Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter
In a room so dark you had to squint, a boy no older that thirteen sat in front of a grand piano as his fingers flew across its ivory haven. The melody was one you couldn't place, but was attracted to nonetheless. Scales and cords were preformed perfectly and the beat pulsated through out the house.
"That's enough James," A wiry old man with silvery hair stepped out of the shadows and clapped his hands to attract the attention of the young boy.
"For next week I would like you to practice that piece, and look into some muggle musicians I have some books here," The man absentmindedly scratched his head as he drew several thin books from what appeared to be a leather brief case. The boy reached forward with a nod of his head to grab the books before returning to the piano.
"How is he?" Elaine Potter asked from the doorway watching her son as his fingers began to play a new song.
"He played perfectly, too perfect for only receiving the music yesterday. Mrs. Potter, you may want to look into having your son do other things," The man scratched his head again before tipping his hat.
"Good day Mrs. Potter," With those words said he retreated down the stairs guided by a butler. Elaine stayed by the door watching her son as he picked up a book his teacher had just left him.
"James do you want to go out and play? I could call Sirius Black," Elaine whispered to herself from the doorway, not nearly loud enough for her son to hear.
"No you don't want to? That's fine. Just keep practicing," Elaine turned away from the doorway and began to walk the familiar path to her sewing room.
`I'm just making sure he's the best,' She though to herself as one of Mozart's many pieces filled the air.
`Potters are always the best.' Her mind turned blank as she sat in a golden upholstered chair and picked up her embroidery hoop from beside her.
Lily Evans sat on the floor of her room silently playing with her dolls as the voices of her parents leaked over the cracks of her bedroom door.
"Rose I think this is a big trick. We shouldn't get her hopes up," The angry voices drifted into the room but were blocked from the little girl's mind.
"Would you like some more tea Mrs. Evans?" Lily asked in a high-pitched voice while making one doll pour tea for another. Her long purple dress was used as a picnic blanket for the tea party.
"Julian, we can at least go to this meeting place to find out if it is, I would never forgive myself if I didn't"
"Why thank you Mrs. Washington," The doll made sipping noises as Lily held the cup to it's mouth. Picking up the brush from beside her, Lily began to comb the long blonde hair before putting a pink tiara with fake diamonds in.
"Mrs. Evans, you're a princess and your parents never fight, no the king and queen live happily every after," Taking off the paisley print dress, Lily pulled a fluffy pink dress out from the chest beside her.
"And you live in a castle with prince charming and soon you two will become king and queen and you will live happily ever after."
"Rose I think this is a bad idea. Just don't come crawling back to me when it doesn't work. Rose? Rose?!"
The door of Lily's room burst open as her mother stormed in red in the face.
"Come on Lily, it's time to go," Her mother hoisted her up on to her feet, taking no notice of the porcelain doll on her daughters lap.
"Mrs. Evans!" Lily cried as the doll shattered upon impact.
"Lily, come on!" The young girl silently followed her mother out of the room, only casting one more glance over her shoulder at the broken princess doll.
Happily Ever After.