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Harry wandered downstairs into the Weasleys' kitchen, still a bit tired. Since graduation, he'd been staying with Lupin, but recently-with Hermione's return, and all-he'd become such a frequent guest at the Weasleys' home that he'd just started bunking there.
To his surprise, there was no warm smell of cooking food or friendly chatter wafting from the kitchen. He recognized the hushed voices of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and as soon as he stepped into the room, they looked up at him apprehensively.
" Oh, Harry," Mrs. Weasley said, forcing a smile, " it's you. I've sent the rest of the kids off to the park. Perhaps you should join them..."
Her voice drifted off as her gaze focused on something behind him. Harry turned, seeing Hermione enter the room. She looked uncomfortable as all of the attention was suddenly focused on her and self-consciously tucked a strand of hair behind one ear. " Is everything all right?"
In an instant, Mrs. Weasley had forgotten entirely about Harry. " Oh, Hermione," she said, moving toward her. She glanced back at Mr. Weasley for support. " There's something we have to tell you..."
Harry knew he should leave. He knew he should go to the park and let them have their private moment. But he seemed unable to do so, and sat there, listening.
Hermione managed to stay respectably calm, calmer-Harry reflected-than he ever could with Mrs. Weasley fluttering about in such a nervous fashion. He glanced over at Mr. Weasley and saw that he, too, looked decidedly uncomfortable.
Mrs. Weasley exchanged several uncomfortable glances with her husband and then finally began. " Hermione, dear, I'm afraid we have some bad news. We've received word from your parents--"
Harry felt suddenly foolish. With all the excitement of getting Hermione back, he'd forgotten completely about contacting the Grangers. By the look on Hermione's face, he could tell that she hadn't forgotten, though, and he mused that she'd probably been trying to reach them ever since her return.
" What is it?" Hermione inquired anxiously. " They're all right, aren't they? No one's been hurt?"
" They're fine." Mr. Weasley spoke up, and looked away.
Hermione frowned at him, then at Mrs. Weasley. " Then...what's going on? Is there bad news?"
" We wrote to your parents and told them that you were alive, and that you'd like to see them." Mrs. Weasley said, and her voice had suddenly become very quiet. " But in the letter we received from them last night...Oh, Hermione, I'm so sorry."
" Will someone please just tell me what's going on?"
Mrs. Weasley sighed. " Hermione, I'm afraid that your parents don't wish to see you."
A stillness fell over the room. Harry felt as though he'd been punched in the stomach. Hermione's parents? Hermione's sweet, good-natured parents? He looked to her anxiously, wondering what was going through her mind.
Hermione looked puzzled. " What? I don't understand...why would they say that?"
There were tears running down Mrs. Weasley's cheeks now. " I don't know, sweetheart. But I want you to know, you'll always have a home here."
Hermione seemed to not have heard her. " Are you sure that's what they meant? Have you tried again?"
" We tried several times." Mr. Weasley acknowledged. " We hoped that there had been some misunderstanding...that's why it took so long. But your parents remain firm."
Hermione stared at them. She looked at Mr. Weasley, then Mrs. Weasley. Her eyes fell suddenly upon Harry, noticing him for the first time. Then abruptly, she ran out the back door.
Mrs. Weasley started after her, but Mr. Weasley took her by the arm. " Molly-it might be best if Harry went to see her."
Mrs. Weasley looked at Harry in surprise, having forgotten he was there. " Oh, yes," she said, wiping at her eyes with the back of one hand, " would you mind, Harry?"
He was already out the door.
Harry wandered until he found her. Hermione was sitting under a tree in the backyard, her face ashen. He approached her tentatively. " Hermione, are you all right?"
Hermione glanced up at Harry, then promptly leaned over and wretched. Wordlessly, Harry took her hair and held it back. When she was through, she wiped at her mouth with a trembling hand and then covered her face. Great heaving sobs wracked her body.
She looked so small then to Harry, so very, very small. He enveloped her in his arms, resting his chin atop her head. There were no words exchanged between them; there was really nothing that could be said to mend this sort of thing.
Some time passed; Harry wasn't certain of the amount-a few minutes, a few hours maybe. Hermione finally looked up at him with blotchy red eyes. There was a wetness around her nose, a mixture of tears and snot. Harry was overcome suddenly with a fierce protectiveness toward her; he wanted to rip her parents apart with his bare hands.
" I don't understand," Hermione said finally, her voice shaky. " My parents love me...they've never given any sort of indication that..." She couldn't bring herself to say the words.
Harry forced back his anger toward the Grangers. " Death can do funny things to people, Hermione," he said, sighing. " Maybe they don't trust that you're really back. Maybe they're afraid of getting hurt again."
Hermione was silent, seeming to ponder over this. She took a sudden, shaky breath, casting her gaze down to the ground. " How am I supposed to survive without my parents?"
Swallowing, Harry reached out and intertwined his fingers with her own, wishing that he could give her the strength that she needed now, even if it would sap him dry. "It's hard," he admitted softly, " but you'll get by." He reached out and brushed a tear from her cheek. " And you'll always have me, Hermione. I swear it. You're the most important thing in my life."
Hermione finally met his gaze. There was an anguish there, it seemed, that was separate from the loss of her parents. " That's sweet of you, Harry," she said, giving a pained smile, " but it's not really true, is it?" Silently, she reached up and traced her fingers over a carving in the bark.
HP + GW.
With that, she rose to her feet and pulled away from him, wandering deeper into the backyard. Thoroughly confused now, Harry watched her go, but didn't follow.
I thrive on reviews--don't make me starve!
A/N: To the two or so people reading this fic, thanks. :)