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What Might Have Been by lorien829

What Might Have Been


Author's Note: Liked the idea of a Marriage Law, so tried to give it my own take.

Oh and none of these people are mine….

What Might Have Been

Chapter Nineteen

"Harry!" Ron hissed in frustration, as he looked down the maw of Knockturn Alley, in time to see Harry edge around a corner and out of sight. He did a couple of uncertain takes toward the alley, which would have been comical to anyone watching, tightened his grip around his wand, and strode in the alley as well.

He caught up with Harry around the next corner. Harry was lounging against the wall, looking out toward a rather crowded square, his stance nonchalant.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ron whispered, with an expression of disbelief.

"I saw Malfoy…he went into that shop just there," Harry said, nodding toward a shop across the way. The windows were grey and grimy, and the wooden signboard hanging outside was weathered with years. Whatever was etched into it was unreadable, and Ron figured that was probably best for all concerned.

"Do you or do you not realize that you are about to get married?" Ron said, desperation tingeing his voice. "Hermione's going to be really hacked off if you get yourself killed. Let's go to the Ministry and let them know where we saw Malfoy."

"He could be gone by then," Harry said evenly, not taking his eyes off the shop in question. "Why don't you go, and I'll stay here, and watch him." Ron looked dubiously at his friend, clearly not liking the idea of leaving Harry here in Knockturn Alley alone. Harry had pulled up the hood of his cloak as he'd lunged down the alleyway, leaving Ron only the edge of his profile to glare at. Ron sighed heavily

"Harry…" he pleaded quietly. Harry jerked his head to look at Ron full on, and leveled him with a glance.

"What?" he said shortly.

"What is it that you're trying to do here?"

"I should think that would be obvious, Ron," Harry said, annoyed, then lowered his voice. "Malfoy has proven that he can get people to follow him…maybe only because of his money, but that doesn't really matter. He was plotting to get his father out of Azkaban! He had Death Eaters attack Hermione's wedding!" They both noticed that he intentionally left out Ron's name, but neither commented on it. "He is dangerous, and he needs to be behind bars with his father."

"Let the Aurors do it," Ron said softly. "That's what they've been trained for. Think of Hermione." Harry's eyes were shuttered and far away.

"I am thinking of her," he muttered almost under his breath. "Go get the Aurors. I'll watch him," he said, his gaze never straying from the shop door where Draco had entered.

"Right then," Ron said, letting his hand fall briefly on Harry's shoulder. "Be careful." Seconds later, Harry heard the crack of Apparation, but did not look back.

Harry leaned against the cold stone wall of an apothecary shop for what seemed like ages. Various unsavory looking characters wandered the alley, browsing for merchandise and engaging in trade. Harry was glad he had brought his cloak, since the majority of people traversing Knockturn Alley were similarly outfitted. He reached his hand into his pocket and felt the smooth rounded metal of his parents' wedding rings. A smile graced his features of its own volition. Hermione…he thought briefly. She was going to kill him, he knew, but this was something he had to do.

There was a discordant jingle as some scraps of metal that were hung above the shop door clashed together when the door opened. Malfoy exited, looking first in one direction, then the other, and darting furtively up the alley. Harry straightened from his leaning posture, in what he hoped was a nonchalant fashion, and began strolling along casually, taking care to keep Malfoy in sight.

How long does it take to get help and Apparate back? Harry thought in some annoyance, as he looked back over his shoulder. If he was too far away before the Aurors arrived, they wouldn't be able to find either him or Malfoy. His attention snapped suddenly back to Malfoy, as the latter suddenly shot down a side street. Harry hesitated only a moment, before proceeding cautiously down the same lane.

The rutted alleyway was dim and misty and strewn with refuse. Harry picked his way through it, wondering what in the hell Malfoy was doing down here. I would have thought his aristocratic tastes would have screamed in protest at this place. He watched in dismay as the shadowy figure making its way before him slowly faded from sight in the mist.

Dammit! Harry shrieked inwardly, picking up the pace, but making as little noise as possible.

He stopped suddenly when there was a wand at his neck and a low menacing voice in his ear. His own wand slipped out of his pocket, seemingly of its own free will.

