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Stories by Mary Caroline

  1. Getting Closer to Fine by Mary Caroline

    After Hogwarts, Harry deals with life, love, and loss - with a little help from the rest of the trio. [R rating for language.]

  2. Bound by Mary Caroline

    It had been a battlefield recently, and it showed. A moment in the library, post-DH.

  3. A Local's Guide to Life in London by Mary Caroline

    When Hermione broke up with Ron (for real, for good, forever) she didn't rage and she didn't yell and she didn't cry.

  4. By the Sea by Mary Caroline

    When it was all over, they took a little house by the sea.

  5. Sea by Mary Caroline

    "The thing is." Harry realises something.

  6. Hush by Mary Caroline

    "When temptation calls, we just look away."

  7. Unsaid by Mary Caroline

    It could have happened like this. Drabbly fluff. [one-shot]

  8. I Lost a World by Mary Caroline

    It's hard to talk, this summer. [Post-Ootp, one-shot.]

  9. One Morning in February by Mary Caroline

    He thinks, maybe, it's for real this time. [One-shot.]