Title: The Letter
Author: dreamfish
Rating: PG
Ships: H/Hr
Summary: Harry is sitting in his room in Hogwarts, (being a teacher has it's advantages) but he knows he's missed somthing important. The letter is telling him about it.
The Letter
Harry looked from one end of the room to the other. The distance, he thought, was not so far. He could still see the wallpaper and paint covering the end of the wall and the Gryffindor tapestry which inhabited it's own space on the wall. If you took the poster down, you would guarantee that there would be a darker shade of the paint and paper hiding behind.
From the chair, the distance wasn't far. Mere feet away from his own feet, clad in the gold and red socks but it was far enough because on the other side of the room was the reason for his ongoing thoughts.
He thought he was mad at first. The thoughts were torrid and never ended, hounding his every movement and his every thought. He was…plagued for lack of a better word. Though it wasn't in the bad sense. He wanted this feeling, this feeling was good and it kept him sane and almost alive. The feeling of feeling was more than enough.
On the other side of the room sat the desk, the letter sitting upon it in neat and eligible handwriting that could only belong to one person. He knew what the letter contained, he knew what the news would be and yet he couldn't find reason to open up the envelope and read what the words were describing. The sentences wouldn't make sense.
Instead, he sat in the chair and stared at it as though it would move if he stared hard enough.
The owls had come in the morning, flooding through the open roof in the Hall; Hedwig's parcels landing in Harry's lap ready for opening. As soon as the letter had landed he's pushed it away, leaving it for a later date. He knew what was inside and it wasn't to be opened yet.
And the letter still sat there.
A small smile adorned his face as he watched the white envelope entice him towards it, although he hadn't moved. The purple ink on the front, the slight but ever so present perfume that lingered on the seal and the tiny illustration of Hedwig on the corner, parchment in her beak.
From his seat, Harry could see the dark skies outside the window. The dark skies and the clouded moon. The sky had seemingly lost its colour, in a sense of the word. The grey depicted bad news and so did the blacked out moon. It hadn't rained in nearly a week, but it wasn't like it would rain in the middle of June. April showers were long gone and from here it would seem, there were clear skies ahead.
But it didn't seem like that to Harry.
As he thought, thunder cackled up above his head and the lightening strip rippled through the clouds. Rain began to pour from the clouds, covering the Quidditch field below, drowning out any hope of refereeing for tomorrow's game.
Harry took a deep breath. Heaving himself out of the chair and across the room, the distance, and reaching his hand out for the letter he picked it up and studied the front. Sitting back down in his chair, he examined every last detail of the handwriting on the cover, following every curve and every jump with his eyes.
He smiled. He had never paid this much attention to a letter before. A letter was a letter, a means of communication but a person's handwriting could give more away then their words. He sniffed the letter and smelt the perfume engraved onto the paper.
He slipped his fingers beneath the seal and pulled it open. He dipped his hand inside and pulled out a slip of paper no bigger than a bank cheque.
He read the words in his mind then again out loud, making sure he understood them properly. He placed the paper back in the envelope and sealed it again, placing it on the table next to his chair. He took in the full impact of the few short words, the sentence which he knew was coming but didn't expect to read.
A small smile rose on his cheeks and his mouth spread wide into a grin, closing his eyes and thinking as if he were thinking out loud to the void inhabitants of the room. He bit the bottom of his lip and smiled again, unable to wipe the grin off his face and not wanting to either. He looked again at the front of the envelope and smiled.
"She Has Your Eyes."