Author's Note: Since I received so many reviews in one day (thank you all so much. You don't know how much they mean to me!) I decided to post the 3rd and final (sorry guys ... No more chapters and no sequel) part tonight.
Muirnin: Harry will most definitely NOT show up with Barbie! *Scrunches up her nose* Most definitely not … uh uh. It is a good idea, don't get me wrong, but Harry is much too good for her. Lol, it's funny how caught up I get with the characters. Thanks so much for your review!
Proforce: I know it seems hard to believe that a strong woman like Hermione would be in denial but it is possible. There are women out there who don't think they can get anyone else so they stick with the loser they have. About the quote in the article about Barbie being his girlfriend: Matthew told Hermione that he did not tell the reporters that and they just assumed it. How does that sound? To be honest, it was a mistake, not planned. Sorry, I slipped. Thanks for catching it and thanks for reviewing.
Thanks again to all of you!
Let Me Love You -- Part 3
I can't seem to tear my eyes away from her. Her laughter is ringing in my ears and I just want to slam my hands against them. Don't get me wrong, I love Hermione's laugh. It's the type of laugh that you just know comes from her heart. Not like others, where they sound fake and forced. No, Hermione has a beautiful laugh. But at the moment it sounds like those that are faked and forced because that's what she's doing. Laughing not because she finds anything funny but to make people believe she's happy with Matthew and that he can make her laugh. The thing is though, is that everyone knows he makes her cry more than anything else.
"Hey, Harry, great party, huh? Anna went all out for me," Ron cuts in to my brooding as he nudges me in the arm. "And look, everyone brought presents."
I just nod, not really listening to a thing he's saying. I only turn to him when he sighs. "What?"
"Harry, will you stop glaring at them and have some fun? It's bad enough you didn't bring a date!"
I stiffen. "I am not glaring at them. Besides, I am having fun." I ignore the date comment. How could I think about a date when Hermione is hurting?
Ron lets out a snort. "Yeah, and I'm going on a diet. Come on! It's Hermione's choice and you know that. She's a big girl and can handle herself, leave her alone."
"Ron! He's cheating on her! Hello! Does that mean nothing to you two?" I shout, causing some of the guests to turn our way.
Ron rolls his eyes. "Will you shut up?" he says and I scowl at him. "I know he is, you know he is, and she knows he is. Now will you let her handle it? Hermione has always had this complex where she has to figure things out on her own and if she doesn't then she has to figure out a way out of those things on her own. You aren't helping her by trying to help her."
I just stare at him, his speech sounding more like a riddle than anything. "Wait, what? Run that by me again, would you?"
"She loves you, Harry, she loves me, and when we aren't happy, she isn't happy, right? Well, she knows what we think about Matthew. Now it seems like she isn't taking our opinions to heart but she's thinking of us. Sooner or later she'll realize what scum he is and drop him. But she has to do it on her own. Without you. Got it?"
"Yeah, sure," I reply.
"Don't tell me you didn't understand that either!" he cries exasperated.
"No, I got it! Okay? I understand. We --" he gives me a look here, "okay, I need to let her sort out her love life alone. There, happy? I'll leave her alone."
Ron stares at me for a few seconds, as if deciding whether I'm telling the truth or not. "Good," he finally says. "Now go mingle."
"Mingle?" I repeat, raising an eyebrow.
He shrugs. "I heard it on a Muggle show once. Sounded catchy." He grins at me and then starts to walk away. "Ooh, look! Cake!" In a minute he's gone and poor Anna is suddenly bombarded, the cake almost landing on a pile on the floor.
I turn away from the scene of her yelling at him and back to Hermione and Matthew. I said I would leave her love life alone but that didn't mean I couldn't talk to them, right? I take a deep breath and walk over there, hoping she's not mad at me for my earlier behavior.
"Hey Hermione," I nod once in Matthew's direction. "Matthew."
Hermione lowers the glass she had to her lips and smiles at me. I let out a quiet sigh of relief; she isn't mad. "Hi, Harry. Having fun?" she asks.
"Yeah, you guys did a great job," I reply, smiling down at her. Hopefully she sees the apology I'm offering.
"Isn't she great?" Matthew gushes, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
I give him an expressionless glance. "Yes, she is."
"Stop it you two!" she says, blushing a light pink.
Matthew gives me a smirk before looking down at Hermione. "Oh, but I can't help it! You're just so perfect."
I want to kill him. If he thought she was so perfect then he wouldn't be cheating on her; looking for something from someone else. I'm boiling inside.
Before I can comment however, Arthur Weasley walks up to us. He claps me on the back. "Harry! How are you? Hermione! You look magnificent." He stoops to hug her. His eyes glaze Matthew but he doesn't say anything to the guy. I smile to myself.
