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Sea by Mary Caroline


Mary Caroline

"The thing is-"

I think the wind and the gulls swallow my words, and I'm glad, because I'm not sure I know what the thing is. I think maybe it has to do with the waves - they come in and in and in, they drown the shore, take every tiny part and make it theirs - then leave behind something new and old that looks almost the same. Exactly the same, if you don't know where to look.

Or maybe not. Maybe it's nothing that grand, maybe the tide didn't suddenly turn and take me with it.

It could just be that the sky is too grey and the sea air is too sharp, but you're here anyway. Here anyway, a smile on your face, walking with me to nowhere on one of these days when I can't stand to be anywhere.

"Yes?" you ask, arching your brow. That way you do, when you're one step, ten steps ahead of me.

I grab your hand, because words have never done what I want them to. "You already know."

I'm smiling against your lips a moment later, because I've never been quite so lucky that you really do know everything.


A/N: Silent Sinta drew a wonderful piece based on this, you can check out the pretty here! And, ah, if this ficlet is too short to be here, somebody tell me, okay? :)