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Time Warped by Twitch E. Littleferret

Time Warped

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Hey there! I know, soooo loooong between updates. I've neglected this fic badly but I am going to finish this one up so I can post a new story. Read and enjoy!

How To Get Your Ass Kicked By Harry Potter

Ryan sat facing backwards in the chair, his chin rested on the hands that rested on the back of it. Professor Lupin was at his desk looking at the time turner that Ryan had given him.

"Suppose you knew someone's future and you had a chance to save them, would you do it?" Ryan asked.

Lupin put down the time turner and looked at him. "I don't know. Messing with time and fate is a dangerous and finicky thing as you well know. You have no idea what the consequences of your actions could be."

Ryan sighed. "Yeah, I suppose so."

Lupin frowned, feeling sorry for the teen. "I'm sorry," he said to him.

Ryan shrugged and changed the topic. "So, any luck?" he asked, gesturing to the object in Lupin's hand that caused all this trouble.

"No but we'll find something soon. How are Harry and Hermione doing?"

Ryan dropped his forehead on his hands. "Ugh, don't ask."

"That good, huh?"

"My mom thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread and I think my father is seriously plotting my own demise."

Lupin laughed. "He's just jealous."

"It's not funny, Professor!" Ryan whined. "Do you have any idea what it's like when my father has you in his crosshairs? Oh I'm going to need so much therapy after this." He cradled his head in his hands.

Lupin smiled wryly at him. "Remember Ryan, he's Harry Potter the awkward high-school teen, not Harry Potter Auror Extraordinaire." Lupin frowned thoughtfully. "Maybe that's the problem. You're looking at your father as…well, your father, not as a peer. That's why he intimidates you."

Ryan frowned in thought. "Maybe. I've never thought about it that way. You're right," he smiled. "He's just Harry Potter."



Ryan groaned as his alarm went off, waking him from his slumber. With sleepy eyes closed he reached out to hit the snooze button then brought his hands to his face to rub his eyes.


Harry and Ron snickered.

A well placed sticking charm on his alarm had given Ryan a rude awakening when his hand stuck to it then hit his face when he tried to rub his eyes. He grumbled grumpily as he fished for his wand to remove the charm.

"Very funny," he muttered to the two of them.

"Yes, it was, wasn't it?" Harry grinned then the two of them left the room for breakfast. Neville just sighed and shook his head.

If Ryan really thought about it, he wasn't the best person to try and set two people up together. He had issues of his own in the romance department. The girl he'd been crushing on forever, he'd never worked up the nerve to ask her out. At least he now knew where he got it from.

But something that Professor Lupin said last night stuck out in his mind. He had said that the reason why his father intimidated him so much was because he was looking at him as…well, his father. Maybe if he just had guy talk with him about Hermione maybe he can shed a little light on his dad's feelings toward his mum.

Filled with determination and a new sense of confidence, he made his way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Lucky for him, his mother hadn't arrived yet and he took a seat directly across from his dad.

"Hey Harry, Ron," he said, addressing them as he would to his own classmates.

Harry and Ron exchanged looks. This was the first time he had willingly spoken to them.

"So, Harry," Ryan said as he piled on some bacon onto his eggs. "What do you think of Hermione?"

Harry stopped midbite and stared at him. What do I think of Hermione? What do I think of Hermione? How about stay away from her you little twerp?

"Why?" Harry asked, instead. Ron cracked his knuckles.

"I was just curious," Ryan shrugged, oblivious to the death gaze his father was giving him.

"Morning everyone!" Hermione chirped as she sat down next to Ryan.

"What have you done to your hair?!" Ron asked with a mouth full of eggs. Hermione's hair was glossy and straight.

"Oh this?" she said carelessly. "I just wanted to try something new."

Harry swallowed. He knew how much trouble she went through to straighten her hair with Sleakeasy's. Not that she didn't look gorgeous. She always looked gorgeous to him. Oh Merlin, he shouldn't be going down this train of thought with his best friend. But she wasn't doing this for Ryan was she?

Ryan looked over at his dad and saw that he was giving him that I'm-Going-To-Squash-You-Like-A-Bug look again. But this time, he fought down his nervousness. This was just Harry Potter, student at Hogwarts and his mum really did look nice. What harm was there in complimenting her?

"You look very nice, Hermione," he said.

