Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but the plot
A/N: Thanks to my beta, Aliya!
Chapter 14
The rest of Christmas vacation flew by quickly. Nothing very significant happened. The twins played a few more
pranks on Draco, one being dying his hair half bright pink, and the then other half neon green, but that was the worst
one. They did this during the night on Christmas, but it was after midnight and, technically, was the next day. By the
end of break, they'd stopped bothering him all together. They began to accept the fact that their sister was dating
a Malfoy, and there was nothing they could do about it. For that, Draco was thankful. He didn't like the feeling
that someone was after him.
It was now the day they were to return to Hogwarts. Ron, Harry, and Ginny were currently sitting in the car waiting for
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Malfoy had gone home the day before, with an invitation to come to tea whenever she got
lonely. "You think we should tell everyone we're dating, or wait until the ball?" Ginny asked as they
"Let's wait until the ball and shock everyone when we come in together," Draco suggested.
"Okay," Ginny replied, leaning her head against his shoulder.
"I still haven't seen your dress robes," Draco commented.
"I know, I want it to be a surprise," Ginny informed him.
"Oh," Draco said. "They're light purple, right?"
"Yeah. I can't believe you remember," Ginny answered, amazed.
"Of course I remember. I remember everything you said," Draco told her.
Ginny smiled at him as her parents entered the car. "Everyone ready to go?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"Yes," the four students replied in unison.
"Alright, let's go then," Mr. Weasley said.
Then they were off.
When they arrived at the train station, they all got out of the car and grabbed their trunks out of the trunk of the
car. They had arrived early, so they had their pick of almost any compartment. Harry, Ron, and Ginny sat down in one of
Draco gave Ginny a kiss and then said, "I'll see you later, Gin. You too Harry, Weasley." Ron and Draco
still didn't call each other by their first names, but they weren't at each other's throats either.
"Wait, where are you going?" Ginny asked.
"You said you wanted to keep our relationship a secret, surprise them at the dance. Everyone would be suspicious
if I sat with you guys," Draco replied.
"Oh, yeah," Ginny sighed in disappointment. She'd been looking forward to spending the train ride to
"I'll e-mail you, go online," Draco told her to cheer her up.
"Okay. I forgot about that," Ginny agreed.
"See ya," he said and then he was gone.
"Was that Malfoy?" a familiar female voice asked from the door of their compartment. It was
"Yeah, that was Draco," Harry answered, pulling her in for a kiss.
Ginny smiled as they kissed. They looked like they were in their own little world, and they probably were. She could
tell they loved each other and was thinking about how cute they were together when Ron ruined the moment. "Would
you guys quit it?" he snapped.
They sprang apart guiltily. "Sorry, Ron," Hermione apologized.
"I've seen enough snogging these past two weeks to last me a lifetime," Ron complained.
"What's he talking about?" Hermione asked, bemused. "And now that I think about it, why did you call
Malfoy Draco earlier, Harry?"
Harry and Ron turned their attention to Ginny for the answer. "Yeah, well, you see, I'm dating Draco
Malfoy," Ginny explained quickly.
"You're WHAT?" Hermione asked in surprise.
"I'm dating Draco Malfoy," Ginny repeated.
"Why?" Hermione exclaimed, clearly confused.
Ginny then told her the whole story about inviting Hotdragon over for Christmas and what happened during break. When
she had finished, Hermione said, "Wow."
At that moment, the person they had been previously discussing appeared at the door of the compartment. "What
happened to you, Weasley? Haven't heard from you in awhile," Draco sneered pointedly, trying to remind her to
go online. He had been waiting for her for almost a half an hour.
"It's alright, she knows," Ginny said.
"Oh, well then, are you planning on going online anytime soon?" he asked.
"Whoops, sorry. I'll be on in a minute, I was talking to Hermione," she explained.
"Alright. See you later," he said. Then he was gone again.
"How can you like him?" Hermione asked incredulously.
"He's not as bad as you think," Ginny answered, taking out her laptop. "Is he, Harry?"
"Ginny's right, he's really not that bad," Harry testified.
"What do you think, Ron?" Hermione asked.
"Well, I will admit that he's not as bad as I originally thought," Ron admitted.
"You mean you don't mind me dating him?" Ginny exclaimed excitedly.
