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Wounded by Word_waterfall



Hermione didn't open her eyes until long after the tell-tale crunch of their feet hitting gravel. She found she was afraid, and it took a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder from Ron to open her eyelids again. The darkness was like a blanket around her, No sound was to be heard except for their footsteps against the tiny stones. A house towered before their eyes like a cruel shadow, blocking the light of the moon. Hermione's heart skipped beats, and hot tears burned her eyes. Harry wanted to live here alone, in a house that could hold six families. He could lose himself in it, and he probably has, she thought. Reaching out- she caught Ron's hand for support.

"He'll be fine Hermione, He's alive…That's good at least" Hermione smiled at Ron, a tiny smile to show that she appreciated that he was scoping beyond the young boy with the emotional range of a teaspoon. The war had aged them all beyond their own ages, forcing them to adapt to a conflict torn world. The diminutive bickering of Hogwarts was far behind them, lost along with many other happy memories.

Remus watched them, he felt awful for the extra pain he added to their young shoulders. Only, he knew that also he had saved them some pain, and that lessened the feeling some. He never knew what to expect every time he walked into that house, Harry's moods constantly fluctuated from suicidal to grateful, to depressed again. He didn't know what state Harry would be in as that front door opened; He hadn't seen or spoken to Harry all day, finally deciding to give Harry the peace he begged for. At least Harry's condition was under some control now- but even this did not secure Harry's wellbeing and so if he himself couldn't raise Harry's spirits, surely Hermione and Ron could.

Two thirds of the trio looked at the house ahead of them in awe. What they could see of it was epic. Old walls stretched across their eyesight, old rustic walls, they stretched across and up composed of ruby bricks. Hermione let her eyes wander from the many chimneys to the entrance before them. The double doors seemed to glare at Hermione and Ron as they approached. Their own images were reflected by the highly polished wood of the door, warning them of things that may await them after the door. Hermione almost expected a monster to jump from the keyhole and devour them all. Yet she knew only Harry resided inside, but how much would be left of the Harry she knew? Was he just a shadow of his former self? What had Voldemort done to him? She was packed full of too many questions. She wanted answers, but she was too afraid to take another step. She turned to study Remus. He followed at a distance, looking sad. Rage swelled in her chest, combing with the fear clawing her heart.

"What is this place?" Ron breathed, turning to Remus. Remus Lupin cast his eyes toward the redhead tiredly.

"This is Harry's home. He owns it" Remus heard Hermione's breathe hitch, and turned to look at her. Ron followed his gaze, his eyes locking onto Hermione's. "We're in a small village in North Wales called Ruthin" Remus continued "It's one of the estates belonging to the Potter name"

Hermione sigh; living on your own in a house like that must be lonely. She imagined Harry chose it for its location and connection to a loved, lost family he never knew, that he was the last remaining member of. She felt like crying again, she didn't know what to expect as she entered through those doors. Her heartbeat skipped into double time. She'd missed Harry so much, dreamed of his death, and convinced herself of his death only to have to make herself believe she would see him again. Her mind constantly tore between logic and want. She wanted Harry, Logically she couldn't have him. Logical, always- didn't logic always lose out the want anyway?

"Oh, Ron-"Her voice was so quiet and worn. Ron took her in his arms, and ran his hand soothingly over her hair. Ron was never much in touch with emotions, but since the war, since he and Bill lost two of their brothers, Charlie and Percy, he'd never wanted to escape feeling so much. Hermione's silent tears quickly turned to noisy sobs. She felt as if her chest was seizing up, like her heart had stopped beating, even though she could hear its clamourus beating in her ears.

Remus pushed his hands into his pockets; he toed the driveway with his shoe and sighed heavily. This was going to be much, much harder than he had wanted to believe. Harder on who though? Him, them, or Harry? He'd promised Harry the peace he deserved, now he was about to break that promise for Harry's own good. He was doing the right thing, he was sure, but sometimes he wished he could be definite for once. A hand landed on his shoulder softly.

"We're ready to go in" Ron's voice made Remus stand up, brush the hair from his eyes and take charge. He longed for Tonks to be at his side, although he had dissuaded her to come. Tonks, as always was very enthusiastic when it came to assisting the trio. He took a deep breath, and stepped from the gravel to the tiled path. He pulled a key from his pocket, allowing the cold silver chain slip comfortingly between his fingers and slipped it into the lock. He shut his eyes momentarily, and then tugged the door open.

The door opened effortlessly, Hermione expected the groans of an old house. Strange, that she hoped on something so trivial for reassurance- But she was reassured in another way, if the door could be healed of its old age, if it could avoid rot and still house people for many years…Then she was quite certain Harry could be the same. A weak smile transmitted across her lips, but quickly disappeared, how could she have compared Harry to a door?

Hermione was last into the house, Ron's hand had to grip at her forearm so she couldn't stop. Without words, Remus showed them where to put their coats and bags. Hermione and Ron removed their shoes as they hung their coats, and although their socks made no sound against the carpet- They crept anyway.

They were led down a corridor, passing many closed doors. The corridor itself was furnished lightly with a red carpet, and a few portraits, Hermione noticed that they were all empty. Finally, Remus halted.

"This" He sighed heavily "This is a calm room, we put a charm on a lot of the rooms in the house, without Harry's knowledge of course, and can you imagine what he'd say…" He tailed off, laughing weakly and looking nervous. He instantly quietened, and began again in a business like tone "The charm places an instant calm over its occupants; this room has the strongest Charm on it. During your stay, if Harry becomes…Unmanageable, Just bring him here." Hermione wondered what he meant by unmanageable, But see had no time to dwell on it; Remus put his hand on the door handle, and pushed the door open.

The lights in the room were heavily dimmed; Hermione noticed light gauze scarves over all the lamps in the room, bathing the room in a muted glow. The room strongly reminded Hermione of the Gryffindor Common room, with its fireplace crackling merrily, and the portraits on the wall- again, Empty- had the same frames. She felt highly comforted at the though of Hogwarts and…calm. She smiled, and looked around some more.

In the centre of the room, in front of the fire was a small table and a sofa, and upon the sofa was Harry. His head in one hand, his elbow leant against the armrest. His other hand clutched at his abdomen. Deep in sleep.
