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Life as a Weasley/Malfoy family by Rid

Life as a Weasley/Malfoy family


"Come on dear, the fish is the best thing a pregnant woman can eat?" said Draco Malfoy in his best earnest voice. His wife, a very pregnant Ginny Weasley Malfoy was two weeks overdue. She had done nothing except complain for the past two weeks.

"Draco, you're not paying attention," she said now, her face flushed due to the heat that the out of order air conditioner was creating and her hair totally messed up due to her constant change in mood.

They had tried everything from spicy food to really incredible sex. The spicy food, although created enough hours in the bathroom for Draco had done nothing for his incredible wife. The sex was an altogether different thing.

"Fish- fish of all the things in the world," complained Ginny for the eleventh time that evening.

"The doctor says it increases your blood pressure-".

"Oh yeah, that doctor should try carrying around a massive balloon around for nine months and two weeks."

"Ginny, you're".

"Horribly pregnant. That's what I am! Two weeks Draco, two Damn weeks!" said Ginny tapping her foot impatiently.

"You're not horrible alright. And it happens to loads of women. Ginny listen to me, you're beautiful,' said Draco, in a vain attempt to pacify his wife.

"Bull shit! I'm fat and it won't be too soon before you'll go looking for some other woman!"


"Pansy! Oh I know that Parkinson was always behind you!"

"Ginny dear please……"

"Oh and then you'll file for divorce. How do divorce proceedings happen in our world Draco? Do you know?"

"How would I my dear?"

"Oh right! And then I'll be kicked out of the mansion with twins in my hand and my breast hanging down due to the overload of milk. And I'll be fat, out of shape and I'll look ugly….,'promptly Ginny burst into tears.

Draco placed a comforting hand on his wife's hand.

"Hush now. I know it's an ordeal for you, but please Ginny, It'll be alright. Just remember I love you".

"Really?" she asked with uncertainty apparent in her eyes.

"Yes, really."

"You won't go running to another woman?"

"Not until you ask me to!" he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Then you better forget it," said Ginny with happiness.


Ginny winced in pain!

"What, what's the matter? Are you alright? Ginny-"

"Call the doctor Draco, you're gonna be a father!" shouted an already fallen off her chair Ginny.

Soon after she fell, Draco appeared next to her constantly reassuring her.

"I'm right here Gin! We're gonna have a baby! I'm gonna be a father!"

"You won't be alive longer if an ambulance doesn't arrive soon," Ginny said with a poor attempt at joking. But her words were soon replaced by her wails of Pain.

The ambulance arrived soon, and Ginny was cartered off into the white van. All the way to the hospital, Draco kept muttering reassurances to Ginny, who was acting more intelligently that the foolish Malfoy and monitoring her cramps.

They arrived at the hospital, by then the words of Draco Malfoy would have sounded more intelligent coming from a cow.

"We're going to name her Annie. You know my great aunts name was Annie," he said for the third time.

"Mr. Malfoy?" asked the doctor who has moments before checked the monitor next to Ginny's bed.

"Yes?" asked Draco looking a little apprehensive.

"Your wife seems to have dialated only two cms, I think you'll have to wait for a little more time," said the doctor with a wink of his eyes.

Ginny shouted loudly. Puzzled, as a contraction hadn't appeared on the monitor, the doctor moved closer to her bed. She caught him by the collar and said in the most controlled tone a pregnant woman could muster,

"If I am made to wait a moment longer-"she was cut off abruptly by another sharp contraction.

"Oh oh, Madam Malfoy, you seem to be ready now! I was only joking before," said the doctor in the general direction of Draco!

Draco gave a faint smile, and looked at Ginny whose body was racked by pain. A nurse came in and she led Draco away!

"Where are you taking my husband, you wrench," Ginny shouted on his way out.

Once out, in the hospital corridor Draco took a deep breath. He turned to the pretty nurse and grinned foolishly. She told led him to what he figured was an empty room. Unfortunately it was a changing room. Pale green and white colours overalls covered the walls and the nurse handed him one.

"Put it on! Your wife wants you to be present during the birth," said the muggle nurse. Draco had been against the muggle way of childbirth, after all the magical way was pain free. But Ginny wanted to feel the pain.

Draco was lead to the labor room. Utter chaos was how one described the going on's in the room! He was lead towards the labour chair, although why it was called the chair when it was clearly a bed was beyond Draco to ponder upon. There, pink faced lay Ginny.

"Draco……Oh you're here!"

"You better put your mask on. This ain't going to be a fun ride". The doctor actually turned out to be right. Initially everything was as hazy as the morning mist. Soon after all kinds of liquids were what Draco was seeing. He almost fainted when a head popped out of his wife's body.

How could something that big fit into Ginny! He wondered, before realizing that it was his baby he was talking about.

After she came out all the way, and after her mother had done her bit of shouting and her father had done his bit of fussing, both the happy parents were given a glimpse of their first born!

"She's so pretty!" said Ginny gushing over her daughter.

"Hey there Annie!" Draco said with pleasure.

"Draco, we're not naming her Annie-!

Ah the worlds of lovers