Unofficial Portkey Archive

~ Harry Potter: The Silent Halls Of Hogwarts ~ by ShadowGryffindor

~ Harry Potter: The Silent Halls Of Hogwarts ~


Well, it has been about a month since I last posted a chapter. I have definitely not given up on this story, and I don't plan to.

Unfortunately, about three weeks ago, I got into a mountain-biking accident. I completely broke the radius bone in my right arm and fractured the ulna. As I am right handed, I've had quite a time doing anything. For the most part, my focus has been on doing school work, and it has been taking around twice to three times as long to finish each assignment, and because I am in college, the schoolwork is not something I can blow off.

I've been slowly but surely typing the next chapter with my left hand, and I'm about 3/4 of the way done. I should be finished with it within a week, and it will be posted by then - unfortunately I have about five more weeks with my cast (If everything goes right - if my bones don't heal correctly they might have to re-break them), so the chapter after the coming one might take about the same amount of time as this one has.

I thank you all for your patience in the long delay, and hope you continue reading.

I'll delete this "chapter" and upload the real chapter 6 when I get it done, just thought I'd let you know so no one thinks I've abandoned this story.

Well, I'm 21 today, so I'm off to do you-know-what. *grins*