"No, I still don't like that, but I think that I'd feel that way about any guy you would date that I
don't know very well. Once I get to know him better, I'll probably approve of him," Ron replied.
"You guys can't be serious; this is Draco Malfoy we're talking about here. The
guy who has picked on us for years," Hermione reminded them.
"Oh, you weren't there. Over vacation, he apologized for everything he's ever said about us or done to
us," Harry told her. "He's really not as bad as you think. Just give him a chance."
"He apologized!" Hermione exclaimed in shock. "He actually apologized?!"
"Yeah," Ginny replied.
"Wow. If that's true, tell him I'm sorry too," Hermione said.
"Why don't you, he's online right now," Ginny suggested.
"Alright, tell me when you're ready," Hermione replied.
Ginny logged on to the internet and then IMed Draco.
Fierysprite: Hey.
Hotdragon: Hey, what took you so long?
Fierysprite: I was talking.
Fierysprite: Hermione wants to tell you something.
Hotdragon: Okay.
Fierysprite: It's Hermione, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I've done to you.
Hotdragon: They told you about my apology?
Fierysprite: Yeah.
Hotdragon: Apology accepted. I'm sorry too.
Fierysprite: Apology accepted.
Fierysprite: It's Ginny again.
Hotdragon: What did Hermione say when she found out everything?
Fierysprite: She was shocked, but we convinced her that you're not all bad, even Ron helped.
Hotdragon: Good.
Fierysprite: Who are you sitting with?
Hotdragon: Blaise, Pansy, and Millicent.
Fierysprite: I thought Pansy was mad at you.
Hotdragon: She was, but evidently she forgot, or she got over it.
Fierysprite: Is she trying to hit on you again?
Hotdragon: Yeah, but don't worry, I like you better.
Fierysprite: I should hope so.
Hotdragon: She's bugging me about the dance. I told her that I already have a date. Now, she's bugging me about
who my date is.
Fierysprite: She just doesn't give up, does she?
Hotdragon: No, and it's bloody annoying.
Fierysprite: Oh crud, I gotta go. Pansy's trying to read over my shoulder.
Fierysprite: Alright, meet me outside the Great Hall after dinner.
Hotdragon: How about by the lake?
Fierysprite: Okay, bye, Draco. I love you.
Hotdragon: I love you too. Bye.
(Hotdragon has logged off.)
Ginny sighed and shut down her laptop. She wished he didn't have to go, but she knew that Pansy could be really
nosy. She did want to surprise everyone at the ball.
"That was pretty quick, I thought you'd talk to him the whole trip there," Harry commented.
Ginny rolled her eyes and told him, "Pansy was reading over his shoulder."
"Is she still following him around?" Hermione asked.
"Yep," Ginny replied bitterly.
"Ooh, do I sense some jealously?" Harry teased.
"I'm not jealous of her really. I'm just jealous that she can hang all over him whenever she wants, and no
one would even look twice. If I did, I would have everyone gawking at us," Ginny explained.
"Are you sure about that?" Hermione joked.
"Of course I am, he even told me he likes me better," Ginny defended.
"I know that, we're just joking. I can tell just by looking at you two when you're together that
you're crazy about each other," Harry said truthfully.
Ginny smiled and then turned to look out the window. The motion of the train, and the scenery going by slowly lulled
her to sleep. She didn't wake up until they arrived at the train station.
Draco, on the other hand, was trying desperately to fall asleep, but to no avail. No matter how hard he tried, he
couldn't fall asleep. He wasn't sure if it was because he had too much on him mind, or if it was Pansy's
high-pitched voice constantly babbling in his ear. He tried to block her voice out, but it couldn't be done. It was
too screechy to ignore.
Finally, Draco had had enough, "Pansy, shut up already and let me sleep," he snapped.
Pansy looked hurt for about a second, but then adopted a once again cheerful look. "Oh, I know you don't mean
it," she said.
"Yes, I do. I'm not taking you to the dance, I already have a date!" Draco explained for about the
millionth time since they'd gotten on the train.
"Who is it then?" Pansy asked.
"That's for me to know, and you to find out," Draco said.
"Fine," Pansy relented huffily.
