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Different Paths by E. C. R. Potter

Different Paths

E. C. R. Potter

Title: Different Paths (09)
Author name: E. C. R. Potter
Author email:
Category: Action/Adventure
Sub Category: Drama
Keywords: Harry Voldemort Different Paths H/H D/G
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: SS/PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, FB, QTTA, Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto story arc.
Summary: Tom Marvolo Riddle, Harry James Potter. Two wizards, with incredibly similar beginnings, who journeyed on different paths. Such different paths that inevitably, they could only lead to a collision course. And collide, they do. H/H and D/G.
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. It is also based on a plot line based on a story owned by Nobuhiro Wazuki, Jump Comics Inc., Fuji Television, Studio Gallop, and other publishers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended from them either.
Author notes: I'm sure you people will recognize the cookie at the beginning of this chapter. Or at least I think you people will. I've kept Harry and Hermione apart for so long throughout this story that I feel like you all deserve a little H/H now. So I'm giving just a tad of H/H in this chapter, the major H/H will come later. So with this promise, I give you this next chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 9: The Fall of Draco Malfoy

For over a period that seemed like a long time, though it was actually a few seconds, Harry and Hermione just starred at each other, green eyes looking into brown. Hermione wore a hopeful expression on her face but as for Harry his face remained blank with the exception of surprise. Still, for the two of them everything else in the world had simply ceased to exist. All that mattered was that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were starring at each other for the first time in weeks.

A cough from behind Harry snapped Harry and Hermione out of their daze. Dumbledore stood up and acknowledged Ron, Ginny, and Hermione. "Mr. Weasley, Miss Weasley, Miss Granger," he said. "It is good to see you three again."

"Professor Dumbledore," said Ron with a large grin on his face. "It's been a while, sir."

"Been even longer for me," replied Ginny.

"Yeah we know that," muttered Ron.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Er, Harry. Could you go fetch some water from the well down the path?"


"I asked if you go fetch some water from down the path."

"Um, yes. I heard you sir."


"But I was wondering, if you needed water, why couldn't you summon it or conjure it up or something."

"Harry," said Dumbledore. "There are times when the stuff people say have a double meaning. When I say 'Harry please fetch some water,' what I am really saying is 'Harry, I would like to have a word with Ron, Ginny, and Hermione only."

"Oh," said Harry. "Er, yes Professor." Harry picked up a pail nearby and stood up. As he exited the cabin he stepped right by Hermione. He cast a long searching look over her but she simply remained silent. With a sigh, Harry left the cabin and headed down the path.

Ginny turned to Hermione and said, "Well?"

"Huh?" said Hermione looking confused.

"Well aren't you going to say something? Aren't you going to go profess your undying love and devotion to him? Aren't you going to call after him and tell Harry that you love him? Aren't you going to give him a piece of your mind like you said you were going to down at Diagon Alley?" said Ginny.

"Well I..."

"Gee whiz, Hermione," said an exasperated Ron. "What's the point of coming all this way after him if not to speak to him. You're the one who said you were going to give him what he deserved for parting with you like that! Why the silent act?"

Hermione thought for a moment before she said, "I'm not sure. All I really wanted all this time was to see Harry again. I was hoping to yell at him for hurting me like that when we parted or for even just being the martyr again and leaving me behind. But when I actually saw him, everything I had planned to say to him just skipped out of my head and the only thing I could concentrate on was the fact that I was with Harry again."

"Bloody typical," muttered Ron.

"How true," agreed Ginny.

"Now, now, now, don't judge them too harshly," said Dumbledore. "These two have been through a lot, but there is no doubt in my mind that they will discuss all of problems in due time." He smiled at Hermione once before continuing. "Now, if you do not mind, could I hear the story?"

"The story?" asked Ron and Ginny at the same time.

"Yes, the story," replied Dumbledore. "Everything that has happened since I left Hogwarts. I've heard Harry's version already. Now I would like to hear yours."

* * *

As Harry walked toward the well his mind was racing. 'Hermione and Ron came after me,' he thought. 'I should've known they'd come after me, those two just never listen to reason.' He sighed as he started to load water into the pail. 'I should be angry at them, and I do feel angry at them. Then why? Why do I feel so relieved at seeing Hermione again?' He sighed once more as he started to carry the pail of water back to the cabin. 'Don't be daft Potter you know perfectly why you're so relieved at seeing her again. Your desire has been to see her again ever since you said 'Good Bye' to her all those weeks ago. Bet you that if you looked into the Mirror of Erised now, you'll see her standing right next to you in addition to your parents.' At that thought, Harry couldn't help but smile a little.

