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A Curse in Reverse by Chance

A Curse in Reverse


A/N - Ok, a lot of people are going to get their wish come true this chapter ;) I originally thought this chapter would include several events, but the two big ones just swelled and made a chapter of themselves. I think you'll agree =) I also realize it sounds like the story is over at the end of this chapter, but it's not. There's more to come, oh my yes.


"Is everything ready?" Harry asked nervously for at least the twentieth time.

"Of course," Hermione assured him. "Are you sure you don't want to tell Ron first?"

"Yeah... he'd never be able to keep it a secret."

"He's going to kill you," Hermione said in an amused voice. She was in a light mood, and had been for the last several days since they healed Ginny. Harry, on the other hand, was pacing restlessly across the room, stopping every now and then to gesticulate wildly and mutter some sort of speech under his breath.

"Ginny hasn't told anyone else yet, right?"

"No, of course not," Hermione said in exasperation. "They didn't believe her before anyway. Why would they now?"

"And don't you forget," Hermione continued, "that Ginny is pretending she's still blind."

"Everyone's going to be there?"

"Yes. Stop worrying, Harry! You're driving me crazy!"

"Sorry," Harry said immediately, coming to a stop and taking a deep breath. He dredged up a smile and added, "You look lovely, Hermione. Even more than usual."

"You cheater," Hermione laughed, blushing prettily. "How am I supposed to stay irritated with you when you go saying things like that?"

"I'm not completely thick," Harry smiled briefly. Hermione laughed again and glided over to take his face in her hands and kiss him. Harry gave in with a resigned sort of expression; he was allowing her to carry on with the illusion. It wasn't like he minded and if it made her happy he'd do it a thousand times over. He just couldn't offer anything in return, but she refused to accept that.

"Ok, its time to go," Hermione said briskly, heading towards the door.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, and turned and walked straight away from the door.

"Come back here, you!" Hermione commanded, rushing back to plant herself in front of Harry.

"Can't we do it tomorrow?"

"No! No more putting it off, Harry," Hermione scolded, vainly trying to push him out the door. "You promised you were going to do it. You can't go back on your word."

"Damn. Ok, I'm coming. No need to push," Harry chided, then sidestepped and caught Hermione around the waist as she suddenly found herself exerting all her strength against empty air.

"That," Hermione said primly as she recovered her balance, "was not nice."

Harry grinned non-repentantly. Nose stuck in the air, Hermione made as if to walk away, but launched herself at him at the last moment. They went down in a tangle of arms and legs, but Hermione recovered more quickly.

"Are you sorry now?" she asked conversationally, pinning him down by the simple expedient of sitting on his chest.

"Yes," Harry surrendered. "I'm sorry. Can we go now?"

Hermione sniffed and climbed to her feet, straightening her hair. Harry slowly did the same and trailed after her. She glanced suspiciously over her shoulder, but Harry was behaving himself. At least until she turned away again; then he sprang into action, grabbing her around the waist and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Harry!" Hermione squealed, pounding on his back with her fists. "Put me down!"

Whistling, Harry carried Hermione out the door, ignoring her screeches.

A few minutes later they stood outside Ginny's house. Harry was once again looking nervous and Hermione kept shooting him filthy looks while rubbing her backside and muttering something about "stupid boys".

"Hey!" the door burst open to show Ron before they could knock.

"Ron!" Hermione said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"We thought we'd come pick up Ginny with you and No One and we could all head over together," Charlotte said from inside.

"Oh. How nice."

"Invite them in, Ron!" they heard Ginny call.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry," Ron apologized, stepping back. "Come on in. Why do you keep feeling your rear, Hermione?"

Hermione snatched her hand away and walked past Ron, head held high. Harry maintained a straight face and led a bemused Ron in where they all squeezed in Ginny's living room. Ginny was sitting in her chair once again.

"Hi Ginny!" Hermione greeted cheerfully, winking.

Ginny smiled faintly but was giving a very convincing performance of still being blind. She held a hand out uncertainly and Hermione rushed forward to take it. Harry hung back, trying not to draw attention to himself.

"So are you going to tell us what this is all about, Ginny?" asked Charlotte, who was lounging bonelessly on the love seat. Ron went over to join her.

"You'll see," Ginny smiled mysteriously.

"I think you owe us at least a hint," Ron frowned. "You wouldn't believe how much effort it took to round everyone up and get them to the Burrow. This is the only day for the next four months that Charlie could make it!"