Then there was, thankfully, silence. Draco settled back in his seat, trying to fall asleep. As soon as his eyes closed,
a picture of Ginny flickered across his closed lids. He really wished he'd just stayed with her. He began to
imagine what she was doing and slowly fell asleep.
At five thirty, Ginny was preparing to go to dinner. They had arrived at Hogwarts about two hours ago. Then
she'd unpacked and found Shannon. Ginny had apologized for being so withdrawn, and then they'd caught up with
each other. Ginny had decided not to tell Shannon about Draco. She would find out soon enough.
As Ginny approached the Great Hall, she became more excited, not about dinner, but what was happening afterwards. Even
though she'd just seen him a few hours ago, Ginny still missed Draco. She knew it was stupid, but she couldn't
help it. She was in love.
As she sat down at the Gryffindor table, she purposefully picked a seat facing the Slytherin table. She was pleased
when she saw that Draco had done the same, sitting in a spot facing the Gryffindor table. Her eyes locked with his and
he blew her a discreet kiss. She was so immersed with Draco that she didn't notice Shannon sit down next to
"Why are you staring at Malfoy?" she asked.
Ginny's head snapped around guiltily to look at her friend. "I was trying to figure out what is up with him
lately, he's acting different," Ginny lied easily, but not without guilt.
"How so?" Shannon inquired further.
Crap, Ginny thought, think of something, quick. "Well, he actually said something to me today. He hadn't
talked to anyone really, let alone a Gryffindor, in a long time," Ginny covered up.
Shannon shrugged. "Must be over his sister's death," she said. "Hey, did you hear Lucius Malfoy was
"Yeah," Ginny replied.
Then there was silence, and Ginny mentally counted the minutes until she could meet Draco. Suddenly, she jumped up and
announced, "I'm really tired. I'm going to bed." Then she left before anyone could say anything.
She rushed to the Common Room, picking up her winter cloak. Then she rushed to the lake. She was relieved to see no one
was out there. Everyone was at dinner. Now all she had to do was wait for Draco. She knew that he'd seen her leave,
but would wait a few minutes so it wouldn't be obvious that he was meeting her.
Twenty minutes passed, and he finally arrived. "Do you know where the Room of Requirement is?" she asked
after they'd exchanged greetings and a kiss.
"The Room of Requirement?" he repeated, confused.
"Never mind, follow me," Ginny commanded.
"Yes, ma'am," Draco muttered sarcastically under his breath.
"I heard that," Ginny snapped.
When they arrived at the room, Ginny pushed Draco in and locked the door behind her. There were a few couches and
chairs in the room. "Where are we?" Draco asked in awe.
"The Room of Requirement," Ginny answered. "We had a secret Defense Against the Dark Arts club in here
last year."
"Oh. This really sucks, you know," Draco commented.
"What really sucks?" she asked.
"Being in different houses and ex-enemies," he clarified.
"Yeah, it does," Ginny agreed.
"I wish we didn't have to keep everything a secret. I mean, we don't have to,
but it stinks that we can't just hang out together without people talking. I wish we could just hang out in a
Common room. I wish we were in the same house," Draco complained. "I shouldn't be in Slytherin."
"I agree with everything you just said," Ginny told him. "You should be in Gryffindor, but the stupid
hat wasn't even on your head when it said Slytherin." Ginny pulled Draco over to a couch and sat down next to
"Now," she began seductively in his ear. "We didn't come here just to talk, did we?"
Draco shook his head and gave her a kiss that she'll never forget. It had a passion that Ginny didn't know
could be conveyed in just one kiss. He started to kiss her very hard at first, but decreased the pressure. It turned
into a sweet, gentle kiss filled with love. Draco slid his tongue over her bottom lip, and she moaned against his mouth
and opened it. His tongue seemed to burn hers where it touched. Getting swept up in the kiss, Ginny began to unclasp
his robes and unbutton his shirt. He didn't even realize that she was doing it until her hands grazed his chest.
Her touch creating tingling sensations where they roamed over his body.
That's when he broke away from her mouth. They were both out of air and breathing hard. Glancing at her watch,
Ginny saw that it was getting late, and her brother was probably starting to worry. "I should probably be
going," Ginny said regretfully.
"Do you have to?" Draco mumbled as he began to kiss her neck.
