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The Truth is Hard to Swallow by diggingupophelia

The Truth is Hard to Swallow





After Ron left the Great Hall, he stalked off toward the Lake. He needed a walk to think about all the things that had been going on for the past two months. He needed to think about the possibility of Harry dieing, he had never really thought about if before. Ron was distracted by images of Harry's hypothetical death and all the scenarios that could bring it about. As a result, he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going and his course led him past Hagrid's hut and to the edge of the Dark Forest.

Ron saw something familiar moving in the brush, "Ginny, what are you doing in here?" he called as he ran after his sister.


Harry and Hermione were relieved that classes were over for them after lunch, as it was Friday. They spent the remainder of their day searching for Ron. No one had seen him since he stormed out of the Great Hall. They searched every possible place they could think of. There was only one place left, and neither liked the idea of having to go into the Dark Forest.

"Maybe, we should go to Dumbledore," said Hermione.

"I think we should go after him, he is our friend," replied Harry.

Just then, Ginny came around the corner. "Hermione, have you seen Ron, he borrowed my Transfiguration book and I need it to do my homework."

"We were just looking for him, but you can go and get it from our dormitory. It is on his bed," said Harry in a flat voice.

After Ginny stalked off Hermione and Harry shared a worried glance with each other. "We really should go to Dumbledore," said Hermione as she began to lead the way to Dumbledore's office.

Harry had no choice but to follow.


Ron was becoming irritated. He had called to Ginny at least fifty times, and she hadn't even turned around. He just kept following her deeper and deeper into the Dark Forest. The light kept getting weaker as the cover of the trees became thicker.

"Ginny, c'mon, lets go back to the castle. There are spiders in here, great big hairy ones. Please Ginny!"

Then Ginny turned around, and Ron was shocked. "Stop, complaining. We are almost there. If you don't hurry, we'll be late."

"Bbbbut, you're not Ginny!"

"You're a quick one! Hurry up Weasel," said the Ginny imposter as she stupefied Ron and dragged him to their destination.


"Are you sure?" asked Dumbledore in a serious tone.

"Yes, Professor, no one has seen him since he stormed out of the Great Hall. We've searched the entire castle," replied Hermione.

"Well, I think we should assemble search parties to check the grounds. You two should go back to your dormitory at once. We will alert you when we find Mr. Weasley."

"Sir, if you send us back to the dormitory, then we are just going to use my Invisibility Cloak to look for him ourselves. You best keep us where you can see us," said Harry in a tone that left little room for argument. It was clear that his mind was made up.

"Very well. You two can go with Hagrid to search the Dark Forest."

"Thank you, Professor," said Harry and Hermione before they left to meet Hagrid at the front gates.


"'Arry, you and `Ermione make sure you stay close, don't want cha getting' lost along with Ron there," directed Hagrid as the group made their way into the Dark Forest.

"Don't worry, Hagrid, we won't go anywhere until we find Ron."

"You remember the signal for trouble? Dumbledore'll be keepin' an eye out for it."

"Yes, a red spark from our wands," answered Hermione.

"Good, good, now let's get along."

Hagrid led the two teenagers deep into the Dark Forest. They walked for what seemed like hours before they noticed anything out of the ordinary.

"Hagrid, look, there is a light up ahead," whispered Harry. He was familiar with the creatures of the Dark Forest and had no intention of rousing any of them from their peaceful slumbers.

"Right, then, you two stay back, an' I'll go an' investigate. Keep `n' eye out, an' if you see anythin' bad at all, run an' send up your sparks," whispered Hagrid before he made his way toward the light.

"Be careful, Hagrid," warned Hermione.

Harry and Hermione watched as Hagrid went deeper into the woods. The silence was shattered by the sound of breaking twigs and the sound of someone's raspy breathing. Harry readied his wand and nudged Hermione to do the same. They stood back to back and surveyed the area. "Who's there?" called Harry.

There was no reply, but the breathing got closer to them. Hermione didn't even think as she lifted her wand to sent red sparks into the air. Help was on the way, but it would take a few moments for anyone to get there. Hermione heard the faint whisper, "Harry, help me," called in between the raspy breathing.

Hermione turned around and felt her stomach churn and bile rise into her throat. She turned her head away and pulled Harry's robes. "Harry, look," she whispered, the horror evident in her voice.


"Albus, red sparks are coming from the forest," called Professor Snape.

"Can you Apparate there?"

"Not without splinching myself. We had better hurry."

"Hagrid will protect them."

