do that: I had to help catch the other Death Eaters. It was hard work, and it's work that I do enjoy to a degree, despite the danger. I've had, and still have great friends within the auror division since I was fourteen I suppose. Tonks especially has saved my skin many times, and is a great friend.

LB: Nymphadora Tonks?

HP: (laughs) I wouldn't call her that to her face. I believe Albus was the only one she didn't threaten to hex when he used her full name, she's an incredible auror and so much fun, she could give Fred and George Weasley a run for their money, and she has done several times…She's part of my family.

LB: Whom else do you consider family? I take Ron and Hermione to be included as well as Tonks…

HP: Obviously Hermione, Ron, Megan, Tonks, Remus Lupin, Molly and Arthur Weasley, Hagrid and Olympe, Fred, George, Angelina, Katie, and Charlie Weasley, Ginny and Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Gabrielle Delacour...I suppose they're my closest family. My family was obviously a lot larger before the war…though I never knew my parents I feel close to them, their friends and mentors have told me so much of their lives I feel I knew them…Sirius Black, one of the most important people in my life, he told me the truth about so many things, he was on the run from the Dementors the few years I was able to know him, he died to save me, an amazing guy, and he definitely taught me how to break a few rules…Luna Lovegood, her death was so tragic, well all these deaths were tragic, but Luna was so young, yet perhaps the bravest I have ever seen anyone in death…Fleur Delacour, she was a close friend, and extended family, an incredible witch. Bill Weasley, so like the twins, so full of life, and a great big brother. And obviously Albus…the most amazing man, incredibly powerful, he understood and was there for me even though I didn't know it. Of course we had our differences, but he was the best mentor and friend I could have asked for. The list just goes on and on…It wasn't exactly safe to know me during the war.

LB: Some of the list is surprising to me.

HP: Who?

LB: Well, Draco Malfoy to start! If Voldemort was your nemesis I rather thought Draco would fill the number two spot, yet you consider him family?

HP: (laughs lightly) Well I guess I can't blame people who are surprised about our friendship, we did hate other for several years, well, actually I suppose we just hated what the other stood for, and to be honest we didn't know each other at all. Draco was a vital figure during the last two years of the war, he put his life on the line, turned his back on his family and was an extremely good spy for the Order of the Phoenix. He may still be an irritating guy at times, and not many people can get my hackles up, but Draco does it for amusement sometimes, he knows how to get under my skin.

LB: And that makes him family?

HP: Well, If Draco hadn't helped me get hold of my anger, and how to control it I doubt I would have fared so well in battles. He was a friend throughout the end of the war, and within the auror division, but now that he's with Ginny he's family. She's my little sister, and he makes her incredibly happy.

LB: I also didn't realise you were so close to the Delacour sisters.

HP: Well I've known them since the Tri-Wizard tournament of course, and I actually dated Fleur for a few months, but we both knew that wasn't going to work out, particularly as I think Bill would have killed me if it had! She and Bill really were perfect for one another, If they hadn't been attacked that day they would have been married now, it was a huge shock, coming after the end of the war…Gabrielle was a friend before their murders, but Molly and Arthur really welcomed her into the Weasley fold after that. They're wonderful that way; they've practically adopted Gabrielle, Hermione, Neville and myself throughout the years.

LB: I had no idea you and Fleur had dated. How did you managed to keep that one a secret?

HP: It was a long time ago…I have extremely fond memories of Fleur, and I'm not the only one who misses her and Bill every day. I miss them all every day.

LB: There weren't any other women you've dated in the list.

HP: I'm still reasonably good friends with the few women I've dated, but I have all the family I need.

Our conversation is broken here at an opportune moment as Harry looks at his watch, and indicates we should get ready to leave for lunch.

HP: Back in a moment. I'd better let Hermione know it's time to leave, she'll be caught up in her writing.

At this I expect Harry to contact her by Floo but he instead strolls along the hall to the back of the house and knocks cautiously on the door at the end of the hallway. There's no answer.

HP: `Mione, we need to head out to the restaurant. We're going to walk to give you time to finish what you're working on, meet us there in a bit?

Hermione's voice shouts a distracted "Thanks" through the doorway and Harry returns to me, grabs his jacket from by the door and leads me out into the street. We begin to walk along, though I have no idea where we're going and am admittedly rather confused.

LB: Hermione was working in your house?

HP: Oh that's her office. You know she writes books, mainly muggle books.

LB: I didn't realise she worked from your home. I hadn't heard a sound since we'd been talking.

HP: You'd never know she was there until someone interrupts her. A quick warning; never interrupt her when she's in the middle of a paragraph. I'm sure you remember what she was like if you interrupted her homework in the Common Room…I've been hexed several times in the past, you learn never to open the door until she answers! (Harry laughs and winks at me)

LB: So where do the three of you meet for lunch? A different place every week?

HP: Oh no, the same place every Friday, the same table in fact. We know the place very well. (He smiles) It's just a few minutes walk.