Sudden Love
Harry Potter, also called The Boy Who Lived, woke early in the morning to a house elf standing over him on his bed.
"Dobby, what are you doing?" Harry said with one eye cracked open in a half-awake voice. Dobby had been Harry and his godfather Sirius's house elf for as long as he could remember. It wasn't exactly the first time Harry had been woken up like this.
"Dobby's sorry, sir, but master says its time for breakfast now." Harry glanced at his bedside alarm clock and then back at Dobby and said,
"It's seven o clock. I'm going back to sleep, and it's Sirius, not Master." Dobby frowned at Harry and then jumped off and went to tell Sirius.
Harry had lived with Sirius for his whole life, or at least the past 16 years of it. After his parents had died, and Peter Pettigrew had been sent to Azkaban, his godfather had taken him in and acted as his guardian. They lived in a house near to Godrics Hollow. Harry was fast approaching his seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with his best friends Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy, both in the house of Gryffindor along with him.
Sirius was a rich (retired) auror who mostly now worked for the Order of the Phoenix.
Harry's 17th birthday party had come and gone, a big one that Sirius threw for him in honor of him becoming (in the wizarding world) legal. He could now use magic outside of school, and his apparating test was coming up. He closed his eyes again and thought of his last year at Hogwarts, and his past years. He had gone through so much with Voldemort, along with Ron and Draco, that he could not believe that he was truly gone.
Harry had defeated him last year, right before school ended, and now it seemed like pretty soon he would just come up to Harry on the street and say `Yoo-hoo, Harry! I'm still here!' It seemed unreal. Harry could hardly imagine what a year at Hogwarts would be like without being on caution all the time. Sure, Voldemort's death eaters still remained, well, some of them. Most of them were either dead or in Azkaban, though. And the ones left wouldn't pose as much of a threat as Voldemort had.
`Maybe this year could actually be fun', Harry thought. He smiled slightly, sure, there were still N.E.W.T.S, but now that Voldemort was gone, it was almost like those didn't matter. Harry opened his eyes again as a loud booming voice yelled in his ear,
"UPSYDAISIES, HARRY! TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" Harry looked at his mischievous godfather with his eyebrows raised and said,
"I already told Dobby, and now I'll tell you. I'm. Not. Getting. Up. Yet. It's. Too. Early."
Sirius glared playfully at Harry and said,
"Well, okay. Guess we're not going to Diagon Alley today. No Quality Quidditch Supply stores for us!" Harry bounced out of bed faster than u could say `hippogriff' and ran into the bathroom to take a shower. Sirius chuckled quietly, thinking, works every time, and went down to wait for Harry.
Hermione Granger, also called, well, Hermione Granger, also woke early in the morning, to the sound of her alarm clock blaring loudly. She slammed her hand onto it, only to hit her bedside table hard and wince painfully, ow. She sat up slowly and cradled her hand to her stomach, reaching out with her other hand to hit the off button. Hermione looked around her room, only to think, where am I? And then, oh right. Her family had just moved from France to England. She had had to leave her school, her friends, and what had been her home since she had been 11.
She had gone to Beuxbatons School for Witches and Wizards up until now. It would have been her last year there. Now she was spending her last year at Hogwarts. She thought of what her friends would say if they were here, `Ogwarts, `ow terrible!' She giggled slightly at this. She loved all her friends, but they could not for the life of them adapt to new places. Although she was sad at leaving her home of six years, she was happy to be moving to her hometown, where she had been born.
And Hogwarts was just a new adventure for her. No doubt it would be a good one. Hermione got out of bed and quickly showered and brushed her hair and teeth. She dressed in simple jean shorts and a blue tank top and went downstairs for breakfast. Her parents were muggles, or non-wizarding folk, so they didn't really understand the wizarding world at all, but she loved them just the same. She didn't blame them at all for having to move again, her dad needed a job, and here was one back in London!
When her parents had told her they would be moving back, she was ecstatic! London, where she had grown to eleven, London, where her old friends and family were. If she had been excited to move to France, she was double that excited to move back to England. Her parents were sitting at the table, her mother munching on toast and eggs, and her father sipping coffee and reading the paper.
They were the typical family, or at least they would be if it weren't for Hermione being a witch. They weren't ashamed of her, though, they were quite proud that `their Hermione' was even more special than most children were. She walked to the table and kissed both her parents on the cheek, saying,
"Good morning Mum, Dad! Are we still going to Diagon Alley today?" Her mother smiled at her as her father went back to the paper, and said,
"Sorry, dear, but we have to work today. We figured you, being almost seventeen, could go by yourself, you could use that er…foo powder stuff." Hermione laughed at her mother's mispronunciation and said,
"Yes, that's fine. And it's floo powder, mum." Hermione's parents were both dentists and they had a new job at a just opened dentistry practice.
