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Memories of a Wednesday Morning by jardyn39

Memories of a Wednesday Morning


Memories of a Wednesday Morning

"Here, Hermione, drink this," said Ginny handing her a steaming glass mug in an ornate silver holder.

Hermione sat up a little and took the glass with two shaking hands. She brought the glass up to her nose and sniffed it before taking a careful sip of the hot sweet tea.

"Thanks," she whispered, giving Ginny a weak smile.

"Just sit here and try to relax," said Ginny. "There's no hurry and it will take time for your memories to sort themselves out. I'm going to help Neville sort through the other papers in case there's something we missed. Just call if you want us."

Hermione smiled and nodded before Ginny stood and walked away. Hermione took another sip of tea and looked around the large unfamiliar room. She was sitting in what looked to be a library in front of a fireplace. It was very warm, probably for her benefit, she realised. The room was dark, lit only by the flickering flames from the fireplace and a couple of lanterns on the large desk that Ginny and Neville were working at.

She looked down and was again surprised to see she was wearing Muggle clothes she didn't remember owning. Everything was black and contrasted with the bright red of the comfortable reclining chair she was sitting in.

Hermione felt terribly tired but not at all sleepy. She was a little bored just sitting there and wanted to get up except Ginny had made her promise to stay put.

A door disguised as a bookcase opened silently beside the fireplace and a tall, thin figure came in and crept to her side. He knelt beside her and gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"I came as soon as I could," he whispered. "How are you?"

Hermione smiled. Ron looked tired and worried.

"I feel a little weak right now but I'm sure I'll be fine," Hermione replied quietly. "To be honest, I'm still very confused."

Ron frowned slightly, but recovered himself quickly.

"Ron, could I ask you something? It's just that Ginny and Neville have been questioning me but not really answering any of my questions."

"Ask away," he replied, still whispering.

"Well, first of all, where are we?"

"We are in the library of Neville's Grandmother's house," he replied.

"How did I come to be here?"

"I assumed you were visiting with Ginny when you were taken ill," Ron said.

"What was wrong with me?"

"I have no idea," he said, "I just got a message you were here and I came over. Maybe I should ask for someone if you're still feeling unwell."

Ron got up quickly and turned to go over to Ginny and Neville. Hermione quickly caught his arm.

"Ron, where's Harry?"

Ron suddenly had an anguished expression on his face. He just froze, staring at her, as if totally perplexed as to what to say.

Ginny quickly crossed the room with a furious look on her face.

"Ron! What did I tell you?" she demanded.

"Hey, I was just worried about her, okay?"

Ginny grabbed hold of Ron's robes unceremoniously dragged her considerably bigger brother back towards the concealed door.

Before the door closed behind them, Hermione heard Ginny ask angrily, "What did you tell her?"

Hermione frowned and looked up to see Neville next to her.

He smiled warmly and said, "Let's wait for Ginny to come back and then we'll tell you everything. She won't be long."


Ginny came back into the library and sat next to Neville on one of the two chairs he had placed next to Hermione so she could see them both comfortably. He'd also placed a small card table next to them where he placed a number of papers and scrolls for easy reference.

Ginny straightened her robes before looking up and smiling at Hermione.

"Sorry about that, Hermione," she said, "My brother's an idiot."

"Ginny, what is going on?" Hermione asked, becoming concerned. "Why did Ron react like that when I asked about Harry?"

"I could strangle that brother of mine, really I could," she said glancing at Neville.

"Hermione, perhaps we should explain," said Neville gently. "If you are ready, we'll try to tell you everything and then later you can read everything we have put together."

Hermione still looked concerned.

"Please, Hermione," pleaded Ginny, "just trust us a little longer."

Hermione nodded.

"The reason you feel weak and disoriented," began Neville, "is that you had a memory charm placed upon you. That charm meant that certain memories would be suppressed until a trigger event happened. You experienced that event when you arrived here. The memories that you now have access to need a little time to reintegrate with your previous memories."

"The charm," continued Ginny, "was placed upon you by Dumbledore at some time during your Sixth Year at school."

"We think we know when Dumbledore did it and we are pretty sure he imparted some information to you. He wanted you to have access to that information but only after certain events had taken place."

"What events?" asked Hermione.

"We'll remind you of those later. For now let's try to uncover what Dumbledore wanted you to know," said Ginny.

Neville reached down and picked up a piece of paper.

"I'm going to describe a morning's events to you. I want you to think back and tell us everything that you remember of that morning in every detail."

Hermione finished her tea and Ginny took it from her.

"Close your eyes and concentrate," said Ginny.

"It is a Wednesday morning in the second week in November. Professor McGonagall asked you to her office where she privately congratulated you on your latest Transfiguration assignment. She was about to ask you something when someone rushed in and said there was a commotion down in the Great Hall. She quickly asked you to take some confidential papers up to the Headmaster and then she left."

"I remember that day," said Hermione.

"Good," said Ginny sounding relieved. "Can you carry on from there? We'll take notes."


"I went straight up to the Headmaster's office. It was a struggle as there were quite a few scrolls and my bag was particularly full that day. I got there and accidentally dropped a scroll so I put my bag down and tried to organise myself. While I was doing that, one person came out from behind the Griffin and someone else arrived to meet them."

