Disclaimer: I own nothing, but I still get to play with them in my head... hehehe.
A/N: okay, so I decided to write something else! I actually really like this one, because there's an actual plot and everything! And the D/G action is great... trust me. A number of things are fully cliche, as well, just so you know, but I made them better *proud smile* Beta is Claresse, so thanks to her for her ideas and her editing! Now... On with the Show! Gypsy.
"No, no, no, no, no!!"
"Ginny -"
"No!" Ginny couldn't help the screech that came out, and really, she didn't care.
"Gin -" Harry was trying as hard to hold onto his temper as Ginny was.
"Not on your life." Okay, maybe he was fighting it harder. The danger in her voice was clear.
"Ginevra Molly Weasley!!! Sit down and listen to me!" He expertly cut her off when she opened her mouth to retort. "I'm through pretending that you have a choice in this!" Ginny fell back into her chair with a huff and her arms crossed.
"The situation is very clear. There is some information that the Death Eaters are searching for. From the ministry intelligence analysis, there are three people who could have that information, or be needed to find it. Hermione is probably the most likely, which honestly kills me, and you know it. Pansy Parkinson is also seeming very likely, and you are the third suspect, as it were. No matter which of you knows what they are seeking, all of you need to be protected."
"Then why can't someone else do it!"
"Ginny," Harry rubbed his temples in an attempt to regain his patience, they'd been at this for awhile and he was beginning to think that fighting Voldemort hadn't been this hard. "The rules of the ministry are clear: Protective Aurors cannot be assigned to a person they are in any way attached to. Ron's your brother, I practically am, and you've been friends with Blaise for awhile now." Harry's voice was clearly disapproving of this last bit and Ginny frowned at him, so he just continued, "I'm the supervisor, so I oversee the whole thing and that leaves three people, two of whom are not allowed to protect you officially. So, Ron will be protecting Pansy, Blaise is responsible for Hermione, and Draco will be your protector."
"And what does that mean, exactly? Why don't we just all go into a safe house or something?"
"You can't go into a safe house, because, strategically, we need to know what those last few Death Eaters are after, and we can't find that out without the three of you." Again he cut off her attempt to retort and continued, "You know I hate that too, you're basically part of my family and Hermione is my fiance. I don't like the thought of using any of you as anything remotely resembling bait. As for what exactly all of this means, we've got a meeting in about 5 more minutes where all of us who are involved in this thing will discuss what to use as cover stories. Luna and Ron will discuss with Pansy; Hermione and I will plan with Blaise; and you will talk, civilly, with Draco."
"And I have no choice anyway." Ginny's voice finally showed resignation to the situation. At Harry's nod, she prepared herself for the inevitable, "Well then, I think a chat would be lovely!" She grinned and stood up with mock cheerfulness as he lead her out of the room.