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Could I Die For You? by Professor Ember Kinsar

Could I Die For You?

Professor Ember Kinsar

A/N: This is a poem I submitted earlier to the PK poetry awards. Not my best work as far as I'm concerned. BTW congrats to Mesomoony for winning this as well as the other three awards.


Could I die for you?
You asked me that last night.
I lay beside you, listening to you breathe,
Watching moon and shadows on your skin,
Pitch black and silver white.

A moment passed
You waited patiently.
Silence crept on
Until the answer came to me.

I looked up
And glimpsed your emerald eyes
I gathered up my wits
And this was my reply:

Could I die for you?
Would I, should I,
Haven't I a thousand times?
Each time you're injured, when you're lost
And when I know you need to cry.

Every time I look at you
And see the pain of life's trials
See the weight of the world
Resting on your shoulders
Even as "They" call you a liar.

Every time I think
You're gone forever
That I've lost it all
That I can't return
To those harsh things remembered.

You keep me sane.
You make me strong.
You make me bold.
You let me know
It's here with you that I belong.

I'm yours forever
I'll answer true,
Yes my Harry,
I could die for you.

After my reply
I turned back to your gaze
And whispered quietly
"Could you Harry,
could you die for me?"


Could I die for you?
You asked in quiet tones.
I breathed you in
As I thought about
An answer of my own.

As I looked down
On brown and bushy hair
I felt your breath upon my skin
And suddenly
The answer was there:

Without question
Without reason, without thought.
My grasp on sanity
A ribbon
Your life, your love the knot.

You've bound me to you
Body, heart and soul
There's no escaping
But if there were
I'd never want to go.

You keep me balanced
My life in check.
You love me completely
And always
Always treat me with respect.

I love you beyond time
Beyond matter, beyond space.
The way you look
The way you smile
The way you part life's purple haze.

You say I'm gifted
That my heart is true
Then know without hesitation
I could, I would die for you.

But in this moment
Where it's just us two
I'll give you an even bigger promise,
Hermione, my love
I will live for you.
