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Harry Potter and the Trials of a Hero by Garet Jax

Harry Potter and the Trials of a Hero

Garet Jax

The Trials of a Hero

To enjoy the wonders of life - You must accept the inevitability of death

To wade in the in the pool of pleasure - You must drown in the lake of agony

To experience the joys of love - You must face the reality of hate

To be blanketed in thepeaceful warmth of the light - You must embrace the bitter coldness of the dark

- William Shakespeare


Chapter One: Birthday Blues

July 31st, 2:15 A.M.

The young man with the long messy black hair and emerald green eyes stared at the large punching bag hanging from the ceiling before him. The sweat ran down his back and arms, his chest, gently heaving, and glistened lightly with sweat as the early morning moonlight lit the otherwise dark and damp basement, that reeked of Dudley's dirty boxers and Uncle Vernon's stale socks.

With a grunt his right arm exploded outwards, pounding into the bag. He felt the impact and gritted his teeth as he felt another knuckle break, not bothering to look down at his bloodied fist, his left arm followed quickly afterwards, smashing into the bag, sending it rocking backwards.

The rage was building up inside him again.

I'm a failure!

SMACK! - The bag lurched violently; a small tear appears under the impact of his fist.

I didn't try to save him!

SMACK! - He ignored the sound of another knuckle breaking, the pain seeming to fuel his quiet rage.

I let him die!

SMACK! - He muffles a grunt and wills away the sudden tingle in his gut as the blood from his hand sprays back, splattering him in the face.

She nearly died!

SMACK! - He nearly screams as the pain rockets through every appendage of his body from the force of the blow.

I nearly lost Her!

SMACK! - The power surged through him as he felt the bag cave-in around his fist then watched in shock as it was torn from its chain and hurtled through the air, smashing into the far wall with a dull thud. Slowly he brought his hands into the light, grimacing at the sight of the blood and shattered bones that were once his hands.

"This is what I've become…" he murmurs quietly to himself, "A freak."

Harry James Potter watched in silent amazement as the bones of his hand slowly and almost painlessly began to reshape and heal before his eyes until they are again looking as they once were. The hands of someone `destined' to become a killer.

With his head low and his shoulders slumped, Harry Potter quietly walked back up the stairs to his bedroom. Hoping to get a few hours sleep before the sun rises and he is swamped with gifts from his friends.

Why is this happening to me?

Silently, Harry pulled his sweat pants off and threw them into a corner. He stopped momentarily to look into the full sized mirror over his dresser.

I've certainly grown, he thought to himself sarcastically.

No longer was the Boy-Who-Lived, a short and skinny little boy with knobby knees and wild untamable hair.

Well, at least I can manage it now…

He ran his hand through the dark locks, the ends reaching just above his shoulders. The hairs on the top of his head still stuck out a bit but his bangs were longer, now covering his world-famous scar. Not that that bothered him in the least.

Look even more like my father I think…he would like that.

No, skinny is something that would not be associated with one Harry Potter these days. Thanks to the secret daily workouts with Dudley's equipment in the basement and the running in the morning after Uncle Vernon had left for work.

His skin was still somewhat pale to the casual observer, but those who know him would say his skin had a more exotic olive tone to it.

The `Oh-I-Can-See-Your-Ribs-Potter!' was gone, with the help of a summer of exercise and moderate eating habits, resulting in a rather fair display of upper body development. His pectorals were developing quite nicely and would only improve as he grew older and continued with his rigorous program. His abs had just now started to show signs of definition and he was quietly pleased with that.

Not quite Adonis…but at least if I'm going to die on my feet, I might as well be in good shape.

He had grown taller as well, but having nothing to compare it too, he wasn't sure how much he had grown. Only that he had to slump down a bit to see his entire reflection in the mirror.

I didn't have to do that last year.

His arms were now toned and lean, no longer lanky and just bones with a slightly pale slice of meat attached to it. Grinning to himself, he flexed them.

Hermione was right…I am such an idiot.

Laughing quietly to himself, Harry pulled the covers on his bed down and crawls under them, hoping for a few hours of dreamless sleep but knowing that it will never happen. Instead he dreamt of a bleak future without his Godfather and to his surprise, his bushy-haired best friend.


The black nothingness that waited surrounded him like a dense fog as he entered the land of dreams and nightmares engulfed him, chilling him to the bone and leaving his soul feeling bare and hollow. He struggled against it, his arms flaying and his legs kicking.

"All is not as it seems, my young friend."

Harry spun around; searching frantically for the source of the voice, all that welcomed him was an endless void of emptiness.

"Who are you!? Where the bloody hell am I?" he shouted into the nothing, his voice echoing back to him, twice as loud as it was originally.

"Harry…you must calm yourself. All will be explained in time." The voice chuckled lightly, "Of course, you don't really have too much time now do you?"

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten that." Harry spat out, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Now, Harry. Where were we? Oh yes…" the voice sounded eerily familiar but Harry couldn't place it.

Harry stepped back in shock as words began to appear in the void before him - glowing a sickly green color, words he knew all too well-

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...

And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

And either must die at the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches..."

Harry frowned as a look of confusion appeared on his face, "I know all this already...why are you showing me this?"

"Because you have yet to grasp the concept of what and who you are…all the answers you need are here, in these words. You just have to know what to look for."

Harry shook his head clearly not getting it, "I don't understand."

The voice seemed to sigh then spoke again, "Then I will give you one last hint, Harry. Be ready for it- here it comes!"

A powerful jolt raced through Harry and he grabbed his head in agony and screamed, as the painful images and events ran through his mind like a Muggle film reel. One after the other he was bombarded with some of the most horrific events in his life -

Voldemort ordering Wormtail, to kill Cedric Diggory. The young mans cold and dead eyes staring up at him accusingly.

The spectacular and terrifying duel with a now mortal Voldemort, in the graveyard the images of his parent's shadow like spirits telling him to run to safety.

The basilisks jaw clamping down on his arm, nearly tearing it from his body.

Sirius falling through the veil, not knowing that he was about to die, his own blood curdling scream following soon after.

The absolute freezing terror that overtook his mind and body as Hermione fell to the ground seemingly lifeless.

The rage that overtook him as Dumbledore revealed the prophecy, and the silent and dreadful realization that the weight of the world was indeed being placed heavily upon his shoulders.

As quickly as slide show of pain and regrets began - it stopped, replaced by scenes of happiness and joy.

"Are you starting to understand now, Harry?" The voice asked, it sounded to Harry as if it was pleading with him, begging him to learn from this lesson.

The three best friends laughing and cheering together as Gryffindor House finally won the House Cup after so long.

Holding the Golden Snitch high over his head proudly as a big grin appeared on his face.

Laughing in joy as Hermione beamed in pride after he had successfully attempted the Accio charm.

Seeing Sirius' happy face as they all gathered together for Christmas, looking every bit like the free man that he wasn't, passing out gifts and treats as if it was his first and last Christmas.

The deafening cheers of all the Houses in the Great Hall as Hermione ran to him and Ron during their second year.

The image of Ron slapping him on the back and laughing at Malfoy after he was turned into a ferret and being bounced up and down the halls of Hogwarts.

Opening the picture book from Hagrid and seeing his parents waving up at him, holding a baby Harry between them.

Hermione smiling at him tenderly, her brown eyes glistening in the sunlight as she tilted her head slightly, her arms wrapping around his waist, her face getting closer…

Harry felt the warmth spreading through his body, a sensation that he's never felt before, filling him with joy and peace and completeness, as if all the answers to every question he's ever had was right within his grasp. The feeling lingered for a moment before it faded away - to be replaced once again by the deep voice of his invisible 'tour guide'.