"That's good, Hermione," encouraged Neville. "We need as much detail as possible."


Hermione dropped her bag in the small alcove a short way along from the Headmaster's office. She liked this cove as it was a convenient place to make herself presentable. Somehow she always felt uneasy entering Dumbledore's office. She often mused that Harry never seemed phased by this, but perhaps that was because he had been a much more frequent visitor.

Hermione blushed as she remembered the question Professor McGonagall had just asked her. For once she was rather glad that there had been trouble down in the Great Hall.

She hadn't seen Harry at all today, and Hermione vaguely hoped that Harry hadn't been at the centre of the commotion.

The stone Griffin standing guard at the entrance to the Headmaster's office moved and Peter Stone, a First Year Hufflepuff exited and stood still in the corridor. He looked deep in thought, as had Hermione herself after a couple of conversations with Dumbledore.

Another First Year Hufflepuff hurried up to him. She was struggling with two large bags and smiled warmly at him as she handed him his bag back.

Hermione, concealed in the alcove, listened with mild interest to the conversation.

"Hello, Peter."

He looked up and gave her an embarrassed smile.


"What happened? Did the Headmaster give you another detention?"

"No. He just told me to improve my aim next time."

She snorted and he gave her a sheepish smile.

"I'm really sorry I got you with that hex," he said sincerely. "I was aiming for that git Malfoy."

"I know you were," she said gently. "But did you really have to have another go at him in front of so many teachers?"

"Well, as you were still in the hospital wing and well out of range, the temptation was too great to resist," he admitted. "I got him good, this time."

"So I hear, along with several other Slytherins and a few Ravenclaws."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't you think they'll want to pay you back? You're not exactly the most popular student here as it is."

He looked down.

"So how did your detention go last night? You did go this time, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but only because Harry made me."


"Harry Potter. He practically dragged me down to Snape's dungeon. He even sat through all two hours of it. You should have heard the things Snape said."

"He's just trying to provoke you. Just ignore what he says," she implored.

"Snape wasn't trying to provoke me, he was having a go at Potter. He kept saying awful things about his dad."

"Did he try to hex Snape?"

"He didn't exactly look happy about it, but no, he didn't hex him."

"It's just a suggestion, but perhaps if you didn't try to hex any teacher that upsets you, you might get less punishments."

"Ha, ha," replied Peter in a deadpan voice.

"Professor McGonagall told me where you were. She said you'd come up here before all the house points had been deducted. Snape took fifty points. Professor Flitwick-"

"Do I really have to listen to this? Just tell me the total number of points I've lost so far today?"

"Only ten because Professor Flitwick actually gave you forty points because he said it was a really good hex."

"You're kidding?"

"Not at all. Professor McGonagall suggested you might like to be on time for her class. I think she wants to see a personal demonstration. Since we don't have Potions today you might even end up with more points than you've lost!"

Peter sighed deeply.

"Never give up do you? I really thought you'd never speak to me again after what I did to you."

"It was just an accident. Besides, you'd have no friends at all if I didn't like you," she replied smiling. "Actually, that's not true. I suspect that hexing Malfoy so publicly has won you a few friends. Unless you already hexed them, of course. Okay, probably no friends then."

They laughed and Peter hoisted his bag over his shoulder and then took her bag as well before they moved off down the corridor.

Hermione waited until they were a safe distance before looking out from the alcove. She didn't want them to think she was eavesdropping.

The stone Griffin moved again and this time Harry Potter exited. He looked around and smiled seeing Peter and his friend turn the corridor. He also glanced towards Hermione, somehow knowing she was there.

Hermione emerged looking a little embarrassed.

"I didn't know you had a detention last night," she said.

"I didn't but Peter thought that as Snape had punished him for no reason, he shouldn't have to attend. I tried to persuade him that Snape punishes everyone without troubling to have a good reason. I ended up staying. I really thought Peter would snap and hex Snape at one point. I was just telling Dumbledore about it."

"He is such a trouble maker, but you like him, don't you?"

"Yes I do. He must have set a record for the number of people he hexed in his first two weeks. From then on it was inevitable that it would be difficult to make friends. I think trouble comes to him most of the time, and he's one of the best duellists in the school already."

"Sounds familiar. Well, I think he has at least one very good friend."

"Yes, but you know how mad girls can be."

"Hey," said Hermione with mock indignation and returning his grin.

"I left my bag in the common room," said Harry. "Coming?"

"I have to deliver some papers to Dumbledore," replied Hermione. "Don't wait for me."


Hermione knocked on the door to the Headmaster's office and it opened at once.

"Come in, Miss Granger. Please take a seat, I'll be with you in a moment."

"Thank you, Professor," said Hermione entering the room.

She sat awkwardly and managed to drop her bag to the floor so she could cradle the scrolls in both arms.

Dumbledore entered the room wearing a warm smile. He sat behind his desk.

"Miss Granger, I wanted to congratulate you on the efforts you've put in to help Mr Torge's studies. I've been reviewing his marks and his recent grades are a significant improvement, no doubt due to your influence."

