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After The Frost by Chucky

After The Frost


Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling.

Summary: This story deals with the choices of Draco, Ginny and Lucius. What path do you choose when you are facing Darkness? Will you survive in the face of your worst nightmares? And most importantly, do you even have a choice or are you just a pawn in a game you don't understand?

After The Frost


A lone snowflake danced in the air, barely visible against the grey sky, finally coming down on the now-icy surface of the small stream that divided the property which stretched out as far as the eye could see.

The creek had long frozen over and its banks, where flowers had grown just the summer before, were hardened by snow and ice.

The house that stood close to the creek was small and secluded, icicles dripping down from the roof and the tiny window of its only room.

The room was freezing and white frost was forming on the windows. However, neither of the two people in the room minded the cold.

A man was looking out of the window, his body and mind in a state of numbness, devoid of any emotion, his face painfully expressionless.

He leant against the window, his skin touching the bitter cold glass sending a shot of pain through his body. He didn't mind that either - pain was something he could grasp, the only feeling hot enough to break through the ice.

It was cloudy outside, the sky was ashen and the land was dead. The long and hard winter kept it in its icy grip, sucking the joy and life out of the earth.

A woman was sleeping on the old bed behind the man. Her skin was pale, and her breath left her mouth in small white clouds. The man looked at her and for a brief moment, he felt a shudder deep down in his soul, a memory of times when they had still cared, had still felt.

Old times, long gone. Before the frost.