"Ah- you're getting closer. Soon you will understand…my young Gryffindor."

"Understand what? I don't understand a damn thing!" Harry shouted. He spun around again, looking - searching for the source of the voice.

"You have the Power he knows not, Harry. All you have to do is open your eyes."

"What power?" Harry screamed, "I don't know what this power is - how can I even hope to stand a chance against Voldemort!?"

The voice chuckled, " are so much more than you know. Listen to your heart; learn from what you have seen here..."

The voice trailed off as the void began to swirl around him, he felt the air being drawn out of his lungs and he struggled against it. Just as quickly he saw the image of Hermione once again, smiling up at him, her hand on his cheek, her slips moving softly, mouthing words to him that he didn't understand. The warm sensation once again shot through him, his struggle against the void ceased immediately as he relaxed in the embrace of Hermione and the warmth that now filled his body, her face getting closer, her eyes fluttering closed and her lips partly open.


Harry shot up in the bed, his chest and face covered in sweat. He jumped up, trying to get his bearings, not noticing that his legs were tangled up in the blanket, which caused him to lurch forward and fall to the floor smacking his forehead.

"What the hell..?" he asked out loud as he covered his forehead with his hand. "Ow!"

That never happened…Hermione has never done that before.

Harry threw the covers off him, and sat up on his knees while running his hands through his hair, pulling his bangs out of his eyes.

I'm pretty sure I would remember her doing that…

With a grunt Harry forced the image of Hermione from his mind and tried to ignore the unusual feeling that stirred in his stomach whenever he thought about her lately.

What the bloody hell is that!?

Harry slowly rose to his feet and walked to his window where no doubt there would be quite a few owls waiting for him.

What or who - was that voice in my dream? I've never heard it before. Can you imagine a voice that you've never heard before?

Harry pulled aside his curtain and didn't even bother to fight the smile that came to his lips as he saw Pig, Hedwig and an unfamiliar black owl sat on the window pane, waiting for him patiently.

Holding back a laugh, he unlocked the window and pushed it open. He stumbled backwards immediately as the three owls rushed inside - feathers flying everywhere.

"Easy guys", Harry said with a chuckle.

All three of the owls had a package of some sort attached to them along with a number of scrolls that Harry assumed to be letters.

"BOY! What the bloody hell is that God-Awful racket!"

"It's just the mail, Uncle Vernon!" Harry shouted back. Great big git.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Uncle Vernon bellowed from the other side of the door.

Harry went pale and cringed, his head turning to the door. Guess I said that out loud.

"Er - Nothing Uncle Vernon I was speaking to the owl."

Harry listened to his Uncle mumble something about "ungrateful freak of nature", then sighed as he could hear (more like felt the vibrations actually) his Uncle's freakishly fat feet stomp away from the bedroom door and down the hall, which was followed soon after by -

"Is that Boy up yet!? Which he immediately recognized as his aunts high pitched screech.

Harry rolled his eyes and closed the window.

"Great big globby git." Harry mumbled under his breath.

He walked over to Hedwig who was perched atop her cage and loosened the package that was tied around her neck. He fed her a cracker and smiled as she nipped affectionately at his finger before grabbing the cracker.

"Let's see what I got this year." Harry whispered as the other two owls began to flap their wings impatiently, "Hold on, I'll get to you."

Harry opened the first scroll which had Ron's lopsided scrawl on it-

Hey Mate,

Happy Birthday Harry! I hope you are doing better this summer, and that those Muggles aren't treating you like dung. I got my OWLs results; you'll never believe how many I got. Nine! I got nine bloody OWLs. Can you believe that? I didn't get one in Potions though, which is alright, it means no more of that great greasy git, Snape.

Oh by the way, I thought I should inform you, and brace yourself mate. But Hermione has 'changed', if you know what I mean. Bloody hell she is looking good Harry. I actually got up the stones to ask her out on a date! She said yes, well actually, she said yes after she stood there looking at me for a few minutes like I had grown another head....out my arse! But then she said yes! Maybe this is the year that she and I actually get together. I know I never told you about having feelings for her, but I guess I was a bit obvious wasn't I? Well, wish me luck with her mate, and I know, I know what you're going to say "If I hurt her you'll kill me". Believe you me, I know you're a great wizard Harry, but she is very scary at times.

Well, the package with Pig is from us; I think you'll like the gifts, Mum about had a nervous breakdown when we got back to the Burrow, worried about you and all. So she sent a few cakes to tide you over. Enjoy them Harry and I will see you in a couple weeks.


P.S. I will let you know what happens with Hermione - wink-wink.

For some reason beyond his understand, Harry felt the bottom of his world fallout from beneath him as a cold chill grabbed hold of him.

Ron and...Hermione?

He felt his eye twitch slightly and frowned.

Why don't I feel good about that?

Harry sat quietly for a moment, just holding the letter trying to understand why in the middle of the summer, sitting in a room with no fan or air conditioning, and a closed window - why he was suddenly freezing from the inside out.

Bugger it; I'll worry about it later.

Forcing himself to not think about his two best friends romantically involved - he dug into the package from the Weasley's and couldn't hold back the smile as he pulled out two birthday cakes, a bottle of alcoholic Butterbeer that he knew must have come from Fred and George, a small box of 'Never-Melt Chocolates' that obviously was from Ginny, and a new revised edition of Quidditch: Through the Ages; which ironically had a chapter devoted entirely to himself.

Shaking his head in amusement, he went through all the other letters, he got one each from Albus Dumbledore, Tonks (who actually enchanted the scroll to sing, "WOTCHER, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! for five minutes straight), Remus Lupin's letter also notified him that he would be joining the Hogwarts staff once again as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Which Harry wasn't at all disappointed about.

The final two letters were from Hermione and one that looked rather official - Must be my OWL results - he thought to himself.

He put aside Hermione's letter for last and opened the letter that had the official seal of Hogwarts attached to it, breaking it easily he opened, not noticing the small wrapped item that fell out and landed silently on the floor.

Harry Potter

Smallest Bedroom

#4 Privet Dr.

Little Whining, Surrey

Mr. Harry Potter,

The following are the results of your OWLs (Ordinary Wizard Levels) from the prior term. We wish to express to you our best wishes in your future endeavors and hope that you can maintain this level of efficiency when it comes time for NEWTs in your 7th year.

Sasha Clearwater

Deputy Administrator

Department of Magic

Charms: Practical - O, Theory - O, Overall - O

Transfiguration: Practical - O, Theory - O, Overall - O

Potions: Practical - E, Theory - O, Overall - O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Practical - O, Theory - O, Overall - O

Care for Magical Creatures: Practical - O, Theory - O, Overall - O

History of Magic: Practical - A, Theory - E, Overall - E

Divination: Practical - A, Theory - A, Overall - A

Astronomy: Practical -P, Theory - A, Overall - A

Harry gaped at the letter - fourteen OWLs, he couldn't believe it.

Wait, what's this?

Harry noticed an extra letter behind the first, pulling it out he immediately noticed Professor McGonagall's elegant writing -

Mr. Potter,

Congratulations on your OWL scores, I would like to bring to your attention that you scored the highest O to class ratio for the male members of your year. This in turn means that you deserve this. You are now a Prefect Mr. Potter, it is to be noted that Ms. Granger also has qualified to be a Prefect for a second straight year. Your duties will be explained to you September 1st, aboard the Hogwarts Express.

Good job, Harry - Your mother and father would be proud.

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I'm a Prefect - I'm a bloody Prefect!

Harry grinned suddenly at the thought of being a Prefect with Hermione, doing evening rounds with Hermione, walking side by side with her every night, going to meetings together. Why is my face hurting? His grin had become rather silly and lopsided.

