Do What You Have to Do
A/N: I do not own any characters from Harry Potter, or the song, which is off of Sarah McLachlan's Surfacing CD. I wish I did, but I don't.
Enjoy the story.
Harry stood alone, on the hill overlooking the Great Lake. He was thinking, as he had been doing more of recently. The battle was coming soon. But, unlike the previous battles, this would be his last.
Whether he won it or not.
`It was fate,' he decided.
In order for Harry to face Voldemort, he had to leave the woman he loved.
This had to be between he and Voldemort. No one else needed to die.
Especially Hermione.
Hermione. So many emotions connected to that one word, that one name.
`This is what I have to do. I can't let anyone else die because of me. Because I wasn't smart enough or strong enough.'
He would leave tonight, after the Ball.
Harry looked up and saw Hermione in her window. His heart ached as he recalled that she would be going to the Ball with Ron.
`It's for the best,' Harry thought, `That way she'll be less of a target if I fail.'
Still. It hurt. Every night, for two weeks, Harry had come out here. He didn't sleep much anymore, because when he did, all he dreamt of was Hermione.
Hermione looked out her window and spotted Harry. Once again, he was overlooking the Great Lake.
`How many times does this make it,' she thought. `I wonder what he thinks of out there.'
Hermione was going to the Ball with Ron, and while she was happy about it, to some extent, she was worried that she might not have made the right choice.
When Hermione had met Harry, he had been a small, scrawny little boy. But Harry had transformed himself into a man, having faced Voldemort no less than 6 times before. He had been changed from a naïve, innocent child into a man who had become hardened to the world. A weapon meant only for one purpose.
To kill.
And Hermione hated Voldemort for it.
Harry deserved so much more, so much better, than he had now. He deserved a family, normal friends, friends who didn't get jealous because of petty differences. Someone to love.
At the Ball, while Ron and Hermione danced, Harry sat in a corner with his head down.
"I leave tonight don't I?"
Harry's question surprised the Headmaster. He didn't seem to be aware of what was going on around him, but he had noticed the Headmaster. Dumbledore smiled as he realized that Harry must know exactly who was here and where they were. Constant Vigilance, as Mad-Eye would say.
"Yes, Harry. But until then, at least try to pretend like you're having a good time, hmm?"
At Harry's nod, the headmaster turned and walked away, his heart heavy and sad for the burden he had placed upon this brave young man's shoulders.
`I wish I could make it better for you Harry,' he thought, `I wish I could change everything, give you back your family, and your happiness.'
Hermione had noticed the headmaster talking to Harry and excused herself from her dance with Ernie. Ron had gone over to the food table and was currently stuffing himself.
A muffled snort answered her question and she sat down.
"Are you ok? What did Professor Dumbledore say to you? What's wrong?"
His head in his arms, Harry grinned. Always asking questions, Hermione. Raising his head he smiled and replied,
"I'm fine."
The smile didn't reach his eyes. It was a smile that one who had seen heartbreak and loss one too many times, used. One that was meant to throw everyone off track.
It didn't fool Hermione. Not for one second.
"Dance with me."
A nod was her answer and she led him out to the floor, a soft song coming on.
What ravages of spirit
conjured this temptuous rage
created you a monster
broken by the rules of love
Hermione danced with Harry, and, for a moment, Harry forgot where he was. Who he was. He forgot about Voldemort and the deaths he had witnessed. He forgot about the sadness that had invaded his life.
and fate has lead you through it
you do what you have to do
and fate has led you through it
you do what you have to do
and I have the sense to recognize that
I don't know how to let you go
Harry knew he had to leave soon. He had to end this once and for all. So he could give moments like this to the future. Moments where nothing mattered except for two people.
every moment marked
with apparitions of your soul
I'm ever swiftly moving
trying to escape this desire
He knew he had to leave. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to at all.
the yearning to be near you
I do what I have to do
the yearning to be near you
I do what I have to do
With a sob, he tore himself away from Hermione and raced out of the Great Hall.
but I have the sense to recognize
that I don't know how
to let you go
I don't know how
to let you go
Hermione was stunned. Why had he done that? Wasn't he enjoying himself? She looked over to Ron, and he made a shooing motion with his hands, gesturing for her to go after Harry. She smiled and ran after him.
a glowing ember
burning hot
burning slow
deep within I'm shaken by the violence
of existing for only you
I know I can't be with you
I do what I have to do
I know I can't be with you
I do what I have to do
Harry sat on a rock overlooking the Great Lake again. Rocking back and forth he tried to banish the images of the happiest moment of his life. He didn't need this, not now. Not when he had to leave.
The whisper caught him off guard. Hermione had appeared in front of him, and, like in third year, had reached up a hand and gently pulled off his invisibility cloak.
"I'm sorry."
Those two words held more emotion than Hermione had heard from Harry this entire year. Hugging him, she whispered back to him.
"It's ok."
Then, cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him.
It was a soft kiss, full of love and tenderness.
As she broke away, Hermione looked into Harry's eyes. The hard, cold shards of glass that had been there since the first day had melted away. The familiar bright emeralds that she knew and loved, reappeared.
and I have sense to recognize but
I don't know how to let you go
I don't know how to let you go
I don't know how to let you go
"Come back to me."
With those words, Hermione hugged him.
Harry stood up, brushed off his pants.
As he walked away, Hermione smiled, remembering the words that he whispered.
"I love you."
He'd come back, she knew.
She would be waiting.
A/N: Well. A little fluff/angst/romance fic for you. I was listening to this song in my car, it's Sarah McLachlan's Do What You Have to Do. I thought it would make a nice song fic.
I could continue this, if you all want me to. But for now it's a one-shot.