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Forever Yours and Other Tales of Fluff by Gaya Hriive

Forever Yours and Other Tales of Fluff

Gaya Hriive

Dearest Harry,

I find myself in one of those moods to tell you exactly how much I love you. I love every single thing about you from the tips of your messy black hair to the soles of your feet. But aside from your devastatingly good looks, I love your heart. I love the little things that you do to show me that you love me like roses and cards and the way you like to have me sit in front of you cross-legged while you brush my hair. I love how you always burn the toast when you try to make me breakfast in bed and how you know that I like orange juice with excess pulp and no skin on my apples. I love the way you kiss my nose when you think that I am sleeping and every time you look at me like you've never seen something so wonderful it makes me weak in the knees.

I love the intimate time that we spend together and how you know to touch me just so in all of the right places. I love feeling you move inside of me and telling me you love me and meaning it. I love that I can touch that spot in the lowest part of your back and bring you to your knees in pleasure. And I love how right before we make love you tell me, "I love you more than anything on earth and being yours makes me the happiest man alive." And I love how you cuddle up to me and throw one arm over my body like you never want me to leave your side.

But the part I love most about you is that you gave me three beautiful children. Lana, Tate, and Ella are daily reminders to me of how strong and deep our love is. I remember when I almost lost Tate and how you sat crying with me because you loved that unborn child so much. I believe to this day that it is the miracle of our love of each other, and of our children, that saved Tate's life. Our children are precious gifts and every time I look at Lana I see so much of you in her; Her ambition and certain disregard for the rules, but also her passion for helping people and trying her hardest to be the best that she can be. Tate has your passion for Quidditch and your love and warmth that he extends to everyone he meets. Both of them have your interesting sense of humor but they also share with you that lack of knowing when to keep their mouths closed. They never take anything lying down. Ella I am pleased to say, reminds me very much of myself; Book smart and her 'insufferable know-it-all' charm make her extremely funny. It's hard for me to accept that perhaps I was once that way. Those three kids are absolutely wonderful and there is no man on this earth alive today that I would rather have as my husband and their father.

I suppose the point that I am earnestly trying to make is to tell you, in case you have ever forgotten or doubted, that I love you more than my own life and all of the other things that I really really love.

I love you, my darling, always and forever.

Yours Forever,