"Mmmm, don't stop doing that," Ginny moaned. "Actually, do stop, I have to go, my brother will
Draco took his lips from her neck and looked her in the eye. "I love you," he whispered.
"Good. I love you too. How about we do this tomorrow?" Ginny suggested.
"Alright, see you tomorrow," he agreed.
"See ya," she replied, giving him one last kiss.
She made her way back to Gryffindor Tower quickly. She didn't want to get caught by Filch or a prefect. When she
arrived at the Portrait Hole, she said the password (Wolfsbane) and went in. Sure enough, Ron was sitting on one of the
couches with Harry and Hermione, waiting for her.
"Where have you been?" Ron yelled when he saw her.
"Relax, I was with Draco," Ginny answered calmly.
"Let me guess, you weren't just talking," Ron said.
"What makes you say that?" Ginny asked, somewhat nervously.
"Gin, your cheeks are totally flushed and your hair is an absolute mess. Not to mention the hickey on your neck
that wasn't there earlier today," Hermione informed her.
Ginny blushed a deep shade of red. "He gave me a hickey?" she squealed.
Hermione nodded sympathetically. "Here, come here," she said. When Ginny stood in front of Hermione, she cast
a concealing charm.
"Thanks, Mione," Ginny thanked her. "I don't think I would have thought or that. Well, I'm going
to bed."
"Alright, Gin?" Hermione replied before anyone could protest.
Ginny rushed to her dormitory and looked at herself in the mirror. She DID look pretty disheveled. She was glad it was
Ron and his friends that had seen her first. She lay down in her bed, not bothering to change into pajamas and sighed
happily. Tonight had been wonderful, but she was exhausted. She got up and got ready for bed. She got into bed and,
almost instantly, fell asleep.
The next few days went by in a haze. Draco and Ginny met every night in the Room of Requirement to talk and snog.
They would sometimes talk online when they couldn't see each other, like before dinner. Right now, Draco was going
to check if Ginny was online. She was. It was the day of the ball, and he wanted to get everything straightened
Hotdragon: Hey, what's up?
Fierysprite: Nothing much, just waiting for the ball.
Hotdragon: We're meeting outside the Great Hall at six, right?
Fierysprite: Yeah. I've got to get ready soon.
Hotdragon: I won't keep you from getting ready. I just wanted to make sure where and when we're meeting.
Fierysprite: Alright, see you soon.
Hotdragon: See you.
(Fierysprite has logged off.)
Draco smiled as he thought of the upcoming dance. It was funny that they'd both started out hating the idea of the
ball, and now they were so excited. He guessed it was because they both got a date that they actually liked. If it
hadn't been for Ginny, he probably wouldn't have gone.
Draco decided that it was probably time that he got ready to meet his date. He had decided to wear black dress robes
because he wasn't sure, exactly what color her dress robes were. He didn't want them to clash.
After taking a shower, Draco put on his dress robes and began to work on his hair. Recently, he had been wearing
ungelled, falling softly around his face. Today, however, he decided to slick it back with gel. After putting in the
gel, he cast a holding spell on it. He wanted to look perfect tonight.
Once Ginny had logged off the internet, she got in the shower. When she came out, Hermione was waiting for her. She
had agreed to help Ginny with her hair and make-up. "Hey, Hermione. Let me just put in my robes, and then we can
get started," Ginny said.
"Okay," Hermione replied.
Ginny cast a drying spell on her hair and put on her robe. When she came out, Hermione gasped. "Gin, you look
gorgeous already," she exclaimed.
"Thanks," Ginny replied sheepishly. "What do you think I should do with my hair?"
"How about we curl it and then put clips in to keep it out of your face," Hermione suggested.
"Okay," Ginny agreed.
Hermione uttered a spell that immediately curled her hair in wide, loose curls. Then she took some hair from each side
of her head and clipped it to the side with the barrettes Draco had bought her for Christmas. "These are pretty,
Gin. Did Draco give them to you?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah," Ginny said. "He bought them as an apology present, but gave them to me for Christmas."
"That's cute," Hermione replied. "You are going to attract a lot of attention tonight, Gin, and not
just because you're going with Malf- er Draco. You look gorgeous."