Her smile could've lit up all of London. Harry was going to kill Ryan. He was dead. The guy was dead. Panic suddenly seized him. Ryan was asking about Hermione earlier, what if he was into her? And she clearly has an interest in him and therefore, it could be a real possibility that they could end up together at some point. This train of thought was distressing him so much that he couldn't eat. Why was it bothering him so much? Other guys had posed an interest in Hermione, including Ron and it didn't really bother him. Why was it any different now?

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione asked when he got up from the table to leave.

"I've just realized I've still got some…homework to finish," he said lamely.

"Okay but remember to get to class on time," she replied. Ryan shook his head. Did his mum always nag like that?

Harry nodded and left the Hall. He decided to take a walk around the lake to clear his thoughts. Why was he being like this? It was just Hermione, his friend. Who really cared about this new guy? He didn't. Well, not really. That's it. He made a mental promise to give this guy a chance, he didn't seem too bad. Maybe he had been a little harsh on him. That's it, from now on he was going to be more nice to the new guy, maybe do what Hermione asked him to do and help him in DADA.

Which by the way, was the class he had next. He took his usual seat by Hermione and patiently waited until class began. They were working on silent incantations, more specifically learning to disarm someone without saying a word, just a flick of the wand.

Harry looked over at Hermione and saw that she was staring in Ryan's direction with an odd, hazy look on her face. He looked down at her parchment and saw that the note-taking he had thought she was doing was actually doodling. Ryan's name with little hearts around it. Harry frowned.

Ryan was a jerk.

"So who would like to come up to the front of the class and demonstrate this principle using Expelliarmus?" Professor Lupin had asked. Ryan's hand shot up in the air. He had already covered this topic in Advanced DADA and was at the top of his class. He was, after all, Harry Potter's son.

Lupin's eyebrows rose in amusement and surprise. "Mr. Harrison, please step to the front and I'll need another-"

"I'll go!" Harry said, jumping to his feet and making his way to the front of the class. There was a murmur of whispers and Lupin didn't seem too happy.

"Er…okay then," he said uneasily. "Wands at the ready?"

Ryan and Harry counted down then with a swish of their wands…

Harry's wand flew out of his hand!

Ryan stared at him in disbelief. He had actually disarmed his own dad! Ha ha! There was a stunned silence in the class, even Lupin looked at him with a twinkle in his eye. But it was over quickly when Harry's wand flew soundlessly back into his hands and Ryan had just enough time to put up a protego just as Harry rallied back. The impact of the curse hitting the protego sent Ryan flying backward.

"Ack!" Ryan shouted. He had barely enough time to jump out of the way when Harry sent another curse his way.

"Harry!" he heard Lupin scold but he wasn't listening. Ryan ducked again as another hex flew over his head and exploded against the wall behind him. Ryan scrambled in the other direction and tripped over Neville's bookbag, tumbling to the ground just as another hex landed directly above him. It was a good thing he did, because that one was a very close call. However, to his and Harry's horror the hex ricocheted and hit Hermione squarely in the face.

"Hermione!" Harry yelled in horror.

"Mum!" Ryan whispered in disbelief.

The two of them scrambled to her side. Neville, who had been sitting very near Ryan, looked at the newcomer with narrowed eyes. Had he heard what he thought he heard?

Hermione was holding her nose and when Harry gently pried her hands from her face ("Let me see, Hermione."), blood began to run down her face. Hermione clutched at her nose again.

"Why don't you take her to the hospital wing, Harry?" Lupid advised.

Hermione grabbed her bookbag. "Don' bodder," she said angrily and stormed out of the classroom. Harry sighed sharply and grabbed his own bag and ran out after her.

Ryan slumped down in his chair, feeling guilty. All kids hated it when their parents fought.


"Ugh, you are such a pig!" Emma said, wrinkling her nose in disgust as Ryan went for another slice of pie. Grandma Molly had dropped it off today and they were currently finishing it up for dessert.

"So…do you have any plans for this weekend?" his mother asked of his dad.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I volunteered today to lead a team in Norway. We might have found Malfoy's new hiding spot."

This caught Ryan's attention. "Are you going to catch him this time dad?" Draco Malfoy was a notorious leader of the remnant lot of Death Eaters.

"I'm going to try, son. I'm going to try."

"So, you're leaving this weekend?" his mother said with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah, Kingsley asked for volunteers and…honey?"

