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Fifteen Years by Rainpuddle13

Fifteen Years


Fifteen Years Part 3

Mid April

"Why aren't you dressed for bed?" Draco asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. He'd taken an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom getting ready for bed in the hopes that his wife would already be asleep.

Instead, Ginny sat on the edge of their big bed, still dressed in her evening clothes. "Draco, have you been avoiding me?"

"Why would I avoid you, beautiful?" In truth he had been avoiding her - staying up late, feigning fatigue, anything to avoid making love with his obviously pregnant wife. It wasn't that he didn't want to, Merlin only knew how good the sex was when Ginny was pregnant, but things were different now. He was concerned for her health, the medi-wizard had said for her take it easy and to avoid strenuous exercise. At twenty-five weeks, her stomach was protruding enough that he didn't think she'd be comfortable. It was just better they didn't at all. Although he felt silly being forty years old, married fifteen years and secretly wanking in the bathroom. He hadn't had to resort to such desperate measures since he was sixteen.

"I don't know, it just seems like you've been avoiding me." She rubbed a hand over her deep blue silk covered stomach. They'd been to a formal charity event earlier in the evening. "I miss you," she pouted.

"I love you," he said softly as he sat beside her. His mouth going to her neck as his hand gently caressed her rounded tummy. "The baby is going to be a fine, strong boy."

"Mmm," Ginny purred as his teeth grazed her earlobe. "The baby is going to be a beautiful lass who loves her Da."

"Why don't we get you out of that get-up and into something more comfortable?"

Draco helped his wife undress, applying loving kisses as each article of clothing was shed. He lavished attention on the swell of her stomach, speaking to the baby within, who rewarded him by moving around enough that he could finally feel it. Ginny had been able to feel the baby for weeks now and he had started to feel a bit left out. "I'd forgotten how amazing all of this is," he said in an awed voice.


He looked at his nearly naked wife then. "Oh, I suppose I should get you some clothes, you must be cold." He summoned her favorite apple green silk short nightgown.

"I could think of a way you could warm me up," she offered innocently, pulling him up from her midsection so she could kiss him. "I've missed you these past few weeks."

He kissed her tenderly while forcing his hands to be still. He knew if he allowed them to roam he wouldn't be able to stop. "I know, beautiful, but things have been hectic. Let's get you in this nightgown. You must be tired."

She nipped at his jaw. "No, I'm not particularly tired. I want to spend some quality time with my husband." She slipped a hand into his pajama bottoms to give him a gentle squeeze. "It feels like you want to spend some quality time with me."

He drew in a shaky breath as he attempted to pull her hand away. "Ginny, I don't think it's such a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to hurt you or the baby." He cupped her low, rounded tummy with both hands willing her to understand his concerns.

"We had sex all the time when I was pregnant with Gareth," she pouted.

"Yes, and you were twenty-seven too."

She pulled away from him then. "Are you trying to say that I'm old?" Ginny asked, arms crossed and a firm frown marring her face.

Draco bowed his head, trying to look suitably remorseful. "I've backed myself into a corner here haven't I?"

She continued to glare at him.

"No matter what I say here, it's going to be the wrong answer. I just know this."

She coolly regarded him, one eyebrow quirked up. "Why don't you give it try?"

Draco watched for any sign of hope that this would blow over soon. He really hated the mood swings associated with pregnancy - couple that with the Weasley temper - he didn't want to even think about that. He sighed. He really was getting too old for this stuff. Whatever were they thinking when they decided to have another baby? "I think you're the most beautiful woman in the entire world. I am so glad that you're my wife and I love you more than life itself."

"But you still think I'm old," she pointed out, completely unmoved by his confession of love.

"Ginny," he said exasperatedly while rubbing his hands roughly over his face and temples to keep from strangling her. "How can you say that? I'm older than you are!"

"But men age better than women." Her lips trembled as her eyes filled with tears.

"Come here," he said reaching out for her. "What brought all this on, beautiful?"