"Looking for me, Potter?" Malfoy hissed. Harry peered curiously at the empty alley, until the way behind him began to ripple slightly, like a disturbed pond, and peel back. Malfoy appeared out of nowhere, rolling up a wad of fabric and stuffing it in a knapsack. "Yours isn't the only invisibility cloak in existence, you know," he drawled, keeping the wand trained on Harry.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked sullenly. Malfoy made a "who me?" gesture, all innocence.

"I'm not the stalker, Potter. That would be you."

"Fine," Harry replied. "I'll stop stalking you. In fact, I'll leave right now…" he turned toward the mouth of the alleyway.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Malfoy said quickly. Harry was instantly paralyzed, and could do nothing to catch himself as he fell face first onto the rough pavement. He tasted metal. "Do you really think I'd let you go? When you got my father put in prison? When you interfered with his escape? When you got my mother arrested as well?" His silver eyes glittered dangerously. "Your life is worth less than nothing to me." He leaned closer to Harry's prone form, and whispered in his ear maliciously, "And after I've taken care of you, I'm going after your little whore."

Harry's eyes grew wild with panic, and he wanted to scream and flail and… but he was trapped in his own body. Malfoy's smirk grew wider, as he apparently noticed Harry's inner struggle.

"Finite Incantatem," the Slytherin drawled. "You had something to say?" Harry sat up, feeling his head swimming from his fall. Blood trickled down his forehead, and he brushed it out of his eyes.

"Hermione hasn't done anything to you," he said heavily, still a bit bewildered that Malfoy had released the spell. His massive ego, Harry realized suddenly, could be my saving grace. Got to keep him talking.

"My parents -"

"You know, this fixation on your parents is very Hufflepuff of you," Harry observed, interrupting him. "With them gone, you have no authority over you and all their money…wouldn't it be one big Slytherin party?" Malfoy raised his wand suddenly, and Harry wondered if he'd gone too far.

"You and your mudblood can place me at that wedding," Malfoy said. "That is … unacceptable."

"Killing the witnesses? Is that really why? Or are you just sore because a half-blood and a Muggle-born single-handedly buried the glorious Malfoy na - ?"

Malfoy's face blazed suddenly with fury, and he lowered his wand on Harry, before Harry could even complete his sentence. "Crucio!" he screamed.

Harry hit the pavement, his body convulsing as waves of pain buffeted him mercilessly. Someone was screaming, and the one rational part of his mind that managed to hold on realized that it was him. The seconds seemed like years, but when the pain ebbed, Harry struggled to sit up again. He spat blood out onto the street. He could see the bustling activity of Knockturn Alley not too far away, and noticed that people were passing by as if nothing out of the ordinary were going on. Crucio probably occurred on a regular basis in Knockturn Alley.

"That all you've got?" Harry asked, quirking an eyebrow up at Malfoy, "I'm amazed that you got those Death Eaters to do anything you sa -" All knowledge of language slipped away again, as Harry was cognizant of nothing but pain.

His head reeled, and he remained prone on the ground where he had fallen again. He tried to focus on the figure looming above him, but the image blurred and shimmered. He blinked his eyes hard. Apparate away…think of the village at Hogsmeade. His ears were ringing so loudly that he couldn't make out what Malfoy was saying. I'll end up splinched for sure, he thought dully, and when I'm with him, at least I know he's not going after Hermione. Where is Ron?

"Potter, you really are pathetic," Malfoy said, clucking his tongue, sympathetically. "You think you're being subtle? You think I don't realize you're stalling for time?" He smiled. "You can't save her now." Draco lifted his wand again, to administer what Harry had no doubt would be the Killing Curse. The Slytherin opened his mouth to speak, and…

Harry saw his opportunity. He reached up and pulled on Malfoy's collar, at the same time that he kicked upward with both legs, hoping to catch Malfoy in a sensitive place. This was evidently successful, if Malfoy's wheezing grunt of pain was any indication. The forward motion propelled Malfoy over Harry's head, where he landed with a satisfying crunch. He stood shakily to his feet, and retrieved his wand, intending to make sure Malfoy was carefully restrained, when he heard

"Stupefy!" a mere millisecond before everything went black.

