Summary: The tragic death of their daughter has brought the Weasley family to do the unthinkable: bring Ginny back to life. Yet the risen Ginny is no longer the sweet girl they knew and loved. With the help of one Draco Malfoy, she lives the life she was condemned not to live since birth… and learns the ways of the darker side in the Wizarding community.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters.
Contra Mundum
Prologue: The Resurrection
By: Lillian
"Let your children be as so many flowers, borrowed from God. If the flowers die or wither, thank God for a summer loan of them."
-Samuel Rutherford
The dismal night sky paled in comparison to the luminescent moon that loomed over the congregated group below. They stood in the formation of a loose circle; the tall trees around them obscuring their location from prying eyes as they encircled a lying figure dressed in white.
It was a young girl, bordering the brink of womanhood. Her curly auburn locks intermingled with the fallen leaves on the moistened ground, dampening her backside. She was clothed in a simple cotton shift and wore not a single layer of makeup on her lightly freckled face, which remained a ghastly white, blending in with the bleached white of her thin dress.
Her chest remained unnaturally still, not invoking a single blessed breath, and her eyes did not move as normal eyes do when in a dreamlike state under its eyelids. Her lips, swollen as if by a passionate lover, were a deathly blue hue. Her thin fingers, which rested gently over her dormant heart, had a tinge of blue to them as well. She was Ginny Weasley, youngest out of the Weasley clan, yet the first to die among their horde.
"No parent should ever have to bury their child. It should be the other way around," stated Molly Weasley to the silent brood in a calm, if shaky voice. "Not a word of this gets out to anyone, and I mean anyone." She sent a warning glance to her pride and joy. Such a good boy he was, always following the rules… yet this was something that had to remain silent, or else. "Do you understand that, Percy dear? Not one word to the Ministry. Understood Arthur?" She turned to her husband, a grim frown on her aged face.
"Yes Molly, of course. I want her back too," Arthur said softly to his wife. Percy nodded as well, watching through spectacled eyes at his fallen sister.
Taking a deep breath, Molly looked down at the forbidden tome in her hands and then began chanting the mystical words that would bring her daughter back to life. They all would die earlier than their intended date, but it was a sacrifice they all were willing to make in order for Ginny to have another chance in open her sparkling brown eyes and live once more.
And so began the creation of a beautiful soul forcibly brought back to life, causing unbalance in the heavens and changing the fate of a few and many. A young man stood just outside the circle, his grey eyes watching amongst the red haired crowd, rapt fascination growing ever so slowly as precious breaths passed between the young girl's now tinged pink lips.
"It worked," Molly whispered in disbelief. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" she cried out happily, dropping the precious tome onto the pile of leaves at her feet. The young man with them cursed and quickly picked up the book, grey eyes now smoldering as he glared at the exuberant woman.
"Be careful," he hissed. "This book is worth more than your life."
"Thank you! Thank you!" she continued to cry out, her hands covering her wet face. "Thank you Draco Malfoy! You brought my baby back to me. We are forever in your debt."
Draco stared down at the worn cover of the book. It was the very same book used to secretly raise a few of his ancestors. Only those with a pure heart could be resurrected however, and although it was hard to believe, there were some kind-hearted people that had a place on the Malfoy family tree.
One of his enemies, Ron Weasley, grudgingly nodded his head in thanks. Draco sneered in response. Enemies the two of them would remain, no matter if he helped in the dark deed of reviving their precious Ginny.
The dark haired child lifted her upper body up, brown eyes despondent as she peered into the faces of her crying family members. It was the light haired Draco that held her attention longest before the girl's mother launched towards her, smothering the girl in a warm bear hug.
"My girl, my baby girl," Molly Weasley sobbed pitifully in joy. The rest of the group caved in, running towards their sibling and hugging her relentlessly.
Draco remained in his spot, glowering. They were all over the poor girl, overwhelming her with their crazed emotions.
The girl in question appeared afraid, her body stiff in her family's arms. She found her voice suddenly, her lips parting and emitting one lone word. "Away," she said ever so softly. "Away," she said, louder this time. Her dull eyes were becoming fierce like they once were in life. "Get away from me!"
The family jumped away in shock, leaving the girl a wide gap between them.
"Ginny?" Arthur Weasley questioned. "Are you… alright?"
The girl began to cry. "Where am I?" she yelled. "Why am I here? I want to go back!"
Molly stepped closer to the girl and kneeled down until they both saw eye to eye. "Ginny love, what do you last remember?"
A choking sound escaped from Charlie Weasley's mouth. He turned his face away from his family in shame. He was at fault for his sister's death, even if no on else said they blamed him.
"Ginny, what is it that you last remember?" said one of Ginny's brothers.
The girl named Ginny began to convulse. Ron Weasley stormed over to the blond boy and yanked a handful of the boy's robe into his fist. "What did you do to her? What's happening? Tell me Malfoy or I'll-"
Draco pushed the raving Weasley away from him. "You should of thought of that before you all decided to resurrect her." Sneer still in place, he disapparated away, leaving the Weasley family in utter turmoil.
Author's Notes: This will be D/G… if I get enough feedback. Should I continue?