And I get to torment Snape for two more years! Maybe this won't be such a bad year after all.

Looking down he noticed the last letter, Hermione's letter, and the cold chill that had left him earlier was back again - in spades.

With trembling hands, he opened the letter and prepared for the unknown.

Dear Harry,

I do hope that you are having a great summer and that the Dursely's are treating you better. I worry constantly about this, and no matter what things you have said to me in your previous letters, I can't seem to get the image of you huddled in a cupboard under the stairs out of my head.

I am anxious to hear what you got on your OWLs; I got sixteen! I am so excited by the possibilities that will be opened to me because of that. I know that you were selected to be a Prefect and I am so proud of you, Harry! It's really a great honor. You don't have to worry, I will help you along in your duties, what are friends for right?

I truly wish you a most Happy Birthday Harry; you deserve it more than anyone I know. I hope you like my gift for you; I looked far and wide for it. I know right now you don't feel like you have anyone left in the world that cares about you or loves you, but let me tell you that you are dead wrong, Harry. I care, greatly. I know you don't like it when I worry about you, but it's not something that I can turn off like a light switch. If you ever need to talk about anything, you know that I am here for you, whatever the subject, or whatever time of the day it is. I am only a phone call away, and my parents told me that if I really wished it, they would drive me out to see you, if I felt it was necessary.

Now I am sure that by now you have heard from Ron. I hope that this 'situation' doesn't upset you. I know it might be awkward, but I assure you that in my mind it is just a date, one date, and as of right now I have no intention of letting it go further than that. I am positive Ron has had other ideas though. I am only doing this because, well I know that he has had certain feelings for me for the last couple years, and I felt that I owed it to him to at least explore the possibilities.

If by some chance, that Ron and I get more serious (and I am by no means saying that we will, please understand this), I want you to know that you are my best friend; my truest and dearest friend, Harry. I don't want you to feel like you don't belong with us, because you do. I honestly don't know as of this moment where Ron and I are headed, but I do care about him. I can't go into detail right now exactly what I feel for him, because he is pretty close by and he keeps asking me if I am writing a letter or a novel to you.

Well, I hope this letter hasn't upset you, because that wasn't my intention at all. I will see you in a couple weeks. Please be safe Harry.

All my Love,


He was freezing, and his stomach lurched. Any minute now he was sure that he die from frostbite. Why do I feel like this? I mean it's not like I think of her as more than a -

Harry dropped the letter as the lamp sitting on his nightstand exploded, sending shards of porcelain all around his room.

Bloody that's why it feels like this...Oh, fuck...why does this always happen to me?

Harry crumpled the letter up fiercely, and threw it across the room, not caring that it nearly knocked Hedwig off her cage.

"Of all the stupid, fucking insane things to do...I just had to go and do this didn't I?" he growled out loud. "Why now?"

Harry ignored the rest of his gifts and held the small box from Hermione in his hands, the small box was no more then 5 inches across and 2 inches deep. Gently he ran his hand across the black box and loosened the red bow that was wrapped around it. He took a deep breath and opened it -

Oh my God...

It was a cell phone...and it was activated, along with a note.


Use this to call me whenever you need to talk, or whatever. I know that I would love to hear your voice Harry. Just press memory 1, and it will call my own cell phone. Be safe Harry, please.

All my Love,


Harry chuckled, "Well obviously not ALL of your love, but it's a sweet gift nonetheless, and very practical." He held the phone in his hand for a few moments, before finally setting it under his pillow with a sigh.

He sighed warily, "Happy Birthday to me..."

Harry walked dejectedly to the door after quickly throwing some clothes on and after another long sigh he opened it. He looked back at his bed, No reason I can't carry it with me, Harry thought to himself.

He quickly walked back to his bed, and pulled the phone from under his pillow and placed in his front pocket, headed down the stairs mentally preparing himself for the longest week or so of his life.


To Be Continued....
