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Heir of Elessar by E. C. R. Potter

Heir of Elessar

E. C. R. Potter

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and related characters and settings belong to J. K. Rowling. The Lord of the Rings and related mythology belong to the heirs of J. R. R. Tolkien.

A/N The title of this chapter is in Khuzdul or Dwarvish. It more or less means "Within the Dwarf Mansions". At least that's what it's supposed to mean. "Ai" actually means "upon" but I'm using it as "within" in this situation. Or of course, you could say that the title of this chapter is "Upon the Dwarf Mansions". Doesn't really matter much.

Chapter 18: Ai Khazud-dum

Ron bent down and scooped out some water from the stream which he drank heartily. He, Luna, and Rauthoron were resting near a mountain side meadow somewhere in Central Western Germany. They had been flying for days now and Ron quite frankly was in the mood for a break.

"Just how much further out are we heading anyway?" asked Ron.

"I think we're about half way there," said Luna. "But don't fret, there's plenty to do on the way. This is Snorkack country around here, we might actually see one."

"Oh, I can't wait," said Ron dryly.

Luna starred at Ron. "Ronald, being skeptical is probably a good thing, but in the end it's pointless if you can't believe. Not everything can be seen or proven; you just have to have faith."

Ron sighed. "OK, OK, I'm sorry. I'll remember to keep that in mind."

"There's always something one needs to keep in mind Ronald," said Luna. "Just don't go keeping too much in your mind that you forget some things."

"I didn't follow all that," said Ron, "but at least, I'll keep in mind that I'm protecting you through this whole trip."

Luna laughed, her cheeks a little colored. "Oh Ronald, you're just awful."

Ron frowned. "Awful?" he asked, perplexed. "How the heck am I awful?"

"I meant you're only awful in the ways of subtly," said Luna. "Not to worry, if you want to learn how to chat a girl more properly, just listen to the voices."

Ron was about to question her further when he was stopped by the sudden shaking of the ground along with a deep rumbling sound. "What's that? An Earthquake?" he asked.

"No, not an Earthquake," said Rauthoron, standing up. "He looked out over the cliff. Ron and Luna also looked out, but Ron leapt back as quickly as he could when he saw what was making the commotion.

"Spiders!" exclaimed Ron, looking deathly pale. Indeed, hundreds upon hundreds of giant spiders, Acromantula were speeding off toward the West in the valley far below them. The clatter of their pincers made Ron want to completely throw up.

"Do you think they're heading out to join You-know-who's army?" asked Luna.

"Some of them maybe, but I don't think so for most of them," said Rauthoron. "Giant Spiders haven't gone docile like the way wolves have but they certainly wouldn't join up with Sauron, at least not since the days of Shelob and Ungoliant. Of course, unlike wolves which have completely lost their hostility toward humans, Acromantula can still be dangerous. But these Acromantula look more like they're running away from something."

"Running away? What could possibly scare a giant spider?" shouted Ron.

"Maybe it was a blinger," said Luna. "Daddy says they're quite scary looking."

"No, it's something else," said Rauthoron. "Both of you stay here and don't look out toward the valley. It's actually recommended that you two close your eyes until I tell you to open them."

"What? What is it?" asked Ron.

"Breakfast," said Rauthoron. He spread his wings and took flight. Not knowing else to do, Ron huddled with Luna and closed her eyes. Of course, the sounds of a tremendous struggle and several unearthly screams made him wonder what the heck was going on. Finally, he heard a tremendous thud and Rauthoron's voice saying, "OK, you can open them now."

Ron opened his eyes and nearly fainted when he saw the dead, green, giant serpent nearly as large as a cedar tree lying at Rauthoron's feet. "I-is that..."

"A Basilisk," said Rauthoron. He looked considerably scraped up but otherwise looked rather pleased with himself. "The mortal enemy of spiders. Of course, we griffins are the mortal enemies of basilisks."

"This one must've been what was actually heading out to join You-know-who," observed Luna. "The spiders simply crossed its passed."

"Indeed," said the griffin. "And now, if you two would excuse me, I am rather hungry." Ron felt like he was going to be sick.

* * *

Not necessarily too far from where Ron, Luna, and Rauthoron were, a plumpish, ragged man was searching around the snow somewhere on the high mountains of the Swiss Alps. Behind him stood the famed Boy-who-lived, his wand ready in his right hand, his sword holstered on his back, and his black cloak whipping around in the wind, and a Hippogriff standing right behind him. The plumpish man shivered, not because of the biting cold of the snow and wind but because the gaze of Boy-who-lived glaring at his back, ready to curse him if he made even a small move the wrong way.

"Well Wormtail, where is it?" snarled Harry.

"I-it is right here," stuttered Wormtail. He brushed some snow off a large boulder. Placing his silvery left hand on the boulder, Wormtail pushed the boulder aside to reveal a large gaping hole in the ground: an entrance to some caves.

Harry flicked his wand and snarled, "You first." Frightened, Wormtail dropped into the hole without question. "Stay here, Buckbeak," said Harry as he dropped into the hole after Wormtail.

Other than the small amount of light at the gaping hole, it was pitch black inside the cavern. Harry said, "Lumos!" lighting up his wand to reveal a vast cavern stretching out in directions all over and around. "It doesn't even look like a mine anymore," said Harry.