Hermione blushed and said, "I only encouraged him. He can do it if he tries. The problem was, er, well-"

She hesitated, not knowing quite how or even if she should say anything.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

"I am aware of the difficulties. Mr Torge will never achieve outstanding grades and it might be tempting to write him off. Even a pass at OWL would be a significant achievement."

"But he deserves a chance to try, at least. Just labelling him as remedial or a no-hoper can't help anyone."

"I agree but not every member of staff shares my optimism."

"One member, don't you mean?" spat Hermione.

"Professor Snape is reluctant to enter Mr Torge into the OWL examination. He feels it is a guaranteed failure that will just serve to bring down his pass average."

Hermione looked too furious to speak.

"However," continued Dumbledore, "I will enter any candidate so long as I am assured that they will at least try their best. Can I rely on you to continue your efforts?"

"Of course, Professor," she replied smiling, "but we'll need access to the Potions equipment and stores."

"It would be best, perhaps, if you used my personal potions preparation area. That way I might lend a hand, not that I'm that proficient at Potions brewing."

"Thank you, Professor. How many students could we teach in there?"

"How many do you want to teach? We are talking remedial potions aren't we?"

"Well, I've got three OWL level candidates and eleven more in other years that need practice. Actually, they just need a place to work away from the bullying."

"It's that bad?"

Hermione contented herself by just nodding.

Dumbledore sighed and said, "I'm afraid this situation isn't going to change for the better in the short term. It is also important that I'm not seen to be undermining a member of staff. I will have an appropriate area prepared and have it stocked independently."

"Thank you, Professor."

"Miss Granger," he began with a small grin, "I do hope we're not over working you. I'm only judging by all the scrolls you are carrying around."

"Oh, these are from Professor McGonagall. She asked me to bring them to you."

His face fell.

"Oh dear. You know, I've been trying to avoid taking them all term," he mused. "I don't suppose I could bribe you to lose them?"

Hermione laughed, not entirely sure if he was serious.

"Where shall I leave them?"

"Well, if you must, on the desk will be fine."

She stood up and dropped the bundle of scrolls onto the desk. One shot sideways and Dumbledore caught it deftly and opened it to read.

"I'm sure she only sends me these to wind me up. This one is a review of spells and the appropriate level of study for any given year. I bet some of these haven't changed in fifty years, but the Ministry says we have to constantly review our objectives."

"If you'd like, I could say I couldn't find you," Hermione offered helpfully.

Dumbledore chuckled and said, "Tempting though that offer is, I wouldn't dream of compromising your integrity."

"Well, if there's nothing else," said Hermione, lifting up her bag, "I have to go and drag Harry to our next lesson."

Dumbledore looked up and smiled, saying, "I bet Harry would lose them for me!"

They laughed and Dumbledore said, "Thank you Miss Granger. I wish all my student visitors left me laughing."

She turned and almost reached the door when she heard the word "Obliviate!" from behind her.

"Pardon, Sir?" asked Hermione.

Dumbledore was still standing there but he had opened another scroll.

"This one's about memory spells. Honestly, do they really think I'll allow students to perform memory charms on one another. It'd be chaos! I'm sorry if I distracted you Miss Granger. Don't forget your bag, will you?"

"Sorry, Sir," said Hermione, picking up her bag and quickly going down the stairs, still chuckling to herself. She always enjoyed her interviews with Dumbledore, although this time he hadn't thrown her with abstract questions.

She looked down at her watch. It was later than she thought.


"We're getting somewhere," said Neville looking through his notes. "This is the right day. It is the day Hermione got the information."

"Are you sure?" asked Hermione. "Dumbledore didn't perform a memory charm on me. He wasn't holding his wand and he only said the word because he was reading aloud."

Ginny looked at her intently.

"Hermione, think back," she said gently. "You said you got up and picked up your bag. Then you turned when Dumbledore spoke behind you. When you left you had to pick your bag up again. Why did you pick the bag up twice?"

Hermione was shocked. Ginny was right. She had picked the bag up twice.

"Okay," said Neville putting down the notes, "I think I've figured it out. The reason Hermione is so confused is she's had multiple charms and they have been lifted in the wrong order. There must be another trigger that will release the true concealed memory."

"Is there a clue in what Hermione has remembered this time?" asked Ginny.

"Possibly. Peter, the girl, Harry and the scroll discussions are all brand new. Everything they said and did is new," answered Neville.

"We need to contact both of them," said Ginny. "I'll go and owl the school."

Ginny jumped up and left the room.

Hermione turned and asked, "Please, Neville, tell me what happened. Where's Harry?"

"Hermione, I was given a message from Dumbledore too. He told me that he was going to give you some information that would help you. He didn't give me any details except that it would be you that finally figures this out and it would be your decision what to do with the information. He made sure I knew to bring you here while you recovered."

"I still don't understand."

"That's the problem. Dumbledore's plan has gone wrong. Some trigger hasn't happened. We're assuming that Dumbledore would have known that something might go wrong and took steps to make sure you get his information."

"So Dumbledore's gone then?"

"Yes, Hermione. He's dead."

"And Harry?" she asked, tears welling up in her eyes.


"How long?"

"Dumbledore was killed about two years ago and Harry vanished right after he killed You-Know-Who. It's been almost a year now. That's why this is such a panic."

