Unofficial Portkey Archive

Just a note from an author by Kinsfire

Just a note from an author


The whiners have won. I have decided to remove all fics of mine from Portkey because of the site's inability to prevent anonymous reviewers from posting a review, despite having that very same option checked.

I have recently been receiving a spate of flames from people (Mat and Rene come to mind) who seem to think that because they have a large vocabulary they can also write. Hate to tell you M&R, but having two people write invective for more than a page does not automatically mean that it isn't a flame.

Now, since I can no longer expect Portkey to be able to do what they are supposed to, programming-wise, I have pulled ALL my fics from the site.

Before my fans despair, however, you might wish to know that I have a site elsewhere, where my H/Hr fics can be posted, as well as my non-H/Hr ones. (And Family Matters is posted in the original, non-PK compliant form.)

That site is and contains almost everything I've ever written. Oh, Mat and Rene? If you want to leave a scathing flame there, you'll need to leave an email address. If you're going to flame, at least have the decency to stand behind the conviction of your words. Posting it anonymously (no email address) just proves you to be talent-less people who are jealous of those who CAN write.

Goodbye to Portkey as a writer.

