Unofficial Portkey Archive

Learning to Deal by dtown_curly_q

Learning to Deal


Chapter 3


I wake up the next morning to a cool breeze fluttering the covers around my legs. The soft colors of dawn stain the off-white walls a pale pink as I stretch my hands above my head. It takes me a few moments to realize that I have Harry's bed to myself; by now, he's probably already out for his morning run.

I heave myself up and begin my usual ritual of making the bed (though most mornings, it's my bed), drinking in the feel of the early autumn breeze against my warm skin. I pull the sheets taunt and smooth out the comforter, smiling at my small accomplishment, before making my way downstairs to my bedroom. I quickly select my clothes for the day and then go to the bathroom, prepared for a nice, long bath. My bathroom is by no means extravagant, but Harry made sure I have the luxury of a Jacuzzi tub.

I shut the door behind me, sitting on the edge of the tub and turning the taps, filling it with hot water. I stop up the drain and pour in the champagne bubble bath Ron got me for my birthday. Once the tub is considerably full of water, I cut off the taps, peel off my clothes, pull my hair into a loose bun along the way, and slide in.

I sigh in contentment, resting my head against my terry-cloth bath pillow. The water is as hot as it can get without burning my skin and it makes my flesh tingle. I reach across the tub and grab my loofa, soaking it in the water before dragging it over my neck. I'm so lost in my own little Eden that I don't hear the first knock on the bathroom door. The second, a much louder one, however, brings me crashing back down to Earth.

"Hermes?" I hear Harry's muffled voice outside the barrier.

I sink down into the bubbles, making sure nothing is visible but my head, shoulders, and feet.

"Come in," I reply.

Harry trudges into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. He's dressed, not in his usual jogging pants and wife beater, but in black slacks and a white button-up. His tie is loosened, and the first two buttons on his shirt are undone, his black sports jacket resting lightly over his arm. He gingerly sets the jacket down next to the sink and leans against its base.

"Where did you go?" I ask, my eyes trailing over his weary frame.

"The hospital," he answers, "I had to make arrangements for Allie's burial."

He says it like it doesn't bother him, but the deadened look in he eyes tells me all I need to know.



Harry jumps. If our situation wasn't so serious, I would laugh.

"I'll get it," he states, rushing out the door the get the telephone I insisted be installed on all levels of the house. I distinctly hear him pick it up and answer.



", hold on," he says, and I hear his footsteps come toward the bathroom again. He walks in and hands me my portable phone, "It's Darren."

Darren is one of my co-workers at the Ministry. He's an Unspeakable, like me, but I work in Elemental Research and he works in Ancient Code-breaking. He's about 5'10" with messy dark brown hair and intense, royal blue eyes. He's also my boyfriend.

We met about sixteen months ago at a board meeting, and he asked me out a week later. Of course, since I don't date all that often, I was worried about Harry's and Ron's reactions. When I first brought it up, Harry seemed uncomfortable about the whole thing. He still does. Once, when Darren came over for dinner, Harry went through the entire evening without saying a word. Ron didn't talk much either, and the whole event was quite awkward.

"Hey," I say into the receiver.

"Hey, `Mione!"

I cringe slightly at the nickname. It sounds like he's trying to say "my knee." At this point, Ron walks into the room, dressed in his plaid boxers and white t-shirt. He yawns, the glances from me to Harry.

"Who's she talking to?"


"Oh. Is he the wanker that looks like you?"

I don't even think about reprimanding Ron for his name-calling. I'm too busy rolling my eyes at the statement in its entirety. I'll admit that Darren does bear an uncanny resemblance to Harry; if you stood them side-by-side, you would think they were brothers. Both have a lean, but muscular build, are on the southern side of six feet, have messy dark hair, and amazing eyes. Ron is convinced that this is the only reason why I'm dating him; because he's Harry without all the deep friendship attachments. Which is a load of bull; Harry and Darren are completely different when you get down to it.

"...anyway, I was thinking that maybe we could go out tomorrow. Maybe walk through Harrods's, stroll along the Thames and grab some lunch..."

I smile, glad that I didn't miss anything important. "That sounds lovely."

"Good. I'll pick you up at about 10:30."




I hang up. Both Harry and Ron are gone, and I can smell the scent of bacon wafting through the vents already. I finish my bath and don my white robe and slippers. Both are monogrammed with my initials in periwinkle (birthday gift from Harry, of course. A gift like that takes thought beyond Ron's motivation).

Walking up the stairs some twenty minutes later and into the sun-filled breakfast nook, I see that only Ron is there, rushing around with a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

"Hmm goomf calm mmf."

I stride to his side and jerk the toast out of his mouth. "Come again?"

He swallows, snatching back his breakfast. "He got called in. Have you seen my wand?"

"Yeah," I reply, picking it off the table where it was sitting in plain view.