"Hey, you okay?" came a soft voice, hesitantly, from the doorway. Ron turned from his slumped position at the common room window. He was still in his dress robes.

"I'm fine, Ginny," he said, though his expression spoke volumes about how he really felt. Ginny said nothing, but merely raised one eyebrow, her face was skepticism personified.

"Really? You're fine? After what happened out there?" Ginny's tone was incredulous. "You know that the ribbon not tying itself up only happens for one reason, and that - "

"I know that, okay?" Anger began to creep into Ron's voice. "And so does everybody else at the whole bloody wedding."

"That's what you're worried about?" Ginny asked in confusion. "All that's been going on, and you're embarrassed?"

"Wouldn't you be?" Ron retorted, then sighed. "It's not like I didn't know the way things were. I knew they were in love with each other." He looked up at his sister almost accusingly. "And so did you."

"Of course I did," Ginny answered softly. "But I'm not as emotionally invested in it…as you are." Ron shot her a sharp, discerning look.

"But you used to be." Ginny smiled, but did not deny his words.

"That's neither here nor there," she tutted, cuffing him upside the head. They sat in silence for awhile. "So what do you think happens now?"

Ron shrugged. "I guess they'll have a baby." He paused. "Merlin, that's weird."

"Are you mad at Harry?" Ginny probed.

"What are you trying to do? Be a mind-healer?" Ron asked, not unkindly.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I guess I could be, but what's the point?" He looked at her ruefully. "It's not going to get me Hermione. Besides, after all Harry's been through…happiness has been a long time coming for him. He deserves it."

"He's lucky to have you as a friend," Ginny said fondly. "Are you going to talk to him? He's in the hospital wing, right?"

"Not unless I miss my guess," Ron said. "He went looking for Hermione."

"His bloody arm is broken!" Ginny exclaimed. Ron gave her a "that's Harry for you" look. "I guess somebody ought to drag them both to Madame Pomfrey." She looked back at Ron, but his focus had already returned to the window.

Harry felt a jolt of energy surge through him, as he began to gingerly move reanimated limbs. The bright light seared his vision when he opened his eyes, and he knew instantly that he was not still in Knockturn Alley. He was in the hospital wing at Hogwart's.

"Malfoy!" he said, sitting up so suddenly that his head reeled and his vision faded. He saw Hermione's face come into his view, knit with worry, and he felt awash with shame that he had caused her anxiety. She smiled a little, though her eyes were still concerned.

"He's in custody, Harry. You did it." Her eyes crinkled at the corners. Harry shifted slightly on the bed. Every muscle in his body ached.

"Malfoy…I threw him…and…" his expression turned quizzical. "Who stunned me?"

Hermione's look became chagrined. "That idiot over there," she said, chucking her thumb over her shoulder. Harry craned his neck, and saw Ron, looking shamefaced.

"Sorry, mate," he said. "Was trying to get a clear shot at the ferret, and you tossed him over your head, and stood up at the exactly wrong time."

"Ron, you were supposed to…bring Aurors."

"I did," Ron said. "Shacklebolt nearly tore me a new one for Stunning you." Harry grinned, adding,

"Serves you right," with his eyes closed again.

"What'd you go running off after him for, Harry?" Ron asked.

"So…wouldn't lose him. What was the point of bringing Aurors…if I lost him?"

"Well, we heard you screaming about three blocks away. If Malfoy hadn't used…" he trailed off, looking uneasily at Hermione. Harry glanced up at her warily.

"We won't even get started on how angry I am at you right now, Harry James Potter!" Hermione said ferociously, her eyes glittering with furious tears. Harry heard a door slam shut, and looked to see that Ron had beat a hasty retreat.

"Coward!" Harry hollered after him.

"How many times did he use Crucio on you?" she asked.

"Hermione - " Harry protested.

"How many times?" Her voice was blurred with clogged tears.