Hermione wiped her face.


"Well, about a week ago Dean Thomas wrote you a letter. He'd seen something in the paper and it made him suddenly remember something. He remembered that some papers were buried. He retrieved them and brought them to you. He had a message from Dumbledore too."

"What was it?"

Neville reached into his papers so he could quote the message in full.

"Hermione, Between midnight and first dawn on the Summer Solstice you may enter if you wish. If you receive this message I should have been successful. Come only if you are sure on both counts. Once again, please know that I entirely respect your decision, whatever it should be. I wish I did not have to burden you with such a responsibility, but I felt there was little choice. The gates will be sealed forever after dawn, and I will then continue my journey onwards. With love and affection from your friend, Albus Dumbledore."

Neville handed her the note, saying, "I've no idea how Dean managed to memorise all that! He was a bit manic for a while but he came round when we'd given you the message."

"Was this the trigger?"

"Yes, we think it started you off, anyway. Obviously, you were supposed to remember some information before you got this though. You've been coming and going for a few days, but it has only been in the last few hours that you've started making sense. You collapsed this morning and we were afraid we would have to start over again."

Hermione carefully read the message again.

"As I read this, I've got to make a decision that will be a burden. Why me and why did it depend on Dumbledore being successful?"

Neville was quiet, allowing Hermione to catch up at her own speed. He was relieved that she was back with them. He was sure they'd never figure it out without her.

"Neville, why didn't Ginny want Ron here with us?"

"Well, to be honest, he hasn't been much help. You always seemed to get worse when he talked to you. You see, Ron thinks you need to move on and just accept Harry is really dead."

"Okay," said Hermione slowly, "I need you to be entirely honest with me now, Neville. No holding back to spare by feelings."

"I'll try."

"Is it true? I mean, did I believe Harry is dead?"

Neville sighed and Hermione reached out to hold his hand, sorry she had to ask such a question.

"I thought that your head said he was dead but somehow your heart always thought he was coming back."

Hermione sniffed and said, "I'm sorry. Tell me, what do you think this information is about?"

"I assumed you were being invited to go and fetch Harry, wherever his is."

"I hoped you would say that," she said smiling. "But why would I have to decide that?"

"Perhaps there is danger for you going in there?"

"That wouldn't put me off."

"No, it wouldn't. But suppose you had moved on, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't mean to offend you or anything!" said Neville quickly.

"I'm sorry, Neville. I won't be offended by anything you say to me."

"What I meant was, suppose you had met someone. It might have happened. A year is a long time."

Hermione suddenly looked horrified.

"Neville, are you saying you and I are together and I just can't remember?"

Neville went bright red and shook his head.

"Sorry Hermione, but this one's taken," said Ginny coming back into the room.

Hermione looked between them stupidly, wondering what she'd missed.

Eventually Ginny took pity on her and held up her hand, pointing to her ring finger.

"Gosh," said Hermione quietly, "congratulations."

"My point was," continued Neville, "that Dumbledore might have thought it at least a possibility. Would Harry have wanted to come back knowing you loved someone else?"

Hermione just bit her lip.

"Hermione! Come on!" shouted Ginny. "This is Harry we're talking about. Not only would he be utterly destroyed with the prospect of coming back and not having you, he'd also insist that you had a choice in the matter. Noble prat!"

"Well, that probably is true," admitted Hermione, feeling a little flattered. "But what is the other count?"

They fell into silence.

"Um," said Hermione and Ginny and Neville looked up at her. "You didn't tell me if I'd moved on or not. It might be relevant."

They looked at each other and Ginny shrugged her shoulders.

"You aren't married, not engaged and you live alone except when you stay with us or your parents."

"But," prompted Hermione.

"You have been proposed to a couple of times."

"Who by?"

"Ron, actually," said Neville.

"And Harry," added Ginny. "Look around your neck. The chain carries the engagement ring Harry gave you before he left."

"I didn't know that," said Neville looking surprised.

"Well, it was a secret," admitted Ginny while Hermione fumbled to retrieve the ring. "It took me ages to get Hermione to tell me. I don't think anyone else knows. You've worn it every day since he gave it you."

Hermione stared at the simple diamond ring.

"To be honest, I'm not sure that he ever actually proposed or whether you accepted," said Ginny. "You'll have to remember that by yourself."

Hermione tucked the chain back under her blouse and said, "Tell me about Ron."

"Not much to tell really. He still doesn't have a proper job but he gets by on his celebrity status and the sizeable chunk of money Harry gifted him. He has been sniffing around you for a while now, but I never got the impression you really saw him anything other than a friend. Don't get me wrong, though. Ron was a great support for you, especially just after Harry went missing."

"Why has Ron got celebrity status?"

"Well, he was the last person to see Harry alive," answered Neville. "It was just before Harry went after You-Know-Who."

"So Harry was alone in the end, after all?"

Ginny sniffed, and Neville put a comforting arm around her.

"The blast of energy could be seen for miles," continued Neville. "First there was a green coloured blast, then a red and gold one. Finally there was a crimson one that sort of went into reverse. It was quite eerie after. There wasn't a sound anywhere, but the shock wave knocked every wizard and witch to the ground."

