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Never Alone by hrmny4etrnty2

Never Alone


A/N: This is a drabble that was written for a community on LiveJournal. Our prompt was, "Harry and Hermione in a deserted corridor." Thanks to my beta, redheadfaerie! Enjoy!

"I was chosen! This is my moment!"

The words spoken by Draco Malfoy replayed through both young minds.

Footfalls had long passed, but the two Gryffindors remained still, unable to move from their place in the deserted corridor. Neither was able to break eye contact.

"You were right."

Even though Harry had been staring at her, Hermione's whispered words startled him.

"You were right about Malfoy and I completely brushed it off as being rubbish."

Harry blinked for the first time in several minutes, digesting what she was saying.

"He cursed Katie and he's-"

"He's one of them," Harry finished just as quietly.

Hermione shuddered slightly, not wanting to imagine that a student, slimy git or not, was a Death Eater. "It won't be long now, will it? These past five years won't be anything compared to what we'll have to face."

"I have to be the one to face him, Hermione."

"You won't face him alone. As long as I have something to do about it, you'll never be alone."

Harry felt her hand brush his cheek, his stomach clenching from the innocent contact. He couldn't stop his eyes from closing, afraid to spoil this moment that seemed utterly wrong yet entirely right. Soft, warm lips gently pressed against his in a chaste kiss.

"You'll never be alone," she repeated, her hot breath tickling his skin.

And when he felt her hand embrace his and lead him towards Gryffindor Tower, he knew his life had undoubtedly become more complicated than ever.

But, at least he wouldn't be alone.
