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The Game of Life by goodhumorgal

The Game of Life


It started with Jeopardy.

They had used to sit together on the couch and watch it for hours at a time. They would eagerly blurt out answers and hit themselves over the head with the popcorn bowl when contestants didn't know what to do. The companionship was always edged with something, but it was something she had never bothered to explore. She hadn't thought things would turn out the way they had. But they did.


He had confessed his love for her in seventh year, but to no avail. This was before she came to her senses and realized she had said yes to the wrong person. His words still hung in her head,

"You're everything to me."

She remembered everything.

How each time she dated someone new he would tell her that this guy was going to be perfect for her. This was going to be the guy that'd she fall for. This was it. Hang on because it's going to be a wild ride. It was. But it wasn't with him.

The conversations made her wince.


"Greg meet Harry. Harry, Greg."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Greg, this is the sweetest guy I've ever known."


"I guess you two better be off."

"Bye Harry."

"Bye Hermione, Greg, have fun."


"Matt meet Harry. Harry, Matt."

"Hey Matt."

"Nice to make your aquaintance."

"I met Hermione through work. Do you live with her?"

"No, I just…stop by often."

"He's a real sweetie."

"Oh, look at the time. You guys better get going or you'll miss your reservations."

"Thanks Harry, bye."



"Leo meet Harry. Harry, Leo."




"Jack meet Harry. Harry, Jack."


And she remembered once, so long ago.

"Ron meet Harry. Harry, Ron."

"Geez Mione, I know the guy. We've been best friends for,"

"10 years."



What had she been thinking? She'd waited so long to find Mr. Right, and ended up instead with Mr. Snotty, Mr. I-Know-Everything, and Mr. Let's-Go-Back-To-My-Place. And every time afterwards, there was Harry.

Harry who held her, Harry who kissed her cheek, Harry who told her everything would be fine. He said men were blind to not see the beauty before them. That they were deaf to not hear her incredible voice. But most of all that they were dumb to throwaway someone as amazing as herself.

And she never got the hints.

Never once did she suspect that when he reached for her hand he was really saying, "I like spending time with you."

Never did she think that maybe he liked to give her things because he truly felt something for her.

Never did the thought occur that he told her jokes and took her to the carnival every year because he loved to see her smile.


She missed every opportunity, took every dead end, and didn't see the blaring signals that said the train was coming on through.

Harry James Potter was a friend. As far as Hermione understood that was how it always would be. The sweetest guy she'd ever known, the Mr. Right she'd overlooked, and the man whose heart she would always hold had left.

He'd given up, and the moment after he'd done so, she'd gotten it. She finally did.

Oh! So THAT'S why he gave me the necklace when it wasn't a holiday.

Oh! Is THAT why he held me even after I'd stopped crying when I broke up with Mr. I'm-To-Good-For-You.

Oh, I get it now.

He had tried for years to capture her attention but she'd always been too busy giving it away to someone else. Too busy giving flirtatious glances at the other studly seventh years, too busy doing homework that wasn't due for ages, too busy reading Hogwarts A History Version 33.

She knew now. She wanted another chance. She was willing to give anything to find him, to hold him, to tell him it only took her five years to realize what was right in front of her.

Hermione wasn't going to lose him, she had the answer and was ready to ring in to Alex.

"What is, Harry Potter."