Family Ties
Chapter 9
Hermione sat in stunned silence. She'd always dreamed of a marriage proposal from Harry, but those were only fantasies. She'd never actually dreamed it would come true. Yet, there she was wrapped only in sheet being asked by none other than Harry himself. It was surreal. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she was actually awake.
Harry sat up close to panicking. She'd never known Hermione to be at a loss for words. She was Hermione. She always knew the right things to say.
"Now would be a good time to say something, Hermione." Harry spoke gently so as not to give away the nerves playing inside him. His stomach lurched as he waited anxiously for her answer. He'd hoped she would say yes, but he knew there was a possibility that Hermione Granger may be the only woman in the world who was immune to his charms. He was scared to death because he finally realized that no other woman would do for him. It was Hermione or no one.
"What do you mean why?" Harry asked incredulously.
"Why do you want to marry me?" asked Hermione suspiciously. She was having a hard time believing that Harry would ask her to marry him unless he'd found out about her secret.
Harry wanted to laugh. Funny, how the answer didn't readily pop into one's head when needed. Then he looked at Hermione's very serious face and decided against it.
"Well, I'm waiting Harry. Why do you want to marry me?" He put his hand gently on her cheek and let his thumb caress the side of her face. He looked into her eyes.
"I want to marry you because of all the people in the world you understand me better than I understand myself at times. I want to marry you because spending the rest of my life with anyone other than you is something I would not be able to bear. I want to marry you because I want to wake up every morning with you lying next to me and know that I have no regrets about my life. I want to marry you because my world is complete with you in it. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever known inside and out, Hermione. I want to create a family with you. You have been my rock since we were young until now. I would be lost without you." Hermione's tears started to flow freely and Harry wiped them away readily.
"There are so many reasons why I want to marry you, but the most important reason of all is that I want to marry you because I'm in love you, Hermione. I think I've always been in love with you. Hermione Jane Granger will you please do me the honor of being my wife?"
Hermione was a basket case. She'd never truly imagined that Harry returned her feelings of love, but there he was professing his undying love for her and she continued to blubber like a baby.
Harry gathered her in his arms and gave her a moment to gather herself. He never knew Hermione as the type to be so emotional, but he didn't mind. As long as she was still there next to him, she could cry all night for all he cared.
"Harry," she whispered with a hiccup. Harry held her at arms length. "Oh, Harry. I didn't think you'd feel the same."
"Hermione, you have always been the only woman in my heart. I'm just sorry I was too afraid to let you know and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He placed his forehead on hers. "You haven't answered my question."
"Before I do, there is something you should know." Harry's heart sank to his stomach. But he put on a brave face and told himself that whatever she decided would have to be okay with him no matter how much it hurt.
"You know you can tell me anything."
"I want you to know that my decision to marry has nothing to do with the something I'm about to tell you."
"Okay. But you do know that you're making me anxious, don't you?"
"I'm sure I am. I have been waiting for so long for you to tell me you love me that you're in love with me, I'd almost given up. That first night we made love, that was the day I'd finally decided not to wait for you any longer."
"Hermione.." She placed a finger on his lips.
"No, let me finish. I have loved you for so long, Harry. I don't even remember when my love for you changed from friendship to something more. It all sort of just blended into one big emotion for me. When I did realize I was in love with you, I was with Victor and you, well, you were with different women depending on the month, or day of the week. You were changing girlfriends as if you were changing clothes." Harry blushed as she recounted his past relations. She placed her hand on his cheek to let him know that it was okay. "I broke it off with Victor as soon as I knew I was in love with you and I waited. But you kept on going with different girls and I stood by listening to all your heartaches, sharing your dreams, your home, your aspirations, but never your bed. It hurt to see you with other people, but I held on to the hope that you would one day realize just how much you love me. After Ron's death, I realized I needed a life. I couldn't keep fending off invitations for dates in the hopes that you'd come to your senses. Then that night happened. Merlin, it was the best night of my life, until I woke up and you apologized."
"Hermione, I wasn't apologizing for what happened." She looked puzzled then.
"Then what?"
"I wanted to apologize for not treating you gently." Hermione made a big Oh with her mouth but without a sound. "I think I may have left bruises on you that night." It finally dawned on her how stupid she'd been.
"I'm sorry for overreacting Harry. I misinterpreted your apology."
"I was bloody angry that day that you'd actually brushed me off so easily."
"I know. I heard you leave. I couldn't sleep either."
He kissed her lips gently to let her know it was okay. "Are you going to finish what it was you wanted to tell me?" Patiently he waited for her to continue and get to answering the question he'd asked.
"I know I haven't been with many men, but nothing compared to that first night with you. It was magical for me, Harry. It was what I'd always hoped would happen between us, but I too was afraid to cross the line. I love you, Harry. I have for a very long time. I want to marry you, but…."
"But what Hermione?"
"Are you sure?" she asked still not convinced that he wanted to marry her for the right reasons.
"I've never been so sure about anything in my life Hermione. I would like to marry you, that is if you say yes. I love you."
"How do you feel about having children?"
"I'd like us to have a dozen if we could." He smirked. "I've told you so many times how I want a big family. I guess the Weasleys just rubbed off on me a bit."