Professor Snape ran into the forest, not quite sure what it was he would find waiting for him. He muttered under his breath as he was running, "Please don't let them be dead."


Harry saw the sight before him, and swallowed back the vomit that was crawling up his esophagus and fought the tears from coming to his eyes. Ron was lying on the ground with cuts and wounds all over his body. There was blood everywhere.

"Oh, Merlin, Ron, you're so pale, what happened?" Harry tried to concentrate on his healing spells, but nothing was working.


"Ginny is fine. She is in the castle. She's a little irritated you didn't return her Transfiguration book, but she is ok," stammered Harry. He would say anything to keep Ron awake while help was on the way.

"No, Ginny, forest, not Ginny," he said in-between shallow breaths. Ron's breathing was becoming more labored.

"Did you see who it really was?"

"Are you and `Mione, ok," he asked, evading the question.

Harry nodded his head, and asked Ron again, "Did you see who it really was?"

"Keep her safe, Harry," Ron said before he coughed up blood. His eyes rolled back in his head but he passed out.

Hermione ran to Ron, quickly feeling for a pulse, "He's still alive."


Madame Pomfrey worked tirelessly to save Ron after he was brought to the Hospital Wing by Professor Snape. All her efforts were in vain and Ron died of his injuries.

Professor Snape was the one who took on the burden of telling Harry and Hermione, Ron was no longer with them. There was a time when he would have relished such a task, just to see the pain in Potter's face. Now, however, he dreaded having to utter those words.

Harry saw Professor Snape coming before Hermione did, her head was nuzzled in her shoulder. Harry nudged Hermione and wrapped an arm around her waist. He had a feeling that the news was not going to be good.

"Well?" asked Harry as a lump formed in his throat.

"I am sorry, Potter, but Weasley didn't make it. His wounds were treated with some kind of potion that did not allow them to heal with the aid of magic. He lost too much blood to heal on his own. He never woke up and the pain was controlled."

Hermione couldn't speak. If Harry hadn't been holding her up, she would have collapsed on the floor. Hermione was not one who usually allowed her emotions to get the best of her, logic was her ally, however, in this instance, there was no logical explanation.

"Thank you, Professor. When will Mr. and Mrs. Weasley be here to collect him?"

"They should be arriving by Floo momentarily. I would ask that you please alert Ms. Weasley to the recent turn of events."

"Would it be all right if Hermione and I saw Ron's parents when they came?"

"I don't see any reason why not. Potter, retrieve Ms. Weasley. I'll stay here with Ms. Granger, she really isn't in any shape to run about the castle."

"Yes, Professor."

As Harry ran towards Gryffindor Tower, so many thoughts were floating around in his head, especially the idea of Professor Snape treating him and his friends, no friend, like they were worth something.


Hermione sat in a shocked silence with Professor Snape to watch over her. Professor Snape was the first one to break the silence.

"You realize that you are the only target remaining, do you not, Ms. Granger?"

Hermione nodded wiping tears away with the sleeve of her robe.

"Here, take this," said Professor Snape as he handed Hermione a black handkerchief. "I am sorry for you loss, Ms. Granger. Can we trust that you won't do anything foolish?"

"What would I do, Professor?"

"People in your situation have been known to commit suicide in such situations," he said matter of factly, in a very even voice.

"And leave Harry alone? He needs me in order to defeat Voldemort. And furthermore, if anyone is on a suicide mission, it is Harry."

"What are you talking about?"

"Harry is planning a suicide mission to defeat Voldemort. He doesn't even plan on fighting to save his own life."

"That is just foolish nonsense. He is having you on so you won't follow him onto the battlefield."

"I can't lose both of them," Hermione said as she abruptly stood up. She took a step forward and fell to the ground in a cold faint.


Harry had a difficult time getting to Ginny. He didn't even bother to attempt to climb the stairs to the girls dormitory, he had learned his lesson the first time. He did however, scream up the stairs until a third year girl he didn't really know came to yell at him.

"Please get Ginny Weasley," he pleaded.

The girl disappeared from view and a few moments later a very perturbed Ginny came down the stairs.

"Harry, I'll have you know, that my Transfiguration book was nowhere in that room of yours. And by the way it is a bloody mess. Don't you ever let the house elves in? I know how Hermione feels, but …" Ginny stopped talking when Harry put a finger to her lips to stop them from moving. "Harry, what is it?"

"You need to come with me, Ginny."