"And what a beautiful day it is," Hermione said happily, motioning towards the window where sunlight streamed in. "Like a sign of good things to come."

Ron and Charlotte both stared at Hermione.

"What are you girls not telling us?"

"Nothing," Ginny and Hermione chorused, all innocence.

"No One," Ron appealed. "What's going on?"

Harry gestured helplessly. He had not been expecting to see Ron so soon. He found himself seized with a reckless urge to confess all right then.

"Hey, are you ok mate?" Ron asked, peering at him. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

He did indeed; he was white and sweating. Charlotte jumped up and hurried over, laying a hand on his forehead.

"Do you need anything? Some water?" Ron asked in concern. Hermione and Ginny just watched, expressionless, as Harry struggled with himself.

"Yeah... yes, please."

"No problem," Ron threaded his way through to the kitchen.

"You just sit down here for a minute, dear," Charlotte ushered him over to a chair. Ron returned and wordlessly handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks," Harry gulped it down gratefully.

"No problem, mate. Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah..." Harry said shakily. "Hey, you were friends with Harry Potter, right?"

"Best mates!" Ron answered proudly. "Why do you ask?"

"D'you- d'you think you'd recognize him if you saw him now?"

"Of course!"

"Do you know what happened to him?"

"Well- no. Why are you suddenly so interested?" Ron asked slowly.

"Oh, no reason..." Harry trailed off. "Hey, would you be furious with him if he suddenly showed up and you found out that he had been been alive the whole time and hadn't told you? Hadn't so much as dropped a hint?"

"I-" Ron frowned. "I don't know. I've never thought about it that way... why are you so keen on this?"

Harry didn't say anything for a moment, but finally, something seemed to give.

"Well," he looked Ron straight in the eye. "Are you mad at me?"

Ron gaped at him. Hermione and Ginny made identical hssts as they drew a breath in sharply.

"What are you-? Are you claiming you are Harry? Come off it!"

"I'm not claiming. I'm telling you."

"Come off it!" Ron repeated, then spun to accuse Ginny and Hermione. "You put him up to this, didn't you?"

They both shook their heads violently.

"No!" Ginny denied.

"It's true," Hermione chimed in at the same time. "It is Harry. It really is!"

Ron whirled back to stare at Harry, bewildered.

"You can't be serious..."

"I am," Harry said firmly.

Ron shook his head in disbelief. "This isn't funny!"

"Ron, you idiot, it's me!" Harry exploded.

"You're mental... ok, if you're really Harry, tell me who Snuffles is," Ron challenged.

"Sirius," Harry answered promptly.

"No!" Ron's eyes widened. "It can't be- you must have found that out somehow. Hermione told you. Here's something she wouldn't know... what did Moaning Myrtle tell you right before we went into the Chamber of Secrets?"

"She told me I could share her toilet if I died. Ron, stop being thick!" Harry exclaimed, thrusting the back of his hand in front of Ron's face. "Look! Remember this?"

Ron stared at it, silently mouthing the words written carved faintly there; I must not tell lies. Slowly, he lifted his eyes to Harry's forehead.

"But- your scar. Your hair-" He stared into Harry's bright green eyes.

"You knew!" Ron shouted suddenly, whipping around to confront Hermione. "You knew the whole time and you didn't tell me! You told Ginny, but not me! You- you little lying traitor!"

"Ron, stop!" Harry said furiously, throwing himself between him and Hermione, who had gone white; Ginny reached up and put a comforting arm around her waist and glared at her brother.

"Don't you yell at Hermione, you big git!" she shouted.

"It's not her fault!" Harry jumped in. "I made her promise! It's my fault; if you've got a bone to pick with anyone, it's me! And Ginny figured it out herself; it's your own fault you didn't listen to her."

Ron turned angrily on Harry, but Harry met him stare for stare. Ron couldn't meet that haunted gaze for long and soon dropped his eyes.

"But- why? You were supposed to be my best mate." All the strength seemed to go out of Ron and he collapsed onto the love seat, hurt and betrayal on his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did. But first tell Hermione you're sorry!" Harry commanded.

"I'm, uh," Ron quailed under Harry's furious stare. "I'm sorry, Hermione. I was out of order."

"It's ok," Hermione smiled tremulously. "I understand. I still love you, even if you are a git sometimes. My- my reaction wasn't much better..."

"Yeah," Ginny agreed. "At least you didn't punch him, like me."

Harry nodded in pained remembrance. Ron just looked at his feet and Charlotte took the moment to quietly sit at his side. For the moment all three woman were silent, only spectators.