"It was incredible," added Ginny. "There was a pause of a few seconds between the green plume and the second wave. All the fighting stopped and everyone just looked up. The Death Eaters all knew he had been defeated. I remember the look of horror on their faces when they realised what Harry was going to do to them. You could just feel the power building up."

"We were quite close to the centre of the battle and we had a better view than most. First the red and gold wave travelled out along the ground about chest height. It literally cut every enemy in two, including spies we hadn't known about and a quite few under invisibility cloaks. We watched it travel to the horizon before it turned upwards towards the sky and came together like a great dome. Then it hung there for a while and then got a little smaller and the colours deepened. That's when the cheering stopped and I became really scared."

"We all did, Ginny," said Neville gently.

"I'm still ashamed."

"Why were you scared?" asked Hermione.

"It was the way it just hung there. We didn't feel liberated from evil at all. It was more like one evil presence was replaced by another. The colours started to change as if Harry's mood was changing."

"Surely, Harry wouldn't hurt anyone else?" reasoned Hermione.

"You once told us that Harry might have. You reasoned that after defeating the most powerful wizard of all time and thousands of dark followers, anyone might feel a little contemptuous of the wizards left alive. Many chose to flee rather than fight at the end. Did they really deserve to live?"

"So, did I theorise what the crimson wave was?"

"No, but in the light of this note, could it have been Dumbledore?"

"Exactly," said Hermione, getting up. "I've got some reading to catch up on. I want to start with the newspaper clippings. Everything from when Dumbledore was lost to now."

Ginny smiled seeing their friend beginning to come back to herself.

"After I've read the papers I want to see Ron privately, although I'll want you both close by. Please ask Dean to stop by too. Have I forgotten anything?"

"Peter Stone will be here this evening," confirmed Ginny, "and there's a full list of casualties on the desk."


Hermione spent hours reading through the newspaper clippings. She'd started scanning the causality lists for familiar names but she found herself crying and reminiscing about happier times every time she found someone close.

The clippings were helpful but she was frustrated by the lack of precise information. She was also certain that Dumbledore would not have relied on headlines to get his message across.

She had been rather surprised to discover her role in the final battle. She had imagined herself fighting on the battlefield with the others and could not imagine how Harry had persuaded her to take overall command of logistics and communications. It had been she that had anticipated the location of Voldemort's attack and had sent Harry and his group right into the thick of things. They had been hopelessly outnumbered.

The last thing she read was an article about her accepting Harry's posthumous Order of Merlin First Class. She had apparently given a speech about SPEW and Ministry Corruption, much to the consternation of the officials present.

At about nine o'clock she was interrupted by the arrival of Peter accompanied by the girl Hermione had seen and, to Hermione's great surprise, Professor Snape.

Peter hurried into the room and made straight for Hermione.

"I have a message for you! I'm sorry but I only remembered it today. The message was from years ago," he explained.

"I understand, Peter. We're all in a similar position," she said warmly. "At least you can remember the last couple of years, which is a lot more than me!"

Hermione turned to his friend and held out her hand.

"This is Vanessa. Your friend Ginny asked us both to come," said Peter.

"It's lovely to see you both again," said Hermione. "I'm glad you both could come to help us."

She turned to her former Professor who had just made himself at home, sitting at the desk chair and looking as arrogant as ever.

"Welcome, Professor," she said, "I see that Harry figured you out after all."

"That gets more amusing every time you say it, Miss Granger," he said sardonically. "Mr Stone happened to have another detention with me this evening so I thought we'd combine the two."

Hermione turned back to Peter who looked bursting to tell her the message.

"What did Professor Dumbledore want you to tell me?"

"Nothing. The message was from Harry," he answered, looking confused. "He gave it me in November. The morning after I got Malfoy in the Great Hall."

"Were you in the Headmaster's office?"


"What was the message?"

"It was in two parts. Professor Dumbledore explained that the message might make no sense then but I was to contact you when I felt the time was right. I suppose that was this morning. I had a weird dream last night. I can't remember the details of the dream but as soon as I saw Vanessa this morning, my memories all came back!"

"Go on," encouraged Hermione expectantly.

Peter, knowing how important this could be paused and made sure he the words exactly right.

"He said to wrap up warm before you come, because the mornings can be quite cold even in summer. Bring sandwiches, because he might be hungry."

"Is that it?" she asked incredulously.

"He said the Muggle car park is pay and display, so remember to bring some change."

"And to think I called him a dullard," chipped in Snape. Hermione scowled at him before turning back to Peter.

"I'm sorry, Peter. Is there anything else?" she asked, trying not to look at Ginny who was sniggering in the corner. This was definitely Harry's message, and she might have to hex him.

"Don't be tempted to dress up like the other loonies in case any of them start to follow you, even though the entrance may be unmarked. Don't wear the invisibility cloak because you might get run over."

Hermione held up her hand for Peter to stop a moment.

"I think I know where he is," she said quietly. "Sorry, Peter, is there any more?"

He nodded, and blushed deeply.

"It's a bit personal, actually. May I whisper it?"

"Well, if you must," said Hermione.

Peter leaned in, and everyone else in the room did the same, desperate to hear. Hermione's frown traversed the room until everyone except Ginny looked shame faced.