"I am not coming with you anywhere until you tell me what is going on. I am tired of being left out of the loop. I am always the last to know everything!" Ginny shouted.

Harry took Ginny's hand and led her to one of the overstuffed sofas in front of the fire. He looked at her for a few moments before he opened his mouth to say anything. " Ginny, I really don' t know how to tell you this, so I am just going to come out and say it. "Ron's dead."

All the color drained from Ginny's face as she dropped Harry's hand. She didn't say anything for a few seconds while the news washed over her. "What," she felt breath catch in her throat, "What happened, Harry? Were you there?"

"We aren't sure who did it. But he was severely injured and magic was used to keep the wounds from being healed. He bled to death. Merlin, Gin, this is all my fault, if he was never my friend…"

"Harry Potter! You stop that right now. This is not your fault. All of us who care about you would make the same sacrifice Ron made! Don't you dare go blaming yourself for this," Ginny scolded. "Now, if you are done blaming yourself, would you mind taking me to where he is?"

"C'mon, your parents should be here by now."


"Ms. Granger!" called Professor Snape, "Ms. Granger, can you hear me?"

There was no response. Professor Snape felt for a pulse, and was glad to see that her heart rate was normal. He scooped her up and took her into the Infirmary.

Mrs. Weasley was sitting outside of the curtained area where Ron's body lay, when she saw Hermione carried in by Professor Snape, she fell into hysterics all over again.

"Don't tell me that they've gotten her, too. My entire family, it's all falling apart."

"Molly," started Professor Snape, "she is fine. She just passed out. I am guessing it was just too stressful. She was there when he was found."

"Oh, the poor dear. Where is Harry, Severus?"

"He has gone to get Ginny. They will be along shortly," he replied as he set Hermione in one of the hospital cots. "Poppy! Come quickly, Ms. Granger has passed out."

Harry and Ginny entered the Hospital Wing just as Professor Snape called for Poppy. Immediately, Harry was torn. He didn't know where to go first. Fortunately, the decision was made for him, as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley pulled Harry and Ginny into a tight embrace.

Harry pulled away and grasped Mrs. Weasley by the shoulders, " I am sorry, Mrs. Weasley, this is all my fault. I…"

"Nonsense. This is not your fault. I am just glad to know that you are safe. Ron saw you as a brother and I see you as a son. Blaming yourself will do nothing to honor his memory."

"I miss him already, Mrs. Weasley," said Harry as he stared at the floor.

"I know, we all do," she replied as she began to cry again.

Harry left the Weasleys to themselves to deal with the beginnings of their grief, while he went to check on Hermione.

"Honestly, I am fine. I just haven't eaten very much today and with Ron…"

"Ms. Granger," came the stern voice of Madame Pomfrey, "lie back and let me finish my examination. I am not letting you out of my sight until I am one hundred percent certain that you are healthy."


Harry stood behind the privacy curtain, "Hermione, please do what she says, I couldn't stand to lose you, too."

There were no more complaints coming from behind the curtain and Harry settled himself into the chair he conjured. Harry put his head in his hands and thought about all the things that happened to him in the past couple of months.

Harry was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of an Eagle owl flying in through an open window. It landed on Harry's shoulder and waited patiently for Harry to remove the rolled parchment from his foot.

Harry unrolled the parchment and the owl flew off. Written in what Harry could only conclude was blood was : The Mudblood is next, and after her… you!

Harry stared at the ominous words on the parchment. His first instinct was to run off, collect his things and go to fight Voldemort before anyone else he loved was hurt. His planning was interrupted by someone snatching the parchment from his hands.

"Albus," called Professor Snape, "it was him."

"That comes as no surprise. Are you sure, Severus?"

"I would recognize this handwriting anywhere, Albus," Professor Snape was interrupted by a burning sensation in his forearm. "I am being called."

"Go, report to me when you return."

"As always, Albus," he replied as he headed to the Apparation point outside of the school.

Harry had watched the scene play out before him. He changed his mind about leaving and in that moment resolved to stay and defend all that was dear to him. He would not run. He was going to train and fight and have the life that Voldemort was so desperate to take from him. One death among the Golden Trio was quite enough for him.


Hermione was struggling to understand the words that were coming from Madame Pomfrey. Individually the words held meaning, but when strung together, it was complete and utter nonsense.

"Madame Pomfrey, I think that lack of sleep is finally getting to you. What you are telling me is impossible!"

"If I had a knut for every girl who told me that, I wouldn't need this ruddy job. I assure you that lack of sleep is exactly what got you into this situation, Ms. Granger."