"It was only twice," Harry said, speaking rapidly. "Look, Voldemort did loads worse, and I'm fine really. He was coming after us, Hermione… because we knew he was at the wedding… he said so. He said after he dealt with me, he was coming after you." After your little whore. "What was I supposed to do?"

Hermione's shoulders sagged, and Harry felt terrible as he saw two tears wend their way down her cheeks. "I don't know. I - dammit Harry!" He blinked and drew back, slightly surprised, as always, when she swore. "You scared me to death. Don't ever do that again!"

"Okay." Harry agreed readily. She glanced at him then, her eye roving over him in a brusk, businesslike way.

"Get up," she said abruptly.

"What?" Harry said, bewildered.

"You heard me." Her voice was clipped. "Get up. My parents are downstairs. Professor Lupin is downstairs. Our friends are downstairs. Just because you acted with your "saving people thing" instead of your brain, doesn't mean you get to get out of this wedding."

"I don't want to get out of the we…" he said, as he stood up. His pulse was pounding in his head, and the side of his face still hurt where it had hit the pavement. His voice trailed off, as she stood directly in front of him. Her hands fluttered nervously over him, and she looked at him, uncertainty and fear in her eyes.

"Are you really okay?" she said, undoing her previous abrasive words. "After last time…" He knew she was talking about her bedside vigil after the defeat of Voldemort, and he felt his heart melt.

"I'm fine, Hermione. I'm sorry I scared you."

"I know you were only thinking of my - my safety," Hermione admitted, leaning her forehead against his. "Now the Malfoys can't hurt anybody anymore."

"I love you," Harry breathed softly, kissing her lingeringly on the lips. She leaned into the embrace briefly, but then pulled away, handing him a vial of what looked like Pepper Up Potion.

"Drink this," she said, as she rummaged in a closet and pulled out a set of robes. "I brought these down for you to change into." Harry tossed down the contents of the vial at one go, and felt warmth surge through his veins. His head seemed to clear somewhat, and he noticed for the first time, that Hermione was in dress robes of a stunning, vivid green.

"Those are pretty," he said, gesturing toward her gown, as he stepped behind a divider, and began to change. "Why the color?" He could sense, rather than see, her twisting her hands together nervously.

"I figured…there wasn't really any point in wearing white," she half-laughed, a little self-consciously. "And I didn't want to wear the same robes as … as yesterday."

"I should hope not," Harry said, his voice muffled under the layers of robes he was pulling over his head.

"And I - I - " Harry fastened his robes, and came back around the corner, while she glanced at him shyly. "I wanted to match your eyes."

"You're beautiful," he said, in such a low, intense voice that she couldn't help but believe what he said. His eyes told her clearly what he would like to do with the coordinating dress, at the first opportunity.

They arrived a few moments later in Dumbledore's office, hand in hand, and they were both touched and surprised at the assemblage waiting for them there. Their Gryffindor classmates were there, as well as Professor Lupin, Tonks, and the Weasleys, including Charlie, the twins, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Harry wondered again how they felt about this whole absurd situation, and was uncomfortable in their presence, but, at the same time, glad that they had come anyway.

They stood hand in hand, facing each other, in front of a small podium, with a wide shallow bowl on it. Harry recognized it from the wedding-that-wasn't yesterday. Dumbledore was standing just behind it.

The headmaster began the wedding ceremony, taking Harry and Hermione step by step through the ritual. When he tied the ribbon around their joined hands, and said the incantation, "Semperomnia," the ribbon swirled itself together, and vanished in a blinding flash of light, accompanied by a thunderclap that rattled the trinkets on Dumbledore's shelves. Somebody snickered - Harry figured it was Fred- and Hermione colored violently.

"And now," Dumbledore said gravely, "if you will both please place your right hands inside the bowl." And here, Harry noted that it was filled with water. Dumbledore pointed his wand at the dish, and said, "Animae commisceant." The water glowed briefly, and when Harry and Hermione touched their hands to the shimmery surface, the water shot up in an arching fountain, falling down in golden sparkles that didn't get anybody wet. Harry thought he heard a chord of distant music. Dumbledore arched his eyebrows in what seemed to be amazement, and said, "Well, well." Harry supposed that he had done something weird again. He looked at Hermione, expecting to see amusement there, but the love shining out of her eyes took his breath away.