Peter whispered his message and straightened up again. He relaxed seeing Hermione nod slightly, indicating she had understood.

"Thank you, Peter," she said, reaching up and kissing him on his cheek. "Harry always knew he could trust and rely on you."

"There's one more thing," continued Peter, "but I'm not sure it's relevant. We were on our way to join the fighting when Harry pulled me over to his friend Ron and told us something. It was just after he gave his speech to all the volunteers. It was amazing. I thought we could take on anything after that, no matter how many we were outnumbered by. Anyway, it all kicked off straight away and I may have missed some of what he said to us.

"He grabbed each of our shoulders. I swear I can still feel the grip he gave me. But the look in his eyes was electric. It was like he knew exactly what he was fighting for and he wanted us both to know too.

"He pulled me in and told me to keep Vanessa in my heart and hold nothing back. At first I thought he meant during the battle, but obviously he didn't. He said, well, that bit was kind of personal. Then he pulled Ron Weasley close. I didn't hear what he said to him but he wouldn't let me go. After a short moment he pushed us both at arms length and shouted at us both. The explosions were getting intense at that point and I didn't get every word.

"I think he said, 'Remember, there is always hope. For as long as we fight evil in our hearts we will prevail. I'm relying on you both. I can feel Voldemort and I know Dumbledore was right. If it happens today, it may be some time before I can thank you properly.' Then there was a bang and I missed a bit. He ended with, 'The Prophecy can only be fulfilled with your help. I will not be denied, I will live!'"

Hermione frowned slightly, and then said, "I need to see Ron now, where is he Ginny?"

"You stay here, I'll send him to you," ordered Ginny. "The rest of you step outside now. There are refreshments in the kitchen. Move!"

Hermione was about to protest but everyone jumped up and made to exit the library quickly. Even Professor Snape moved sharply.


"Hello, Hermione," said Ron quietly. "You look much better."

"I feel much better, Ron, thank you. I still can't remember much. There is a crucial piece of the puzzle missing, and we're running out of time."

Ron stood still in the middle of the room.

"Is it true that you proposed to me, Ron?"

He nodded sadly.

"Do you still want me to find happiness?"

"I've always wanted that, you have to believe that."

"I do, Ron. You do know that Harry might not come back, even if we have all the information?"

"If there's any chance, he would choose to come back. He would never give up trying."

"Harry has nothing to do with this. It isn't his choice, it's mine."

Ron's head shot up.

"What do you mean?"

"Dumbledore gave the burden to me, Ron, not you. He wanted me to decide. You thought I would have to decide between you and Harry, didn't you?"

Ron nodded slowly.

"No, Ron. I think Dumbledore dragged Harry off to cool off for a while. I suspect my job is to decide whether he may be allowed to move on to the next adventure yet. My heart may want Harry to live, but my head tells me he won't come back to us whatever I decide."

Ron held his hands to his eyes and Hermione crossed the room to hug him. Ron broke into quiet tears.

"All this time," he croaked. "I can't believe I've been so selfish. I was devastated when I lost Luna. You helped me through that and I wanted to help you the same way. Somehow I thought making you happy would make up for everything."

"I know," Hermione said gently.

"Please don't hate me, Hermione," he pleaded.

"I will always love you, Ron, whatever happens. I have to help Harry if I can, though. I can only do that if I have every piece of information. I loved Harry with every fibre of my being. I still do. I think I know enough to get to him but with my memories this mixed up, I won't make it out of there and Harry will be stuck for a millennium. I'm going anyway, Ron. Please help me."

Ron looked up and asked, "Are you sure there's time? I mean, you have taken days to recover this much. Will another memory hit just confuse you more?"

"Quite possibly, but I have to try."

"What about all the parchments. There are loads of instructions and most of them are in languages I've never seen before."

"I have to try," she replied.

Ron sighed heavily and reached into his robes. He drew out something small he held tightly in the palm of his hand.

"Sit down before you see this or I'll have to catch you when you pass out."

When she was comfortably seated in the lounge chair in front of the fire, Ron placed a tiny glass object in the palm of her outstretched hand. She stared at it closely.

Nothing happened.

"Er, Ron?"

"Sorry, Hermione, I forgot. Harry told me to shake it up first."

This time when Hermione peered into the glass object through the snow storm, she suddenly realised what the tiny model structure inside represented. She was about to say so when she passed out.


"Miss Granger, there was one other matter."

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore?"

"Please take a seat. I will shortly perform a memory charm on you. You will not remember this conversation until a specific set of events has taken place. At this time, I believe Harry has an excellent chance of defeating Voldemort. At the same time, I feel the odds of him surviving the encounter are slim at best. I have been working on something that may improve his chances.

"Now in all fairness, I should tell you that most of this plan relies rather heavily on myth, legend and simple hope. Harry himself is quite determined to cling to this mortal coil. He seems to hope for something more to life."

Hermione blushed and Dumbledore smiled warmly.

"You will recall that Voldemort survived in spirit after he attacked Harry as a baby. I believe something similar will happen to Harry. He won't intend to, I'm sure, but he may have to chase Voldemort into the spirit world to destroy him. Once that is done he may decide to judge and then execute the general populous.