His mother had gotten up from the table and put her dishes in the sink. She came back to the table and began to clear everyone else's dishes as well. He and Emma fell silent as they watched their father watching their mother.

"Hermione, were we supposed to visit your parents this weekend?" his dad asked.

His mum shook her head. "No."

His dad thought some more. "Did Molly have something planned for the weekend?"

"No, Harry." His mother forcefully turned on the faucet and filled the sink with soapy water. She was doing dishes the muggle way. That was a bad sign, that meant she was really angry about something.

He turned to look at his dad who looked as if he were desperately filing through his mental calendar. His mother finally put him out of his misery as she shut off the faucet.

"Our anniversary, Harry."

His father closed his eyes. "Shite."

"Don't swear in front of the kids," he heard his mother sigh.

Ryan didn't care. He'd been to enough Quidditch games with his father and uncle Ron to extend his vocabulary with such colorful language.

His father got up from the chair and joined his mother in the kitchen. "Hermione, I'm sorry. I…," his father sighed and leaned back against the counter next to his mum. "I'm sorry."

His mother didn't answer for a while. She just kept doing the dishes. "It's okay, Harry," she finally spoke. "I know the wizarding world needs you."

"And my wife?" he asked, softly.

"I'll be fine."

His dad reached out to hold his mother but she moved away from him and wiped her hands on a towel.

"I'm going to step out for a bit," she declared. "I'll be back."

His father finished up the dishes, let them watch the telly for a bit then got them ready for bed. Ryan couldn't sleep though. He had once heard from Caleb that Brian Finnegan's parents got a divorce and now his mother and father didn't live together anymore. He was plagued with this thought until he heard the pop of apparition and the front door open. He listened to the murmur of his parent's voices downstairs and let his imagination make up its own dialog.

Then there was silence.

Had someone left? Was mum still angry? He slipped out of bed and quietly opened the door. He couldn't hear them talking downstairs so he tiptoed his way down.

Ew. They were kissing. But he didn't mind it too much this time. He felt a sense of relief that peace had once again been restored to the Potter home.

"Harry, the kids," his mother said quietly as his father led her into the library and closed the door behind them. Ryan crept back upstairs to leave them alone.


As soon as DADA was over, Ryan grabbed his bag and sprinted to the hospital wing, Ron and Neville were hot on his heels. When he opened the door he saw his mum sitting on one of the beds being fussed over by Madame Pomfrey. His dad was pacing back and forth, once in awhile running a hand through his hair. He could tell he was pissed off.

"You don't have to stay Harry," his mum said irritably.

"I just want to make sure that you're okay," his dad shot back.

"I think you've done quite enough, thank you very much."

"Mr. Potter," Madame Pomfrey cut in. "If you would please leave?"

Harry sighed. "Fine!"

He stormed toward the doors and saw Ryan standing there with Neville and Ron. Harry immediately marched up to him.

"What are you doing here?" he spat at him.

"I just wanted to see if she was okay," Ryan replied coolly.

"Does she look okay?" he said with annoyance.

"Don't get mad at me. I'm not the one that hit her with the curse!" Oh, crap, maybe he shouldn't have said that. Harry stepped toward Ryan, who stepped back. Harry seemed to loom over him, an aura of anger cackled around him.

"Hey Potter."

The two of them turned and Neville stepped back, startled and caught off guard by just how eerily similar Harry and Ryan looked. They could almost pass for twins, except for the brown hair and glasses.

But it was Draco Malfoy who spoke, accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle. "Heard you made your mudblood bleed," he sneered. "I hope you didn't get any of her filthy blood on you, it taints anything it touches."

Harry and Ryan seethed with anger but it was Harry that approached the Slytherin.


Malfoy went sprawling to the floor, clutching his nose as he howled in pain. The hospital wing door opened and Madame Pomfrey poked her head out.

"MR. POTTER!!" she scolded. "Not again!"

"He hit me! He hit me!" Malfoy shrieked like a girl as he was carried into the wing by his two dunderheads.

"Mr. Potter, you will report to the headmistress' office immediately!" Madame Pomfrey scolded. Harry snarled at Ryan as he passed.

Ryan watched as his father and Ron walked away. He hoped his mum was, indeed, okay.


After dinner, he made his way back over to Professor Lupin's office once again. He flung the door open and marched inside.

"Just Harry Potter, huh?" he said.

Lupin let out a soft snort of laughter. "Well, he is at the top of his DADA class."
