Ah yes this little beauty came from two things.
1 utter boredom
2 http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount_classics/lovemeifyoudare.html
So while listening to French music (which being Canadian and that being my second language I should understand it but I don't) especially the song La Vie En Rose by Mirelle Mathieu, I wrote this cute story.
Study/ working tip= if you can't work without music but are distracted by lyrics (like me) listen to music in a language that you don't understand, it fulfills the purpose of background noise but you can write without starting to write out the lyrics along the way.
So anyways I decided not to mention names or whatever in the beginning so that opinions about characters couldn't be formed, since the main focus was on their interactions.
Yes the fiery Ginny and the icy Draco is a winning but not probable combo in Rowling's World, but whatever I still think it's the best and I enjoy writing those stories the best
Enough rambling from me! Thank you for reading my story, hope you enjoyed.
"Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved."