Disclaimer: If I owned these people would I be writing ficlets??
Author Notes: Okay this was written while I was waiting for a phone call from the bloody hospital! Take their time ringing! Anyway^^ you don't need to hear about that. This is H/Hr through and through. I hope you enjoy this!! Plz R&R
I wrote this a while ago so anyone waiting for an update for the final chapter of Hogwarts Online be patient - I'm having a little trouble with it so this should tide you over.
Ron peered around the bookshelf to see Harry and Hermione sitting at one of the empty tables in the corner of the practically deserted library. Harry and Hermione had been an official 'item' for a week now but no one had seen them actually kiss or do anything other than hold hands, and that was even brief, and give each other the ocasional hug. As much as Ron loved them and as much as he wanted them to be happy he couldn't help but feel frustrated at them. Where they EVER going to kiss?
Ron leaned forward as Hermione started talking.
"So you have to add...you have to add Eye of Skrilvig?" she asked her voice heavy and sounding quite drained.
"After you add the dash of newt spleen juice, yes." Harry said nodding.
Hermione rested her head in her hands frustrated, "I don't understand. Why can't I figure this out?? What's wrong with me? I'm not studying enough! I'll never get to be head girl with grades like these." she said her hand resting on the piece of paper in front of her.
Harry gently put his hand over hers. Hermione looked up at him, into his deep emerald eyes.
"Nothing's wrong with you Hermione. You'll get it. I have absolute faith in you. And head girl? I have no doubt you'll get it! Hermione you got five points lower than me. That's the second highest in the class. Come on! Who are you kidding of course you'll get it." Harry said soothingly, stroking her hand softly.
Hermione smiled up at him, "What would I do without you?" she asked softly.
Harry smiled back at her and leaned his head down as if to kiss her. Ron leaned forward, watching and waiting. Harrys head came to a rest on hers. They were forehead to forehead.
"Probably freak out." Harry teased.
Hermione smiled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek, "I would." she said then turned back to the massive dusty book in front of her, "Alright so...dash of newt spleen then the eye of skrilvig...right?"
"Exactly." Harry said, shaking his hair out of his eyes and slamming the book in front of him shut, "Alright that's potions sorted for me...I've still got to master the transfiguration essay though...I've only written four scrolls."
Hermione laughed lightly, "Harry you're getting worse than me! We only got the essay yesterday! And it's not due until next week. I'll admit potions is tomorrow but that's really good for you."
Harry laughed with her, "I guess that what comes from hanging around with the smartest witch in the grade."
Hermione winked at him, "Guess so."
Ron sighed. He'd been watching them all week and not once had they snogged. Even briefly. It was getting on his nerves. Harry was a hot- blooded nearly 17 year old male how could he not steal a couple of kisses now and then??
Harry stood up and stretched, "Well love, I'm afraid I've got to be off. I'll be back in...about five minutes." he said not packing up any of his stuff.
"Where are you going?" Hermione asked looking up at him with big brown doey eyes.
Harry chuckled, "The little boys room."
"Ah." Hermione said blushing, "Well I'm sure there's nothing LITTLE in there." she teased.
Harry froze and looked at her, "Hermione did you just..?" Harry asked staring at her.
She giggled a bit.
"Giggle?" he finished lamely.
Hermione smiled at him, "Don't be too long." she said then turned back to her book.
Harry didn't move for a moment, "Er...alright then." he said casting her a confused look over his shoulder.
Ron stared at Hermione and quickly realised Harry was walking straight towards him. He turned on his heel and ran to the end of the aisle then turned around again and started to casually walk down.
"Ron!" Harry exclaimed as he walked around the corner, "What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Shh!" the librarian said from the next aisle.
Harry smiled sheepishly, "What are you doing here?" he whispered quietly.
Ron shrugged, "I..uh...need to study for potions."
Harry smiled, "Hermiones around the corner maybe she'll give you a hand. I've got to use the mens. Back soon." he said clapping Ron on the shoulder as he walked past.
Ron smiled faintly and watched Harry go into the boys bathroom, he peered around the bookshelf again and saw Hermione reading her book intently.