"Thanks, Hermione," Ginny answered happily. "I want to look perfect tonight."
At six o'clock, Draco stood outside the Great Hall, waiting impatiently for Ginny. "Where is she?" he
mumbled to himself.
Just then, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Expecting Pansy, he whipped around angrily, but froze when he saw
it was Ginny, his mouth falling open at her appearance. She smiled at his reaction, and reached out to gently close his
mouth. He looked at her sheepishly and grinned. "Gin, you look beautiful," Draco breathed.
"You don't look so bad yourself," she commented, looking him up and down.
"I'm glad I pass your inspection," Draco replied with a smile. "You ready to shock
"Oh, yeah," Ginny said.
They both took a deep breath and joined hands. Draco opened the doors to the Great Hall, and they walked in. Everyone
ignored them at first, but people slowly started to stare as they noticed them. As they made their way to the table
where Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ron's date, Luna Lovegood sat, Ginny could hear snatches of conversation. "A
Malfoy and a Weasley?" "She's in Gryffindor, what's she doing with him?" "Probably under
the Imperius Curse." "SHE's his date?" The last comment was made by, none other than, Pansy
Ginny and Draco simply pretended to ignore them. They sat down at the table and started talking. "You look great,
Gin," Harry told her.
"Thanks, Harry," she replied. "You look good too." Ginny could still feel everyone's eyes on
her and Draco, but she didn't care. Slowly, people began to ignore the couple. They had expected an angry outburst
from Ron, but when one didn't come, they lost interest.
After a few minutes, Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement. "First, I would like to welcome everyone to the
dance. Secondly, if everyone would sit down, it is time for the feast," he said.
Everyone obeyed and the food began to appear on the tables. As Ginny ate, she looked around the Great Hall. All of the
House tables scattered around the room. The enchanted ceiling showed a clear sky filled with stars. One of the teachers
had charmed fake snowflakes to fall from the ceiling, making everything sparkle. On all of the walls there were big
snowflakes that glittered in the light. Suddenly, she felt Draco elbow her in the ribs. "Ow, what was that
for?" Ginny snapped.
"Harry was talking to you," he replied.
"Oh, sorry, what were you saying, Harry?" she asked, embarrassed.
"I asked you what you thought about Draco quitting the Quidditch team." Harry repeated.
"Oh. Well, their new Seeker sucks, so that's good for Gryffindor. I also kinda know how he felt. I didn't
feel like doing much either. I felt too guilty. And I must say, I'm glad I don't have to play against him now
that we're dating, but, on the other hand, if I get hit in the head with a Bludger, there will be no one to catch
me," Ginny replied with a smile.
"Don't worry," Draco whispered, kissing her on the cheek. "I'll always catch you."
"Aww," the other four cooed in unison. "That's so sweet."
Draco rolled his eyes at Ginny who shook her head in reply. "Ignore them," she said. "They're just
jealous that no one had ever said something that romantic to them."
"Now there's something I never thought I'd hear, someone talking about Malfoy being romantic," Ron
commented dryly.
Ginny glared half-heartedly at him. "Leave my boyfriend alone, you great git," she snapped. "You're
ruining the moment."
Then their table, along with them, was pushed across the room, against one of the walls. All of the other tables were
doing the same, creating a dance floor in the middle of the Hall. "I would like everyone to put your hands
together for the Weird Sisters," Dumbledore announced.
Everyone clapped as the band came out. They began to play music, and couples started to drift out to the dance floor.
"Want to dance?" Draco asked Ginny.
"Sure," she replied, taking the hand he offered her as he led her to the dance floor.
After dancing for a half an hour, Draco and Ginny sat in some of the chairs set up along the walls. Ginny rested her
head on his shoulder and closed her eyes in content. That was, of course, until Pansy showed up. "You picked her
over me?" she screeched at Draco.
Draco looked at her calmly and smirked. "I don't see how that comes as a shock to you. She's twice the
girl you'll ever be," he snapped.
"But she's a Weasley," she shot back in distaste, spitting out the last word in
disgust. "What did you have to get him to come to the ball with trash like you? You must be pretty good in bed to
get him to come with you."
Ginny was about to retort, but Draco was way ahead of her. He jumped up and grabbed Pansy by the front of her robes.
