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Harry Potter and the bearer of the Ring by Mudbloodcaz

Harry Potter and the bearer of the Ring


Harry Potter And The Bearer Of The Ring
Chapter Two

Harry turned and placed the ring back on the table as Hermione and Ron stood next to him.

When he was satisfied that the ring was safely back on the table, the old man nodded. "You three come with me," he said while placing a tall, blue pointy hat on his head.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other and then shrugged. It seemed that their choices were limited, so they followed the old man as instructed. He led them away from the council and into a small room. The pale light of dusk filled the room through large windows.

"Sit down," the old man said, waving his hand towards three high-backed chairs. The chairs were beautiful, with details of trees and leaves carved into them. Harry, Ron and Hermione took their seats without question.

"Do you know how you came to be here?" the man asked Hermione.

She shook her head at him. "No."

"Strange indeed?" the old man replied and started pacing back and forth.

"I do not think you are spies. I don't sense that Saruman has ensnared you. Perhaps, instead, you were sent to help us with the task?" The old man nodded, "Yes! I think that is it. Allow me to introduce myself," he smiled as he approached Hermione. "I am Gandalf the Gray. Who might you be?"

"I am Hermione Granger. These are my friends, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley," Hermione replied.

They heard a small knock on the door leading to the room. Hermione turned to see the tall, blonde-haired man, the one who had accused them of being spies, standing in the doorway.

"Ah! Legolas! Come meet our new guests," Gandalf said, motioning for Legolas to come into the room.

"They are not spies?" Legolas asked.

"No," Gandalf assured him. "Now, come! Rest your bow and introduce yourself."

Legolas nodded and entered the room. He walked up to Hermione. "I am Legolas, son of Thranduil," he said, staring down at her with eyes so blue they seemed almost purple. They were so deep and beautiful that they captivated her.

"I…I'm Hermione, daughter of Thomas," she stuttered. Legolas bowed to her and turned to walk over to Harry.

"I am Harry, son of James," Harry said, eyeing Hermione suspiciously. He was very uncomfortable with the way she followed Legolas with her eyes as he moved over to Ron.

"I am Ron, son of Arthur," Ron stammered. Legolas bowed and then walked back to Hermione.

"Are you from the race of man?" he asked, staring down at her.

"We are human, if that is what you mean," Hermione said, trying hard to pull her gaze away from Legolas.

"I am from the race of Elves."

Hermione blinked in shock. Legolas was so different from the house elves she knew. Ron snorted in amusement. Legolas turned in Ron's direction and Hermione noticed that his eye colour changed slightly. Legolas stormed over to where Ron was standing. Towering over him, he hissed, "Does the Elvish race cause you some amusement?" Although Ron was more than 6ft tall, Legolas still had a couple of inches in height over him.

"Err, no!" Ron stammered, staring up at the tall elf. "Sorry," he said apologetically. Ron didn't think it would be a good idea to start a fight with Legolas.

Legolas stared down at Ron and then stepped back. He turned to Gandalf and spoke to him in a strange language and then left the room. Gandalf turned back to them.

"Stay here until I return. I have to talk to Lord Elrond. We need to discuss you're situation."

Hermione nodded and then Gandalf walked out of the room. As soon as he left Ron, Hermione and Harry huddled together.

"What's going on? Where are we?" Ron asked Hermione.

"I don't know. I can just remember the time turner falling over my wrist." Hermione replied.

"Hermione! The time turner! Where is it?" Harry cried. Hermione looked down at her wrist hoping that she'd find it there, knowing it wasn't. She patted at her robes but found nothing but a couple of rips in the fabric.

"I…I don't have it," she said sheepishly.

"WHAT!" Ron yelled, stepping toward Hermione. Harry lunged in front of him.

"Calm down Ron! Hermione what do you mean you don't have it?!"

"It must of fallen off my wrist when we travelled back in time."

"Is that what you think we've done? Travelled back in time?" Harry asked, looking pale.

Hermione nodded slowly. "We all saw the time turner, turning as it fell. But I don't know how many times it turned, therefore I don't know how far we've back we've gone," Hermione said, avoiding eye contact with her friends.

"What are we supposed to do now?!" Ron roared.

"Ron, will you knock it off! You're just making things worse!" Harry said, exasperated.

"I know! Our wands!" Ron exclaimed. "But mine is broken…again!" He showed them the bits of his broken wand.

"It's no good Ron. There is no spell for time travel," Hermione replied.

Harry dug his wand out from his robe pockets anyway. "Lumos!" he cried.

Nothing happened.