* * *

By the time Harry had returned to the cabin, the others had just about finished their conversation. "Ah Harry, I've just heard another version of the story," said Dumbledore. "You've seem to have quite an adventure these past few weeks. I'm especially impressed with the way you handled the events in Graypine and with the Ollivanders."

Harry raised an eyebrow at Ginny who shrugged and said, "I told them everything that happened. Nothing left out at all."

"However, I am still not positive if I should teach you the Dark Magic Cleanser or not," said Dumbledore. "So answer me these questions Harry, why did you help the village of Graypine and why did you risk yourself to save the Ollivanders' son?"

"For the greater good," answered Harry. "I simply could not allow other people to suffer around me whether they are suffering because of me or not. I've vowed to myself that none around me shall suffer so long as I can help them. That is what I have found my calling in and that is what I believe to be my destiny."

Dumbledore smiled. "You have answered wisely," he said. With a burst of energy, Dumbledore leapt to his feet. "Come, Harry Potter! I shall teach you the Dark Magic Cleanser. Let it be of use for you as you fight to fulfill your calling and destiny." Dumbledore walked out of the door of his cabin and grinned. "Of course, this would all be unnecessary if I just stormed Voldemort's lair and defeated him myself, but that is too time consuming."

"Professor," the two Weasleys groaned. The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes however indicated that he was only kidding.

Harry also stood up and proceeded to follow Dumbledore. Before he could go far however Hermione called, "Harry wait!" Harry turned toward her.


"Um, Harry," Hermione bit her lip. "A-are you mad at me for coming after you?"

"Part of me is angry," said Harry. "However, a greater part of me is relieved and completely ecstatic at seeing you again. I suppose I can't delude myself into thinking that I don't need you anymore, because I do. And this time, I will never forget that." He smiled at her. "I'll see you in a few days at the Leaky Cauldron."

Hermione smiled at Harry. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him on his lips. It was a brief kiss but it still left Harry a little dazed. Ron and Ginny looked positively thrilled.

"So you'll know what you'll be coming back to," whispered Hermione. Harry smiled at her once more before he took off after Dumbledore into the woods surrounding his cabin.

* * *

"Well he sure looked good," said Ron. He, Hermione, and Ginny were now heading toward the end of the path where they had left their brooms.

"Yes he did," said Hermione. Ron noted that she looked a lot happier than she had in weeks.

"Whichever way, I'm just overjoyed I finally reunited you two," said Ginny. "I sure am glad there wasn't any problems between you and Harry, Hermione. Boy, the tension between you two would've made even the Slytherins rattle."

Ron abruptly froze. "Slytherins?" he said. "Of course! I forgot to warn Harry! Draco Malfoy was in Diagon Alley!"

"What? Draco?" exclaimed Ginny. "You saw Draco in Diagon Alley? Where was he? Which way was he heading? Where can I find him?"

"What?" Ron was completely startled by the hopeful look in Ginny's eyes. "Are you nuts? You want to find him? And why the bloody hell are you calling him 'Draco'?"

Ginny tried to explain patiently. "Look, I know you don't like him but we've grown rather close while we were at Beauxbatons. He's not really a bad person..."

"Not really a bad person?" Ron yelled. "Do you have any idea just how dangerous Malfoy might be? Especially after the Slytherin Revolts?"

"Slytherin Revolts? What Slytherin Revolts?"

"Don't be daft, Ginny! You know what happened a year ago at Hogwarts!"

"No Ron," said Hermione, "I don't think she does."

"What are you two talking about?" exclaimed Ginny. "What are the Slytherin Revolts? What happened at Hogwarts a year ago?"

Hermione took a deep breath. "Listen closely Ginny, I'm going to explain everything. But you're probably not going to like what I'm about to say."

* * *

Only minutes after Hermione and the two Weasleys left, Remus Lupin was drinking a cup of tea when another member of the Order of the Phoenix entered. Arabella Figg was a woman in her mid thirties who for years had disguised herself as a crazy old lady on Privet Drive so she could watch over Harry as he grew up. It had come as a rather large shock to Harry when he discovered that his old babysitter was really an old friend of his parents. Interestingly enough, her love of her cats was genuine, and even after Harry had discovered who she really was just before his fifth year, she still insisted that he view pictures of Tibbles, Snowy, Mr. Paws, and Tufty with her, only this time the pictures moved.