"What time do you have to leave?" She asked. Her mother looked at her watch and frowned, saying,
"Now, actually! Come on, Robert!" They both kissed Hermione on the cheek and left out the back door, her mother yelling back,
"Love you, Hermione! Be safe!" Hermione laughed and smiled, saying
"I will, Mum, don't worry!" She closed the door and went back to the table to grab some toast, munching on it as she went upstairs to get some money and floo powder. Her room was a typical girls room, one she would definitely have to redecorate. The walls were pink and white, with little hearts all around the room. It was just, too girly! She walked to her trunk and grabbed a pouch of floo powder, along with a pouch full of knuts, sickles, and galleons. She also grabbed her Hogwarts letter, telling her all the books and supplies she would need for this year.
She pulled her wavy hair back into a pretty butterfly clip and walked downstairs to the living room where the fireplace was. Hermione walked in and grabbed a pinch of floo powder from the pouch and threw it down, yelling
"Diagon Alley!" She felt that terrible rushing and spinning, all the while thinking `now this is why I hardly ever travel this way!' Finally she slammed down onto the floor in the fireplace of Flourish and Blotts with a loud OW and got up slowly and carefully, brushing off her clothes and hair that were now full of soot. She looked into the mirror to make sure she had it all off and thought, `well at least I'm in a bookstore! My favorite!' She looked around for a bit and grabbed the books she needed.
Hermione would be taking the same N.E.W.T.S courses she took last year at Beuxbatons, including Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy, Potions, Ancient Runes, and Herbology. After she bought her books, she headed to Madam Malkins to get robes and came out with another bag with three sets of plain black work robes, one plain black pointed hat, one pair of protective gloves, one black winter cloak with silver fastenings, and new light blue dress robes in it. She then replenished her supplies of potion ingredients and such, and headed back to Flourish and Blotts to look more at books.
After eating breakfast, Harry and Sirius headed to Diagon Alley by way of floo powder and got all the new supplies Harry would need for the next school year. At Hogwarts, Harry would be taking the N.E.W.T.S. courses Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures. After getting all his books and supplies, Harry and Sirius headed to Quality Quidditch Supplies, and as Sirius went in the doorway, Harry noticed someone going into Flourish and Blotts and stopped. `She's beautiful,' he thought. She was wearing jean shorts and a blue tank top, and her hair was pulled back into a butterfly clip.
Her hair was brown and wavy, and very smooth. He couldn't help notice her shapely body and long lean legs, and thought, `I can't believe I've never seen her before. I wonder if she goes to Hogwarts…'. Harry couldn't help it; he had to meet her. He yelled to Sirius that he'd be back soon and ran into Flourish and Blotts, where he saw her looking at a shelf of books about schools of witchcraft and wizardry around the world. He came up next to her and pretended to look at Hogwarts, a History. She looked at him and said,
"Have you read it? I just finished. It's brilliant." Harry looked at her face and smiled. She had warm chocolate brown eyes and slightly tan skin, a regular-sized nose and full red lips. He noticed he might be staring at her and said,
"No, I haven't. I might, since you praise it so highly." She blushed slightly at his smile and said,
"Well, it is a great book. Of course, they could revise it a bit. It says absolutely nothing about house elves, and I hear that they work at Hogwarts, without pay!" Harry smiled again and said,
"I think house elves enjoy working without pay. I only know of one that is paid, and that's Dobby, my house-elf." Hermione smiled at him and said,
"Oh, you pay him! That's wonderful! By the way, my name's Hermione Granger." He smiled at her, again, and said,
"Harry Potter. Nice to meet you." He waited for the regular surprise of meeting `the famous Harry Potter' but none came. She simply smiled at him again and said,
"Yes, nice to meet you too. You're in…Modern Magical History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century. And probably many more, but those are the ones that I've read." Harry looked a bit taken aback. `This girl ceases to amaze me,' he thought and then said,
"Do you go to Hogwarts?" Hermione smiled at him again (`man, her teeth are white!') and said,
"I did go to Beuxbatons, but my family just moved back to London, so I'm going to Hogwarts for my seventh year." Harry smiled at this and noticed Sirius at the door. He grabbed Hermione's hand and shook it, saying,
"Well it was nice meeting you, Hermione Granger. I hope to see you in Gryffindor House!" Hermione giggled a bit, and said,
"Well it was nice meeting you, Harry Potter. I hope to be in Gryffindor." Harry walked out, first grabbing Hogwarts, a History which earned a smile from Hermione, and buying it at the counter, before leaving with his godfather.
Hermione smiled at his retreating back, a very cute back, almost as cute as the front, and thought to herself, `Oh yes, I really hope to be in Gryffindor, Harry Potter, with you.' She smiled wider and walked towards the fireplace.