"Hello, Mr. Weasley," Matthew says, sticking out his hand.
Arthur looks at him with a cold stare without shaking his hand. "Matthew." I try not to snicker as Matthew slowly lowers his hand with a well kept sneer. He then turns to me with a smile, "Harry, may I speak with you for a moment?"
I nod gladly. He pulls me away from Hermione and Matthew into a corner. "You know, of course, that I've been informed about your confrontation with Peterson in Diagon Alley the other day."
I nod again, this time with a slightly sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Um, about that … I'm sorry --" I begin to apologize because even though I don't regret screwing up Matthew's face, I don't want Arthur to look bad in front of the wizarding world.
Arthur shakes his head. "No, no, no. Dear boy, don't apologize! I wanted to thank you for doing something all of us have wanted to do for a long, long time."
I stare at him, trying to figure out if he did in fact just say that or if I imagined it. "What?" I ask stupidly.
He laughs and claps me on the back. "Harry, we all know what's going on with this Matthew and how he treats our Hermione. We aren't blind, you know. When I was told that you almost disfigured his face, I almost cheered out loud. So don't worry about consequences -- well, except from Hermione, I think -- because there will be none from me. Just don't tell anyone about this conversation." He grins at me and with a wink walks away, joining Molly in a conversation with Remus Lupin.
I stand there for a couple of seconds, smiling to myself. The good feeling doesn't last however as I hear a voice coming from Hermione's bedroom. I look over at her and find her at the punch bowl; alone. I step closer and the quiet voice that floats out is Matthew's. I narrow my eyes as I listen to bits of his conversation, telling me he's talking to none other than Barbie.
Anger pops up again at the nerve he has to call her in Hermione's own house, her bedroom no less! I'm ready to barge in there when an idea pops into my head.
Oh, this man is going to pay. And this time, Hermione won't be able to deny the fact that Matthew is not all that he seems to be.
"Yes, Poopsy, I know. No, no, I'm on my way. Yes, I know, darling but -- With Hermione? What would make you think that? Oh, don't listen to that crazy hothead. I was at that business meeting, remember? Yes, no! Of course I don't fancy her like that! I love you. Of course, love ..."
I roll my eyes as I shift the very handy Muggle tape recorder. I'm hidden in the corner, far enough where no one will see me, close enough to hear Matthew clearly, but not too close where he could see me. To be honest, I feel slightly guilty but I find this is the only way.
My ears perk up as he says good-bye and I watch as he walks out of the room casually. As he steps a few feet away, I emerge from the corner. "Hey, Peterson!" I call.
He stops abruptly and turns towards me. "What do you want, Potter?" he asks with a sneer that would not be there if Hermione were present.
"Heard you talking to your girlfriend," I begin, putting an emphasis on the girlfriend.
He scowls at me. "Were you eavesdropping?" he asks walking towards me and stopping just a few feet away. He lowers his voice and his scowl disappears, instead, he smirks at me. "You know what? It doesn't matter because know matter what you tell her, Hermione will never believe you."
I avert my eyes for a second to lock eyes with Ron, who understands and walks over to us in a way as not to attract a crowd. I let him in on my plan and though he had advised me to leave them alone, he didn't seem to have a problem helping me out.
Matthew continues without noticing, "She adores me, don't you get it? She'll do anything I ask her too. Anything," he says, placing a loaded meaning into that anything.
I want to kill him right then and there. Screw the tape recorder ... I growl dangerously and grab the front of his shirt. "You dirty, son of a bitch ... If you ..." I'm ready to punch his brains out when Ron's hand is on my arm, pulling me back.
"Don't Harry," he says. "It's not worth ruining it now. Hermione would never listen to you if you start something right here."
He's right and I let go of Matthew, who brushes himself off and smirks again. "That's right, listen to your little boyfriend."
That was obviously the wrong thing to say because now Ron is clutching the front of his shirt and it's my turn to hold him back. "Ron, let it go."
He pushes Matthew back and he stumbles. He quickly gains his composure and turns to walk away. "Oh, Matthew," I call again. "I won't have to tell Hermione anything."
He turns back with a roll of his eyes. "Oh? And why is that?"
I hold up the tape recorder with a smirk of my own. "Every word of your conversation with your Barbie is on here. She'll know after I show this to her. And then, well, let's just say that if you looked bad when I beat you then you'll love how you look when Hermione hears this."
His mouth is open in shock and he stomps back towards us. "You filthy, lying ba --"
I hold up a hand. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Save it, will you?" I nod my head in Hermione's direction. "Go tell her you need to speak with her. Then, you tell her everything."
"What! I don't think so!" he protests a bit too loudly. Hermione glances at us but doesn't do anything.
