Hey guys I have had this story line in my head ever since I read that fic `Confessions' by Hermionegirl21. After I read story and I heard this song and I knew I had to write what I thought would happen after that. This is not an epilogue to that one, it is just an idea on how I thought Draco and Ginny would take life after that happened.
I own nothing: characters, original theme of D/G/P, or the song…that belongs to Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss. I however do own the plot of this story.
I hope you enjoy…and please review!
Whiskey Lullaby
My Dearest Ginerva,
I know you don't want to hear from me right now, but by the time you read this I will be gone. I can't blame you, you know. I shouldn't have slept with Pansy. I was against better judgment that night, I was trying to drink away my problems, and she offered to apparate me home so I would not splinch myself. I don't remember anything after that, I do know this: I thought she was you. I really did.
I love you Ginny, and never forget that. And the baby you are carrying is mine and I will forever love him or her too. Even though I will never be in the baby's life, please tell it that I do and always will love her. I just know it will be a girl. And she will be just like you: her hair, her eyes, her looks, and even her little attitude. That is what I fell in love with first, your attitude. I remember seeing you for the first time in Diagon Alley right before your first year and just your attitude toward me took my breath away. No one had spoken to me like that before, and over the years you drove me crazy with it as well as your looks.
Always remember that I love you. I will not be around much longer to tell you that, or even to see you for that matter. I am tired of life now, you were the only reason I woke up of the mornings and now you are gone. I tried drowning out sorrows in Firewhiskey, but it keeps reminding me that this is how I got in the predicament.
My time is up, Gin. Like I said before, I can't stand not being with you. You were my life, my love, my heart, my soul, and my world. And without you, I can't go on. I am sorry I disappointed you, but remember this: wherever you go, you have a piece of me to carry with you all the time…my child, but you also have all of my heart. I hope to see you when your time has come.
All my love,
P.S. Don't forget to tell my little girl that I love her. And always remember I love you, too. Forever!
Draco put the quill down he used to write with. He rolled up the parchment and tied it around his owl's leg to send to Ginny and his baby. His little boy or girl.
When the owl left he picked up the bottle of Firewhiskey sitting on his desk and took a long drink. There was no burn, after all, he was used to it by now. The only thing he ever did after leaving Ginny was drink until he was unconscious so he wouldn't have to think anymore. It just got to the point where he couldn't even drink to forget.
It had to end. He wrote one more note. This was to whoever found him. After that he picked up the gun and ended it all.
`She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget
We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind
Until the night
He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away her memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his face down in the pillow
With a note that said I'll love her till I die
And when we buried him beneath the willow
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby
La, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la.'
Ginny received an owl not long after Draco had pulled the trigger to end his own life. She knew something was wrong before the owl landed on her windowsill. Deep down she felt it. The letter confirmed her suspicion. A few moments later, she doubled over in pain.
A few days later as she lay in the hospital bed, she couldn't help but think about the things she had lost: her precious, little girl and the only man she would ever love.
Nothing would ever be the same. Not now, maybe not ever. All she knew was she couldn't go on.
It was just a day after she was released from the hospital that she sat down and wrote a letter to her family.
My Dearest Family, and Harry and Hermione.
I love you guys so much. You have to know that. But after I lost Draco and Maggie, I couldn't take it anymore. When you get this letter, it will be too late to reach me, but when you do get here, don't mourn over me. I am in a better place now, no more suffering and no more heartache. I just blame myself for what happened, if I would let him explain then it might not have happened, but it did.
I can't go on without Draco, even though he slept with Pansy, I never stopped loving him. This way I can be with him forever…and Maggie too; we can be a family again. I already miss you guys and always know this: I love you all SO much. And until I see you again I will watch out for you all.
All my love,
P.S. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Harry and Hermione: please take care of Mum and Dad. It will be hardest on them. I love you all.
She sealed the letter and sent it off with her owl.
Soon now, it would all be over. She wrote one last letter, this was to her family when the found her.
She took one last drink of Firewhiskey and picked up the gun.
It was over.
`The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night
She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby'
La, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la.'
I hope you all liked it. I know it is not much, but it was going through my mind just now. I am still working on Nothing Else Is Worth Living For, but I am in sort of a slump with Chapter 5 and my Beta is out of town so I can't talk to her right now.
Please review!