"Why?" asked Ron simply, conveying a thousand questions with a single word.

"What, aren't you glad to see me?" Harry joked feebly, then sighed. "I'm sorry, Ron. I didn't do it to hurt you. If it makes you feel better, I didn't tell Hermione either. She found me and figured it out herself. She's always been far too clever for her own good."

Ron nodded his head, speechless.

"And Ginny... well, I didn't think she would be able to recognize me by my voice alone. But I guess it all starts with Hermione. I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for her. I'd probably be dead."

Ron gave a start.

"Yes, I'm sure I would," Harry continued. "But... I don't really want to get into it now. I'll tell you... some other time. I'll just say I wasn't in very good shape after the... battle. I didn't want to see anyone, so I hid... but I'm back now. All thanks to that little witch."

Harry managed a small smile for Hermione. There was a long moment of silence, Ron clearly trying to sort everything out in his head. It was finally broken by, of all people, Charlotte.

"Are- are you really Harry Potter?" she asked hesitantly. He nodded.

"You have no idea how much Ron missed you," she stated matter-of-factly. "He talks about you all the time."

Ron raised his head swiftly and shot a quelling glare at Charlotte. She sniffed and gave him a sharp smack on the back of the head.

"Get up, you big lout!" she commanded. "Get up and greet your friend! He's been gone for five years; you thought he was dead and now you find out he's alive and you've nothing to say to him?"

Ron stood up, prodded sharply by Charlotte, and looked uncertainly at Harry.

"It- it is good to see you, Harry," Ron laughed shakily. "I'm sorry; it shocked me a bit..."

He held out his hand and Harry reached forward to take it, but just kept going and they embraced as brothers, slapping each other on the back. Wordlessly, Ginny groped for a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes, passing it on to Hermione and Charlotte.

Ron and Harry pulled back and looked around at the teary women.

"What?" an oblivious Ron asked. Hermione gave Charlotte a sympathetic look.

"Whatever," Ron said vaguely and suddenly grinned. "Harry, I can't believe it's you!"

Harry grinned back, his insides swelling as though he had swallowed a large balloon.

"Now can you tell me what this gathering Ginny wants is all about?" Ron demanded, falling smoothly back into their usual pattern as if the past five years had never happened. "Or have they terrorized you not to tell?"

Harry's grin faded and panic took ahold again.

"Ron, mate," Harry rushed forward and seized his shirt. "Ron, you gotta help me!"

"Whoa!" Ron put a hand on Harry's chest and held him at arm's length. "Whoa, mate, take it easy. What's going on?"

"It's this mad idea of Hermione's, Ron," Harry said desperately, his stomach a-flutter again. "This party! I can't do it!"

"Hey, wait a minute!" Hermione jumped in. "It was your idea too!"

Harry shook his head violently.

"No, I just said I was going to tell everyone who I am. I thought, you know, maybe one at a time..."

"So THAT'S what this is all about!" Ron snapped his fingers. "This whole thing is for Harry!"

"Perhaps," Hermione sighed. "And you weren't supposed to be here! You weren't supposed to know it was Harry until later."

"But I'm glad you found out first," Harry interrupted. And he was; with Ron back everything seemed almost back to normal. To like it used to be. Telling him hadn't been anywhere near as hard as he thought it would be.

"Ron, I'm really sorry," Harry felt the need to elaborate. "I wasn't thinking right... I should have told you ages ago."

"It's nothing," Ron waved it off. "Look, I'm just glad you're ok and you're back!"

"Yeah," echoed Hermione. Ron looked back and forth at Harry and Hermione and then started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" she asked suspiciously.

"Ahaha," Ron wheezed, holding his sides. "And here I thought you were finally getting over Harry!"

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," Hermione said frostily, but Ginny and Charlotte were also laughing.

"Come on, Harry," Hermione said in an even chillier voice. "We're going now."

Hermione, Ginny and Ron just laughed louder. Hermione smiled grimly; there was a big surprise still on the way for Ron and she was going to enjoy it.

* * *

They arrived at the Burrow around one o'clock, Hermione ostentatiously guiding Ginny. It was just like Harry remembered; wild gardens, discarded boots, rusty old cauldrons and the stone building growing out of the ground and stitched together with magic. This time, though, there were several tables set up outside and a gaggle of Weasleys wandering around in groups. Harry recognized Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Fred, George and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. There was no sign of Percy.

Also present were Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley, Luna Lovegood, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.

