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(Attempting to) Get it Right by FieryStar90

(Attempting to) Get it Right


Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah, yeah. This all belongs to a woman who (beeeeeeeeeep). (I wouldn't have beeped it out… but that is called "bashing", dear children, and is frowned upon here at portkey… )

Anyway, it doesn't belong to me.

(Attempting to) Get it Right

Draco Malfoy stared at that odd muggle contraption his wife (or rather, his father-in-law) insist that the two have.

It reminded him of the T.V. (that, after he got used to, he found rather amusing), except it had a long board that had letters and numbers on it.

He was staring in disbelief, shock, and horror.


Ginny and…. Scarhead? By god, again?

And to think, he had been having a good day, too.

Damn that Rowling woman! I mean, really, if you must write yet another biography (with him as the whiny little villain he was) then at least set the public straight.

So with his wife with Potty, and Granger (by Merlin, if Granger-ahem, Female Potter-ever saw that interview-that woman would give that Rowling woman a piece of her mind… and a good slap as well…. Draco would not want to be in Rowling's positions. Female Potter's slaps hurt, dammit.) with Weasel, where was he?

Oh, right, he would probably be either dead or rot away in Azkaban, both of which he was neither.

Okay, so he did what Potter had called a "Benedict Arnold". Whatever, he at least joined the winning side, didn't he?

And he felt so incredibly guilty (and when he found out what he had been feeling was guilt-well, let's just say he contemplated shooting himself upside the head with his wand-Malfoy's did not feel guilt.) about what had happened his sixth year, he immediately became a spy. Except a good spy, unlike that bastard Snape.

Granted, Weasel never trusted him, but really, that was no loss, was it? And Potter only trusted him after Granger gave him a good dose of the truth potion.

So he put himself in an even more dangerous position by helping "the light side". And then when the war was over and the remaining Death Eaters found out his betrayal they all wanted to kill him (slowly and painfully). But, really, it was all worth it.

I mean, he did get Ginny, didn't he?

They were assigned to be partners. She had to keep an eye on him while the Golden Trio had "other matters" to attend to (which apparently meant finding pieces of Voldemort's soul, something Draco didn't even want to understand.) and he… well, Draco just did whatever he was told to. And although the Malfoy in him was going through hell, Draco knew that if he really wanted those buffoons to trust him, he had to play it their way.

Anyway, it was the cliché thing, of course (although Malfoy's never did cliché.) Arguments, which led to sexual tension, which led to tension being released (but no strings!), which led to bedside (literally) conversations, which led to… well, love.


Yes, yes love!

(Suspicion: are you sure?)

Of course he's sure, idiot! Malfoy's are always sure.

(We don't believe you)

He's a fucking Malfoy, you have to believe him!

(No, no we don't)


(Fine. Geez, someone isn't getting laid.)

But that wasn't the point here. The point was that that stupid woman was telling people lies!

By Merlin, once he's through with her, That Woman was going to wish she never spread lies about Draco Malfoy's (not Harry Potter's) wife again!!!!

Then, Draco stopped. What if… what if Ginny really wanted to be Scarhead's wife? And she just… she just settle for him? (This was clearly a foreign concept; no one settled for Malfoy's-if anything, Malfoy's settled for them.)

Of course, Draco did not "settle" for Ginny. Really, he wouldn't settle for anyone but Ginny.

But did she feel the same way?

"Draco, I'm home!"

Well, we were about to find out, weren't we?

0 0 0

Notes: My first D/G piece. What do you think?

I have never written anything like that before. I had a blast, and it's not my best, and it's almost kind of a parody but… but not.

Malfoy is probably realllllly OOC, but yeah… I don't care. It was fun to write and it's how I see Draco (you know, if his morals weren't so deranged).

Anyway, this is part one of two…. And then I'm doing a Ron/Luna one.

Now that will be a challenge.
