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A Time of Darkness Yet Light by ShootingStar

A Time of Darkness Yet Light



Harry Potter had just graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He lived with his godfather. He also shared a relationship with none other then Hermione Granger.

Yet this relationship was secret and not a soul knew, not even Ron Weasley his red haired friend.

It seemed that he had a secret passion for Hermione Granger as well but it wasn't knowledgeable to either and they had said nothing was between them despite the countless accusations of being a couple.

It had been going on for a couple of months and they both did well to keep it secret.

Also Harry was considering going to Magical College. There weren't many that were known but it seemed very worthwhile to get more experience and knowledge in the magical community especially right now, and those who never did regret and are starting to apply but the high numbers disqualified them as did their age.

Every family would do whatever it takes to protect his or her family.

Harry had been pulled into the Order. A secret organization his parents and a couple of others including Dumbledore had created since the rise of the Dark Arts. He wasn't just a part of it, he lead the Order. It was bound to diminish the Dark Arts that threatened the magical community. That gave a scare to those who worried what they would find when they came home to their houses. A panic had struck the community by now and old Fudge had no other choice but to no longer conceal the truth.

He also was invited to join many international Quidditch teams. He was still considering each one, but was thoroughly overwrought by all his other things.

Harry was invited to Hermione's own house and this is where the story begins.