A/N: I both love and hate that this "plot" came to me in the middle of the night and that I had to write it down under the light of my phone (no, it did not occur to me to just type it on the blasted thing). Just thought you all should know that.
Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, the ending would've been quite different, wouldn't it? That is all.
Chapter I. Introduction
Harry's POV
You've never believed in the stereotypical type of romance. Maybe it's because somehow you know that your dad couldn't possibly have gotten a woman like your mum with cheesy lines, chocolates and a bouquet of roses. Or maybe it's because you grew up with your aunt and uncle who wouldn't have seen romance even if it was dancing naked and dry humping their son under their noses.
The girls you've previously dated hated this belief (if you can even call it that) of yours. And more often than not this was the reason to the demise of that particular relationship (that and their constant jealousy of your know-it-all best friend). They ask why you couldn't change this belief of yours for them and you retort that you simply just don't want to (you know you're an arse).
But with her it's different. She shares your sentiments on romance. Although that doesn't mean that the two of you aren't "romantic", you just show each other differently.
You have your own type of romance. One that isn't understood by many and this is why you love it even more.
Hermione's POV
You've always hated romance novels, for some reason. You'd always scoff at the girls in your dormitory who would squeal every time they would acquire a new one. Maybe it's because they kept you up at night with their constant "ooh"s and "aah"s as they told each other the plot of the wretched thing. Or maybe it's because you really don't like that type of lovey-dovey nonsense.
The guys you've gone out with in the past became so confused with this reasoning of yours. They couldn't understand why you frowned whenever they came up on your doorstep with flowers and chocolates, couldn't comprehend why you laugh whenever they try to get you with a cheesy line. And of course, this would always be the reason to the natural end of those relationships (and of course their insecurities when it comes to a particular emerald-eyed friend of yours).
But when the two of you got together, it was so undeniably different. A good kind of different. He understands your view on romance, he has the same. But that doesn't mean that you two aren't "romantic", you just show each other differently.
You have your own type of romance, something unique, and something that only the two of you can understand. And that's why you love it even more.
A/N: I'd really like to know what you guys think of this. It's not one of my best, really but I hope I can improve on it. It has potential, I think. Anyway, reviews please? They motivate me to write more. If you want more, at least. Okay, I'll stop talking now.