"Lumos!" he said again.

Still nothing.

"I told you," Hermione said, "If our wands don't work in this time period, it must mean that they haven't been created yet."

"What?" Ron asked, confused.

"I mean that our wands don't exist in this time period."

Ron nodded, but Harry could tell that he was still slightly confused. "We'd better be careful. Anything we do could easily change the time line and the future," Harry mumbled.

They couldn't find much to talk about after the grim discussion about the time turner. Harry sat back down on one of the chairs next to Ron, who was staring at the bits of his broken wand, lost in thought.

Hermione had moved to one the windows and was staring out across the scenery. She quietly gazed across the land below her window. She had never seen anything so beautiful in all her life. A pale cool sun was setting below distant mountains capped with snow. Trees skirted the base of the mountains. River and waterfalls carved their way through the rocks.

Gandalf returned once again. "Ah! There you are!" he exclaimed. Hermione turned from the window and saw that Legolas was standing next to Gandalf.
"I have talked to Lord Elrond. He also agrees that you are not spies. He suggests that you stay here, in Rivendell, at least until we figure out what to do with you. Now, if you'll follow me, I'll introduce you to the Fellowship."

They found that the Fellowship consisted of a strange group of 9 people. It included Legolas and Gandalf. There were also four small men whose names were Merry, Pippin, Sam and Frodo. Harry noticed that Frodo was wearing the ring around his neck on a silver chain. Harry also noted that Frodo had held the chain in his hand as Harry was introduced to him. It was almost as if he was afraid that Harry was going to try taking it from him. Gandalf told them that the four small men were Hobbits.

There was also another short man, though taller than the Hobbits, named Gimli. According to Gandalf, Gimli was from a race called Dwarves. Hermione found Gimli amusing. When she had introduced herself to him, he had bowed so low that his beard touched the floor. Then he had elbowed Legolas, who had frowned at him. "This one is a pretty one, Mister Elf," he had said, causing Hermione to blush.

They were then introduced to Boromir, who was tall with dark brown hair and grey eyes. He was carrying a sword and a horn. He gently bowed to them.

They were finally introduced to Aragorn, a tall man with shaggy, dark hair dusted with spots of grey. He was rugged-looking, but in his eyes shown a strength and wisdom beyond his apparent years. He had given her a small smile and then took her hand and kissed it. Hermione had blushed and as soon as she saw the look on Harry's face, quickly withdrew her hand from Aragorn's grasp.

After meeting the Fellowship, they met Elrond and Arwen. Elrond was a very tall, dark-haired elf with eyes the colour of a clear evening. He wore a crown of silver. His daughter, Arwen, stood next to him.
When Harry and Ron saw Arwen, their mouths dropped open. Hermione had to kick them. Arwen was beyond pretty, her long dark hair was braided and she wore a small cap of silver lace above her brow. Her soft, grey eyes smiled down Hermione. Both Ron and Harry stuttered their names to her and Hermione wondered for a second if Elves were some form of Veels.

Night had fallen by the time all introductions where made. Legolas showed them to rooms where they could spend the night. Hermione's room was done out in soft white and a large bed framed by a tall statue of a women. Hermione stood by the bed while Legolas offered her a lamp.

"Clothes have been provided for you," he said, pointing to the small pile of clothes that sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you," Hermione said, taking the lamp from Legolas who turned and left. Setting the lamp down, Hermione picked up the clothes. She held out a long white dress, which seemed to be a nightgown. After getting changed and into bed, Hermione blew out the lamp and fell fast asleep.

"Nooooooo!" Hermione shot up in bed and, for a second, wondered where she was. Then it all came back to her and she crawled out of the soft warm bed. Passing a hand over her face, she walked over to a small marble bowl and poured out some water from a silver pitcher. She splashed the cold, crisp water over her face in an attempt to scrub away the remains of the nightmare. Usually, when she had a nightmare about the death of McGonagall, she would find Harry and talk to him about it. But she didn't want to disturb him this time.

Deciding that a walk might help, she left the room and walked down the open-aired corridor. It seemed that no was about as she walked along. She gazed at the stars for a while, but found the constellations strange. Unnerved, she decided to find out where the corridor would lead her. Ten minutes later, the corridor led her into a large room filled with paintings and books. Smiling, Hermione pulled a book from the shelves and opened it. She couldn't understand anything that was written on the paper. She was so absorbed trying to decipher the strange languages that she didn't hear the person come up behind her. A warm hand gently touched her shoulder and she jumped in fright, dropping the book. As she turned around, she found she was face to face with Legolas.