"Remus, there's someone here to see you," she said as she tucked her shoulder length blonde hair behind her ear.

Remus looked up at his blue-eyed friend. He smirked and said, "Unless it's a pretty lady, I'm not going to meet them."

Arabella rolled her eyes and said, "Well she's..." As soon as Arabella had said "she", Remus had darted out of the pub to meet this mystery person. Arabella sighed and finished " owl."

When Remus saw that his guest was an owl, he shrugged and took the letter from it. As he reentered the pub, Arabella raised an eyebrow at him and Remus grinned back sheepishly. He quietly unfolded the parchment and read the letter. Arabella noted how quickly Remus's expression switched from jovial to stern. Before she could say anything, Remus stuffed the parchment into the pocket of his robe.

"Remus, what..."

"I need to go meet someone. Arabella look after the pub for me while I'm gone, will you?" Before Arabella could answer, Remus had strolled into Diagon Alley.

* * *

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Palor had a number of outdoor tables and it was there Remus found himself about five minutes later, eating a bowl of Rocky Road Ice Scream while patiently waiting for someone. Soon, that someone sat down at a table behind Remus: they were sitting back to back.

"I came here as soon as I received your owl," said Remus.

Draco Malfoy continued facing away from his mentor and said, "I'm looking for someone. Do me a favor and find him for me."

Remus finished off the last of his ice cream. "Wake up Draco," he said, "Killing Harry won't bring back any of your friends. All you'll do is thrust yourself into damnation." When Draco said nothing, Remus continued, "Harry himself told me all about the Slytherin Revolts. You seem to have forgotten that he's my best friends' son." Draco said nothing. Remus continued, "Ginny misses you. Why can't you just forget about Harry and go to her?"

Draco hesitated before he said, "She is not my concern." Remus didn't miss Draco's hesitation however. Still not looking at Remus, Draco stood up. "Only I can and will kill Potter. If you are not going to help me then there is no reason for to linger here."

"Very well then," said Remus as he looked over his shoulder to glare at Draco's retreating figure. "But if you have indeed truly crossed over to the dark side Draco Malfoy, I will crush you myself."

* * *

Just as Draco had put a little distance between himself and Remus, another figure emerged from the crowd and stepped in front of Draco.

"Greetings Mr. Malfoy," said Seth Soran. "Have you reconsidered my proposition?"

* * *

Horace Slalacion strolled down the torch lit halls of the Dark Lord's secret lair, hidden far below the Tower of London. He was searching for his master, wondering where he could be at this time. Finally, he came upon the Dark Lord in the execution chamber, a dark dreary dungeon of dark rock and chains, who was in the process of executing an unlucky Death Eater whom had displeased him.

"Imperio," said Voldemort. The terrified former Death Eater instantly stopped looking terrified. He now had had a bewildered look on his face and didn't hesitate to come nearer to the Dark Lord when Voldemort called for him.

"Magicus Ensis!" A scarlet blade of light about a meter long emerged from Voldemort's wand. With lightning speed, Voldemort slashed at the unlucky Death Eater and promptly disposed of him in a horrifically bloody way. Horace didn't even flinch.

"Most impressive my Lord," he said.

Voldemort looked up at his lieutenant and grinned. "Horace, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

"My lord, a few more members of the Elite Ten have just arrived," he said.

"Very well, show them in."

Horace bowed and left the execution chamber. Within minutes he had returned with five other people: Seth Soran, Angelus O'Connel the muscular ex-monk, two women who could only be sisters, and another figure who lingered behind Seth." Voldemort first turned to the monk.

"Angelus my old friend. How have you been doing recently?"

"Other than meeting a rather interesting person in Sherwood a few days ago, nothing much has happened," replied Angelus in his thick Irish accent.

"Good, good," said Voldemort. He turned to the two sisters. They were two voluptuous woman in their late thirties dressed in revealing robes. The older had short brown hair and red and black robes while the younger had long blonde hair and white robes. "Flame, Icicle, how was terrorizing around Europe this time?"

"It went well my Lord," said Icicle as she tossed her blonde hair back. "But I would've much rather have remained here to do your bidding."

"Suck up," muttered Flame.