His wife immediately sought refuge in his arms, burying her face against his chest. He allowed her to have her cry since it seemed like she needed to do it. He learned quickly when she was pregnant with Liam that her emotions were all over the place and it was just best to ride it out.

"That old bat, Mrs. Moneypenny," she managed to get out between sniffles.

Draco held her close, running a soothing hand up and down her back. He knew all about Mrs. Moneypenny. She was a rich old witch who was very active in same social and charity circles they participated in. She was a former friend of his parents and took it upon herself to sneer disapprovingly at his wife every chance she got. A few of the old guard held on to their hatred of certain families from the war.

"Don't worry about her, beautiful," he whispered against her hair. "You know she's completely nutters."

"I know," she sighed, "but it still hurts. She said I should be ashamed to go out in public like this, but since I'm a Weasley I had no shame. I know I shouldn't let her get to me, but I can't help it sometimes!"

He tilted her head back so he could look in her brown eyes. "Why should you be ashamed? You're married to a wizard who adores you, not to mention you're the most beautiful pregnant witch I've ever seen."

A slow smile curled the corners of her mouth. "And you don't think I'm old do you?"

"Good Merlin, no witch! I've been trying to tell you that all evening!"

The twinkle in Ginny's eyes told him he was in trouble. "Good," she said, sending him sprawling back on their bed.

He hadn't even noticed that she'd managed to maneuver him around, let alone expected her to push him down. Before he knew what was happening, she'd grabbed his pyjama bottoms and tugged them off, leaving him exposed. She slowly crawled over him until she was straddling his thighs, his hands automatically sliding up the silky skin to grip her hips.

"Ginny," he warned in a husky voice. "I don't think this is such a good idea."

"Hush, before you force me to take more drastic measures," she purred wickedly, taking his erection firmly in her warm hands. "My, my, is this all for me?"

Just what could he say to that? Nothing really, it was completely out of his hands, so to speak. He was completely at his wife's mercy now. Not that it was such a bad thing. He just settled back against the pillows at the head of the bed, begrudgingly enjoying the naughty things his wife was doing to him.


Liam finally gave up.

It was late and most everyone had been in bed for hours. He found he couldn't sleep, so he thought he'd read for a while to see if that would help. He tried reading in his room, but between his rampant thoughts and Murphy Anderson's loud snoring, it was impossible.

Murphy was Liam's exact opposite - night and day literally. He was as dark as Liam was light. Murphy was as fun and amusing as he was brooding and serious. He wasn't nearly as smooth with the ladies, but his charming Irish brogue and easygoing ways helped him a bit in that department. He'd become an honorary Malfoy, spending holidays and large chunks of the summer with them because his own parents were often too busy fighting with one another to bother with him.

Liam didn't care if he had been instant best friends with Murphy the second they met on the Hogwart's Express four years ago, the snoring was very annoying. He thought about casting a silencing charm, then thought better of it. Snape had been on the warpath for the past few weeks as the prank charming had gotten out of hand. It was best not to cast any sort of charm or spell to be on the safe side. The last thing he needed was a note home.

So he found himself in the common room after slipping on his father's old Quidditch jumper over his pyjamas, and settled in his favorite chair in front of the fireplace. He didn't know why he brought the book - it wasn't like he was going read anyway. His mind was elsewhere.

Like at home. The Easter break was coming up in a couple days. A week at home, a very long week at that - Gareth would be celebrating his twelfth birthday, with a party no less. All those firsties in the house, being annoying just like his little brother, running around, being loud and making a mess. Then on top of that, his mother's entire family would be there too. It wasn't that he didn't like the Weasley side of the family, well, yes it was. If only it was just Uncle Charlie, then the matter would be different…

Nope, he could do without all the commotion on his holiday.

The only problem was that Mum was expecting him to be on the train on Friday evening with Gareth.

