Chapter 2
The mark and the Attack.
By Envy86
The next morning, Ginny woke up with a terrible pain in her forearm. She got up and looked at it. There was the mark, as clear as it was the night before. She got up and wrote to the Headmaster, Knowing that this smelt like trouble.
Dear Head master,
I have been getting these terrible pains in my forearm. There's a mark, it is round, had a lion in the middle as it was roaring like the Gryffindor lion. Then around the edges, were all of the other house symbols. I remember reading something about it, but I can't remember what it means and what it represents. It's really freaking me out, there is also a scripture, but I can't remember what it read. If possible, Please tell me what is it and what does it mean.
Ginny Weasley
Ginny finished writing out her letter and gave it to Pig. She looked at her arm again and the mark was gone. She ignored it and headed down to breakfast. She just remembered Harry and Hermione were coming today.
As soon Ginny finished her breakfast, the two came.
"Hello Hermione, Hello Harry" Molly said down stairs.
Ginny was in her room; her arm was in too much pain.
"Ginny dear, can you please come down here," said Molly.
"Yeah in a sec ma, I need to do something." Ginny shouted from her room.
"Ok dear, well Hermione I'm sure you would be able to put you stuff in Ginny's room, and Harry in Ron's." they both nodded.
Hermione stuffed her arms with her stuff and walked upstairs to Ginny's room. She knocked on to Ginny's bedroom door and entered.
"Hey Gin-" she stopped in dead silence.
" Hermione help me please I don't know what is happening to me"
" OK Ginny stay calm." Hermione walked over to Ginny and looked at her forearm, which was glowing bright but dark silver.
" Do you know what it is?" Asked Ginny hopefully.
"No, Ginny I don't but I don't think I want to know, maybe if we send a owl to Dumbledore and ask him."
" I have already this morning. Hermione I am so scared. Its been killing me since I had that weird scary dream last night"
"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" said Hermione as she dumped her stuff down and directed Ginny to her bed and facing her towards her as Ginny still clutched her arm.
"Yeah ok but it is a bit graphic."
Ginny told her everything what happened.
Meanwhile in Ron and Harry's room Ron told Harry about what happen last night.
"- And then she just started to scream, I don't know what was scaring her, all the sudden she sat up really quickly and knocked me off her bed, and she told me her dream, she said that you were dead with your head decapitated as your body was rotting away. Then she turned around and a death eater was in front of her and killed her. I don't know what is wrong with her Harry, but something tells me there is something wrong, and I mean wrong."
Harry just sat there absorbing every word Ron said. Somehow he had the same dream but with Hermione dying in front of his eyes. He shook he head mentally and just nodded.
'I must help Hermione no matter what happens' Harry thought. And went back to listening to Ron blabbing on about Ginny's Dream.
Later in the afternoon, a letter came through Ginny's window; only her and Hermione were present in the room. Ginny ran to the window to see who it was from, it was from Professor Dumbledore.
Dear Ginny,
In the resent letter you sent me today, I have been looking it up in my books. It seems to me that you are the chosen one. This symbol shows that somehow you are part of all the heirs of Hogwarts, apart of Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin.
You are the key to the remove the evil that is present in this world. You are the key to someone, but you choose to be the key to who you want to be. At times you are, or can be, in great danger. In other times, you are asleep, unaware of your surroundings. However, let me warn you that you must NOT, and Ginny I express this to you very clear, you must not wonder free when you feel like it. This mark has not been seen since Buckle Shamrock had died, He was the founder of this mark.
You must learn how to use it and control it. It can protect you and your closest friends and family from danger without you knowing, and it can put up a fight and making you in continuous pain. If you fall into the wrong hands and or choose wrong Ginny, it will be very fatal.
I hope you have a great summer and I would like to see you as soon as you come back to school and a little hint. Congratulations.
Professor Dumbledore
"Great, I'm the chosen one and hope I had a good summer, good grief."
"Well, what did it say Gin?" Asked Hermione
"Nothing to worry about, but I don't really want to discuss it now, maybe later" Just then the school letters came.
" Ginny, Hermione the letters are here" said Molly.
"Coming." Said the two girls
They both ran down stairs. Ginny was starting her 5th year at Hogwarts while the Harry, Ron and Hermione were in their 6th.
When Ginny opened her letter and a small 'P' fell out. Hermione being the first person to see it screamed.