"Do the test again."

"I can do the test from here until the end of the world and the results would be the same."

"I refuse to accept that for an answer."

"Well, your refusal of acceptance is not going to make you any less pregnant!" shouted Madame Pomfrey.

All of a sudden the privacy curtain around her bed had been pulled back to reveal a very shocked looking Harry, Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape, and Weasley clan.

Harry didn't say a word. He looked at Hermione and then ran out of the Hospital Wing as fast as his legs could carry him. The universe was playing cruel trick on him and toying with his emotions.

Hermione watched as the doors to the Hospital Wing slammed shut and waited for the explosion of emotion around her. Instead, she was faced with a cold silence. Everyone was staring at her.

Professor Dumbledore was the first one to speak. His voice was calm and level, but the twinkle was gone from his eye, "Who is the father, Ms. Granger?"

"You know who the father is, Professor."

"This is what I was afraid of. You have no idea what you have done, what kind of leverage you have given the enemy against Harry."

"Albus," chided McGonagall, "don't say anything you will come to regret. Maybe this is the second prophecy coming to pass…"

"I'll hear nothing more of prophecies, Minerva," began Professor Dumbledore. "Ms. Granger, you need to make a determination as to what you are going to do with this child. Keeping it, is not in your best interest, however."

Severus bit his tongue. Things were getting even more complicated. Every action the Headmaster took of late, destroyed his opinion of the man he had come to trust and love as a father.

Nothing more was said. Hermione eventually made her way back to Gryffindor Tower after Madam Pomfrey gave her countless vials of potions.


Hermione couldn't sleep all night. The thought of killing a child because it had the potential to muck up some grand war strategy had, to say the least, wrecked her mood. Deciding that trying to force herself to sleep was not in fact the best course of action, Hermione pulled on her dressing gown and made her way to the common room. There was so much to think about, not the least of which was the loss of her friend. She was still in shock over that revelation. For now, it seemed he was just in the infirmary over night or longer, recovering from their last grand adventure. Hermione gave a startled gasp as she descended the last step leading into the common room at the sight of Harry lying on the floor in a crumpled heap, sobbing.

Hermione's first reaction was to run to him, comfort him, and ease the pain. However, a nagging voice in the back of her mind told her to let him be for a moment. She knew he needed to cry. She knew he blamed himself, but it wasn't his fault. It wasn't fair that everything Harry loved was taken away in the end. Seeing Harry there, a sobbing mess, only gave Hermione yet another reason to keep the child that grew with in her. Harry's child she reminded herself as her hand rested upon her abdomen unconsciously. Hermione let Harry cry for a few more minutes, before she silently made her way to him.

"Harry," she whispered.

It took Harry a moment to turn around and face her. He wiped the tears from his eyes and straightened his glasses before he looked at her. He didn't want anyone to see him like this; an utter and complete mess. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. You shouldn't be up, Hermione…"

"I couldn't sleep. I just keep thinking about everything that has happened and I can't make my mind quit."

"I know what you mean. I've been down here for a few hours. I was under my Invisibility cloak when you came back from the infirmary. I am sorry I ran off like that, I just …"

"Harry, I know. I wish I could've run away, too," she paused. "We need to talk, Harry."

"I know. Are you all right, do you feel ok? Do you need to throw up or something? I'd be glad to hold your hair back," Harry babbled. Hermione was touched by his caring nature.

"I am fine, I don't need to throw up, and if I do I'll be sure to call you to hold my hair back," she said in a light tone.

"I love you, Hermione."

"I love you, too, Harry." She reached out to grab his hand and pulled him up on to the couch so they were sitting next to each other. "I don't know quite how to say this, so I am just going to come out and say it. Dumbledore wants me to get rid of the baby."

"NO! You can't…" Harry's face turned white. "Who does he think he is. I'll lose everything by the time he is done with me. Please, don't, Hermione."

"Harry, love, calm down. I wasn't planning on doing anything of the sort. But if I don't do something to keep it from him, there is no telling what will happen to me. I won't be of any use to you if I am expelled. And if I get expelled, my parents will, oh Merlin, my parents."

"We'll have to sneak off to be married. If we're married there isn't anything anyone can do to keep you away from me."

"Harry, I…, are you asking me to marry you just because we got pregnant?"

"No. I was going to do it anyway, but, well this just changes things a bit. And we'll need to talk to Snape, too. I know he'll help us. I just don't understand why he's doing this now…"

"I just think he has finally grown tired of Dumbledore's bloody meddling. I know I have."