He fingered the small satchel of floo powder in his pocket. Maybe an owl would be the better option, and then he wouldn't have to see the disappointment on his Mum's face when he told her he didn't want to come home. No, then he'd just get a howler from his father. He shuddered, remembering the only howler he'd ever gotten, back when he was a second year. Murphy had thought it'd be a grand idea to let loose a few nifflers in the girls' dormitory. Instead of getting anything good (namely bras and knickers), all they got for their efforts was two weeks detention with Filch and a very terrifying howler from his father.

Liam sighed, resigned to his fate of going home for the hols. He just hoped his mother wouldn't be there to meet the train…


Draco dropped his reading glasses on the desk before scrubbing his face hard with his hands. He simply could not believe what he just read on the heavy ivory parchment before him.

The Barton-Finks had a very lovely daughter named Miranda, with pure bloodlines that they thought would make an excellent match for Liam. She was being educated at Beauxbatons as well as taking lessons in music, Italian and Greek. She had medium height and a slender build, golden blond hair and blue eyes. If Liam was already spoken for they would settle for Gareth. They would like to meet for tea to discuss possibilities.

He wrote a terse reply thanking them for the offer, while informing them that they could {politely} shove off.

Liam wasn't even fifteen yet; the last thing he needed to think about was being saddled down with responsibilities like that. All he needed to concern himself with, in Draco's opinion, was winning the Quidditch Cup for Slytherin. Okay, maybe passing fourth year as well.

And how dare they mention they'd settle for Gareth. Settle. That just burned him. As if Gareth was somehow not as good as Liam because he happened to be born second. His son was going to settle for nothing less than exactly what he wanted. He was a Malfoy after all.

If Draco had settled, he would not have ended up married to Ginny. She was the one person that had brought him the most peace and joy in life. He wanted his sons to have the chance to achieve the same happiness he'd finally found with the witch of their choice. He was intimately aware of the consequences of arranged marriages and he'd be damned if his sons would suffer.

He grumbled under his breath about gold-digging, husband-hunting mothers as he balled up the ivory parchment and tossed it into the fireplace. He'd sic Ginny on them if they became persistent. He knew she'd go absolutely nutters if she knew about the inquiry, which is exactly why he wasn't going to tell her.


Most everyone was watching out the right side windows of the Hogwarts Express, trying to catch a glimpse of parents and siblings they hadn't seen since the Christmas holidays.

"Liam," asked Adrienne, a proud charter member of the William Draco Malfoy fanclub, "is that your Mum and Dad?"

He glanced in the direction she was pointing. And sure enough, there stood his parents near the back of the platform with the rest of the Weasley clan, who were there to pick up their offspring. Dear Merlin, his parents were holding hands like sixteen year olds! "Yes," he answered, totally not thrilled at the fact everyone was going to see his pregnant mother. Her stomach was starting to swell when he saw her last month; there was no telling what she'd look like now.

"Your Mum is so pretty," Ann added, taking up a position next to Liam at the window.

He thought he heard Stephie mutter from somewhere behind him, something about his father being pretty too, as Murphy snickered. It was no secret that his best friend had a major crush on his mother. Liam just rolled his eyes; sometimes it was a bloody pain being popular.

A small first year girl with strawberry blond hair pushed her way to the window in the compartment. "Aunt Ginny is having a baby," she announced loudly before turning to give him a decidedly evil grin.

Liam shoved her toward the door where Gareth was waiting with Julien and Gloria, the first set of Goyle twins. "Go on! Get out of here, Sabine, before I kill you!" Out of all his cousins, and there were many, this little wisp of a girl drove him absolutely around the bend. And worst of all, she was in Slytherin, ruling the firsties with an iron fist, just like her mother, Aunt Pansy. Then she was as thick as thieves with his little brother. There was no getting away from her.

"You didn't tell us your Mum was having a baby," Meredith asked, sounding slightly offended that she wasn't privy to this tidbit of information.

"Yeah," Ann seconded. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Stephie and Sydney sat up as the turn of conversation captured their attention, ignoring Murphy in the process.

"Well, well, well," the only other male in the compartment drawled. "It seems like the cat is out of the bag."

"You knew?" the girls closest to him said almost simultaneously before attacking him.