"I thought you said it was only going to be the Weasleys," Harry said in a strangled voice; Ron and Hermione had to grab him by the shoulders to keep him from bolting.

"Well, I figured we might as well have everyone over and make it a good do," Ron said casually. "I didn't know it was your coming out party, if you recall."

"Oh, it's perfect, Ron," Hermione purred, waving eagerly.

Mrs. Weasley saw them first and hurried over with big smile. Hermione took Harry's hand and hustled forward to meet her.

"Hi, Mrs. Weasley!"

"Welcome, Hermione, welcome! Who's your friend?" she asked keenly, spotting the contact between Harry and Hermione immediately.

"This is Harry, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione introduced brightly. Harry had to bite back a groan.

"Harry?" Mrs. Weasley repeated with a jolt. "Why, what a coincidence!"

"Harry's quite a common name," Hermione said seriously, squeezing Harry's hand.

"Well, yes, of course, you're right. You're very welcome here, Harry. Any friend of Hermione is. She does seem to be quite taken with Harrys, though."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said politely. Strangely, Hermione didn't blush at all.

"Oh, call me Molly."

"I couldn't do that, Mrs. Weasley," Harry protested.

"Aren't you a dear?" she patted his cheek. "And where are my other two misfit children?"

"Hi, mum!" Ginny and Ron said together. Mrs. Weasley enfolded both of them in a hug, lingering on Ginny.

"So are you going to tell us what the big event is?" she asked, putting an arm around her youngest child and taking over as guide.

"What big event?" Ginny asked ingenuously.

"What did I do to deserve such a daughter?" Mrs. Weasley sighed fatalistically. "Well, I can't deny that I'm glad to see everyone. It's been such a long time since we were all gathered together in one place. And on such a splendid day! Come on, I'm sure everyone would love to see you. Nice to meet you, Harry!"

Chattering, she led Ginny away. Ron winked and wandered off towards Mr. Weasley, leaving Harry and Hermione to fend for themselves. Hermione smiled encouragingly.

"Oh, no," she groaned a moment later. "Fred and George are heading this way."

"Brilliant!" Harry brightened a bit. He had been looking forward to seeing those two most of all.

"Why, what do we have here, Fred?" George said with a ridiculous double-take as they drew close. They were, Harry noticed, still wearing their dragon hide jackets and matching boots.

"I'm not sure, George," Fred said seriously, walking around Harry and Hermione, pretending to study them from different angles.

"It's quite definitely human," he continued, briefly lifting Harry and Hermione's joined hands. "And it seems to be connected somehow."

"D'you reckon it can understand us?" George asked in a hushed tone.

"Hi, George. Hi, Fred," Hermione greeted them rather unenthusiastically.

"By Merlin!" Fred leaped a foot into the air. "It spoke!"

Harry was grinning, but Hermione finally removed her hand: to cross her arms and start tapping a foot.

"Aha!" cried George. "It's Hermione!"

"And some poor deluded soul we don't know," Fred added mournfully. "D'you reckon he knows what he's gotten himself into? Maybe he's brain-damaged."

"Very funny," Hermione said icily. "This is Harry, in case you were wondering."

"Harry?" George said in surprise. "Wow, Hermione. You sure are into your Harrys. Nice to meet you, mate."

He stuck out his hand.

"The pleasure's mine," Harry responded with a toothy grin.

"Harry!" Hermione warned, grabbing his arm. "Don't you shake his hand."

"What, don't you trust us, Hermione? We're hurt."

Hermione just glared. George sighed and removed a small black object from the folds of skin between thumb and forefinger and tucked it into his belt.

"There. Happy?"

He stuck his hand out again and Harry, who was smirking for some reason, reached out and took it. The moment their hands touched there was a sizzling sound and George let out a howl of surprise.

Fred roared with laughter and even Hermione cracked a smile.

"That's not supposed to happen!" George was outraged. "What was that?"

"This?" Harry held out a small electronic device. "It's a Muggle prank."

"Really?" Fred said keenly, stepping close to study it. "Cool! George, we're going to have to check this out."

"Yeah..." George seemed to recover his humor. "You got me good, mate. You're one of the few. Come on, we gotta go tell Bill and Charlie..."

Harry spent the next half an hour being led around and introduced to everyone by Fred and George. At each introduction, the tale of Harry's prank grew more and more fantastic. Harry was extremely nervous when he ran into Lupin and Tonks; he thought they were the most likely to recognize him. Lupin because he was so observant and Tonks because she was a Metamorphmagus and more in tune with disguises than most people. Fortunately, there was nothing more than an extended scrutiny by Lupin.

