Author's Note: I'm making an A/N to hopefully placate the many fans/reviewers of this fic. I am working on it (heck I took a sick day today from work and here I am writing some of it). I appreciate the fact that you love this fic so much that making you wait hardly seems fair. Just try to be patient. The way I'm going right now, part 7 could be out before the end of this month, if not sooner.
Here's a cookie in the meantime…Or is it a crumb? Well, I hope that sates you for now…I know I'm evil but I promise I'll rectify that evilness soon.
If You Believe - The Dance, Cookie Crumb Version!
Harry nervously smiled and tried to move in tune to the music that was playing as best he could. It was hard to dance and think about stripping his clothes at the same time. If he had a choice, he'd just dance the night away without shedding a thing. Then he saw Hermione's blushing face.
`I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.'
And yet, for some odd reason, his body did. He realized that as he strode out purposely with great confidence in front of the witches with seemingly lecherous faces. `They're going to eat me!' his mind panicked.
Harry, or his body rather, soon found its way to Ginny and he found himself leaning over her and bracing his arms on each of her sides. `Oh what the freaking hell am I doing now?!' He didn't have to wait long for the answer as he soon felt his body dip lower and playfully arch forward, as if submitting itself to her, like a cat aching to be stroked by its master. `Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez!'
"Groooowl...," a deep male voice said demurely against Ginny's ear. Or was that him? `Oh dear God…Hermione, I'm going to make you pay for this!'