Liam leaned back against the window with his arms crossed in front of him, looking decidedly unhappy at the scene before him. Only Ann remained at his side, refusing to lower herself enough to bother with Murphy.

Lucy Ann Honeychurch was probably his oldest friend simply by default. Her father worked for his father. Her mother belonged to the same charities and clubs as his mother. They attended the same primary wizarding day school. They were even sorted into the same house at Hogwarts. It was just inevitable that they were friends.

"I think it's wonderful," she said quietly so that only he could hear. "Babies are so adorable."

He made a low, noncommittal noise in the back of his throat. Of course, she'd think it was wonderful. It wasn't her parents going around advertising the fact that they were still…he couldn't even bring himself to think about it. "If you say so."


Ginny watched her eldest child exit the train with his usual entourage - Murphy and the cheap tarts that always seemed follow him around. The girls weren't all that bad, it was just she didn't like to think of Liam as the object of female affections, at least not yet. He was still her little boy, no matter how old he was.

The looks of appraisal being aimed at Liam by witches of all ages did not fail to go unnoticed by his mother as he waited for his trunk to be unloaded, looking like he'd just stepped off the page of some muggle fashion magazine. He was wearing his favorite pair of faded blue jeans, an untucked white oxford, his Slytherin green and gray tie loosened at his throat and his scuffed oxblood brown Doc Martins. His trademark Malfoy blond hair was loose, just long enough to brush his shoulders.

She was reminded strongly of her husband at that age - haughty, arrogant and beautiful. Too bad Draco hadn't really outgrown that…

Ginny watched as Murphy elbowed Liam in the ribs, and then nodding toward a girl stepping off the train. Her son stood transfixed, watching the very pretty, petite, olive skinned, raven-haired girl walk past. He watched until she was lost among the throng of reuniting parents and children, before he made a move to join his own family.

"Mummy," Gareth said excitedly as he hugged her as tightly as he dared, his arms barely reaching around her extended middle.

"Hello, pumpkin," she said, kissing the top of his head and returning his hug. "I'm so glad you're home! Who is that girl your brother is watching?"

Gareth turned to see what his Mum was talking about, giggling when he saw who it was. "Oh her, that's Sarea Okelani, fourth year chaser for Ravenclaw. Liam fancies her, but I don't think she fancies him back."

Ginny had to bite her tongue to keep from questioning Gareth about this Sarea. Obviously there was something very wrong with this girl if she couldn't see what a fine catch Liam was.

A small noise of distress brought her attention back to the children before her. She opened her arms to Sabine who had come over with Gareth. "Sweetheart, your father had an emergency at work and your Mum is at your little brother's Quidditch match so you're going home with us."

The little girl melted into the embrace of her favorite aunt. "I thought they forgot me," she said with a sniffle.

Ginny laughed. "No, your parents wouldn't forget you!"

"I wouldn't be too sure of that," Liam whispered in her ear once she'd let go of his mother, giving her his best Malfoy sneer.

"William Draco Malfoy," his mother admonished harshly.

"Hullo, Mum," he answered contritely. It was all Murphy could do to keep from snickering.

"Don't 'hullo, Mum' me! You know better than to tease Sabine. Now apologize."

"Yes, ma'am," he mumbled, his head bowed. "Sorry, Sabine."

"It's okay," she said in a very small voice from her position by her aunt's side, grinning the entire time.

"Don't you have a hug for your Mum?" Ginny held her free arm out for him.

"Mother!" Liam exclaimed in a scandalized tone. "Not in public!"

"I've got a hug for you, Mrs. Malfoy," Murphy said, giving his friend's mum a tight hug, grinning cheekily at Liam the entire time.

"Alright, that is enough. Murphy, let go of my wife," Draco finally chimed in, looking up from his appointed task of shrinking trunks. "Liam, do as your mother says."

He half-heartedly hugged her once his friend let go. Ginny sighed, wondering when her precious little boy had been replaced with a brooding, teenaged replica of his father. He used to be so sweet and loving…

"I love you, sweetheart," she said softly.