"Harry, you say?" asked his old Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. "Well, Harry, I hope you realize how lucky you are to have met Hermione."

"Oh, yes," Harry agreed fervently. "I do. Believe me, I do."

"How sweet," Tonks smiled; her hair was long and blonde today. She looked radiant arm in arm with Lupin, who was also looking younger and happier than Harry ever remembered seeing.

Hermione beamed and Lupin gave Harry another close inspection. Shaking his head, he excused himself. Tonks gave them a last smile before heading after him.

"Hermione!" a larger-than-life figure roared, "what am I, a stranger?"

Hagrid, looking, as always, simply too big to be allowed, pounded over and completely engulfed Hermione.

"Hagrid," gasped Hermione, grabbing onto Harry for support when he finally released her. "It's so nice to see you!"

"Who's yer friend?" Hagrid demanded.

"Oh. This is Harry, Hagrid."

The reaction was predictable by now. Harry couldn't help but marvel at Hermione's cleverness.

"Harry?" Hagrid exclaimed. "It can' be! Wait... Crikey, what am I thinkin'? Sorry, Harry, didna mean ter be rude."

Hagrid shook Harry's whole arm. "There're loads o' people named Harry. Jus' took me by surprise."

"No problem," Harry shrugged.

"So how did you come to meet our Hermione?" Hagrid asked. "She's quite a catch, yeh know."

"So I've been told," Harry replied, amused.

"Don't you think you're assuming just a bit much?" Hermione said pointedly. Fortunately, Hagrid was spared having to answer.

"The food is going to ready in five minutes!" bellowed Mrs. Weasley from the doorway of the Burrow.

"Excellent!" Fred, standing nearby, rubbed his hands in glee. "Come on, Harry, let's get some prime seats."

The twins had taken a great shine to Harry and hauled him over to the center table. Ron wandered over and joined them as well.

"Hi, Harry," he smirked. "How're you getting along with my crazy family?"

"Shut it, Miss Weasley," George warned. Ron's ears turned red; Harry had a flashback to the bar and mention of Ron's accidental charm. "Harry's ours now. We're going to make him a partner."

Further discussion was cut off by massive plates of every sort of food floating out of the Burrow and settling on the tables. There was a collective groan of anticipation from the crowd and a sudden flurry of activity to claim a seat.

"'At's 'etter," Ron said happily several minutes later. "God, do I miss this cooking."

The meal passed in nearly complete silence, so delicious was Mrs. Weasley's cooking. Harry had thought he was too nervous to eat, but he had not counted on Mrs. Weasley's cooking. He dug in with gusto, having seconds, thirds, and even fourths.

At last, they all finished and a low rumble of conversation began. Everyone was far too full to rise yet. Hermione nodded at Ginny, who was sitting at the leftmost table. She gave an imperceptible nod in return and got to her feet. Slowly, the voices died away as attention was drawn to her.

"Thank you for coming, everyone!" she said strongly. "It's been far too long since I saw you all."

She pointedly looked at every person in turn. Mr. Weasley went very still and one of his hands found his wife's.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I had Ron gather us together," Ginny continued, pushing back her chair and walking easily around to stand behind Hermione. "And I have to admit that it was Hermione's idea."

Mrs. Weasley was shaking and clutching her husband; whispers started circulating around the table.

"Ginny!" Ron gasped, voicing the question on everyone's tongue. "How- Ginny, can you SEE?"

Harry was thoroughly enjoying the look on Ron's face, but his insides were also twisting incessantly as the inevitable drew closer.

"See what?" asked Ginny innocently, reaching out to pick a chunk of potato off his shirt. With a shriek, Mrs. Weasley vaulted up and sprinted over and smothered her daughter, Mr. Weasley not far behind.

"How?" George demanded over the tears and laughter. "How did it happen? Who cured you?"

"Hermione," Ginny answered, struggling to break free from her mother. "Hermione did it."

Now people were crowding around to hug and congratulate Hermione; she looked rather overwhelmed and in imminent danger of bursting into tears once more. Ginny stole the moment to take Harry's arm and pull him to his feet. It took a minute for everyone else to notice, but eventually the cheers grew quiet and silence reigned again. They were all now staring at Harry uncomprehendingly.

"It was Hermione who gave my sight back," Ginny repeated into the silence. "Hermione and this person, who is the real reason for this party. Hermione and Harry Potter."

The silence that followed was deafening. No one spoke. No one moved. At last, after what seemed an eternity, there was a disruption. Lupin stumbled forward to stand in front of Harry.