"Alright that's it. By the end of the week I'm getting them to snog in front of everyone in the Gryffindor common room." Ron said aloud.
"We'll hold you to that." Lavender and Parvati said appearing behind him quickly.
Harry washed his hands quickly and tried, in vain, to smooth his hair down. Harry looked in the mirror at himself. He still had the same black messy hair but he'd gotten more control over it...well a little more. His eyes were still the same emerald green but he no longer needed glasses, he wore wizard contacts which stayed in unless he took them out. He was no longer the skinny boy he once was. His body has quite toned from Qudditch and from constantly exercising. He was a couple of inches shorter than Ron who towered at 6'4''.
Harry dried his hands and quickly made his way back to Hermione. She was still studying the same book and Ron wasn't in sight. Harry looked around to see if maybe he was sitting at another table but Ron, it seemed, had disappeared.
"Hey. I wasn't too long was I?" Harry asked sitting down beside Hermione again.
"Nope." Hermione said still studying the same page she had been when Harry had left.
Harry gently took her hand in his, "Hermione?" he asked softly, his voice practically begging her to look at him.
Their eyes met, "Hermione. You don't need to do this. You already know this. You're just panicing. Relax and take a deep breath." he said standing up and walking around behind her.
He gently massaged her shoulders. Hermione felt knots that were worked well into her shoulders and back working their way out again. She sighed happily. Harry smiled and gently hugged her from behind.
"I love you." he whispered into her ear, his voice gently moving the hair that was tucked back behind her ear.
Hermione stood up and turned to face him, "Do you really?" she asked.
Harry looked down at her, his eyes roaming hers, boreing into her soul, "Hermione. You make me feel like I'm whole. You brighten up everyday for me. I don't know how I lived before I met you. I love you with all my heart. And even though we've only been going out for a week I've felt this way for such a long time. I never want to let you go." he said, his voice full of emotion.
Hermione gasped, "I love you too." she whispered.
Harry gently lowered his head, his lips gently brushing over hers, again and again. His lips finally resting on hers. Harrys arms drew her closer as they wrapped around her waist, Hermiones arms wrapped up around his neck, playing with a little bit of hair at the nape of his neck. As they gently drew away Harry smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips again.
"Well...I didn't expect to say that in the library." he said finally.
Hermione giggled, "I didn't either. That was completely unexpected but not unwelcome."
Harry gently wrapped an arm around her waist, "How about we grab some of these books and go back to the common room where we can sit in front of the fire?" he suggested.
Hermione nodded happily, "Sounds great." she said, leaning against him slightly.
Harry collected up all the books that they might need and replaced all the others.
Harry and Hermione walked into the common room holding hands, Harry carrying both of their bags. Ron looked up as they walked in, he, Lavender and Parvati quickly covered whatever it was they were doing on the floor from their view.
"Hey." Harry said smiling, "We're just going to study." he gestured towards the roaring fire.
Harry led Hermione over to infront of it and sat down on the ground, pulling her down beside him. Hermione giggled as she flopped in a heap on top of him. Harry smiled and gently brushed away a few strands of hair from her face. He leaned in and gently pressed a kiss in the corner of his mouth.
Lavender let out a strangled noise as she waved her arms around.
"Ron!!! They just- WAH!" she wailed, Parvait wailing beside her.
Harry and Hermione looked over at the utterly confused.
Ron gave them a sheepish smiled and quickly pulled Lavender and Parvati away, "Okay so they've kissed. But not in front of everyone right? So I doubt they'd mind if we gave them a few more opportunitys would they?" he whispered to them.
Lavender and Parvati stopped wailing and started nodding, "Oh thats a good idea." Parvati said giving Harry and Hermione a conspirital glance.
Harry just ignored them, "Oh don't mind them." he said as Hermione strained to hear what they were saying, "Mind me." he said pulling her closer and giving her another soft kiss on the lips.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Chapter R&R
AN: Alright that's chapter one of Operation K.I.S.S. Alright? Okay well then!
Next chapter: Ron, Lavender and Parvati start leaving clues for Harry and Hermione to pick up on. Will they get Harry and Hermoione to kiss in front of the Gryffindor common room? Find out!
Plz R&R