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Last Time by goodhumorgal

Last Time


Note: Ficlet is based on the song `Suckerpunch' by Bowling for Soup.

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She was walking towards him. His mouth was dry, his hands were clammy, Merlin this wasn't how you were supposed to behave around your best friend.

Your life-saving, grade-A, heart-breaking best friend at that.

Harry and Hermione's relationship had always been platonic. Always. No exceptions. It was the same between Hermione and Ron although Harry was quite sure that Ron didn't have near heart-attacks every time their female counterpart came near.

He saw her smiling happily, coming up the street towards him. It was all fine and dandy until he saw her hand. It was laced with a man's whom he knew all too well.


- - - - - - - -

Here she comes again with another boyfriend,

Introduces me and says, `This is the sweetest guy I've ever known.'

- - - - - - - -

She introduced Dean to Harry, then Harry to Dean as if they hadn't known each other. Dean's eyes flitted to Harry's familiar scar and Harry felt himself running his hair through his bangs both covering and flaunting his mark of power. Dean knew if he harmed a hair on Hermione's head he would have an angry Harry to deal with and although he wasn't a small man he wasn't excited to duel.

Harry couldn't remember why he had agreed to watch after Ginny's daughter. Perhaps it had something to do with Hermione canceling with her at the last minute. Or maybe it was that she had looked so grateful when he'd offered. Although he knew it had been confirmed when she'd hugged him and told him how lucky she was to have him as a friend. No one could ask for a better one.

- - - - - - -

Couldn't say a word I never say a word, she wraps her arms around my neck.

You are the sweetest guy I've ever known.

- - - - - - -

She was still grinning as he wished them on a happy date. Gritting his teeth he marched back into the flat, knowing that Ginny was going to arrive at any second. He couldn't do this anymore. He watched from the window as they stepped into Dean's car, Hermione's skirt waving goodbye to him. She turned, and for a moment her eyes landed on the very window where he stood.

His heart stopped.

- - - - - - -

And I say again this is the last time.

- - - - - - -

It was Friday again. Only this time the date wasn't Dean. His name was Thomas and he was a stock broker.

"Tom, this is Harry." She was smiling, but not at Harry. Tom was one of those guys who looked good as a geek. You couldn't imagine him as anything else, and yet he pulled it off so well that you found yourself wanting to be around him. He'd hooked a real catch this time.

"Nice to meet you Tom." Harry forced a smile as he shook the outstretched hand. First meetings were always painful. Of course, second ones were worse.

Fortunately or unfortunately, there was no second date with Tom.

As Harry found out the following evening, Tom had spent all night talking about growth stock with a blonde bombshell who was attracted to the fact that he knew anything about money.

"I'm so sorry Hermione," Harry started, "you deserve better."

"Like you?" Hermione chanced a look at him and Harry suddenly realized he was holding his breath. Coming back to form she added, "I'm so glad we're friends," as she snuggled closer to him.

That we are, thought Harry.

- - - - - -

There she goes again, she says I'm her best friend.

We're better off this way she says.

You're still the sweetest guy I've ever known.

- - - - - - -

He couldn't remember a time when he'd wanted to hold onto someone like this and never let go. He supposed it wasn't appropriate to ask if he could hug her forever. Maybe just till next Tuesday. Her head was buried in his chest and his in her hair. He inhaled deeply and fought to stay on his feet. No one said falling in love was easy.

- - - - - - -

The smell stays on my shirt I can't say a word,

And swallow this lump inside my neck.

- - - - - - -

She was smiling that secretive smile at him again. The one that made his heart and brain grow wings. But while one fluttered painfully in his chest, the other flew away; not be seen again until she left the vicinity.

"Harry, can you do me a favor?"

As if he wouldn't. She really didn't even need to ask.


- - - - - - -

You are the sweetest girl I've ever known.

And I say again this is the last time.

- - - - - - -

She had left on vacation for a week, leaving him to housesit. That was what the favor had been. He thought it would be easy. He was wrong.

Everywhere he walked, everything he touched had the essence of Hermione and he couldn't get it away. He slept on the couch, avoiding her bedroom like the plague. He thought that perhaps her leaving would be good for him. It would give him a chance to get away from her and the thoughts that always followed him around whenever she was near. No matter how hard he tried, she always pervaded his thoughts.

If he was walking he'd find that where he was standing was where they had gone swimming at the lake. When he went shopping he remembered holding conversations with cucumbers to make her laugh. He went to the bookstore which was a monumental mistake as every staff person he ran into asked him where Hermione was. Each time a painful lump formed in his throat as he told them that she had just taken a brief vacation.

He missed her.

- - - - - - -

When you left before I didn't care too much, cause I just wished you'd go away

And I see you now and it's just too much. It takes my breath away. Just like a suckerpunch.

- - - - - - -

And then suddenly she was back. And he couldn't breathe because she was so lovely and she was smiling at him and wrapping her arms around his neck and he knew he was grinning like a fool but he didn't care. For a second in time she was his. And for as long as he could remember, he had been hers. He knew he should stop.

Maybe tomorrow.

- - - - - - -

And I say once more this is the last time.