"That's my girlfriend you're talking about, and you better take everything you just said back. Otherwise,
I won't be held responsible for my actions. You're lucky my father taught me some courtesy, or I'd have
cursed you into next year before you even knew what hit you," he growled threateningly. "Take it back."
he shook her for emphasis.
"Fine, I'm sorry," she said quickly.
Draco released his hold on her robes and glared at her. "Now, leave Ginny and I alone. Don't let me catch you
anywhere near her," he threatened menacingly.
Pansy quickly walked away once Draco had let go. She tried to move as dignified as possible, but they had gathered an
audience and everyone stared at her as she left, most laughing at her.
"Thanks, Draco," Ginny whispered. "I could have handled it myself, but thanks anyway."
"I know you could have handled her, but she's only after you because you're dating me. I thought I owed it
to you to tell her to sod off," Draco replied. "Besides, I've been looking for an excuse to rough her up
for awhile now."
Ginny laughed and smiled at him. "You want to go outside for a few minutes?" she asked.
"Sure," Draco agreed. He took her hand and led her toward the lake.
"Look at all the stars," Ginny gasped, looking at the sky. "They're beautiful."
"Just like you," Draco whispered.
At this, Ginny began to laugh uncontrollably. "What is so funny?" Draco snapped. He was trying to be
romantic, and she was laughing at him.
"In every romance novel, movie, or TV show, Muggle things, I have ever read or seen, I have always thought that
was such a cheesy line," Ginny explained.
"Okay, it was kinda cheesy, but it seemed like a good idea at the time," Draco defended.
"It's the thought that counts," Ginny comforted. "I think it's sweet that you're trying to
be romantic."
"Trying being the operative word," Draco commented.
"Exactly," Ginny confirmed, laughing.
He scowled at her, but couldn't hold it very long. His face soon softened, and he began laughing with her. Out of
the corner of his eye, Draco saw Ginny shiver.
"Cold?" he asked.
She nodded. "Can we go back inside?" she inquired.
"Yeah, I'm kind of cold too," Draco replied. They entered the Great Hall once again, and, as soon as they
entered, they were warmed up. It was a lot warmer inside.
After they had warmed up, a slow song began to play. "Want to dance?" Draco offered his hand.
"I'd love to," she replied, following him onto the dance floor.
Draco wrapped his strong arms around Ginny's waist, and she put her arms on his shoulders. She rested her head on
his chest and just reveled in the moment. She loved the way that his arms felt around her, and how they seemed to fit
together perfectly. She sighed in contentment and smiled against his chest. There was no where she'd rather be than
right there, in his arms.
"Ginny," he called softly, nudging her gently.
"Hmm?" she mumbled into his chest.
"The song's over," he informed her.
"Oh," she said unintelligently. "I didn't even notice."
"I know," he replied. "You seemed like you were a million miles away."
"I was thinking about how perfect we are together," she told him.
"I love you," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.
"Love you too," she mumbled into his shoulder.
At that moment, Ginny felt someone tap her on her shoulder. She spun around to see Harry standing there.
"What's up, Harry?" she asked.
"I just wanted to tell you that you two look a little dumb just standing there, not moving. It's a fast song
now," Harry informed them.
"Oh, thanks, Harry," she replied, embarrassed.
They began to dance again and continued to do so for another hour or so. After this, they were both exhausted.
"It's getting late, and a lot of people are starting to leave. Plus, I'm knackered," Ginny said.
"Yeah, you want me to walk you back to your Common Room?" Draco asked.
"That would be nice," she replied.
"Okay," he said, taking her hand and pulling her close.
After walking for a few minutes, they arrived in front of the Fat Lady portrait. "I had a great time tonight,
Draco," Ginny told him.
"I did too. Hey, you want to sit with me at breakfast tomorrow?" he asked.
"Sure, see you then," Ginny replied with a smile.
He returned the simile. "Good night, Ginny," he said, giving her a quick kiss.
"Good night." Then she turned and entered the Common Room. She walked directly to her dormitory and got ready
for bed. Then she got ready bed and turned off the light. She lay down in her bed and smiled as she thought of her
night. It had gone wonderfully. She couldn't have hoped for a better night.
A/N: Don't forget to review! Next chapter will be up soon!