"Thanks," he mutters, grabbing his practice robes off the chair, "Gotta run!"

He smacks me sloppily on the cheek and disapparates with a `pop.' I groan. Now there's nothing keeping me from that work in my study.


Five hours later, I'm sitting in my Italian leather office chair, pouring over mountains of paperwork on the basis of elemental powers. It may sound boring, but it is actually really fascinating. For years, the Ministry has tried to find out how an element becomes part of a person. We learned a little about elements in 7th year. Professor Flitwick performed a charm that would reveal what element inhabited each of us, explaining how each one, Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire, ranked on the power scale; fire being the most powerful, then Water, Wind, and Earth. He explained that if we reached deep enough within ourselves, we could harness the element, control it, and use it to our advantage. I remember the day well...

It was early December and we were outside. Ice and snow covered the grounds like a glittering white blanket. Professor Flitwick had already performed the charm on Ron. A strong wind had swirled around him, picking up stray snowflakes and blocking him in a semi-transparent sheet of snow, lifting my hair up to my eyebrows. It only lasted a moment, but Flitwick was thrilled.

"A true Wind, Mr. Weasley! Very impressive!"

Ron beamed and stepped aside.

"You next, Miss Granger."

I stepped into the clearing and took a nervous deep breath. I barely heard Flitwick's words as almost immediately, the snow around me melted into fine water droplets that rose around me in a thin wall of water. As soon as it started, however, it was gone, the droplets crystallizing back into snow. The class broke into a mild applause at the display.

"Excellent, Miss Granger! Absolutely wonderful, though not unexpected!" Flitwick cried, clapping his small hands together with glee. I smiled and walked somewhat smugly back to my place among my classmates.

The rest of the awaiting students took their turns. Most of them were Earth with a few Wind scattered amongst them.

"Alright, is that everyone?" Flitwick asked.

"Harry hasn't gone yet!" Ron pointed out. Harry had been silent for most of the class; he seemed to shrink back slightly at Ron's revelation.

"Ah. Mr. Potter, I believe, already knows his element," Flitwick answered for him.

My forehead wrinkled in confusion, as did Ron's.

"What is it Harry?"

"Yeah, why didn't you tell us?"

Whispers ran through the group like wildfire.

"How does he know-"

"Did he do the charm himself-"

"Bet Dumbledore told him-"

"Settle down, class!" Flitwick's voice rose above the chatter, "Why don't we let Mr. Potter show us?"

A murmur of assent passed through the crowd. Harry was pushed to the front and he seemed to question himself.

"Are you sure it's okay, Professor?"

"It's perfectly fine, Mr. Potter."

Harry nodded, inhaled deeply, and let his eyes close. He stood there for a moment, and then opened his eyes; a look of utmost concentration set in them as he raised his palm to his lips, and blew a small stream of air across his skin. Almost instantly, a small flame appeared, shimmering with an odd golden light within his hand. A collective gasp came from the class. A flicker of a smile tugged at his lips.

I, however, couldn't comprehend this. How could the fire come in such close contact with his skin, but not burn it? It defied every law of physics imaginable. Once my curiosity got the best of me, I walked toward him, my gaze glued to the flame dancing in his grasp, entranced by it.

"Does it hurt?"

"No," he replied, snickering at my look of disbelief.

"Touch it," he dared.

I was scared it would hurt me, but I didn't let it show as I placed my fingertips into the fire. The burning sensation and scorching pain I expected to feel didn't come. Instead, a tingly sort of feeling ran up my arm.

"It tickles," I said, dumbfounded. I looked up at him, as if asking for an explanation.

"I wouldn't let it hurt you," he whispered, and for a moment, something of the fire seemed to flicker behind his eyes...

The sound of a door opening startles me out of my daze, and I realize that I've been sitting here for what seems like forever and I've gotten nothing done.

"Hermes?" Harry calls out tentatively.

"Not now, please, Harry," I say, a bit colder than I intended, going back to my papers.


I sigh.

"I have a ton of work to do," I return, spinning in my chair to face him. He's still wearing his navy blue scrubs and his hair is standing on end, no doubt from him constantly running his hands through it, "Can we do this later?"

"Not really. It'll only take a second-"

"Later, Harry."

"No, I just need to tell you about tomorrow-"


He opens his mouth, as if to retaliate, but shuts it, his face taking on a stony _expression.

"Whatever," he mutters, and leaves, slamming the door in his wake.

A/N: Before anyone says anything, THIS WILL TURN OUT H/HR. Just needed something to thicken the plot, is all. Cyber hugs to all who reviewed...I wasn't gonna update until Monday, since my birthday is Sunday, but I thought, "Hey. Here's my gift to you guys. Happy birthday to me...send me a long review and I'll love you for eternity.

Oodles of thanks to Mabel for beta-ing. I hope this chapter answered some questions that some of you reveiwed about. Anyone have a fave part??? Just push that button…