"What is Ron going to say?"

"Nothing, Harry, he's dead," Hermione reminded in a gentle tone.

"Dead. Everyone I love ends up dead. I should send you away…"

"Harry James Potter, you are not sending me anywhere. Did we or did we not just waste the past two months of our lives having the same argument?"

"I know. I just…"

"You aren't going to lose me, Harry. I'll be damned if anyone is going to take anything else away from you. You are going to have a family now, is that a good enough reason to come home from battle in one piece?"

"Yes. I'll fight for us Hermione, all three of us."

"Harry, I miss him already."

"I know. If I hadn't have been such a prat then he wouldn't have left and he would be alive."

"I had a hand in that argument, too. I wish I still had that Time-Turner, so we could save him."

"I killed my best friend, how can you stand to look at me?"

Hermione pulled Harry close to her and caressed his hair as she spoke in his ear, "You haven't killed Ron. A Death Eater killed him to get to you. This is not your fault, Harry. You won't help anyone if you keep blaming yourself for all of the bad things that happen. Ron wouldn't blame you for this, and he would give you a swift kick in the arse for believing it. Don't do this to yourself."

Harry was silent for a quarter of an hour as he let Hermione hold him.

"You never answered me, Hermione."



"Yes, I will marry you."

"But I killed Ron. If you stay near me …"

"Then I will always be happy. Ron is dead. There is nothing either of us can do to change that. We have to honor his memory and move on. There will always be a gap where he was and we will always miss him. Ron had a role to play, as we all did. Your job, Harry, is to make sure that he did not die in vain. You have to make his death mean something."

"I'll think about that." Hermione looked at him as he gave himself back over to the silence. "We have to go to Snape first thing in the morning."

"That may prove to be difficult, he may not have returned from being summoned."

"We'll find out. Now when are you supposed to go and … follow Dumbledore's suggestion?"

"Monday morning. I am supposed to Floo to St. Mungo's."

"That gives us two days to work something out."


Professor Snape Apparated to the site of the Dark Revel. He hated these `events', they never ended well.

"Ah, Severus, so good of you to join us. You do know how I hate to be kept waiting," hissed Voldemort.

Professor Snape bowed down to Voldemort and kissed the hem of his robes. "I am sorry, my Lord, I was retained by the Headmaster. There was a death at the school and all of the Faculty was required to attend to the boy's family."

"Ah, yes, how are the Weasleys holding up?" Voldemort laughed. "One less mouth to feed, they should thank me for what I've done!"

"I agree, my Lord."

"I am sure you do. Come, come, you are just in time to enjoy the rewards of the day's successful mission." Voldemort turned his attention away from Severus and to the assembly at large. "Lucius, come forward, my servant."

"Yes, my Lord?"

"We've yet to hear the details of today's victory. Please enlighten us."

Lucius smiled and took his place at Voldemort's side as he began to recount in gory detail the murder of one Ronald Weasley, with great joy. Severus hung on to Lucius' every word and exercised a great deal of self-control to keep from using the killing curse on him. He could hardly keep himself from going back to Hogwarts.


Albus was pacing in his office, following the path he had worn down in the carpet over his tenure as Headmaster. He was worried about so many things. He had one dead student, one pregnant student, and one hero who was, he was certain, destined to live in greatness. As far as Albus Dumbledore was concerned there was no reason for Harry Potter to start his family before he vanquished Voldemort. The boy would have plenty of time to be happy when this ordeal was over.

As Albus was pacing, there was a knock at the door. He cringed. Albus knew that knock, it was not good. He padded over to the door and slowly opened it, bracing himself for any hexes that may or may not be aimed directly at him. "Hello, Minerva, dear," he said in the most cheerful tone he could muster.

"Don't you `Minerva, dear' me, you old coot! What in blazes do you think you are doing ordering that poor girl to drink that awful potion? That is her decision, Albus!"

"That child will give Voldemort the leverage he needs to destroy Harry!"

"Or, it could give Harry the power he needs to kill Voldemort. You do not know how the prophecy is supposed to play out, you are no Seer, Albus. Leave them alone. Let them decide what to do. What ever happens will happen, you cannot control everything."

"So, you'd allow your protégé to become the laughing stock of the wizarding world. You know how unwed mothers are viewed."

"Fortunately for us, there is a member of the Wizengamot who is qualified to perform handfastings, Albus," said Minerva in a commanding tone as she turned to walk out of the office.

