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document.write(''); The Point of No Return
author: Elizabeth
summary: Cross-over between the X-Files and Harry Potter. When the X-Files are called upon to investigate strange activity in London, they get more than they bargained for when they run into the world's most famous wizard.
ships: H/Hr, M/S, D/S
rating: PG
disclaimer: I don't own HP and I don't own the X-Files. Sadly.
a/n: Just a brief reminder, in this fic the X-Files crew and Harry and Hermione are all about the same age. I know that isn't really plausible, but...that's what fanfics are for!!! *evil laughter*
chapter four: Connections
Harry was angry, Hermione could tell, though he was trying desperately to remain calm. As Ron, Luna, and the Muggles cleared a space on the living room floor, Hermione reached out and placed a tentative hand on his shoulder. "Harry, are you all right?"
"He didn't tell us anything," Harry said, turning to face her. "Dumbledore. He didn't give us any information. I feel like I'm back in fifth year again, being purposefully kept in the dark. Why did he even bother coming?"
Hermione frowned. "Harry, you heard what Dumbledore said. For whatever reason, he wasn't allowed to tell us. We have to trust his judgment. And as for why he came, well...he probably wanted to let you know that he wasn't ignoring you. He wants to help, but he has to do it his own way."
Ron approached, smiling tentatively as he glanced back and forth between them. "Everything all right over here?"
"Fine." Harry said shortly.
Ron clapped his hands together. "Well, if the two of you can spare me, I need to get back to work. The Ministry waits for no man, and all."
Hermione embraced him quickly. "Sorry about last night, Ron. We'll make sure to owl you the next time we don't show up for dinner."
"You better." Ron gave them one last parting grin, then turned to Luna. "Come on, sweetheart." He glanced quickly at Reyes, blushing, then wrapped an arm around his wife. "Nice to meet everyone."
When they were gone, Doggett stepped toward Harry and Hermione, his face openly wary. "Well, we've made a big enough space for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Now can you explain this whole Pensieve thing to us?"
"A Pensieve is a wizard tool used to store memories," Hermione informed them, "sort of to help clear the mind. It can also be used to examine someone's memory because it gives an unbiased view of what happened."
Understanding dawned in Scully's eyes. "So you're going to create a Pensieve out of my memories so we can examine the dream."
Hermione nodded. "Exactly. The only problem is that making a Pensieve for a Muggle is a little more complicated than creating one for a wizard. It requires the combined efforts of at least two wizards, and any extra strength we can use is helpful. That's why we need everyone's participation."
On the opposite side of the room, Mulder folded his arms. "I don't know if I like this. It sounds kind of dangerous."
Scully met his gaze. "It's all right, Mulder. I can handle this."
They stared at one another, neither backing down. Harry intervened, stepping forward. "Don't worry-Hermione's running the show on this, and she was the top witch in her class. She won't let anything happen."
There was another tense pause, and then Mulder nodded. "All right."
A short while later, they were sitting on the ground in a circle, holding hands. Doggett glanced around uncomfortably. "I feel kind of ridiculous," he admitted.
Reyes smiled. "I feel like I'm thirteen again."
Hermione busied herself passing around a potion that she had spent the last half hour or so brewing. "Everyone take a drink-just a sip will do." When the cup came back to her, she took her own sip and grimaced. "Ooh, that's horrid, isn't it? Tastes kind of like sunflower seeds..."
Mulder merely grinned.
Hermione cleared her throat, all business once more. "All right, in a few minutes the potion should begin to take effect. There may be some strange side effects at first-we'll all probably be forced to recount a memory, and it will most likely be a painful one. But we're going to have to focus on Agent Scully--"
And suddenly, the room was spinning and a thousand muffled voices were screaming at once. An image projected in the center of the circle. It was a young Fox Mulder, watching as his sister was abducted by aliens. "Samantha...Samantha!!!"
Next there was a sobbing Scully, handing her baby over to the worker at the adoption agency. "William..."
A slightly younger Doggett, standing over the lifeless form of his son. "Luke..."
A five year old Reyes watching her grandmother draw in her last breath. "Nana..."
A fifteen year old Harry watching as Sirius toppled backward through the veil. "Sirius!"
A seventeen year old Hermione, realizing that Harry had gone to face Voldemort on his own. "Harry..."
