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Talk Between Friends by fashizzlism

Talk Between Friends


Talk Between Friends

AN: Well this is just a little bit that I have wanted to write for ages but had been putting it off all the time… I know it's nothing special :D

Ok this is set the summer before what would have been their seventh year, its two weeks into the summer and Hermione has just popped over to keep Harry Company. Ron and the rest of the Weasley are that the burrow planning Bill's wedding.

This is a one-shot now but I may end up writing a seventh year book and this would then most likely be used in it… As for the name of the story… I couldn't think of anything else so leave me alone :P


"So… how are you and Ron going?" Harry asked an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach, he didn't know why the thought of Ron and Hermione together made him feel this way.

"Merlin! Why does everyone think that we are together?" Hermione said, she actually sounded rather annoyed.

The uneasy feeling in Harry's stomach vanished and was replaced by a warmth that spread though his body, confusing him even more, "Well at the funeral and all…" Harry mumbled the pain of Dumbledore's death was still heavy on his heart.

"I needed a shoulder to cry on" Hermione said softly, "I don't think that Ginny would have been happy if I was hanging off her boyfriend"

"Ex" Harry mumbled, Hermione's eye brows shot up.

"What?" she asked looking into Harry's eyes,

"I broke up with her a Dumbledore's funeral" Harry said softly, Hermione waited for Harry to say more, "I don't know… it was weird, after I watched Dumbledore being murdered I snapped I guess, the reality of everything seemed to come flooding back… it was like I was living in a dream when I was with Ginny, everything was good while I was with her" Harry said softly looking at Hermione who was now biting down on her bottom lip obviously thinking of something.

Harry had to admit that she did look rather cute when she was like this. Hermione seemed to break from her thoughts a looked at Harry carefully.

"Umm… H-Harry how did you feel before you and Ginny started dating? You know when you were around her" Hermione asked

"I don't know… it was quite weird actually, it felt like there was this beast in my chest and when ever I saw her it was fighting to break free… when I saw her with Dean I wanted to rip him apart" Harry said looking now quite confused, he looked over at Hermione for some sort of explanation and was surprised to find a every angry Hermione.

"T-That little… that little TART!"

"Wha… what Hermione" Harry said very surprised by her outburst, it wasn't everyday that one heard Hermione Granger swear, Hermione looked over at Harry and her eyes softened.

"Harry it was a love potion…" she said sadly, realization seemed to dawn on Harry and his face quickly changed from confused to angry, Hermione reached out and grabbed one of Harry's hands stroking it softly. The feeling of Hermione holding his hand seemed to calm Harry down. He looked over at Hermione who was smiling softly.

"T-thanks Hermione… I know I don't say it enough but thank you for everything" He said softly a slight smile tugging on his lips, Hermione's smile however reached her eyes, she then pulled Harry into a tight hug.

"I would do anything for you Harry Potter, you the best friend anyone could ask for" She said as they both looked deeply into each others eyes. It was then that it seemed that neither of them had control over their bodies as they both started to slowly lean forward until their lips met.

AN: Awwww…. Well that's it :P I hope you all liked it!