I shrug my shoulders and look over at Ron, who smiles evilly. "You don't seem to understand that you don't have a choice. So I suggest we do this calmly without making a scene. Hermione would just be even more angered by it. So move. NOW."
Ron is at his side and my wand is pointed discreetly at him. He looks at both of us with a sudden fear and I find a strange exhilaration at that. He slowly turns and almost stumbles to where Hermione is standing with Ginny and Draco. As we approach, she smiles. "Hey, Matthew. Where did you run off to?"
"Well, I --" he goes to explain but I poke him the back. "I need to speak with you," he rushes out.
Hermione looks over at Ginny and Draco. "But I'm in the middle of --"
"This is important, Hermione," Ron cuts in, looking serious.
Ginny seems to be catching on. "It's okay, Hermione. I was just going to go get some food, anyway." She nods at Draco and they're off.
Hermione turns back to us with a confused and slightly worried expression. "Please, Hermione," I speak up with a pleading look.
"Okay," she finally relents, looking apprehensive. We all head into her bedroom and I shut the door. Turning towards Matthew, I nod my head. "Tell her."
Let me take you to a place like no where else
Show you the things you never felt
Oh oh let me love you.
There was no apology, no remorse or shame. Matthew confessed everything, including things I didn't know, and when he finished we expected him to add an "I'm sorry" but all he did was shrug. I glanced at Hermione but she was staring at Matthew and I knew if I didn't get him out of the room as quickly as possible, he would no longer resemble a human being. Not that I wouldn't mind.
I clear my throat and look at Ron; he smirks at me then turns to Matthew. "You know your way to the door, now go find it," he says, nodding to the exit.
Matthew glares at him. "I will leave when I'm ready," he says indignantly, standing his ground. He then looks at Hermione. "Well? Don't you have anything to say to me?'
My mouth falls open in shock. His tactlessness is almost overwhelming. This guy has no class, no tact, whatsoever. I'm about to let him have it when Hermione begins speaking in a voice that sounds casually calm.
"Actually, yes, I do have something to say."
Matthew smirks, standing up straighter. He's expecting her to beg him not to leave her and though I know for a fact Hermione would never do such a thing, I don't really know what to expect.
"I want to say thank you," she says, with a smile of her own.
Matthew's smirk falters for only a moment. "Yes, I do think you owe me that."
Hermione nods, completely nonplussed. "Yes, I want to thank you for saving me the trouble of having to dump you." She smiles sweetly.
His smirk is completely gone. He looks shocked (Ron has the same expression and I'm sure I do too, but ours is mixed with pride), then his face changes into a sneer. He moves towards her, a fist raised.
Ron and I immediately move in front of her, a scowl on both our faces. "Touch her and you'd wish you had ran out of here," I tell him in a dangerously low voice, my protectiveness up and alert.
"Just leave," Ron adds, his wand pointing directly in between Matthew's eyes. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out."
He glares at all of us, lets out a stream of obscenities, turns on his heels and storms out of the room. Ron lowers his wand and smiles wide. "That was fun," he says cheerfully. He looks at the both of us and grins. "I better go make sure no one hexed him on his way out. Merlin knows everyone in that room would love a chance." He kisses Hermione on the forehead and steps out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.
With a sigh, Hermione sits on the edge of her bed, her head going into her hands, all wittiness draining. I sit down next to her and touch her arm gently. She looks up at me and before I know it, her face is pressed into my chest, tears soaking my t-shirt. I wrap my arms around her tightly, pulling her close. "I'm so sorry, Hermione. You don't deserve that," I whisper in her ear, running my hand up and down her back. I feel horrible, my heart aching for her.
She shakes her head and looks up. "No, I deserved that. I am so incredibly sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did to you. I can't believe I didn't trust you. I believed his word over yours and I just ... " She looks away.
"You what?" I ask softly, bringing my hand up to her cheek, making her look at me.
She stares at me for what seems forever, looking as if she's searching my eyes for something. There's fear in those chocolate brown eyes of hers. Fear, apprehension, anxiety, and something else I'm not quite sure I can place.
"Tell me," I urge her gently. "You know you can, Hermione. I'm here for you, always." All I want to do is pull her close again and hug her tightly, making everything go away.
"Harry ..." she begins, but turns away, the sentence forgotten. When she looks back at me, I'm surprised to find anger in her features. "Why?" she asks suddenly, forcefully.
Now I'm confused. How can women go through so many different emotions so easily? "Why what?" I ask cautiously, not wanting her to get angry with me all over again.
Hermione gives me a hard look and stands up. "Why do you care so much? Why do you care who I date, how they treat me? You never cared before, so why now?" Her hands were moving about as she was speaking, a habit she only uses when she's angry, agitated, or excited. I'm guessing she's angry.
