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In Their Own Words by Telwyn Dubois

In Their Own Words

Telwyn Dubois

In Their Own Words

Sirius Black

Bloody hell. You dragged me out of bed at eight in the morning - on a Sunday, no less! - in order to talk about my best mate and his bit of skirt?

Oh, all right. Prongs, I mean, Potter, is, well, as I've already mentioned, my best mate. And I suppose that Evans isn't an ordinary bit of skirt; if she were ordinary, Prongs would've been done with her ages ago, but he's still chasing her, far as I know. So. That's an important fact.

Erm…another important fact is that he wasn't always madly obsessed with her. I mean, other students at Hogwarts seem to be laboring under the impression that he's always fancied her. Thing is, first time he saw her, well, you have to understand, she was with Snivellus, after all. In our compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Poor girl, obviously a Mugglebor, hair up in pleats and everything. Didn't know a thing about Houses. What she did know, though, was that she was just too good to sit with the likes of us for hours and hours. Said something and stalked out, trailing Snivvy by the hand. Greasy bastard.

But back to her. Right. Prongs disliked her at the start, actually. Thing is, she stuck with Snivellus. Despite being sorted into different Houses. Bit of a House traitor, that one. Up to a point anyway.

But I think House ties are thicker than blood, and so I forgot the whole "Train Incident" when we were all sorted into Gryffindor. Busy wondering what my parents would think, actually. And she eventually came back to the fold, recognized House loyalty. But Prongs can hold a grudge like no other, and his grudge against Snivellus is pretty deep. She was just kind of attached. Part of the "Grudge Package."

In fact, I'm not sure if it wasn't because of this grudge that he got to chasing after her like she was a prize to be won away from Snivellus. See, Prongs has a thing about competitions - he likes to win.

Lily Evans

A List of Reasons that Potter is Utterly, Utterly Mad

(found crumpled up on her bedspread while she was at the library)

  1. There are so many less public ways to get a girl's attention. Like...oh, I don't know, it's a boy's job to figure that out.

  2. I hate roses. Particularly the long stemmed and red variety. Doesn't he know that roses have thorns? To have them rain down on you is hardly pleasant. (As a result, I have a good deal of salve and Concealment Charms plastered to my forehead. And my scalp itches) You would think that Potter, after all these years, would know about my hatred for roses.

  3. And signs. Did I mention the signs? Lining the common room with signs advertising a date with HIM this weekend. Very distracting. And public. But highly unamusing.

  4. It's Monday. I ought to get a break on Mondays. I mean, bad enough that the rest of the week stretches in front of you, with all those dreadfully long classes and homework assignments, etc. This on top of it all!

  5. How many times do I have to say no? Or not dignify his actions with a response? My patience is fraying thin. You'd think he'd get the idea.

  6. He's James Potter. He leads the Marauders. Being the head of such a ridiculous group is a position reserved for utter lunatics.

Rhia Mitchell

Lily's a bit neurotic, if you want the truth. She's my best friend - I can say that, can't I? She's always making these lists and claiming to be unorganized, even though she totally is. Organized, I mean. Who writes down to remember to eat the dessert that Mum sent? (And Mrs. Evans is a divine baker. Muggles are so blessed to have her as a baker, I swear to Merlin.) Honestly. Lily's actually got her life planned down to the minute. Knows what she wants.

And they're everywhere, these lists! Every once in awhile they're unearthed from the cushions in our common room, or found lurking under my bed, or Alyss's bed. Okay, so that's a bit messy. It's like, she writes out these lists and then moves on, forgetting the physical paper when it's all burned into her brain.

James likes to steal these lists. I think he thinks it'll help him figure her out. I've told him that's sure to be difficult -

Lily Evans is a complex phenomenon.