He just nodded as he pulled away; his cheeks were tinged slightly pink.

"Who's up for some dinner?" Draco offered, giving Ginny a meaningful look. "Fish and…chips, maybe?"

Her eyes grew big at the thought of the hot, delicious tidbits of fried potatoes. "Chips, oh yes, most definitely."

"If you keep up, you're going to have a potato instead of a baby," he joked, patting her tummy fondly, and causing Gareth and Sabine to giggle insanely. Liam sighed heavily, rolling his eyes.

She regarded her husband coolly. "And? Is there a problem?"

He gave a half smile, holding his hand out to her. "Of course not, beautiful."

They said their goodbyes to the myriad of Weasleys before making their way to the restaurants and shops on the muggle side of King's Cross Station in search of chips.

"Hey Liam, do you think your Mum would go for a younger man?" Murphy asked rather loudly, as they trailed along behind the rest of the Malfoys.

"What is it with you and Irish boys?" Draco whispered in her ear before giving her a quick, possessive kiss.

"It must be the red hair," Ginny explained, tamping down the desire to laugh. "Why? Are you jealous?"


"Da?" Liam asked, knocking on his father's half-opened study door. "May I speak with you?"

It was his last night at home until the summer holidays. Gareth's birthday party had been a smashing success a few hours prior, now the family had settled down to a quiet evening. Da had ensconced himself in his study to do a little work he'd brought home. Mum had retreated to her bedroom to lay down a while, her back was aching. Gareth and Murphy were in the game room breaking in his little brother's new chess set.

This was his last chance to speak privately with his father.

"Of course, Liam," Draco said, looking up from his paperwork. "Come in and have a seat."

He lounged causally in his Mum's favorite chair in the room, a delicate rosewood affair with a pale blue brocade seat.

"What can I do you for," his father said after a while.

"I, uh," Liam muttered, not quite sure how or where to start this conversation. "How did you win Mum?"

"Well, son, I certainly wouldn't recommend the Draco Malfoy method of wooing the lady of your dreams."

"Why not? You ended up married to the most beautiful witch at Hogwarts."

"That was sheer luck, trust me."

"There is no way that could have been luck, what did you do?"

"Well, if you call teasing, stalking in the hallways, randomly snogging your mother senseless when she least expected it, and hexing each other senseless wooing - sure, I charmed her knickers right off."

"Well, obviously you got her knickers off at some point," Liam replied saucily.

His father nearly choked. "Excuse me?"

"You have two and half children don't you?"

"And your point is?"

"When did you and Mum start shagging?" Liam asked breezily.

Draco turned an unflattering shade of red. "After we were married."

Liam nearly choked on his laughter. "Da, I know how to do math - end of January to the end of June, it isn't hard to figure out."

"I think someone here is too smart for his own good."

With warning in his father's voice duly noted, he changed tactics. "When did you know you were in love with Mum?"

His father settled back in his black leather desk chair, a warm smile lit up his features. "Well, I refused to acknowledge that I even liked her until I was eighteen. Really, a Malfoy in love with a Weasley? It was preposterous, but honestly, I've loved her since I was fourteen."

The story of his parents was something that was never talked about. It was almost as if they didn't exist together before they were married. All Liam knew for sure was his Mum was pregnant with him when his father finally married her and they'd been inseparable ever since. He knew all about his father being an insufferable git at school - his uncles had been more than willing to tell those stories. But no one was willing to talk about the time between Hogwarts and the wedding. He'd been told he was too young to understand, that maybe when he was older... It frustrated him to no end.

"Why did you wait until Mum was pregnant to get married?" Liam asked, his curiosity finally getting the better of him.

"Because I was a stupid prat who didn't think I deserved someone as perfect as she is. Luckily, she has a tendency to overlook my stupidity and loves me in spite of it."


"I would die if something ever happened to your mother," his father stated plainly. "I would probably live long enough to see you children through school then I'd go join her."

Suddenly, the idea of having a much younger sibling didn't seem so bad after all if it meant keeping at least one of his parents around just that much longer. Liam was pretty sure that his mum whole-heartedly echoed his father's sentiments.