At the head of the circle, Hermione pressed her eyes shut. *Focus* she thought wildly, forcing other painful memories from her mind. *We need to focus...*
And then the voices and images were dimming, and suddenly there was only one source drawing their energy. Lily Evans was in the midst of the circle, her green eyes wide with fright as Voldemort entered the room. She raced toward the stairs, her face frantic. A moment later, she was in the bedroom of a young baby boy who was sleeping in a crib. She gathered him in her arms, backing away as Voldemort entered the room. "No, please! Not Harry!" There was a flash of green light and then a scream.
As the green light began to fade, there was a flash of a face. Piercing blue eyes. Aristocratic features. Long shimmering blonde hair.
With a gasp, everyone returned to their normal state. Scully was trembling visibly, obviously shaken. Mulder took her hands. "Dana, are you all right?"
"I'm all right." Scully said, even managing a weak smile. She glanced at Mulder, sensing he needed something to do. "I'd, um, like to take a bath."
"I'm on it." he said quickly, rushing to the bathroom.
On Scully's other side, Reyes looked equally worried. "Can I get you anything, Dana? Maybe I should make you some tea..." Before Scully could even reply, Reyes was out of the room.
Seeing the stricken look on Hermione's face, Scully smiled again. "I'm all right-really. It's just...seeing that man's face sort of gave me a shock."
Harry frowned at this. "You haven't seen him before?"
Scully shook her head. "No, this is the first time."
Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance. "Can you excuse us?" Harry inquired. "We'll only be a moment..."
They disappeared from the room, leaving Scully and Doggett alone together. She glanced over at him, seeing the open worry on his face. "Are you sure you're all right?" he inquired.
"Fine." Feeling a surge of bravery, she added, "And you?"
Doggett furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"
Scully shrugged. "Well, it's just that since we started working on this case, you've scarcely spoken three words to me."
Doggett stared at her for a moment, then glanced away. "You're being ridiculous."
"Am I?" Scully countered. "We used to be partners, John. I know when you're avoiding something, and for some reason that something is me right now. What's going on?"
"You didn't say goodbye." Doggett blurted abruptly.
Scully blinked at him in surprise. "What?"
Doggett looked thoroughly embarrassed now. "You didn't say goodbye. We worked together for two years, Agent Scully, and then you just took off with Mulder without so much as a word of goodbye. Working with you meant a lot to me. I considered you a friend, but apparently you didn't feel the same way."
She was silent, stunned. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Agent Doggett. That was certainly never my intention. Everything just happened so fast..."
He shrugged. "It's fine. Just forget it."
Scully frowned at him. "Agent Doggett--"
Mulder reentered the room. "Bath's almost..." He stopped seeing the expressions on their faces. "What is it? Is everything all right?"
"Fine." Doggett said briskly, rising to his feet. "I think I'll go see if Monica needs help with the tea."
As soon as they were in the dining room, Harry whirled to face Hermione. "Did you just see what I saw?"
"Lucius Malfoy." Hermione confirmed grimly. "There was no mistaking him."
Harry let out a confused sigh, running a hand through his already messy hair. "I don't understand. Why of all people was Lucius Malfoy in the dream?"
"It is rather strange," Hermione confirmed. "I didn't know he and your mother were connected."
"They weren't." Harry returned. "At least, not so far as I know. They weren't in the same year at Hogwarts or anything. They must have known each other through the wizarding world, but other than that..."
Hermione was silent for a moment, pondering this. "Well, I suppose there's only one way to find some answers."
"Draco." Harry confirmed grimly.
They started toward the door. Harry stopped abruptly and frowned at her. "Um...Hermione?"
He looked down at his hands. "When we were in the circle, your painful memory...it was when I left to fight Voldemort, wasn't it?"
It was her turn to feel uncomfortable. "Yes, it was." she replied honestly.
Harry sighed. "I didn't realize that you were still upset about that. You know I only left you behind because I didn't want you to get hurt."
Hermione looked away. " I know, Harry. And logically, I can understand that. But I won't lie-at the time, I was really hurt that you left me behind. I felt like you didn't think I was strong enough."
He shook his head. "That isn't it, Hermione. It's because I knew that if something happened to you, I could never be strong enough to fight him. I couldn't just--"
She placed a finger over his lips, silencing him. " I know, Harry." Her face grew suddenly intense. "But promise me that you'll never leave me behind like that again, Harry. Promise me."
Harry hesitated, but only for a moment. "I promise."
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