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How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days by Mstar

How to Prank the Weasley Twins in Ten Days


Day 2: Concocting a Plan

James and Sirius sat in the Room of Requirement with their heads together, scheming on how they'd get the Twins.

"Well, our pranks normally fall in one of three categories," James said as he thought. "We prank either to absolutely embarrass someone, cause utter chaos, or both. I think what we're aiming for in this particular prank is option number one or three."

"I'd say three," Sirius said, rather matter-of-factly. "Definitely number three."

"Then it's settled. We'll try to embarrass, while causing the most chaos possible. But what should we do?"

"Remember that time we pranked all the Slytherins by-"

"No," James interrupted. "It'll have to be something new and different, or else the teachers might suspect. We're planning something big, and I can guarantee ya that the teachers remember our previous escapades."

"Or at least our major ones," Sirius agreed. He suddenly froze. A mischievous grin crept up his face as the wheels in his head started turning.

"I take it you have an idea?" James asked excitedly.

"You can bet your beans I do!"

"Beans? I don't have any beans," James said, puzzled.

"It's just an expression. I-"

"I've never heard that 'expression' before."


"Fine," James huffed. "You're the one who started it, bean lover."

"I am not a-," Sirius stopped and rubbed his forehead. "Let's just drop it. As I was saying, I do have an idea. You know how the Twins make and sell prank stuff?" James nodded and Sirius continued, "Well, I figure we can steal some of their stuff and cause a bunch of trouble with it, annoying the teachers especially, and before we cause all this chaos, we lock the Twins into a room filled with time-release dungbombs and fireworks!

We magically seal the door so they can't get out, even with magic and when we're through making trouble, we come back under the Invisibility Cloak and let them out. When they're gone, we go and clean up the room, so the Twins will not only be stinky, singed, and have headaches, they'll also be blamed for the whole fiasco and won't be able to prove that they're innocent!!!"

By the end of Sirius's little speech, the boys were jumping up and down so much, they appeared to be high on sugar. Only instead of sugar, it was trouble. "They'll never know what hit 'em!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah, and by the time the smoke clears, literally, and they start looking for the real culprits, we'll be looooong gone!" Sirius added happily.


The boys refined and added a few details to their plan, and then covered themselves with the cloak and left. As soon as they were gone, the girl pulled off her own Invisibility Cloak. As it turns out, contrary to the boys' belief, they hadn't been alone in the room. The girl had been eavesdropping the whole time.

"Oh, what pranksters," she said to herself. "And what a love for trouble. But they aren't the only ones..." She smiled mischievously and continued, "They think they'll be gone but they won't be. Oh no, they aren't going anywhere!" Her words dissolved into evil laughter at her own evilnessness. She suddenly stopped and pulled on her cloak as the door to the room opened.

Neville Longbottom stuck his head in and said curiously to himself, "Huh, I could've sworn I heard maniacally evil laughter coming from here. Oh well." With that, he shut the door and skipped off, humming "We All Live in a Yellow Submarine," by The Beatles.

As the girl walked over to the door, she whispered, "Oh, James and Sirius won't be the only ones pulling off a prank..." She chuckled evilly as she left the Room of Requirement, heading off into the unsuspecting castle to set into motion the evil deeds that would be done over the next two weeks.