"You know, Mum wants a little girl," he finally said by way of changing the subject to what he really wanted to talk about.

His father sighed then. "I know."

"Then why do you tell her all the time it's going to be a boy?"

"Because I don't want her to get her hopes up that it will be a girl. The odds aren't in her favor."

"Didn't the medi-wizard tell you the sex of the baby when he was here this week?" Liam had no idea how his parents could stand the not knowing.

"Nope," his father grinned. "Ginny doesn't want to know. I think she's afraid of being disappointed again. She desperately hoped that the medi-wizard was wrong about Gareth. Although, your Grandmother seems to think it's definitely a girl."

"But don't you want a girl too?"

"I will be happy with a healthy baby," Draco said noncommittally.

"I want a little sister," Liam said firmly, one corner of his mouth quirked up into a half grin.

"And just why is that?"

"Because, the girls at school would go nutters over a little girl."

"I see, so you want a sister for totally selfish reasons," Draco observed, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

"Well, I am a Malfoy after all - there should be something in this for me," Liam said with a laugh.

Draco laughed heartily with his son. "Spoken like a true spoilt rotten Malfoy.

"I learnt from the best."

"That you did, son. That you did."


"Draco," Ginny breathed with a low moan. "Please, don't stop. Oh, it feels so good. Ooooh!"

He pressed light kisses along her shoulder as he gently, but firmly rubbed circles on her lower back. "Does it feel that good, beautiful?"

She shifted slightly, pressing her back harder against his strong hand. "Possibly better than sex."

"I'm mortally wounded," he playfully pouted, stopping all his ministrations.

"You know it isn't true, silly. Keep rubbing, please, please with sugar on top."

"Did you get any rest this evening?" he asked, complying with her sweet request. "I think you overdid it this afternoon."

"A little bit," she sighed. "But the baby keeps moving. And I can't find a comfortable position."

"Do you need more pillows?"

Ginny reached behind her, pulling her husband's hand over her side so she could settle back against him. "No, I just needed you to come to bed. What took you so long?"

"Stayed up having a chat with Liam." He gently rubbed his hand over the swell of her tummy, feeling the lively movement within. "I see someone is very active tonight." He sat up so he could directly address his newest child. "You in there, you need to stop that so your Mum can get some sleep."

"She doesn't listen very well," his wife giggled. "I fear she'll be a spot of trouble."

"Well, I could just get you all knackered, and then it wouldn't matter now would it?"

Draco had quickly gotten over any concerns he'd had about making love with his wife a few weeks ago when she'd taken control of the situation. Ginny seemed much happier than she had in the weeks prior when he was stealthily trying to avoid her. Not to mention the fact that both of them were resting much better at night as a result.

"I'm already quite knackered." She settled back against his chest once again, getting as comfortable as her aching back and active baby would allow.

His arms were immediately around her, one hand lazily caressing her stomach. "You know, Liam wants a little a sister."

"Yes, we've talked about it a few times already."

"You have, have you?"

"Uh huh," Ginny yawned.

"Do you know why he wants one?"

"Because it's what his Mummy wants."

He had to laugh then. "Your son wants a little sister for his own nefarious purposes."

"Hmmm, how very Slytherin of him," Ginny mumbled. "And that would make him your son."

Draco felt a sudden rush of pride. "Yes, it would. Have you thought about names yet? I was thinking that I liked the name Hammett for a boy." He hadn't really given much thought to girl's names because he knew the odds. Between the domination of males on the Weasley side and the Malfoy family curses (no females born in some four hundred years); the likelihood of a daughter was quite slim.

She shook her head slowly. "The boys and I have already picked out their baby sister's name."

"Ginny," he said softly. "I don't want you to get your hopes up."

"I'm not."

"Well, aren't you going to tell me what it is?" he asked after it was obvious she wasn't going to say anything else. When she didn't respond, Draco gently shook her. "Ginny?"

The only answer he got from his wife was a soft snore.