Voldemort ignored Icicle's batting eyelashes and finally turned to the figure standing behind Seth. His mouth curved into a delighted smile. "Draco Malfoy. So, the son of Lucius Malfoy finally comes into my ranks."

"No," said Draco. "I have no intention of becoming one of your Death Eaters or receiving the Dark Mark. I came because Potter will probably eventually come here to face you."

Horace was about to say something but Voldemort raised his hand and silenced him. "So, you're proposing a partnership of sorts," he said. "You remain here where Harry Potter will eventually show up so you can deal. I, in return gain another agent to fight against Potter." Voldemort seemed to think for a moment and said, "I like it."

"My Lord," exclaimed Horace. "My Lord, I must protest..." Before Horace could continue, Voldemort silenced him once again.

The Dark Lord leaned closer to his lieutenant and whispered, "We'll discuss this later." He turned back to the others. "Now, does anyone have any suggestions for the next course of action? Say, something like crushing potential threats?"

Seth looked at Draco and said, "How about that person you were seeing in Diagon Alley? Remus Lupin? Wasn't he a member of the Order of the Phoenix? He works at the Leaky Cauldron doesn't he?"

Voldemort seemed interested. Draco also perked up at the name of his mentor.

Seth continued, "So I was wondering, if we target the Leaky Cauldron tonight, send some of our Death Eaters to kill Mr. Lupin, that would be a big blow for our enemies wouldn't it?"

Voldemort smirked and turned toward Draco. "What do you think, young Malfoy?" he said.

'"But if you have indeed truly crossed over to the dark side Draco Malfoy, I will crush you myself."'

Remus's words floated into Draco's mind. However, without a single show of emotion, he simply said, "Do as you wish."

* * *

Late that night, a small group of Death Eaters stalked toward the Leaky Cauldron. Through the silence of the night, they entered the pub and crept upstairs. Finally, they located the room their intelligence had reported as being Remus Lupin's residence. Without a word, the Death Eaters crept into the room. The leader of the Death Eaters pointed his wand at the bed and whispered, "Avada Kedavra." However, when the green light lighted up the room, it revealed the bed to be empty.

"Looking for me?" The Death Eaters turned around to find themselves being stared down by Remus at the head of a whole legion of wizards and witches of the Order of the Phoenix.

* * *

"What in the..." Horace exclaimed. Only one of the Death Eaters had returned, covered with hexes and barely conscious. The remaining Death Eaters had been no doubt been turned over to the Ministry Hit Wizards for questioning. Voldemort was chuckling with amusement while Horace was completely perplexed. "Those Death Eaters were my best assassins," he exclaimed. "How could they have failed so miserably?"

"You were a fool to have underestimated Remus Lupin," said Draco. "He is one of the foremost experts on Defense against the Dark Arts in the west. Furthermore, being a werewolf, he is specifically attuned to the movements of the Dark Side. It is impossible to catch him off guard."

Horace was about to say more but Voldemort silenced him. Draco meanwhile was reading a small note he had found in the robes of the hexed Death Eater. Written in Remus's neat handwriting was the following:

Hidden shack at Regents Park, near Baker Street, 5:00AM.

Draco stuffed the note into his robe and pocket and said, "I'll deal with Remus myself."

* * *

5:00 AM the following morning, Draco Malfoy headed north from Baker Street and soon came upon Regents Park. Tucked away in a hidden corner of the park, hidden away from muggles was a storage shack, used as a old hide out for persecuted witches and wizards in the case of an anti-witchcraft hysteria amongst muggles. Now however, it was to be used for a secret duel to the death.

Draco opened the door to the shack and found Remus sitting cross-legged on the floor facing away from him. He was dressed in the black and scarlet robes of the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Both the inside and the outside of the shack itself looked like the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade, dirty, shabby, and falling apart. The only sources of light came from the dirty windows.

"I told you Draco, that if you ever truly did cross over to the dark side I would crush you myself," said Remus. "And now, that's precisely what I'm going to do."

Silently, Draco pulled out his wand. "Who would've thought," he said, his voice and face completely void of emotion, "that the day when I had to kill my own mentor would come?"

To be continued...

A/N Did you like it? Please tell me that you liked it. Because I'd really like to know if you liked it. Tell me what you think about it as you review. More and more action will be coming in throughout the future chapters since I have a very clear vision of what I want to do with this fic. Next: the Draco vs. Remus duel and the aftermath.