"Well, I don't know about a dozen Harry; we'll come up with a compromise." Her heart overflowed with millions of emotions. She was ecstatic and nervous. They were actually talking about children. They were talking about a future together. What the bloody hell was wrong with her?
"No problem Hermione as long as I know that you will be the mother of my children."
"Well, why don't we just start with one for now since we have Arty to care for too." She'd hope he'd catch on to what she was trying to tell her.
"What do you mean we'll start with one for now?"
"I mean that we'll start with one in about eight months and we'll go from there." Harry still didn't understand what she was trying to get at.
"If you want to wait for our first one after we're married, then it's fine with me." Hermione was getting irritated. He was one of the brightest wizards in the world, but sometimes she wondered.
"Harry, hadn't you noticed any difference with me lately?" What could he tell her, that she'd been such an emotional basket case since Ron's death? That her mood changed like a muggle light switch? That she'd been asking Dobby for the weirdest types of food of late? Where would he start? He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but if he lied, she would know and that would make her angrier.
He sat and thought about it for a bit. "Er.."
"Yes, Harry?" she looked at him with a big goofy grin on her face. She was excited but she wanted him to guess.
Harry still had no clue what she was trying to tell him. He searched his mind trying to find the right words to tell her. He gave up and decided to tell her the truth. "Well, you have been a bit of a basket case for a while now, but I just thought you were still grieving over Ron."
"Anything else?" He couldn't believe she was asking him to tell her more.
"Er… You've been moody as well," must be the time of the month he wanted to add but didn't want to get hexed.
"And?" Hermione asked patiently awaiting the light bulb to turn on in Harry's head.
Then it finally dawned on him when he thought about the weird food she'd been asking Dobby to make. He remembered Ginny doing the same, well just about the same when she was pregnant! Merlin! Hermione's pregnant! "You're pregnant?" he asked. His heart sunk. He didn't know if Hermione's been with anyone else before their first night or if she'd been with anyone else just before.
She smiled at him pleased that he'd finally figured it out. "Yes, Harry. We're going to have a baby."
"Yours and mine?" he asked. She nodded and he let out a loud whoop. He grabbed her by the waist and stood up and swung her around jovially.
"Harry, please stop before I vomit all over you." He stopped immediately.
"Does that mean you will marry me?"
"Yes, Harry. I will marry you." He kissed her fervently which led them into more intimate business.
Sated they both drift off to sleep.
When the sun rose to shower them with its warm rays, Harry stirred awake first. He remembered he never gave Hermione the ring he'd been saving for her for so long. He silently whispered, "Accio Ring" but Hermione always the early riser was already wide awake.
"What is it?" He kissed the back of her neck.
"Good morning beautiful." Hermione smiled to herself. She could get used to that type of greeting every day, especially coming from Harry.
"Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Potter. But we'd better get dressed unless you really want to let Arty catch us this way."
"Before you do that, I forgot to give you something earlier." Hermione looked confused until she saw the beautiful ring between Harry's forefinger and thumb. The band was encrusted in diamonds with what seemed to be a carat of the bluest sapphire she'd ever seen. It was her birthstone. It finally dawned on her that Harry had meant what he said last night. He had planned on asking her all along. Either that or he knew someone else born in September. As usual the hormones worked over time. She started tearing.
"Harry, it's beautiful." He slipped it on her finger and it fit perfectly.
"Not as beautiful as you, love." She couldn't help it. She kissed him to show her complete appreciation.
"Harry, this is a bit much, don't you think? You're going to spoil me."
"That was my plan."
"So, who do you want to break the news to first?"
"Well, I was thinking we should talk to Arty. I had planned on including him by letting him know before I asked, but last night just seemed the perfect time."
"Let's get dressed and go tell him then. Do you think he'll be excited that he'll probably have a little brother or sister soon?"
"Hermione, I was thinking about our situation with Arty."
Little did they know, Arty was about to knock on the door. The silencing charm had been removed and he was able to hear what they were saying. His ears perked up when he heard his name mentioned. He placed his ear closer to the door to hear what they had to say about him.
"What about him?" Hermione asked curiously.
"Well, since we're going to get married and we're going to have a baby, maybe the temporary arrangement with Arty needs to be fixed a little."
Arty felt his throat burn and tears sting his eyes. He knew they'd been planning to get rid of him. Harry's words rang inside his head as he ran out of the house as fast as he can.
Harry and Hermione heard the thud and hurried to check on the noise. They caught a glimpse of Arty's form leaving the door without any protection against the elements.
Alarmed and confused about what just happened and if he overheard anything they said that made him upset, Harry and Hermione dressed hurriedly. They grabbed their coats and Arty's as well and left the house in search of him. They moved fast in order to keep the snow from covering his tracks.
A/N: Okay. Hope that keeps you busy until I get back from vacation. I'll update upon my return. Thank you for your reviews. Sorry the Oceania/Australia map didn't upload well. Anyway, Happy July 4th to all my fellow yanks…
I leave you with a bit of inspiration.
Here's a poem by an Anonymous writer:
Believe in Yourself
There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be.
That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint you and let you down.
But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your life focused on believing in yourself.
There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it is up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are.
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be.
Because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.
Keep Believing in Yourself