AN: This is my response the Drunken Stupor challenge.
Ginny Weasley was sitting in the Leaky Cauldron, drowning herself in Firewiskey. Today had been the day from hell....well at least for her it had been. Today had been Harry and Hermione's wedding. The ceremony had been absolutely beautiful, and Hermione had looked stunning. But for Ginny, today her life suddenly hit rock bottom. She couldn't quite place why she was feeling this way, she was over the boy-who-lived. Wasn't she?
Ginny shook these thoughts out of her head and requested another bottle of liquor from the creepy looking bartender, who was only to happy to comply. He didn't care in the least bit that a young woman was getting piss-drunk. Hell, he thrived on people like this, who came in just to wash away their problems with a little (well, a lot) of alcohol.
On the other side of the room, a certain blonde haired Slytherin was also drowning his problems in alcohol. It had been a horrible evening. Oh it had started out okay. Blaise had set him up on a date with a gorgeous woman. Unfortunately for Draco it turned out she was married. Her husband had stormed in the middle of their date, causing a big scene. To top it all off, they had been at the fanciest restaurant in all of wizarding Britain! Draco drunkenly promised himself he was going to kill Blaise the next time he saw him.
Draco decided that he needed more Firewiskey and looked up to call over a waiter, but something else, someone else
rather caught his eye. She was the most exquisite looking creature he had ever seen. She was wearing baby blue dress
robes and her hair....oh her hair. It was the most beautiful shade of red Draco had ever seen, and was falling in
ringlets down her back. Somewhere in the back of his mind Draco registered that he knew that hair from somewhere, but
his jumbled brain wasn't able to hold on to the thought for very long. Her skin was creamy and looked absolutely
delectable. Draco's mouth was practically watering as he thought about tasting her skin, and kissing her lips,
which he noticed were full and red.
Before he even knew what he was doing he was out of his seat, and going over to talk to the beautiful women.
Ginny watched as a man from across the room started to walk towards her. He was very handsome, she noted. His silver blonde hair, and built body. He looked vaguely familiar. The stranger sat down next to her and ordered himself a bottle of Firewiskey. He turned and smiled at her.
"hi er…IthinkyourverybeautifulcanIbuyyouadrink?" Draco slurred through his drunken stupor. Ginny giggled, and Draco took it as a yes. He ordered a drink for the already sloshed girl sitting next to him.
Not to long late, neither could see straight, and they still didn't even know each others name. The bartender at this point was sick of listening to the sloshed `couple' laugh over every little thing and kicked them out of his bar. They were so drunk Draco didn't take any offence to it, and led Ginny through the streets of Diagon Alley. He led her to a bench and they both sat down, laughing like maniacs.
"I haven an idea." Draco said.
"Oh me too! Wait…aww I forgots. You tell me yours!"
"We shoulds go and gets married. They's just opened that new place for wizards to err…um. I forgots the word but you knows get married right away."
"Oh! That sounds like fun let's go!" Ginny replied drunkenly. Draco stood up and grabbed his head.
"The world its spinning."
"Oh no! Are we gonna be ables to get married cause I really want to." Ginny said.
"It stopped. We should be okay." So Ginny stood up and they made their way to the new chapel, bumping into and angering many people along the way.
When Ginny woke up the next morning, she didn't dare open her eyes. She felt someone's arm lying across her stomach, and she could tell she wasn't wearing anything. Ginny groaned loudly. She silently counted to three, and opened her eyes. She looked at the body lying next to her, and it took all of her self-control not to scream. Lying next to her was a very naked Draco Malfoy. Ginny swallowed hard.
"Wake up Malfoy." She said loudly. Draco groaned, and tried to pull her closer.
"Don't you dare Draco Malfoy. Wake up now." Draco groaned again, and sat up, head pounding. Before he even acknowledged Ginny, he looked for his wand, which was lying on the bed side table and performed a sobering charm, which caused both their pounding headaches to go away. They stared at each other blankly for a few moments before Ginny spoke.
"Do you have any idea how we got here?"
"I remember a disastrous date, and a lot of Firewiskey."
"That's funny, because I remember a Harry and Hermione's wedding and a lot of Firewiskey."
"Well, then that's what happened. We got drunk and….." But Draco never finished his thought, because the gold ring glinting on Ginny's finger caught his attention.
"What is it now?" She asked looking down at her hand. Ginny gasped. "Please tell me we didn't."
"Do you want me to lie to you?" Draco asked. Ginny let out a cry of frustration.
"And I thought the stupidest thing I did last night was shag my brother's enemy. Seems like the stupidest thing I did was marry him!"
"Yeah yeah. Let's get up and dressed, and talk about what we do now over breakfast." Not even waiting for her reply, Draco got out of bed, completely unembarrassed by his nudity. Ginny, however blushed deeply.
"How can you be shy?"
"Because I don't exactly remember last…" Ginny trailed off, and tears started to roll down her cheeks. She suddenly realized that before last she had been a virgin.
"Why on earth are you crying?" Draco asked pulling on his trousers.
"Nothing, no reason. You'd just make fun of me." Draco sighed and threw her clothes at her.
"Whatever Weas…Ginny. Just get dressed." Draco turned and stalked off towards the bathroom. She wiped her eyes, and got out of bed. She winced slightly at the pain she was feeling, and pulled on her clothes. She sat back down on the bed, and waited for Draco to come out of the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Draco walked out his hair wet. "Go take a shower if you want." Not saying anything, Ginny got up and walked towards the bathroom, slowly. She prayed a shower would make her feel better.
"Wait a second. Were you a virgin before last night?" Draco asked suddenly. Ginny looked at him, trying hard not to cry again.
"Yes." She said, before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.
A while later Draco and Ginny were sitting in the restaurant in the inn, eating breakfast.
"So I guess we should get a divorce then." Draco said.
"Yeah." Ginny said tugging at the ring on her finger. But it wouldn't come off. Draco seemed to be experiencing the same problem.
"Shit!" He said, tugging harder. But it wouldn't budge. Ginny was getting very nervous. In a wizarding marriage, a couple was bound both spiritually, and magically. They were automatically divorced if the rings came off. But if even one of the pair wasn't sure neither ring would come off, and the couple was legally married.
They looked at one another unsurely. Draco groaned, Ginny sighed. Neither spoke, for neither was sure of what to say.
So ends the first part out of….I'm thinking 4.