"I knew you seemed familiar," he said numbly. "I knew it. Didn't I say it, Nymphadora?! Didn't I tell you we knew him!"

Tonks nodded dazedly and Lupin pulled Harry into an embrace. Harry had barely escaped that when a sobbing Hagrid lifted him bodily off the ground. That seemed to be the sign that shattered the tension; instantly all Hell broke loose.

It was quite some time before any sort of order was restored. Initially, Mrs. Weasley had Harry trapped with one arm and Ginny suffocated under the other. Mr. Weasley was finally able pry Harry loose and shake his hand vigorously.

"Harry," Luna said dreamily next, as if it had been just yesterday they had last seen each other. "How are you?"

"G-Good," Harry stammered, overcome at the reception he was getting. "R-really good. It's really nice to see you, Luna."

"You always say the nicest things, Harry," Luna smiled. "Even if you don't really mean them."

Harry opened his mouth to say that he had indeed meant it but Luna got carried away by the tide.

"We should've known!" yelled Fred and George, setting off some of their own firecrackers. "Who else could have beat us at our own game!"

"I can't wait to tell Beaky!" Hagrid roared.

Hermione fought her way through the crowd and planted herself beside Harry, glaring through moist eyes at anyone who even looked like they would try and separate them.

"Mr. Potter!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out clearly. Instantly all her former students (Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Harry and even Lupin and Tonks) stopped talking and glanced around nervously. McGongall was standing in front of Harry with her pursed lips. But then she smiled.

"My goodness, Harry! I have never been so glad in my life to see someone! But I think I speak for all of us when I say... what happened? How did you survive?"

A shadow passed over Harry's face. Hermione hovered protectively beside him and her expression grew fierce, ready to do battle with even McGonagall.

"For heaven's sake, Minerva," someone called. "Let's not make the poor man relive that. Now is a time to celebrate."

Harry turned gratefully to see a grinning Bill Weasley stride up and clap him on the shoulder. Fleur waved from the table, heavily pregnant but as lovely as always. Shockingly, Ginny was sitting right next to Fleur, chatting animatedly.

"Thanks, Bill," Harry croaked. Bill winked at him.

"No problem. Besides," he added. "I think Hermione is going to bite the next person who gets too close. I think, perhaps, we should give Harry a little space."

This time it was Hermione who gave Bill a pathetically grateful look. He winked again and rejoined Fleur; everyone else respectfully drew away. Harry sat down suddenly as his legs gave way.

"See!" Hermione exclaimed, drawing a chair up opposite. "I told you. I told you! Look how happy everyone is!"

"I-," Harry's throat was a bit dry. "I don't believe it... no one is mad or anything... they're actually glad to see me..."

"Of course they are, Harry, don't you see!" Hermione cried. "They missed you! Don't you understand how much you mean to all of us?"

Harry hung his head.

"Well, then this should prove it to you! You have no idea it was like, watching- watching every horrible thing possible happen to you. But no matter how bad it was, you never gave up! You were always fighting. Fighting to do what was right, to be there when we needed you. Long past the time anyone else would have given up, but you just wouldn't give in. You inspired us all. Every time I looked at you I was so proud to be your f-friend. We all loved you, Harry. We still do. Because of who you were and the way you did things, not what you did."

Harry shook his head, still looking down.

"Harry?" Hermione asked. "Harry, are you ok?"

"I'm ok," he said quietly, still not looking up.

"Harry... it's ok to cry."

"No, that's not it," Harry finally looked up and his eyes were completely dry. "I'm not even capable of that anymore."

Hermione made a distressed sound, but Harry smiled it off.

"It's ok, Hermione. It doesn't bother me. I am content. It's... this."

He held out his arm; there was only one scar left: the long thick one running the length. Hermione glanced at it, but her eyes returned quickly to Harry's face.

"It's you, Hermione. You're doing it. I know it."

"But..." Hermione protested. "I haven't done anything."

"Yes, you have," Harry said with conviction. "I don't know what, or how, but I know it's you."

"I- I may not be capable of this either," he faltered. "But I'm going to try. I swear."

Hermione watched with wide eyes, frozen, as Harry leaned forward. Her brown eyes were fixed upon Harry's green ones as they grew larger and larger. He paused inches from her face; she melted into his arms as he kissed her. They were in plain view of everyone else, but she didn't care. Everyone was smiling and the twins even starting clapping and catcalling, but still, Hermione didn't care.
