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Takes Two to Tango by Harrys Mistress

Takes Two to Tango

Harrys Mistress

Okay guys…I honestly don't know where this story came from. I was just minding my own business at work today and I guess my imagination got a little crazy. I was thinking about my next part in CoF and then this idea came along. I had to start it! It's not going to be that long, but a good fun read! At least I hope! Let me know if you want me to continue!


It Takes Two to Tango

Chapter 1

"I'm coming with you."

Harry shook his head as he stuffed his invisibility cloak inside the small Muggle backpack that Mr. Weasley gave him for Christmas. It was bewitched and had a lot of room on the inside, but didn't look nearly as big on the outside. "You're staying here, Ron."

Ron continued to pace Harry's private Head Boy room as he blew smoke out of his ears. "Harry, she's in danger, I can't just sit back why you go after her."

"This isn't a walk in the park, Ron," Harry said as he put some wrapped sandwiches Dobby made for him in the pack. "It's going to be dangerous."

"Then all the more reason I should go with you!" he exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down!" Harry hissed as he spun around at his best friend. "The letter from Voldemort specifically said not to tell anyone about this or she's dead, Ron. I'm suppose to go alone and I for one do not want to jeopardize Hermione's life like that."

"She's my girlfriend, Harry. Or did you forget?"

Harry sighed as he zipped up his pack. "Of course I haven't Ron." He shouldered the backpack and looked at his friend. "You remind me everyday." Ron stood there and blinked at his friend, not saying a word. "I have to go." Harry moved passed him and headed towards the door.

"It kills you doesn't it?" Ron asked before he could leave.

Harry paused at the door and looked back at him. "What?"

"It kills you to see me with her, doesn't it? To know that I actually beat you in something, that I actually won the girl."

Harry let out an exasperated breath. "Ron, this is hardly the time for one of your jealousy spats. Hermione's in danger and honestly I don't think of her as your girlfriend at the moment, I think of her as my best friend. She's in danger…and I'm going to save her."

"Oh, that's right," Ron mocked. "You can't resist going off to play the hero, can you? Go off and save Hermione from the big bad scary man and save the day."

"You're unbelievable, Ron," Harry said softly with no emotion. "This isn't about me. This isn't about you. This is about Hermione. Our Hermione who…"

"My Hermione," Ron snapped as he took a step towards her.

Harry scowled at him. "She's mine, too, Ron. I know she's your girlfriend and all, but she's my friend. Hermione's been there for me since the beginning and I owe it to her to go and get her out of there."

"I'm going with you."

Harry whipped out his wand and pointed it at Ron. "Don't make me use it, Ron. I will if I have to."

"That isn't fair, Harry!"

"Yeah? Well, it isn't fair that Voldemort is using Hermione to get to me, now is it?" Harry started towards him until Ron was backing up. "I will not let him hurt her, Ron. I promise. You have to stay here."

Ron sat on the edge of the bed when the back of his knees ran into it. "You can't make me stay, Harry. As soon as you leave, I'll follow you."

Harry then frowned and shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Five minutes later, Harry left his room, leaving his best friend on his bed with his hands tied behind his back. "Sorry, Ron," he said before he closed the door then tapped it with his wand. "Silencio."

Harry then turned and walked down the stairs, through the common room and pulled out his invisibility cloak and walked out through the portrait hole. He had clear instructions. Do not be seen and head for the Forbidden Forrest.

Voldemort was even kind enough to provide him a map to lead him where Hermione was taken. He supposed Voldemort would be ready for Harry and his Death Eaters would be on guard. There was one thing Voldemort didn't know and that was his possession of his father's special cloak.

If things went well, he would be able to sneak in and grab Hermione without Voldemort ever seeing him.


It was pitch black. Not one star twinkled above in the midnight sky and the moon was only one arched slither. In the dark forest was a grove, circled by tall thick trees and in the middle of the grove a fire flickered with life.

Hermione's back was pressed against a tree as she trembled with fear while He Who Must Not Be Named roamed around the fire. She was terrified. For her. For Harry. "You won't get away with this," she said just strong enough for Voldemort to hear her.

He stopped lurking and slowly turned to her. "Well…the Mudblood fancies a chat, does she?"

Hermione glared at him as she saw him step closer to him. She would not cower away from him. She would not give him the satisfaction. "Harry will destroy you."

Voldemort chuckled as he stopped and loomed over her. "Oh, you are a silly girl, aren't you? Or are you just stupid enough to talk back to me?" He squatted down so they were eye-level and could feel the fear in her, although she tried to block it. Impressive…for a Mudblood. "Do you really think your boyfriend is going to save you? Oh, wait a minute…" Voldemort tapped one long pale finger against his lips. "Or is your boyfriend the pathetic redhead. You know, I honestly can never tell."

Hermione huffed out a breath as she turned her head away from him. "Oh, now she's speechless. Looks like I struck a nerve, huh?"