"It is my intention to drag Harry back down to a place of safety until he comes back to himself. According to Arthurian legend, the rocks below a certain stone circle may be used for such a purpose.

"I want you to make the choice whether or not to release him. You will probably have up to a year to decide. After then, he will move on naturally. It could take hundreds of years though."

"What if something happens to me before then?"

"If you're lost then I suspect that Harry will need a few years to calm down. Don't worry about that."

"Will he still be my Harry?"

"I honestly don't know. He will be greatly changed by his experiences. Just feel his presence. If he's evil, leave him in the rocks. Simple really!"

"Could he return here?"

"Right now, I would have to say he could not. I can't see how we could return him to his body, nor indeed how to preserve his physical form."

Hermione nodded and fought back her tears.

"I'm sorry to burden you with this," he said gently. "Now, I would like to go over some of the problems you will encounter and what might go wrong. If we get the dates right, you might be able to move on with him should you wish. I should add that there may be considerable risks for yourself too. Your personal circumstances might have changed in the interim. What if you had a child? In that case, the risk to you would be completely unacceptable to Harry."

"I understand, Professor. Please go on."


Hermione awoke when the transit van screeched to a halt and the stretcher she was lying on slammed into the front seats.

"We're here, people," yelled the driver. It was Dean Thomas. He pulled the hand brake lever and turned to give Hermione a warm smile. "Hello, sleepy head," he said gently, "talk about just in time, eh?"

The side door of the van opened and Ron stood there grinning at Hermione.

"Ron, what happened to your face?"

"This is where Ginny punched me, and this is where Dean punched me."

Dean jumped out and slammed the door closed. It sounded like there were lots of people around the van.

Hermione felt a little disorientated, but her memories appeared to have returned to normal.

"We're ready for you, Hermione. Out you come."

Hermione sat up and swung her legs down to the van floor. She was glad when Dean offered her an arm for support.

"Listen carefully, Neville, Ginny and Ron will take you up to the entrance. The rest of us will provide cover and keep an eye out for when you return. Please watch out for traffic and remember that the exit may well be covered by a pretty major road."

They exited the van and Dean walked Hermione out of the car park towards a small group of three standing by an opening in the fence leading out into a plain grass field.

"I leave you here," said Dean. "Don't worry about anything. We've even paid and displayed as ordered."

Hermione laughed and hugged him. With tears in her eyes she could see the floodlit stone circle over his shoulder.

"Thanks for everything, Dean," she said as Ginny grabbed her arm and pulled her off into the darkened field.

As they walked across the field, an emotional Ginny hurried to tell Hermione everything she thought relevant.

"Neville worked everything out from the papers Ron gave us and the notes you left. We know the entrance location but not the exit. Dean is sure it's under a road. Watch out for traffic. Remember you can't Apparate away from here, it's too magical. You shouldn't need a password to get in, as you're invited. Remember you have to make a decision based upon two counts. We still don't know for sure what they are. We don't know how you'll get out."

Ginny repeated this advice in different order several times before they arrived at the marked point.

"This is it," said Neville quietly, looking down at the small inconspicuous marker. "This stone appeared at exactly midnight, so it must be right. I imagine you just have to touch it."

"Here are a blanket and a rucksack with sandwiches and a couple of bottles of butterbeer," said Ron, trying to sound cheerful.

They fell silent.

Hermione turned to say goodbye, feeling she was unlikely to return.

"Thank you for everything, Neville," she said hugging him. "I know you and Ginny will be happy for ever."

"Ron, I can't say how much I love you and how much your support and friendship have meant to me," she said, tears falling freely down her face now. She kissed him on the cheek and released him.

"Ginny," she said hugging her.

Ginny burst into tears, and pleaded, "Please, Hermione, just come back to us. Please!"

Eventually they broke apart. It was time to go. Hermione clutched the blanket and bag to herself and touched the stone.

The three of them watched as she vanished.


Hermione opened her eyes. She was in a large crystalline cave lit with a dull green glow all around. The blanket and bag were by her feet. She bent down to pick them up but her hand passed straight through them, as if she were a ghost.

For a moment she wondered if she had died. Perhaps her body was lying lifeless next to the rock in the field.

She decided she could do nothing about it, so set off to explore the cave.

"Harry!" she shouted, "Professor Dumbledore! Is anybody here?"

After a few minutes, she heard a reply.

"Who dares disturb the sanctity of our resting place?" came a deep, booming voice out of the darkness.

"Hello?" said Hermione.

"I keep saying it's a mistake to disguise the entrance as a rock," said the voice. "Every year some stoned hippy kicks it or kisses it. Does anybody listen?"

"I'm not a hippy, actually. I was invited."

"Invited? Really? What is your name, witch?"

"My name is Hermione Granger, and I've come to see Harry Potter."

"Recent arrival, is he?"

"About a year, actually."

"Oh, him. The hot-head. Never shuts up moaning. Not like me, I never complain."

"Um, do you think I could have a word with Harry?"

"Hermione?" said a small voice behind her. She spun around to face the cave wall. Deep inside was a figure. She could not make out any features but it had to be Harry.

"Harry, please talk to me."