"Minerva, I cannot condone this. Harry's life will be ruined."

"His life was ruined far before he and Ms. Granger consummated their relationship. I daresay, you should worry about how to break the news of Mr. Weasley's death to the rest of the school before you do anymore meddling in the lives of any more people."

Professor McGonagall left her office before Professor Dumbledore had any time to respond to her.


Severus stood off to the side at the Revel. He only spoke when necessary and kept all of his conversations brief. He was waiting to gain an audience with the very popular Lucius Malfoy, the hero of the day. Hero my arse! "Oh, hello, Lucius, I just wanted to congratulate you on your accomplishment."

"Well, I can't take all the credit, Draco did help considerably."

Severus had to keep himself from reacting to that news. "Really, I thought he turned his back on all this," he said gesturing to the room around him. "It was the worst mistake he could have made."

"That is the beauty of it dear Severus, I had him steal hair from his beloved girlfriend, Ginerva, I think he called her, and used Imperius on him to make polyjuice potion. He used his persona to lure the boy to me. I made Draco kill him. That won't sit to well with the tart now, will it. I'll get my son back."

"Brilliant, Lucius, brilliant indeed," complimented Severus. After all the bloody work I have done to keep the boy away from him.

"Thank you. Say, do you think you could bring Draco to the Manor this weekend? I would love to tell him the news, to see his face."

"Do you think I am going to be able to get him away from Dumbledore? He has claimed sanctuary. The boy is untouchable and under the Fidelius charm. I haven't seen him since he turned. How you got him at all is a miracle."

"I used the girl, Severus."

"The girl."

"She is still linked to Voldemort from her experiences with the Diary. She cast the Unforgivables and forced him to make the potion, even supplied her hair for the potion, and let Draco out of the castle.

"Impressive," he smirked. "I best let you get back to your celebration."

"Yes, we can't have our most useful spy fall out of favor with Dumbledore."


Ginny Wesley crept down to the dungeons to the secret room where Draco had been living for the past two months. She was glad that Dumbledore had opted not to make her Secret Keeper, she didn't know who it was, however, just that she could get to Draco when she wanted to.

Ginny entered the suite of rooms Draco occupied and screamed at the sight before her. Draco was lying on the floor, passed out, and drenched in blood. Ginny screamed. Her first reaction had been to run for Madame Pomfrey or Professor Dumbledore, but then she noticed the clump of red hair in Draco's fist and left without ceremony to tell Harry and Hermione what she had discovered.


Severus breathed a sigh of relief as the gates of Hogwarts came into focus. He had lived to be useful another day, and had not had to suffer the Cruciatus. Thank Merlin for small miracles. Severus was certain that his position in the inner circle was not jeopardized. Now to share his valuable information with Albus.

Severus' progress to the Headmaster's office was halted when he was almost toppled over by Ginny Weasley. He really did not want to see her at present, considering the information he just heard.

"Seventy points from Gryffindor. What do you think you are doing out here after curfew. Just because your brother met an unfortunate end this evening does not mean that you can wander freely throughout the castle, Ms. Weasley."

"Sir, I, need to see Dumbledore."

"I can tell when you are lying. You were going to find Potter and Granger. What happened?"

"I can't tell you."

"Can't or won't."

"I can't, the spell."

Immediately, Severus began to piece together the information. He himself did not know where the boy was, but he knew the Headmaster would know.

"Come with me, Ms. Weasley."

Ginny had to run after Professor Snape in order to keep up with his long strides. He was in no mood to be trifled with, she knew that. The gargoyle moved before Snape could say the password, the Headmaster had been expecting him.

"Ah, Severus, what did we find out."

"We need to get to Draco now, something has happened."

Albus nodded as he walked over to the Floo, "Remus Lupin."

"You let that mongrel protect Draco Malfoy?"

"It is of no consequence, I'll have to Obliviate you anyway. You won't remember who the secret keeper is."

A few moments later, Remus Lupin stepped through the fireplace. "Yes, Headmaster."

"We need to get to Draco."

Remus nodded and led the way down toward the dungeons.


A/N: I have been working on this piece for about a week now. I had intended for it to be a one shot drabble, however, my Muse had other plans for it. It seems like this is going to be a longer story… I have the outline all planned out, so I know what is going to happen, but this seemed like a natural place to break. I hope to update with this story often, but I am about to begin work on my MA in English, so I don't know how much time I am going to have to do this. Let me know what you think.