She then did something that both surprised and infuriated him. She spit at him. Right smack in the face. He stared back at her as she breathed heavily with anger as she glared at him. "You'll pay for that one Mudblood," he said as he wiped his face with his robes. "But I'll wait for the guest of honor to get here so he can have the pleasure of watching you suffer."

"Master! Master!"

Voldemort spun around furiously as Wormtail broke through the edge of the woods. "What are you doing away from your post?" he demanded.

"Malfoy's sent me, sir," he gasped out of breath. "It's Bellatrix. She's been attacked."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed. "Potter," he hissed and then turned back to Hermione. "Your boyfriend made a mistake, Mudblood. He should have stuck to the rules."

Hermione's heart quickened as she watched Voldemort disappear through the woods. Harry had come for her. But where was he? She frantically moved her eyes for any sign of him but all she saw was darkness and all she heard was the distant sounds of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Then all of the sudden someone came out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around her and slapped his hand around her mouth. She muffled a scream but then looked up at a familiar pair of green eyes and her heart sank with relief. She cried softly as she turned to him and flung herself against him as they both were now securely under the cloak. "Oh, Harry."

Harry gave her a quick hug even though he wanted to hold her tighter and longer. "We don't have much time, we need to cover as much ground as possible before Voldemort comes back. Let's go."

Hermione didn't hesitate in following him through the woods as they moved as fast as they could with the cloak. It slowed them down since it snagged on branches along the way, but soon they both got a rhythm going. They were five minutes into it when they heard Voldemort's angry cry echo in the woods.

Neither of them stopped and they both quickened their pace. "We need to get rid of this for now and run," Harry said as he flung off the cloak and stuffed it in his pack. He then grabbed Hermione's hand and started to run as fast as they could.

Harry was in the lead as he tried to block the snagging twigs and sticky cobwebs in their path. He could hear voices now and knew the Death Eaters were making ground and if they didn't find a hiding space soon they were both in trouble. He was just about to say this exact thought to Hermione when his knee rammed into something hard. "Ahh!" he hissed in pain as he grabbed his knee.

"What was that?" Hermione asked as she looked over his shoulder.

"I don't…" He stopped talking when he placed a hand on it. It was covered in vines but it was cold and hard. No…it couldn't be. "Hermione…I think this is…" He searched his hands through the vine until he saw a flash of faded it blue. "It is…Hermione it's the Weasley's flying car!"

"Are…are you serious?" she asked as she watched him fiddle with the handle. It took him a couple of tries to open it since the veins were so thick, but it eventually opened. "I can't believe it."

"Quick get in the back," Harry commanded as he practically shoved her in. They didn't have a lot of time. He crawled into the back and wasn't surprised when the car shut the door itself. He pulled out his cloak again and pushed Hermione down on her back then followed suit, lying securely on top of her and brought the cloak over them. "Be still," he whispered in her ear. "Car…if you can understand me…floor it if they find us."

He could have sworn he felt the car tremble slightly in understanding. "They're close," Harry said and felt Hermione start to tremble against him in fear. "It's okay." Harry kissed her temple. "I'm right here."

She whimpered as she buried her face in his neck. "I know."

The two of them tensed up when the voices became louder. "They can't have gone far. We have to find them, the Dark Lord is not pleased."

Harry and Hermione felt something hit the car and Hermione gasped.

"Ah! Dammit! What the hell is that?!" a man yelled in pain and then felt them tapping against the car. "Hey…it's a car. What is a car doing in the middle of the…"

"Will you stop fooling around, Dolohov? We need to find them."

"Yeah but what if…"


Harry and Hermione both flinched when the door swung open and hit Dolohov right in the face knocking him flat on his back. They heard him howl in pain while his partner laughed. "It's not funny! Stupid car!"

"That's what you get for being an idiot. Let's go, I think they went this way."

Dolohov mumbled curses and kicked the car one last time before stalking off.

They lied perfectly still for a good five minutes until all they could hear was the sounds of the forest. Harry sighed in relief as he finally relaxed his body allowing all his weight on Hermione. "Are you okay?" he whispered as he buried his face against her neck.

Hermione shivered as she held him tight, sobbing softly as she nodded her head. "I'm okay," she cried as she circled her arms around his back. She just now noticed that Harry was nestled perfectly between her legs and Merlin did it feel good.

"When I got that letter…telling me they took you." He let out a shaky breath as he nuzzled her neck. "I was terrified I lost you."

"You didn't," she said as she strummed her fingers in his hair. "You could never lose me."

Harry sighed in content as he moved and rested his cheek against her chest, propping his head just below her chin. He reached up and grabbed one of her hands and linked their fingers together as he watched them join. "We're going to have to stay here the night. Just to be safe."

"Yeah," she murmured. "To be safe."

He continued to toy with her fingers. "I should probably get off of you now."

She smiled softly. "Yeah, you probably should."

But he didn't move. And neither did she.


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