"All that's left of the Dwarf Halls," said Wormtail. "These caves cover about 15 square miles, less than 1% of what used to be Moria. Thankfully, the item you are looking for lies somewhere within this small percentage."

"You've done some studying," said Harry, raising his eyebrow. "Show me."

Gulping, Wormtail started leading Harry through the twisted passageways under the mountains. Through dark caverns, past high ledges over deep ravines, up hills, and down through the tunnels, the two went deeper and deeper into the caves. As they neared another ravine, Harry was surprised to see a little light coming from the bottom of it. He beckoned Wormtail over and the two looked over the ledge to see the source of the light. As soon as he comprehended what he was seeing, Wormtail shrieked and leaped away in terror.

"Orcs!" he exclaimed. "Orcs! Multitudes of Orcs dancing around a bonfire! There were no Orcs the last time I was here!"

"Well there are Orcs here now," snapped Harry. "And don't make too many noises, you'll attract their attention. Just lead me on."

Wormtail nodded mutely and continued to lead Harry on. Eventually, they entered a wide chamber that still bore the geometric markings and pillars o Dwarvish architecture. In the center of the chamber was a single chest of Numenorean design, bathed in light that came from a shaft over the elevated spot the chest was.

"So, is that what we've been looking for?" asked Harry. Wormtail nodded mutely. Harry strode over to the chest and found that it was locked. That problem was solved however with a quick "Alohomora" and the chest swung open with a creak.

After the dust had settled, Harry found two objects within the chest. The first was certainly the item he needed to get into Azkaban: it was a small phial that contained a bright light. Something about the light within the phial hinted to Harry that it was of Elvish origin. However, it was the other object that had really caught Harry's attention.

"The Ring of Barahir?" he exclaimed. Sure enough, it was a ring made up of two silver serpents each devouring the tail of the other around a single emerald. The Ring of Barahir, a sign of the king of Gondor and Arnor along with the sword Anduril. Harry picked up the ring and examined it for a moment before slipping it on his finger. It felt right at home there: another sign that he was indeed the Heir of Elessar and rightful king of Gondor-Arnor.

Harry would've examined the ring and phial a bit more had Wormtail suddenly not shrieked, "They're coming!" Sure enough, the cackle of Orcs was now getting louder, indicating that they were nearby.

"We need to get out of here," said Harry, putting the phial away. No sooner had he stepped down from near the chest did Harry start hear the whishing of arrows flying toward him.

"Harry!" To Harry's shocking surprise, Wormtail sprang in front of Harry and was pierced by several arrows that were meant for the Boy-who-lived. He crumpled to the ground.

"Pettigrew!" shouted Harry though he knew it was already too late: Peter Pettigrew was already dead. Had Harry any time to think, he would've wondered how ironic it was that Peter Pettigrew, the man whom had betrayed his parents to their deaths had died saving his life, his debt repaid in full. However, he had no time for that as he was now surrounded by a small battalion of at least a hundred Orcs, all of them cackling and menacing their weapons at Harry in a highly threatening manner.

Harry was completely not intimidated. Pointing his wand at the Orcs immediately in front of him, he thought of the fact that he was going to see Hermione soon and shouted "Expecto Patronum!"

While the Patronus did not have any actual effect on the Orcs, they were still creatures born of darkness and were harmed by the even the smallest bit of light. As it was the Orcs cowered away before the silver stag of light as it led Harry straight through the small army of Orcs unharmed. A few Orcs were full hardy enough to blindly try to attack Harry and the Patronus but those were soon dispatched with a few slashes of Anduril.

Within no time, Harry had made it out of the caverns of Moria and back onto the snow covered peaks of the Alps. He quickly found his Hippogriff and climbed onto its back. "All right Buckbeak, head for Azkaban!" he shouted. Buckbeak squawked and took off into the air.

* * *

In the dark reaches of Azkaban fortress, Draco Malfoy's two henchmen Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were walking up the winding staircase of the tower that held a most important prisoner. It was their job to feed her: Draco did not want her to starve before she was taken before the Dark Lord afterall.

Crabbe and Goyle unlocked the cell door and stepped inside. They were disappointed to find that the 'Mudblood' Granger was asleep, lying on her side on the hard stone floor, her back toward them; Draco had told them should Granger be any trouble, they could 'entertain' her any way they wished.

Shrugging, Goyle walked over to Hermione's form so as to shake her awake while Crabbe looked for some place to place the food. As he placed some food he thought that perhaps Granger may decide to put up a fight after being woken up afterall, and then...


Crabbe spun around, surprised by the sudden noise only to find Goyle sprawled on the ground unconscious and Hermione leaping to her feet. In her left hand was a loose brick she had used to smash Goyle's head and pointing at Crabbe in her right hand was... a wand?

"Hey Vincent," said Hermione with a smirk, "Say 'cheese'!" The last thing Crabbe heard before unconsciousness consumed him was Hermione shouting, "Stupefy!"

To be continued...

A/N Ack! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I meant for chapter to come out way sooner but I developed one of the worst cases of writer's block ever and it simply wouldn't come out. As it is, I'm not entirely satisfied with it I was hoping to do more detail on Moria) but I'm going back out to sea on Tuesday and I decided I should really finish this before that. So here it is. In other news, I am also currently working on a mega long one-shot based on the combined plots of 'Shrek' and 'Shrek 2'. It's over 20 pages along and not even half way done so I have no idea when that one's going to come out. But keep an eye out for it as well as more chapters of this fic.