"May the joining of your lives extend also to hearts, minds, and souls. May this circle continue unbroken." Dumbledore said solemnly, gesturing that they place the rings on each other's fingers. His eyes twinkled, as he looked at Harry and nodded. Harry took this as his cue to sweep Hermione up into his arms, and kiss her soundly. There was a whoop from someone - Harry thought it might be George - and Dumbledore spoke to the assembly at large, introducing "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter."

Hermione's eyes were sparkling with tears, and she looked like she wanted to cry, but ended up laughing instead. She moved to hug her mother and father, while Harry shook Charlie's hand. Hermione hugged Ginny, who was wiping tears away, while Fred and George attempted to slip something into Harry's pocket. They were roundly scolded by Mrs. Weasley, while Lupin clapped Harry on the back, and said something about how proud his parents would have been. Hermione spoke happily to Neville and Parvati, and Harry found himself face to face with Mrs. Weasley.

"Mrs. Weasley, I wanted you to know how sorry I am for - for what happened …yesterday," Harry said, tentatively.

"My dear boy," Mrs. Weasley sniffed, "I blame that marriage law for what happened yesterday, not you." She smiled at him. "You've been like another son to me…and that makes Hermione just as much like my own daughter as if she had married Ronald." Harry was taken aback by the obvious love behind her voice.

"Thank you…" he whispered hoarsely, his throat seeming to close around his words.

Dumbledore brought a large cake, as well as a punch bowl full of steaming butterbeer, from somewhere, and the entire party fell happily into revelry. Colin and Dennis Creevey had also appeared from the back of the group, and were taking pictures like people possessed.

Several hours later, Harry and Hermione stood by the doorway to the Headmaster's office, hand in hand, ready to take their leave. There were cheers, whistles, and catcalls, as well as some suggestive innuendo by Charlie and the twins that caused Mrs. Weasley to clock all three of them in the back of the head.

Ron stood close to the door, hand on the knob, ready to show them out. The Golden Trio looked at each other for a moment, and Hermione felt her eyes well with tears yet again.

"Is this one of those pregnant hormone things?" Ron said, looking uncertainly at her. Hermione let out a laugh that was also part-sob, and whacked him in the arm.

"Why does this feel like good-bye?" she wondered aloud. "We'll see you tomorrow." Ron regarded them gravely, and shrugged in his trademark style.

"It's the end of an era," he said. He held out his hand to Harry, who moved to clasp it, but instead ended up embracing his first and oldest friend. They regarded each other solemnly, each taking the measure of the other. "Treat her right," Ron said, making it sound like more of a request than a demand.

"Count on it," Harry responded, with determination in his voice. Hermione watched them both, and wondered when her boys had become men.

The newlyweds strolled down the spiral staircase, and emerged from the opposite side of the gargoyle. When they arrived back in their common room, they faced each other uncertainly, relieved and amazed to finally be alone.

"Well, here we are, Mrs. Potter," Harry said. Hermione felt her cheeks glow from the look in his eyes.

"Here we are," she echoed, her voice husky and low, and her eyes full of promises. "I love you."

"I love you back," he said in a growly kind of whisper. He caught her up in his arms, even as she swayed toward him with a sigh. "Hey," he whispered, as if a thought had just occurred to him.

"Mmm?" she looked up at him with limpid eyes.

"The deal with the water bowl…what was it supposed to do?" She smirked at him, sliding her body sinuously against his.

"It usually sprays a fountain of water into the air, but it doesn't turn gold, and I've never heard of music playing," she said. "It's supposed to be a gauge of the strength and endurance of love." Harry looked pleased.

"That good, am I?" he asked, burrowing his face in the crook of her neck, and causing shivers to run up Hermione's spine.

"Are you flattering yourself, Mr. Potter?" Hermione teased, speaking formally. "Or would you care to put your money where your mouth is?" She felt her insides melt, as Harry's eyes darkened with desire, and she led him up the stairs.

Words were no longer required.


Epilogue next! It will be a little short fluffy bit.