Everyone came up to her and congratulated her,
"Good work Gin." Said Harry, she smiled and blushed. It has been a long time since she smiled. ' What? Me? A prefect? -I don't deserve this!' Ginny walked away to her room leaving the others to read their letters,
Harry, Hermione and Ron opened up their letters. Each had one letter that contained the book list, and another letter for all three of them that came directly from the headmaster.
Hermione grabbed the letter that was addressed to the three.
Dear Harry, Hermione and Ron.
As you are all aware, Ginny has received a mark, a very strong and dangerous one.
On some occasions, it can be very protective. As you are quiet close to Ginny, you have a right to know that your lives are also in danger. Please take the up most care in making sure that absolutely nothing harms her.
The rare mark that she possesses on her forearm is one that holds the power to protect her and her close friends and family. However, that Mark alone cannot protect her. As you are all, close friends to her, I warn you not to be in her face all the time.
Ron, as you are her brother, give her space, she will need it.
This mark has not been seen for the last 200 years since Buckle Shamrock had died. He was the founder of this mark. This symbol shows that somehow she is part, not only of the evil in this world but also of the goodness, and of all the heirs of Hogwarts; a part of Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.
She is the chosen one. If she falls into the wrong hands or is taken by You-Know-Who, the outcome will be fatal and she will no longer be Ginny Weasley. That's is if she is taken to the dark side. I warn you to keep your eyes open and be on guard for her, and please be careful.
Because of this bad news, you three have been made High Prefects. Well done and see you on September 1st.
They open up their letter and saw a 'HP' badge, it means High Prefect, it means that they have other special duties than an ordinary Prefect does and are aloud to be out of bed after school hours. They were awarded this badge, due to the circumstances between Ginny; her parent's still doesn't know and aren't going to find out till they are at Hogwarts.
The whole Weasley family congratulated them and wonder why the headmaster have given them this 'HP' badge. It hasn't been given out in the last 20 years.
After all the commotion, the whole lot decided to go to sleep and gain strength for tomorrow, as they were going to go to Diagon Alley in the morning.
The Next morning, Ginny woke up all broken down in sweat.
She dreamed that there was going to be a killing, taken place at Diagon Alley that morning. She didn't believe it at first but her arm was in a lot of pain, and this time was glowing bright green. 'What does this means? What do the different colours mean?' Thought Ginny. She really didn't want to get up but her mother was shouting to them.
After Breakfast, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Harry and the Twins, all flooed to Diagon alley. Ginny's arm was pissing her off with it's continuous tingling, stating that something was not right.
As they head to the Bookstore, screams came from outside. Green sparks came into the shop. The Death eaters were attacking. Ginny somehow knew what to do, grabbed the lot, and took them to an alley to hide underneath a wooden floorboard. Somehow, her arm told her to run now she wasn't safe. They only had a few seconds till they were found by the Death-Eaters, they had to move, Ginny's arm flared up in pain as it told her to move away from under the floorboard she started to move, know that they had to risk their life. She got up from where she was hiding, but was pulled back down by Ron.
"Ron, let go of me, we need to move it isn't safe here." Yelled Ginny, they scrambled up from their spots and followed. The Death Eaters were gaining on them.
" Crucio" said one of the Death eaters, missing Harry by inches.
"Stupefy" cried Hermione, as she stunned one of the Death eaters. The six started to run again but was circled by the Death Eaters. One of them who sounded so familiar came up to Ginny.
" Well, well, well. What do we have here? Miss Weasley, my master has been looking for you. I think you shall come with us. I think we should get them don't you think?"
He stood back into the circle and they all raised their wands.
" Avada---"
Just then, there was a Bright Purple Light. Ginny let out a terrible scream as the mark burned into her arm. A globe of purple glue surrounded the six. Ginny was in her sub-conscious state didn't know what she was neither saying nor what she was doing. She gripped onto the other five and looked into their eyes, her eyes was aqua green. She turned her head around to the other Death eaters and spoke in a bizarre voice that was of course not her own.
Just then the purple circle lifted up from them and blew into the Death Eaters, falling into the ground in to unconsciousness. Ginny couldn't stand the pain any longer and broke down in to darkness. All she could hear was the voices of her friends, trying to wake her up.
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Well there is chapter 2 hope everyone enjoyed it. Chapter 3, something very fishy is happening; Ginny is gone to a different world? And who is this Buckle person. Well review please.