"I'm so sorry, Hermione. I let you down."

"Tell me what happened."

"I defeated him, but I got angry. I killed so many people. It felt so good to rid the world of so much evil. I looked into their hearts and memories. They found themselves guilty and I made them pay. I went so high up after. I wanted to see the whole of the magical world that I'd freed from evil. Then it got dark. I remembered the hearts and memories of the ones I had spared. So many of them were cowards. So many were just waiting for Voldemort to go before they stepped up. I could see the pitiful rewards the Minister for Magic wanted to give me. He just wanted to gain popularity for himself. Almost everyone had some self interest. That's when I felt angry again."

Hermione started to become worried. She mustn't allow herself to be tricked.

"Then I felt Dumbledore's presence. That calmed me and he offered to take me somewhere cooling. He said I could wait for you here. He stayed for a while and told me jokes. I haven't heard from him in a while. Is he with you?"

"What do you feel now Harry?"

"Anger and sorrow, mostly."

"Go on."

"Anger with myself and sorrow that I'll never see you again."

"Why anger?"

"I was stupid, I looked into every heart and mind of every witch, wizard and magical creature except one. I didn't look into yours, Hermione. I couldn't judge you. I didn't need to. I should have done, though. Not to judge, but it might have reminded me of what love is. It was love that empowered me and limited me. Love killed Voldemort and his supporters, nothing else. I just forgot that for a moment."

Hermione wiped away a tear.

"You are going to leave me in here, aren't you?"

Harry's voice was becoming stronger.

"Are you ready to move on?"

"Well, I am bored with the conversation I generally get around here, that's true."

She snorted.

"The thing is, I'm not really ready to give up just yet. I'm not going anywhere without you. You can come with me now or wait around for a thousand years. I'll probably be as mad as him other there and you'll be bored waiting, but there it is."

"You're that sure I want to come with you?"

"Hermione, I love you."

"I have more questions. Harry, assuming I come with you, what do you want?"

"Well, the same thing that I've always wanted. Just you and a quiet, normal life. I've no idea what normal is in the next world, but we can try."

"Harry, what kind of advice was 'don't forget change for the pay and display'? Honestly, what a great message to send from beyond the grave! I'm going to strangle you as soon as we get to wherever we're going, you know that?"

"Hah! I knew you'd like that!"

Hermione reached through the crystal rock lining the cave until she felt Harry's hand. He grabbed her and she pulled. Soon, a bedraggled spectacled figure with a small grin stood in front of her.

"Well, don't I at least deserve a kiss?"

"Depends, did you remember the sandwiches?"

Hermione snorted as he held her tightly and lent in to kiss her. The moment their lips touched they fell through emptiness holding onto each other as if nothing else mattered.


They were falling towards a bright light when slowly they appeared to slow to a stop. Then they heard phoenix song.

"Don't let go of each other," said a familiar voice.


"Yes, indeed. It is wonderful to feel your presence together. I hope you'll forgive me, but I just wanted to thank you personally and wish you good luck for the future. I'll be taking a slightly different path, but perhaps one-day we may encounter each other again."

"Good luck to you too, Professor," said Harry. "Thanks for everything."

"We'll miss you terribly," added Hermione. "Do you have any advice for us where we are going?"

"It is a strange and wonderful place. It makes no sense at all, most of the time. The best advice I can give is love each other always and watch out for the traffic."


They slammed into the ground. Hermione screamed as loud noises erupted around them and bright lights blinded them.

Harry grabbed Hermione and picked her bodily up from the ground. He ran furiously a short distance to safety and then they collapsed onto a grassy verge.

Panting, Hermione, looked up.

"Are you hurt, Hermione?" asked Harry with concern. "I tried to Apparate us away but I couldn't. Perhaps we can't do magic here."

Hermione was watching the source of the noise and light with open wonder.

She turned to Harry, grinning widely.

"What?" he asked.

There came a shout from out of the dark. "Oi! 'Arry! You're on the wrong side of the road, mate!"

They were back.

Harry grinned back at Hermione as dozens of witches and wizards walked out from the darkness to welcome them. They were all on the other side of the road.

Harry pulled Hermione to her feet.

"I think there's something you should know, Hermione."

"What is it, Harry?" she asked brightly, waving at Ginny across the road.

"I sort of gave all my money away, and I'm probably legally dead."

"Well, I'm not marrying a corpse. Don't worry, as a special reward for defeating Voldemort I'm sure you'll be declared alive soon enough. As far as money is concerned I'm sure the Ministry will-"

"-give us lots of reward money, yeah of course!"

"No, Harry. I was going to say, they'll find you a job. One that's in keeping with your quiet, normal life, remember?"

"Our quiet, normal life, you mean?"

"Well," she said with a wicked grin, "I'm not so sure I want a quiet, normal life, if it's all the same. You gave me most of your money, after all!"

"Okay, maybe we'll try quiet and normal someday though?"

"Perhaps. Now, if you get us across this road safety, I might give you some pocket money. You'll want to save up though to buy back your Order of Merlin medal. I donated it to the SPEW funds on your behalf and I personally invited the Minister to shove it …"

"Just tell me you missed me a bit?"

"Every moment of every day, Harry. That's all."