But out of everything she just said, her last sentence stands out the most. "I never cared before?" I repeat, not believing my own ears. Now I'm getting angry. "How can you say such a thing? I've always cared about you, Hermione! Why? You want to know why?" I realize I'm shouting, but I don't care anymore. All my feelings for my best friend are coming to a head and I can't seem to stop the words that are flying out of my mouth.
She has her arms crossed over her chest, a signal of protection. She's trying to protect herself from ... Well, I don't quite know. "I know why. Because I'm your best friend," she finishes for me, her voice quiet, sad. She seems disappointed and hurt but I can't figure out why when it's been me who was forced to watch her with other men. "It's okay. I know. I guess I was just hoping ..." She sits down on the bed once more and stares down at the comforter.
I shake my head but she doesn't see me. Sitting down next to her, she looks up at me. "No, Hermione."
Now she looks confused, and even more hurt. "No?"
I shake my head again. "I care so much because I love you." I take a deep breath.
"I know, Harry," she replies, looking away again.
"I love you," I say again, putting all my emotions into that one word. I want her to understand, to know how I feel about her. How I've felt for so long.
Her head pops up and her eyes are once again searching mine, looking for confirmation of what I've just said. "You ..."
I nod my head. "For so long. I didn't have the courage to tell you before and then Matthew came along and I saw the way he treated you. I knew I had to do something, even if it meant you wouldn't speak to me again, because your happiness is so important to me. And I knew you weren't happy. I know you."
Hermione shakes her head, her eyes never leaving mine. "No, I wasn't happy."
"But it's over now. I just wanted to tell you how I felt before it was too late. I'm sorry if I've crossed a line that should never be toed but, well, I'll understand if you don't feel the same. I just had to tell you." I stand up, feeling hurt and rejected. I kiss her softly on the forehead as her head turns up to look at mine, surprise etched across it.
She stands up quickly. "Where are you going?"
"I'll leave you alone," I say, my hand on the doorknob.
"Harry Potter! You great, blind, prat!" she cries, throwing her hands up in the air with exasperation.
I look around, shocked. "What?" I swear I didn't do anything this time...
She walks up to me, so close, our noses almost touch. "Do you know how I long I've dreamed of you saying those words to me? I thought I was being obvious but you didn't even notice how love struck I was with you! So I went out with other guys, knowing they weren't you, and probably never would be but ... I never loved any of them because my heart was already taken."
A slow grin made its way on my face. "How could we have held each other's hearts without even knowing it?"
Hermione shakes her head. "We were both blind." This is said in a whisper, and her face is moving closer.
My breathing becomes hitched and I almost forget what to do. "Are you sure, Hermione?" I ask softly, my hand going to her cheek, wanting to touch those lips of hers.
"Harry, if you don't kiss me, I'll be forced to turn you into a blast-ended skrewt," she says, her voice low and her eyes falling shut.
"I can't argue with that." I lower my lips to hers and the sensation is better than I could have ever imagined. Her arms are around my neck, pulling me closer. My arms tighten around her waist, my hands roaming upwards as the kiss deepens.
We're suddenly moving and before I know it, we're on her bed, Hermione smiling up at me. "Finally," she whispers.
I can't stop smiling. "Do you know how long I've waited to do that?" I tug gently on a strand of her hair, feeling happier than I can ever remember being.
"Then don't stop," she murmurs, pulling my face down and kissing me, slow and soft. I feel dizzy, emotions going crazy. I release my hold on her lips and trail sweet kisses down her chin and along her jaw. I run my fingers down her throat, staring into her face, her eyes closed. When I stop she opens them and smiles. "What?"
I grin broadly. "So you love me, huh? Well, I should have known, every girl that comes across my path falls in love with me ..."
Hermione pushes me off of her with a mock growl. "Oh really? What makes you think I'm in love with you, Potter? What if I'm only looking for some fun?" She pushes me on my back and straddles me. She leans down until our foreheads are touching, her hair falling around us like a curtain. I breathe in her scent, a tropical papaya smell. She's smiling at me and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, thinking how beautiful she is.
"I love you," she whispers, kissing me softly. She slides to the side a bit and tucks her head under my chin and we lay like that for a while.
Our hearts are dancing the same rhythmic dance, combining until we seem like one. I don't know how long we were laying there, taking comfort and security in the fact that we were finally together, free to kiss and hold each other whenever we felt like it.
I know I could stay like this forever, Hermione in my arms. My Hermione.
"I love you, My Harry," I hear her murmur sleepily.
I hold her tighter. I finally have the solution to my problem. I have Hermione and I know that no matter what happens, how many fights we'll get into, or how many disagreements we'll have, I'll always love her.
I smile. Fairy tales do come true, they just take some time.
Show me what its like to lose control
Free the desire in your soul
Oh oh let me love you.